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pel, in the Endymion, to anchor near the town, if the wind, which was light, would permit the ship to stem the current, to convey the - ambassador's dispatches to the Sublime Porte in the morning by a flag of truce; but he found it imprac. ticable to get within four miles, and consequently anchored at half past 11 P. M. I have now the highest satisfaction to add, that the conduct of the officers and ships' companies of the squadron under my command, has fully supported the character of the British navy, and is deserving of my warmest eulogium. Having endeavoured to pay just tribute to those whose duty necessarily called them into this service, I should feel myself very deficient if I omitted to mention that his majesty's minister, Mr. Arbuthnot, and lord Burghersh (who had requested to take a cruize with me), were amongst the most animated in the combat. To cap. tain Blackwood, who, after the unfortunate loss of the Ajax, volunteered to serve in the Royal George, great praise is due for his able as sistance in regulating the fire of the middle and lower decks; and when the Royal George anchored, he most readily offered his services to convey a message to the Endymion, of great moment, her pilot having refused to take charge of the ship. From thence he gave his assistance to arrange the landing of the troops from the sixty-four, and setting her on fire: indeed, where aetive service was to perform, there was his anxious desire to be placed. His officers too requested to serve in the squadron, and their services, in passing the Dardanelles, met with approbation.

I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) J. T. DUCKWORTH.

A List of Turkish Ships and Vessels taken and destroyed at anchor off Point Pesquies, Feb. 19, 1807, within the Forts of the Darda. nelles.

Burnt-One line of battle-ship, 64 guns; four frigates, three cor vettes, one brig, two gun-boats. Taken possession of, one corvette, one gun-boat.

[The letter, dated Feb. 28, men. tions an unfortunate attempt of the marines and boat's crews of the Canopus, Royal George, Windsor Castle, and Standard, who, under the command of captain Kent, were sent to take a party of Turks who were erecting a battery on the island of Prota. Captain Kent had posi tive orders not to pursue the object if he found it attended with any hazard; but it appeared that the information of a few Turks only having remained on the island, was entirely false, as nearly a hundred of them had retired to an old convent, from loop-holes in the walls of which they defended themselves with musketry. In this affair we had lieutenant Belli, a young of ficer of the fairest promise, and four seamen, one officer, and one private marine, killed; two officers, three petty officers, and five seamen; one officer, two non-commissioned officers, and six private marines, wounded.]

Return of Killed and Wounded on board his Majesty's Ships under the orders of Vice-admiral Sir John Thomas Duckworth, K. B. in forcing the Passage of the Dar danelles, on the 19th of February; at the Attack of Prota the 27th; and on returning through the Dardanelles, on the 3d of March, 1807.


Royal George-Lieutenant G. L. Belli, six seamen, and two marines, killed; Mr. J. Forbes, first-lieutenant, slightly wounded; lieutenant N. J. Willoughby, badly wounded; Mr. G. Holbrook, slightly wounded; Mr. Furneaux, Mr. Dalrymple, Mr. John Alex auder, Mr. Rouse, and Mr. Cotesworth, midshipmen, badly wounded; forty-five seamen, and eight marines, wounded.

Canopus-Captain Kent, of the marines, four seamen, and one ma rine, killed Mr. J. Nichols, master's-mate, Mr. G. Wray, midshipman, and Mr. G. Moore, pilot, badly wounded; fifteen seamen, and eight marines, wounded; one since dead.

Pompec-Five seamen, wounded. Windsor Castle-Four seamen, killed; Mr. Wm. Jones, master'smate, slightly wounded; nineteen seamen wounded.

Repulse-Ten seamen, killed; Mr. J. Magui, master's-mate, slightly wounded; lieutenant Mar. shall, of the marines, dangerously wounded; four seamen, and eight marines, wounded.

Thunderer-Five seamen and one marine, killed; lieutenant J. Waller, badly wounded; lieutenant Colby, and Mr. Moore, midshipman, slightly wounded; nineteen seamen and six marines, wounded.

Standard-Four seamen, killed, and four seamen, missing; lieuteBant D. Harrington, badly wound. ed; lieutenant Fynmore, of the marines, ditto; Mr. W. Shorbridge, boatswain, and Mr. J. Haines, mas. ter's.mate, slightly wounded; Mr. Wm. Smith, midshipman, badly wounded; Mr. C. Jay, midship. mau, slightly; 42 seamen, and 7 marines, wounded.

Active-None killed; Mr. M. Palmer, boatswain, badly wounded; four seamen and three marines, wounded.

Endymion-Three seamen, kil led; lieutenant J. Langdon, badly wounded; eight seamen, and ou marine, wounded.

Meteor None killed; licutenant G. E. Ballchild, of the marios artillery, badly wounded; A. Foley, and T. Coombes, gunners, ditto; J. Brown, artillery gunner, slightly wounded; four seamen, wounded.

Total-Forty-two killed, 236 wounded, and 4 missing.

Surrender of Alexandria.-A Dis patch, dated Alexandria, 25th March, 1807, addressed to the Right Hon. W. Windham :--

Alexandria, March 25, 1807.


It is with much satisfaction I have the honour to inform you, that in the afternoon of the 20th current, the town and fort of Alexandria, with two Turkish frigates and a corvette, surrendered to his ma jesty's arms by capitulation; and that they were taken possession of on the memorable morning of the 21st, by the troops under my command. You are already apprised of my having been detached on this service, with a body of troops from Messina, by his excellency general Fox, under convoy of his majesty's ships Tigre and Apollo; and the Wizard sloop was sent forward by captain Hallowell, to get intelligence from major Misset, whom I had been, by my instructions, directed to consult, as to the best plan of operations for effecting the


purposes of the expedition. I hare only means of preventing the gar- . now to acquaint you, that in the rison being reinforced by the Al. night of the 7th ustant. (the day banians, who had actually been

, after we sailed,) The Apollo frigate, sent for, and might be expected in with 33 transports out of 49, which the course of twenty-four hours. conveyed the troops, parled com. These considerations led me to fol. pany, and that the other 16 with lot his advice, and accordingly I the Tigre, came to an anchor to landed that evening (the 17th) as the westward of Alexandria, on the many troops as our small number 16th. On on getting near the land of boats could convey, a few miles we saw the Wizard, and captain to the castward of Marabout, with.. Palmer immediately brought me the out opposition, though I could only intelligence he had received from, take up a position (or the night, as, major Misset, together with a letter before the next landing could be from him, tating that he has not efiected, such a surf had arised on come off himself, thinking his pre- the beach, as totally to prevent the sence in Alexandria absolutely ne. second division from approaching cessary to counteract the intrigues the shore. The next morning, how. of the French consul, who was en. ever, with infinite difficulty and risk deavouring to prevail upon the go. they were landed; but finding my vernor to admit a body of Alba. situation now, from the increased nians from Rosetta, to assist in the height of the surf, and appearance defence of the place, lle carnestly

of the weather, to be very preca. recommended me to land the troops rions, both with respect to getting immediately, as the inhabitants were provisions or stores on shore, or well ailected towards us, and that having any comın unications with he had sanguine hopes we should the transports, I determined at all

, be able to get possession of it with. hazards to force my way to the out firing a shot.

western side, where I could receive Before I determined, however, supplies from Aboukir Bay, at the upon this measure, I deemed it pru. same time resolving to attempt (in dent to acquaint major isset with passing) to get into the town even the very diminished state of my with the small force I had, and push force, and I therefore seni in my my way, if possible, into the forts aide.du-camp, captain A Court, of that commanded it; a matter I had the 31st regiment, with a flag of reason to believe, from major Mis. truce to hiin, with a detailed ac. set and others, would not be very count of it, and at the same time difficult to accomplish. a manifesto to the governor and in- I therefore moved forward about habitants, (a copy of which I ive eight o'clock in the erening of the close.) which haid not the desired 18th, and in our way forced a paleffect; but, on the contrary, was lisaded entronchment, with a deep treated by the governor wjila con. litch in front of it, (that had been tempt. The major, however, in torown up by the Turks, as a de. reply, strongly urged my immediate fence against the Mamelukes and landing ; still repeating that we Arabs on the western sidc,) stretchshould aut ineet with any resistance, ing from Fort des Bains to Lake and that my doing so would be the Marcotis, strengthened by three


batterics mounting eight guns, exelusive of Fort des Bains on its right flank, mounting thirteen guns. This we effected with very little loss, though under a heavy fire of can. non and musketry, and proceeded within a few yards of Pompey's Gate, where we found the garrison prepared to receive us, the gate bar ricaded, and the walls lined with troops and armed inhabitants:this, added to the smallness of my force, (not exceeding one thousand men of all descriptions,) led me to think the risk too great, and I determined to proceed to the west ward, as I had originally intended, where I arrived on the morning of the 19th, and took up my position on the ground which the British troops occupied in the action of the 21st, immediately sending detach. ments to take possession of Aboukir castle, and the cut between the lakes Maadie and Mareotis, by which communication the reinforcement of Albaniaus was expected in Alexandria in both these attempts we succeeded.

of the weather completely prevented our receiving), our situation, was, for some time, rather critical; and I am happy to have it in my power to bear testimony to the patience and cheerfulness with which the troops bore every privation, and the ardour and spirit they showed in the attack of the enemy's works, as well as the inclination and wish they displayed to have stormed the place, had I deemed that step adviseable. To major-general Wauchope, brigadier general Stuart, and colon Oswald, who landed with and accompanied me, I feel myself under great obligations for their exertions and assistance in carrying on the service; and I am much in debted to lieutenant-colonel Airey, acting as deputy adjutant-general, and captain Green, acting as deputy quartermaster-general, for the great attention and zeal shewn by them in forwarding and executing the duties of their respective de partments; and I think it but justice to captain Pym, and to the officers and men of the detachment of the royal artillery that was with me, to mention the very great zeal and alacrity which they displayed on every occasion, which I am confident would have been equally conspicuous on the part of captain Burgoyne, and the officers of the engineers, had circumstances permitted them to have acted,

The next day, the 20th, I sent in (by a friendly Arab that had stolen out of the town and joined us) a manifesto, addressed to the inha, bitants, warning them of the danger of implicating friends and foes, in the event of taking the place by assault, and urging them to force the governor to capitulate. This had the desired effect; a flag of truce was sent out, and a capitulation (of which I herewith enclose a copy) was agreed to and signed. Although this service has fortunate. ly not been of long duration, yet, from the scantiness of our numbers, and the scarcity of all sorts of supplies, as well military stores as provisions (which the boisterous state

To captain Hallowell, and the officers and seamen of his majesty's ship Tigre, I cannot sufficiently express my acknowledgments for the assistance they afforded me, and for the readiness with which they stood forward on all occasions. Captain Hallowell landed and marched with me to the attack of the enemy's entrenchments, and to

the very gates of the city, and re. tain Hallowell, upon the following mained on shore until the place conditions : surrendered : from his advice and 1. All private property of indi. local knowledge, I derived much viduals, whether on land, or emoseful information. Captain Wi. barked, shall be respected. The thers, of the royal nary, agent of religion of the inhabitants, their transports, is also entitled to praise, mosques, and their laws, shall be for his activity in landing the troops, respected, as well as their houses and for the exertions he afterwards and families. 2. The commandant, made for supplying them with pro. his excellency Emen Bey, as well as visions. I send you herewith a the commandant of the marines, return of the killed, wounded, and Satag Aga, and Mahamed Naim Ef. misșing, together with returns offendi, with a!l the official retinue of prisoners made, and of the public the government, the troops and stores of different descriptions found crews of the vessels belonging to in the several batteries and maga, gorernment, shall be sent to a port zines,

of Turkey, with the arms and bagI have the horour to bc, &c. gage of individuals, but they are to (Signed) A. M. FRASER, consider themselves as prisoners of

Major-general. war, and shall not be engaged to P.S. The Apollo, with 19 mis. take up arms against the British sing transports, came to anchor in forces, or their allies, until ex. Aboukir Bay on the morning of the changed. 3. The ressels belonggoth, and sir J. Duckworth's squa- ing to government, and all public dron arrived here on the 22d. property, shall be given up to the

It is but due to lieutenant Hun. British forces, and commissaries ter, and a small detachment of the shall be appointed on both sides to 201h light dragoons,

who were

make an inventory. 4. All Otto. landed without their horses or arms, man vessels belonging to individuals, to mention the zeal and spirit with and all property belonging to pri. which they volunteered their ser. vate subjects of the Sublime Porte, vices, and carried the scaling lad. which shall be found within Alex- ders on the night of the 13th, andria, shall be respected. Such per.

sons as wish to remain in the coun. Articles of the Capitulation for the try shall have the liberty to do so,

Surrender of the City of Alexan. if their conduct and character shall dria. Seed Mahamed Naim Ef. make it safe; and those who wish fendi being commissioned by his to depart may carry with them their "Excellency Emen Bey, the Gover. properties, and shall be furnished uor, and Hagg Mahamet Katep with passports for landing in any und Sieg Ibrahim, Chieftains of the port of Turkey, which shall not be People, accompanied by Signor An. blockaded. 5. There shall be a tonio Goddard, propose to place general amnesty for all the inhabi. the City and Forts in the possession tants, nor shall any notice be taken of the Commanders-in-Chief of the of the conduct they may have held Land and Naval Forces of his during the defence of the place. Britannic Majesty, his Excellency 6. There shall be no seisure of the Major-general Fraser, and Cap. property of individuals, if they shall

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