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A Message to the Profession


HESE are the days of prophylaxis, and it is now conceded that all infectious diseases are preventable. This applies with more than ordinary force to those skin affections which are con tracted by outside contamination, and a powerful factor in the spread of contagious diseases is the promiscuous use of soap in the shape of cakes. Even among the healthy, and members of the same family this custom is dirty and objectionable, and ought to be discountenanced. Members of the medical profession will no doubt gladly co-operate in abating this evil, provided a commendable substitute is available, and this has been furnished by the introduction upon the market of OLIVINA, the only satisfactory liquid soap, which has solved all the problems involved.

But just as charity, so does prophylaxis begin at home. Physicians, surgeons and all the medical specialists have a personal interest in this matter in that patients at their offices may have occasion to use soap and water with the possibility of contaminating the former. This can be efficiently obviated by the use of OLIVINA which does not come into contact with patients' hands except the portion they are actually using. This liquid soap is contained in an ornamental glass jar which can be attached in any convenient postion to the wall, washstand, etc., and is operated by a simple valve or ant automatic ejector which, by pressing a rod on the button, allow just the necessary quantity of soap to escape.

Many toilet soaps contain harmful ingredients which injure the skin and exacerbate inflammatory conditions, manufacturers being apparently unaware of the dangers attending upon the presence in soap of uncombined alkali and other salts; thus, some "transparent" and therefore supposedly pure soaps are among the worst offenders in this respect. OLIVINA, on the other hand, is manufactured with a straight olive oil base without the addition of animal fats, caustic soda, alcohol or in fact any harmful ingredient. There is no free alkali present. It is a highly efficient detergent, disinfecting and antiseptic agent, properties it retains down to the last drop in the jar. Besides it is more economical than cake soap, no portion of it being thrown away or wasted.

Surely, this is the IDEAL WAY of using soap, and the ONLY ONE which will have a place among civilized nations when once its advantages and the importance of dermatological prophylaxis shall have become recognized more generally. OLIVINA should therefore be exclusively used by physicians, surgeons, dentists and medical specialists in their offices, homes and institutions with which they are connected both in their own interest and in that of the patients as well as of the public generally. On account of its detergent and antiseptic properties OLIVINA is advantageously used as a tooth and gum cleanser and preserver, as a hairwash, as an addition in baths for both adults and infants, and for vaginal douches.

Absence of free alkali is an essential requirement for the admixture of substances suitable for prophylactic or disinfecting purposes. Free fats considerably interfere with bactericidal action, and many medicaments added to cake soap react upon and decompose the latter, resulting in relatively useless compounds. In admixture of the salts of mercury this reaction occurs very quickly, boric acid causes soap to turn rancid, while salicylic acid tends to the formation of sodium salicylate and free aeids.

All these undesirable and untoward phenomena are overcome by prescribing the medicaments to be mixed with OLIVINA at the time of consumption or by the physician supplying the mixture himself. This is the only way to know positively in what physio-chemical condition the substances have been applied to the skin.

Various styles of jars and mixtures have been placed upon the market at very reasonable figures, while the cost of OLIVINA itself will show a saving on that of cake soap.

OLIVINA LIQUID SOAP is obtainable at all leading supply houses or direct from the manufaeturers at the following prices:

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INTRODUCTORY OFFER: 1 gallon of Olivina and 1 Ejector, $6.50

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Hand size (for patients and travelers), 25e. at all leading drug stores.

National Chemical Laboratory

1017-1021 North Sixty-Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

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