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497; on the petition of manumitted slaves, 59; on in-
crease of duties on sugar, 72; on petition of free blacks,
439. See Index, vol. 1.
CLAIBORNE, THOMAS, Representative from Virginia, 17, 120,
180, 881, 570, 693; on relief to sufferers by fire at Savan-
nah, 48, 44; on a direct tax on slaves, 54; on increase of
duties on sugar, 72; on liberation of La Fayette, 110;
on expatriation, 150; on establishing the Navy Depart-
ment, 250; on admirals in the navy, 474; on trade with
the Indians, 501; note, 501; against a mausoleum to
Washington, 512, 515; on Georgia limits, 577. See In-
dex, vol. 1.

CLAIBORNE, WILLIAM C. C., Representative from Tennes-
see, 180, 326, 429, 497; on the claims of Stephen Cant-
rill, 243; on presents to ministers by foreign courts, 261,
268; on admission of aliens to citizenship, 279; on inter-
course with France, 295; on letters of marque, 298; on
direct taxes, 802, 804.

CLAY, MATTHEW, Representative from Virginia, 120, 179,
432, 498, 569, 694.

CLAYTON, JOSHUA, Senator from Maryland, 172; Clergy,

pay of, in Massachusetts, 195.

CLINTON, GEORGE, vote for, as President in 1796, 68.

such is also the case with other officers of the Govern-
ment, 65; the practice of the individual States warrants
an advance, 65; what occurred in Holland, 65; motion
to strike out first section relative to President and Vice
President, carried, 65. See Index, vol. 1.
CONDIT, JOHN, Representative from New Jersey, 429, 498,
569, 693.

CONDY, JONATHAN W., elected Clerk of House, 430.
Congress, Fourth, second session, commenced, 8; closes with
Washington's Administration, 111; Fifth, first session
commences May 15, 1797, 113; extra session, 113; first
session, Fifth Congress, adjournment postponed, 153;
adjourns, 165; note on, 165; extra session, objects of
note, 165; second session, Fifth Congress, meets Nov. 13,
1797, 166; Fifth, second session, adjourns, 320; Fifth,
third session, commenced, 821; Fifth, third session, ad-
journs, 826; Fifth, note, 889; Sixth, first session, 399;
bill for fixing time and place of meeting, 479; adjourn-
ment first session, Sixth Congress, 480; first meeting at
Washington, 481; Seventh, first session, Senate, 540; ad-
journment first session, Seventh Congress, 660; meeting
of second session, Seventh Congress, 661; adjourns, 744.
Connecticut, vote for President, 62, 487.

CLOPTON, JOHN, Representative from Virginia, 14, 120, 180, Contested Elections.-See Index, vol. 1.
826, 570, 693. See Index, vol. 1.

Closed doors, or open doors, on the cession of Louisiana, dis-
cussion relative to, 701.

Contingent expenses of Congress, 57; manner of acting upon
them, 57.

Convention with French Republic ratified by Senate, 492.

COCHRAN, JAMES, Representative from New York, 120, 179, COOKE, WILLIAM, Senator from Tennessee, 3, 114, 400, 481,

830; on tax on lawyers, 155.

Cod Fisheries.-Proviso offered against further increase of
bounties, 163. See Index, vol. 1.

Corr, JOSHUA, Representative from Connecticut, 14, 120,
179; on kidnapping negroes, 45; moves to postpone, 48;
on petition of Hugh L. White, 49; on a direct tax on
slaves, 55; on the purchase of a site for a Navy Yard,
66; on naval appropriation, 76; on answer of House to
President Adams' first message, 189; on tax on lawyers,
156; on exempting bank notes from stamp duty, 157,
159; on publication of the debates, 188. See Index, vol. 1.
COLES, ISAAC, Representative from Virginia, 14.
COLHOUN, JAMES LEWIS, Senator from South Carolina, 545.
Collectors of Revenue, bill for, compensation of, considered,


540, 664; on breach of privilege, 408, 416; on the repeal
of the Judiciary establishment, 560. See Index, vol. 1.
COOPER, WILLIAM, Representative from New York, 14, 429,
497; on relief to sufferers by fire at Savannah, 40; on in-
crease of duties on sugar, 72. See Index, vol. 1.
COOPER, THOMAS, petition of, 656.
COUNT DE GRASSE, report on petition of daughters of, 192;
bill granting annuity to daughters of, considered, 195;
$500 per year for each daughter proposed, 195; a serious
sum, in five years amounting to $10,000, 195; this sum
no consideration for the risk and responsibility the
Count took of remaining in the Chesapeake in defiance
of order, 195; note, 195; ten times that sum would have
been paid if asked then, 195; livelihood of other families,
195; $400 allowed, 195.

Commerce, Depredations on, message of President on, 152; CRAIK, WILLIAM, Representative from Maryland, 14, 120,

179, 826, 429, 497; on a National University, 85, 88; on
petition of Hugh L. White, 49; on military appropria-
tions, 98; on restricting aliens from citizenship, 278; on
the case of Jonathan Robbins, 451; on jurisdiction over
District of Columbia, 521; on bill relative to District of
Columbia, 524.

Credentials of members, report of committee on, 530.
CUTLER, MANASSEH, Representative from Massachusetts, 569,


Report of Secretary of Treasury on, 152.
Commerce, protection of, see Defensive Measures.
Commerce of United States.-See Index, vol. 1.
Committee, to wait on the President relative to answer to
his message, 33; on memorial of Quakers, 188; on reso-
lution to expel Matthew Lyon, 206; on privileges, 206;
on provisions for determining legality or illegality of
votes for President in the States, 407; to report suitable
measures on death of Washington, 434; of House, 570.
Compensation of President, Vice President, and other CUTTS, RICHARD, Representative from Massachusetts, 569,
officers.-Bill from the Senate to increase President's
salary $5000, Vice President's $2000, Senators', Represen-
tatives' and various other officers' 25 per cent., 60; debate
on commitment to Committee of the Whole, 61; pro-
vision should be made for the expense of removing to
the new Federal City and the purchase of new furniture
for the President, but not by increase of salary, 63; ex-
pense of removal can be made up hereafter, 64; new furni-
ture every four or eight years too extravagant, 64; sala-
ries sufficiently high, 64; better advance the salary and
let the President purchase the furniture, 64; true ques-
tion is, whether it be right and just to augment the sala-
ries, or whether they are adequate and just for the sac-
rifices made by the officers in undertaking the business
of government, 64; the expenses of the first President
amounted to the whole sum allowed, 65; can other
Presidents be expected to give their services? 65;


DANA, SAMUEL W., Representative from Connecticut, 120,
179, 326, 429, 505, 569, 698; on the report on the Gris-
wold and Lyon case, 215; on relations with France, 230;
on a provisional army, 243; on the resolutions granting
letters of marque, 800; on the sedition bill, 309; on the
abrogation of the treaty with France, 312, 813; on the
capture of French vessels, 861; on the law of retaliation,
886; on petition of free blacks, 439, 442; on the case of
Jonathan Robbins, 449, 450, 453; on Georgia limits,
577; on repeal of internal taxes, 580; on reducing duties
on imports, 591; relative to State balances, 596; against
repeal of Judiciary establishment, 636; in favor of relief

for French spoliations, 643, 646; on call for papers rela-
tive to cession of Louisiana, 699, 701, 709, 718, 716; on pe-
tition of United States judges for compensation, 728, 780.
DAVENPORT, FRANKLIN, Representative from New Jersey,
828, 429, 497.

DAVENPORT, JOHN, Representative from Connecticut, 14,
120, 429, 497, 569, 698.

DAVIS, THOMAS T., Representative from Kentucky, 188, 502,
569, 693; on the case of Griswold and Lyon, 210: on the
report on the Griswold and Lyon case, 214; relative to
letters of marque, 296; on direct taxes, 802, 808; on the
case of Jonathan Robbins, 450, 454; on reporting the
debates, 509; on Georgia limits, 576; on call for papers
relative to cession of Louisiana, 699; on granting land
warrants to Lafayette, 742.

DAWSON, JOHN, Representative from Virginia, 120, 179, 826,

429, 497, 693; on the claim of General Kosciusko, 191,
193; on the bill to repeal a part of the Sedition act, 535;
on call for information relative to cession of Louisiana,
704; on postponing French spoliations, 784; on granting
land warrants to Lafayette, 748.
DAYTON, JONATHAN, Representative from New Jersey, 14,
120, 179, 826; on the address to the President, 25, 80, 82;
on land for Canadian refugees, 45; offers resolution rela-
tive to land for Canadian refugees, 45; on liability of
United States to a State for war expenses, 50, 51; on in-
crease of duties on sugar, 78; on suability of the States,
88; answer to vote of thanks of the House, 111; chosen
Speaker, first session, 5th Congress, 121; returns thanks,
121; on defensive measures, 145; on exempting bank
notes from stamp duty, 160, 161; on relations with
France, 226; on a new census for direct taxes, 265; ac-
knowledges thanks of House as Speaker, 889. Senator
from New Jersey, 401, 488, 541, 661; on breach of pri-
vilege, 418; on the right of the United States to the free
avigation of the Mississippi, 690. See Index, vol. 1.
DEARBORN, HENRY, Representative from Massachusetts, 14;
on increase of duties on sugar, 71; on military and naval
appropriations, 94; on naval appropriations, 101. See
Index, vol. 1.

Debates, Reporting of the, report on petition relative to,
considered, 19; what would be the expense? 19; about
$1,600 per session, 19; this attempt would be of great
use to the House, 19; why give one a privilege more
than another, 19; no one to have preference? 19; no need
of expense, 19; more useful than to take so many news-
papers, 19; further debate, 20; the book will be publish-
ed whether the House adopt it or not, 20; shall the de-
bates be under the sanction of the House or not? 20; it
will encourage the undertaking, and add to the stock of
information, 20; petition of Thomas Carpenter, 188;
reference objected to, 188; House had often refused
to have any thing to do with the publication of the
debates, 188; petition referred, 188; memorial of report-
ers for accommodation, considered, 501; statement of the
Speaker, relative to his proceedings, 502; importance of
having the debates taken with fidelity, 502; further de-
bate, 502; referred to a committee, 502; report of com-
mittee against any action, 505; importance to the peo-
ple of a knowledge of the merits of acts and reasons for
our conduct, 506; uniform practice, 506; two objections
considered, 506; shall an admission of a reporter take
place independent of the Speaker, or shall he decide on
its propriety? 507; further debate, 507; objected that it
will be against precedent, prevent members from having
room, and a possibility the Speaker may indulge
stenographers, 507; considered, 508; the only question
is, whether the House shall persevere in the old plan,
508; further debate, 509, 510, 511; report adopted,


In Senate, application for permission to report debates

of, 545; resolution, proceedings thereon, 545; permis
sion granted, 545.

In House, resolution offered that Speaker assign place
to stenographers, 588; the question is, under what un-
thority they shall be admitted, 583; facts relative to
this view, 588; improper to come to any solemn deci
sion, 584; important that the debates of the Hone
should be taken with accuracy, and published without
fear, 584; amended resolution carried, 584.
Defensive Measures.-A series of resolutions considered, 144;
proposition to make further provision for forts offered
now only as a subject for inquiry, 144; usefulness of this
system of fortification doubtful, 144; this country may
be drawn into a vortex of war and should be prepared,
144; resolution adopted, 144.

Completing and manning frigates.—Abstract prind-
ple first to be decided, 145; shall the frigates be manned!
145; motion to strike out word "manning," 145; lost,
145; resolution ado▲ 1, 145.

To procure further naval force, considered, 145; i
might be used for convoys, 146; note, 146; impalitic to
adopt the measure, 146; cost will not amount to tenth
part of loss by captures, 146; resolution agreed to, 145.

Arming merchant vessels, considered, 147; merchant-
men are now arming, and it is necessary to regulate the
business, 147; what is to be done with these vessels!
147; if they act offensively it will lead to war, 147; does
the law of nations permit merchant vessels of neutral
nations to arm? 147; the public defence intrusted to Gor.
ernment, 147; only exception in the case of letters of
marque, 147; in any other case war has always followed,
148; further debate, 148; resolution lost, 145; further
debate on resolution authorizing President to provide
naval force when circumstances shall require, 149.

Bill from Senate authorizing President to raise on
army of 20,000 men, question on its second reading,
243; not necessary to pass such a bill under any possible
modification, 243; if an army is necessary, the Legisla
ture ought to raise it, 248; no necessity for this meas-
ure at this session, 243; disgraceful to reject this bill
without a second reading, 244; this course prescribed by
the rules of the House, 244; what does a provisional ar-
my mean? 244; this bill declares the power to raise an
army in the President, the Constitution places it in Con-
gress, 244; why not clothe the President with power to
raise taxes, 244; it is the same in principle as authoriz
ing the raising of an army and giving to the President
power to suspend the raising, if necessary, 244; a man-
ner of proceeding very objectionable, 244; unprecedent-
ed measure to reject a bill on its first reading, which
contains such a variety of propositions, 245; intention
to destroy the bill, 245; were troops ever raised in a ĉif-
ferent manner? 245; expediency of the measure consid
ored, 245; what is our external situation? 245; this me
tion neither unprecedented nor improper, 246; in princi
ple the army should not be raised until the House think
it necessary, 246; objections arise because it is thought
the militia will be sufficient for defence, 246; further
considerations, 246; the bill delegates Legislative power
to the President; objectionable as it respects volunteer
corps, 246; this motion appears like indifference when
the people expect effective measures, 247; extraordinary
arguments used, 247; this bill sufficient to alarm the
House, 247; the opposition does not arise from a deter
mination to oppose defensive measures, 248; opposition
to second reading, withdrawn, 248; every aid reserted
to for pushing forward the scheme of a standing army,
273; Southern States to be terrified, 278; invidious dis
tinctions drawn between the militia and regulars, 273;
review of services of Southern militia, 278; motion
lost to strike out 20,000, 274; motion to insert 10,000;

274; when peace occurs between France and England,
the question of preparation for war should be determined,
and the President should have the power during recess
of Congress, 275; motion carried, 275; matter of train-
ing and disciplining given to the States, 275; amount of
appropriation considered, 275; call of the House, note,
275; bill passed, 276.

Alien enemies, bill respecting, considered in commit-
tee, 280; its provisions, 280; too much power to con-
sider President's proclamation as law, 281; various
amendments proposed, 281; debate on, 281; seven years
proposed as extreme limit of imprisonment of offenders,
282; debate on the punishment of harboring offenders,
282; crime may amount to high treason, 282; it is not a
bill to punish crimes, but to provide for the public safety
in certain cases, 283; in case of war with France, all her
citizens here would be alien enemies, 283; only three
practicable modes present themselves on this subject,
283; these considered, 283; ordered to third reading, 284;
motion to recommit so far as relates to power conferred
on the President, 284; it is grounded on the principle
that the President shall have power to do by procla
mation what ought only to be done by law, 284; this
point considered, 285; bill recommitted, 286; bill re-
ported with modifications, 801; Senate bill, 801.

Instructions to armed vessels, report on, considered,
286; motion to make the order for "to-morrow," 286;
our vessels are seized by French cruisers every day, and
decision required, 286; report just made, time should be
given, 286; further debate on the necessity for imme-
diate action, 287; copy of the bill, 287; motion to make
it applicable to all nations, 287; this bill a declaration
of war, 287; bad as our situation is, it is preferable to a
state of war, 287; further arguments in favor of making
the bill general, 288; propriety and justness of the bill,
288; vigorous measures called for, 288; objects of France,
288; to incense our foes only aggravates our misfortunes,
289; our treaties with Great Britain and Spain, 289;
question negatived, 289; bill going to third reading, 290;
reason for dissent, 290; ordered, 290; debate on the day
for the passage of the bill, 291; do. passed, 291.

Marine corps, proposal to organize, 292; debate
thereon, 292; agreed to, 292.

Letters of Marque, resolutions relative to, considered,
296; motion to refer to a committee to report a bill, 296;
this course will shut out all hopes of a favorable termina-
tion of the dispute, 297; return of commissioners, 297;
great difference between committing and agreeing to
adopt a resolution, 297; negotiations not in a good train
unless we pay the tribute France demands, 297; should
be acted upon at once, otherwise the foreign nations will
have notice to seize our vessels, 297; the reference will
look like a challenge, 297; no good to be derived from a
vote on this subject, 298; prospects of the negotiation,
298; all has been done for the defence of commerce
which we can conveniently do, why then proceed to ex-
treme measures? 298; no good purpose answered by
postponement of the resolutions, 299; this contrasted
with former propositions, 299; Congress has acted with
promptitude without taking this measure, 299; what
measures have been adopted? 299; nothing to expect
from France without tribute, 300; question negatived,
800; postponement for two weeks moved, 300; debate,
800; carried, 800.

Bill to encourage the capture of French armed ves-
sels by vessels of citizens of United States, read third
time, 819; a bounty on guns brought in, according to
their size, 319; of no use, 319; bill passed, 319; resolution
for a bounty offered, 820; negatived, 820; similar bill
negatived at previous session again considered, 858;
carried in committee, 858; in House, on striking out

first section, debate, 858; manner of evading laws for
suspending intercourse explained, 859; present and for-
mer situation of the country, 359; bill may lead to diffl-
culties, 859; bill of questionable advantage as regards
privateers, 359; strengthen our Minister, 359; further
debate on propriety of the measure, 360, 361; effect of
measures of two last sessions, 362; further debate on,
868; bill rejected, 364.

Power of retaliation, bill vesting in the President,
considered, 885; nature of the bill, 885; gives President
power of life and death over every Frenchman in the coun-
try, 885; three arguments used for the bill, 885; these
considered, 885; further debate, 386, 887, 888; bill
passed, 888.

Delaware, vote for President, 62, 487.
Delegates from Territories, see Index, vol. 1.
DENNIS, JOHN, Representative from Maryland, 120, 180, 827,
501, 569, 698; on tax on lawyers, 156; on weekly li-
cense to distillers, 195; on petition of free blacks, 488;
on jurisdiction over District of Columbia, 526; on the
apportionment bill, 575; against abolishing the mint,
695; on jurisdiction over the District of Columbia, 786.
DENT, GEORGE, Representative from Maryland, 14, 120, 179,
826, 429, 497; on compensation of President and other
officers, 66; presides in Committee of whole House,
121, 128, 129; presides in Committee of Whole, 189,
195; on the law of retaliation, 885. See Index, vol. 1.
Despatches of American ministers at Paris, see France,
relations with.

DEXTER, SAMUEL, Senator from Massachusetts, 400; on dis-
puted Presidential elections, 406. See Index, vol. 1.
DICKSON, JOSEPH, Representative from N. Carolina, 429, 497.
DICKSON, WILLIAM, Representative from Tennessee, 569, 693.
Diplomatic or Foreign Intercourse, considered, 198; va-

rious sums proposed to fill the blanks, 199; a good time
to bring back the establishment of a diplomatic corps to
the footing settled at the outset of our Government, 199;
tendency of our Government to consolidation in the
Executive, 199; Legislature must resist, 199; this ex-
tension of influence of one department over another
guarded in the constitution, 199; more beneficial to
have no ministers at all, 199; object of motion to reduce
this department, 199; its former state, 199; this no new
doctrine, 200; danger of Executive influence has always
been held up, 200; these doctrines are advanced because
the views of the gentlemen are opposed by the measures
of the Government, 200; appropriations made, 200; a
small faction exists who wish to demolish the Govern-
ment, 200; our foreign political intercourse in distinc-
tion from commercial intercourse, the subject to be con-
sidered, 200; what has been done hitherto, 201; our
political intercourse greatly extended and from this
comes the present crisis, 201; the constitution and laws
have made certain offices necessary and left it to the
Executive to fill them, and shall the House attempt to
control this discretion? 201; propriety of removing per-
sons of opposite political sentiments, 202; has the Le-
gislature nothing to do with the diplomatic establishment
but to provide the money? 202; origin of the law, 202;
progress of our diplomatic intercourse, 202; necessary
at this time that our ministers should remain as they
are, 208; thus to change it would be forcing upon the
Executive a measure contrary to his wishes, 208; object
of the bill to limit extension of Executive power, 203; the
Legislature can only settle the salaries of ministers and
not determine their number, &c., 204; the motion re-
duces the number and salaries of ministers, as unneces-
sary, but the Executive thinks otherwise, 204; the
constitutionality, the expediency, and the inconvenience
of the measure considered, 204; further debate, 205;
note, 216; discussion on filling the blanks, 216.

Direct Tax Law.-Difficulty of Commissioners in Pennsyl- Dumb Legislature, A, 591.
vania, 433. See Taxes.

Disbursement of Public Moneys, report of committee con-
sidered, 656; four navy yards were purchased without
authority, and the money misapplied which was paid
for them, 656; facts which gave rise to the purchase,
656; the law which directs a thing to be done authorizes
the agents to do every thing necessary for accomplishing
the object, 656; letter of the Secretary explains the
purchase, 657; report does not notice some extensive
stores erected by the present administration, 657; a
doubtful expenditure the minority think, 657; proceed-
ings of committee relative to the navy yards, 657; Sec-
retary's letter was addressed to committee and not to
the House, hence it was not inserted in the report, 658;
the purchase of the yards, 658; explanation, 658; further
explanation, 659.

Distilled Spirits.-See Taxes.

District of Columbia, bill in relation to, considered, 518;
moved to strike out first section, continuing in force law
of Maryland and Virginia, in respective portions, 518;
question if the existing laws are in force, and this bill to
obviate all doubt, 518; jurisdiction a power that may or
may not be exercised by Congress, 519; design of bill
to cure evil arising from doubtful jurisdiction of Mary-
land and Virginia, 519; a difference of opinion seemed
to exist as to the period when the powers of the States
were superseded, 520; dilemma of the inhabitants, 520;
construction contended for will disfranchise them, 520;
reasons for the committee rising, 520; further debate,
521; motion to postpone the bill, 523; object to try the
sense of the House, whether they were determined to
assume the jurisdiction or not, 523; passage of the bill
will deprive the citizens of their political, if not civil
rights, 528; the people of the District ask the House to
assume the jurisdiction, 523; to refuse it would be to in-
sult them, 523; views of the inhabitants, 524; quarter
from whence the opposition comes, 524; by the act
Jurisdiction commences with the occupation, 524; laws of
the States in force until otherwise enacted by Congress,
525; the Legislature will not be satisfied without as-
suming the jurisdiction, 525; do members still wish to
leave the subject in doubt? 525; motion to postpone
withdrawn, 526; moved to strike out first section, 526;
impossible to preserve the rights of the people by the
passage of the bill, 526; their judges and Governor will
be the choice of the President, 526; interests of the
people require the passage of the bill, 526; no necessity
at present for the law, 527; other considerations, 527;
details of the bill, examined, 527; motion negatived,
528; other amendments proposed, 528; bill reported for
Territorial Government, 592; referred, 592; remon-
strance, 592; resolutions on the retrocessions of juris-
diction to Virginia and Maryland, 786; restore the
people to their former condition, 736; no advantage to
retain the jurisdiction, 786; its exercise will take up a
great deal of time and great expense, 786; it was pru-
dent not to change until experience proved its inconve-
nience, 786; all the advantages of exclusive jurisdiction
will be lost by the passage of the resolution, 787; no
constitutional power exists enabling Congress to recede
the Territory, 787; if receded, what obligation is there
in Congress to remain here? 788; the contract can be
done away only by the unanimous consent of all the
parties, 788; if we had power to accept, we had power
to recede, 788; Congress possess the right with the as-
sent of these two States to recede, 789; constitutional
points considered, 789; further debate, 740; resolutions
lost, 741; note, 741.

Duties on Imports, proposition to increase duties, exa-
sidered, 71.

Brown Sugar, an eligible article for increased duty,
71; its consumption not to be decreased, 71; falls more
upon the poor than on the rich, 71; rise of labor mist
follow increase of duty on it, 71; present duty one and a
half cent per pound, an additional half cent not mach
difference to consumer, 71; a necessary of life, already
too high, 71; moved to amend by one cent per gallon to
molasses, 72; only way to secure duty on sugar was by
advancing duty on molasses, 72; one advance on sugar
will pave the way for others, 72; amendment moved to
defeat increased duty, 73; amendment carried, 74;
amended motion carried, 74.

Salt, additional duty of five cents moved, 74; at s
lower rate of duty now than in other countries, 74;
duty not easily evaded, 74; tax laid heavily on salt be-
cause of all necessaries this most easily collected, 14;
operates as a poll tax, 74; a tax on agriculture, 74; art-
cle high now, 75; an unequal and odious tax, 75; objec-
tions would be good if it was proposed to raise the
whole revenue from it, or substitute it for a land tax,
75; the high price not occasioned by a duty, 75; ques-
tion lost, 75; eight cents adopted in committee, 163;
salt tax as compared with license and stamp tax, 168;
note, 163; a salt tax the most unequal tax in its oper
ation, 163; oppressive to certain parts of the Union and
no way affecting others, 163; amendment with regard
to drawback proposed, 163; debate thereon, 168; this
small advance cannot operate oppressively, 164; shall this
necessary of life be called on for every thing Govern-
ment wants? 164; discontent already arisen, 164;
question decided in affirmative, 164; motion to strike out
all relating to drawback to fishing vessels, 164; the
amount allowed is too large, 164; debate thereon, 164;
motion lost, 164; 88 per cent. fixed, 164; limitation
clause for two years adopted, 164; bill passed, 164.

In Committee-twenty per cent. additional duty on
wine adopted, 477; two and a half per centum on all
merchandise subject to ten per cent. duty adopted, 477;
additional duty of one and a half per cent. on brown
sugar rejected, 478; two and a half per cent, drawback
allowed additional on all re-exports, 478; resolution în-
structing Committee on Ways and Means to report on
propriety of reducing duties on certain articles, con-
sidered, 591; articles of first necessity and paid highest
duty, 591; certain members have pledged themselves
for repealing all internal taxes, 591; further remarks,
question lost, 592. See Index, vol. 1.

Duties on Tonnage.—See Index, vol. 1.
Duties, Stamp, on vellum parchment and paper, bill for
149. See Taxes, Direct and Indirect.


EAELY, PETER, Representative from Georgia, 712.
EDMOND, WILLIAM, Representative from Connecticut, 179
827, 429, 497; on the Quakers' memorial, 187; on abroga-
tion of the treaty with France, 815; on the law of retali
ation, 885; on petition of free blacks, 440.
EGGLESTON, JOSEPH, Representative from Virginia, 226,
501, 478.

EGB, GEORGE, Representative from Pennsylvania, 120.
Elections, military interference with, 446.

Elections Presidential, disputed, see President's election

DUANE, WILLIAM, proceedings against, in Senate, 428, 424, | Election of President.—House and Senate proceedings, 380,

425; letter to Senate, 425.

531; do. proceedings of the House as prescribed by Con

stitution, 581; repeated ballotings, 531, 582, 533; Thom-

as Jefferson elected, 583; note, 533.

Bectors of President, see Index, vol. 1.

ELLERY, CHRISTOPHER, Senator from Rhode Island, 540, 661.
ELLSWORTH, OLIVER, vote for, as President, 1796, 63.
ELMENDORPH LUCAS, Representative from New York, 120,
179, 826, 429, 447, 569, 694.

ELMER, EBENEZER, Representative from New Jersey, 569,


Enemies, Alien.-See Alien Enemies.

Estimate for Appropriations, for treaty with Cherokees,
198; on a monument for Washington, 479.
EUSTIS, WILLIAM, Representative from Massachusetts, 569,
694; on protection against the Barbary powers, 571; on
repeal of internal taxes, 579; in favor of relief for
French spoliations, 645; on compensation to the ex-
United States Judges, 780; on French spoliations, 735; on
jurisdiction over the District of Columbia, 740.
EVANS, THOMAS, Representative from Virginia, 120, 179,
827, 429, 497.

Executive Departments.-See Index, vol. 1.
Expatriation.-A bill prohibiting citizens of the United

States from entering any foreign military or naval ser-
vice, considered, 149; motion to strike out section
defining mode by which a citizen of the United States
may dissolve ties of citizenship and become alien, 149;
principle wrong, especially at this time, 149; men have
a natural right to choose under what government they
will live, 150; the right of expatriation should be allow-
ed unclogged, 150; a man born and educated in a
country owes obligations not easily shaken off, 150;
doctrine of perpetual allegiance derived from Great Brit-
ain; bad in practice, 150; expatriation the opinion of
the country, and now the time to declare it, 150; objec
tions considered, 150; further debate, 151; if a right of
expatriation exists, there should be some mode of exer-
cising it, 151; the case of Talbot, 151; perpetual alle-
giance absurd, 151; right recognized by Executive and
Judiciary, 151; unnecessary to. consider it, 151; motion
to agree to report lost, 152; further consideration post-
poned, 152.


FEARING, PAUL, Representative from N. W. Territory, 569,
698; on Ohio State Government, 648, 650, 651; unseated
as delegate from Territory of Ohio, 726.
FINDLAY, WILLIAM, Representative from Pennsylvania, 14,
135, 326; on increase of duties on sugar, 73; on increase
of duties on salt, 75; on temporary direct tax, 271. See
Index, vol. 1.

Flag of the United States.-See Index, vol. 1.
FOSTER, ABIEL, Representative from New Hampshire, 14,
120, 179, 826, 429, 497, 569, 698. See Index, vol. 1.
FOSTER, DWIGHT, Representative from Massachusetts, 14,
120, 180, 826, 429; presents petition of Thomas Carpen-
ter, 185; on temporary direct tax, 270; Senator from
Massachusetts, 481, 544, 669. See Index, vol. 1.
FOSTER, THEODORE, Senator from Rhode Island, 5, 118, 165,
821, 899, 481, 540, 661. See Index, vol. 1.
FOWLER, JOHN, Representative from Kentucky, 189, 193,
436, 522, 569,

France, Relations with.-President's message considered,

225; painful differences exist between this country and
the French Republic, 225; the House should declare
whether we are to have peace or war, 225; resolutions
that it is inexpedient to go to war with France-that
the arming of merchant vessels should be restricted-
that provision should be made for protection of the sea-
coast and interior, offered, 225; not a suitable time for a
declaration of sentiment of first resolutions, 225; our sit-
VOL. II-48

uation better than it was twenty-three years ago, 225;
verbal amendments proposed, 226; intention of the reso-
lution, 226; now is the time to declare whether the
country shall remain at peace or go to war, 227; the
state of things calls for this declaration, 227; Legislature
should determine whether they immediately mean to go
to war or not, 227; defensive war always ready to un-
dertake, 228; though we value peace, we are ready to re-
sist insult and injury, 228; extent of defensive measures
should now be decided on. 228; proceedings of France
amount to a declaration, 229; to say we are not at war
is no more than to say it is light when the sun shines,
229; to agree to the proposition would countenance the
French assertion that we are a divided people, 229; the
time has come when a stand should be made, 229; re-
view of the past, 229; arguments in favor considered,
280; arguments of opposers examined, 230; the question
very unimportant, 280; important time lost in discuss-
ing it, 230; it is a question of peace or war, 282; to
strike out words "French Republic" proposed, 232; re-
solution unnecessary and uncommon, 282; this country
is now the passive party, and any declaration on our part
would have little effect, 232; our course with Great Brit-
ain, 238; the course of France, 232; instance of Venice,
288; ready to engage in a defensive but not offensive
war, 234; a disposition on the part of the House and
Government for war, 234; apprehension of war already
produced effects in some parts of the country, 284; the
resistance to the amendment shows the intention is to
say to France, "You may commit against us injury after
injury, we will not resent it," 234; peace and war are not
in our power, 234; the movers of amendment exposed,
285; their intentions abject submission to France, 235;
those now so loud for peace, heretofore supporters of
war, shown, 285; example of the Swiss, 286; reply to
objections, 236, 287; House obliged to act in the dark,
287; effect of French decree, 288; services of members
as soldiers, 288; further debate, 289; Treaty of Pilnitz
a forgery, 289; further debate, 240; resolution calling
upon the President for papers, 241; debate thereon, 241,
242; subject postponed, 242.

Commercial intercourse with France.-Bill for sus-
pending debate on its final passage, 292; no reason has
been assigned for this bill, 292; effects of the bill, 293;
effects on French commerce, 293; object to distress
France and French West Indies, 293; its operation, 294;
objections examined, 294; further debate, 295; bill pass-
ed, 295.

Resolutions relative to relations with France, offered,


Bill to abrogate the treaty between France and the
United States, 810; best to declare what is the state of
the country, 810; the proper question to be considered,
810; bill from the Senate not taken up, but resolution
for a committee to report on the state of the country,
811; debate on the reference, 811; the resolution an un-
meaning thing, 311; question negatived, 812; bill from
Senate again taken up and read, 312; amendment moved
and carried, relative to enacting clause, 818; debate on
amendments, 813; is a violation of the treaties on the
part of France sufficient ground for our setting them
aside? 814; no proof that our claims have been refused,
814; further explanation of views, 315; preamble adopt-
ed and bill passed, 816.

Bill suspending commercial intercourse with France
returned amended by the Senate to the House, motion
to postpone, 820; amendments considered, 320; bill
passed, 820.

Bill to suspend intercourse with France and open
it with St. Domingo, considered, 334; section three, pro-
viding for intercourse with St. Domingo, debated, 884;

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