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MAY, 1798.]

Presents to Ministers.

[H. OF R.

when a country was attacked upon its own sideration; but he wished to state his reasons territory, that was not the time to talk about for wishing this motion to be withdrawn, lest expense. It appeared to him, in such a situa- it should seem to have been brought forward tion, our defence would not so much consist of by his consent. He was grateful for the good money as of individual exertion. In his opin-intentions of his colleague, because he doubtless ion, free men fought for liberty, and slaves for thought the vote which had passed on the premoney. ceding day might cast some imputation upon his, Mr. P.'s, character. But he also wished it to be withdrawn, because it was founded on at least a doubtful suggestion, viz: that it is not customary for the United States to make presents to foreign Ministers leaving this country. He believed it was customary to do so. But another reason for wishing it to be withdrawn was, that the discussion of it might not subject him to a species of trial as to his public conduct, in which he should not be at liberty to make his defence. He should never shrink from any authorized investigation of his conduct; but he should wish to avoid any unauthorized proceeding of that kind.

The House was told, that if this money was not wanted, it would be safe in the Treasury, or applied to the reduction of the public debt; but he believed it would not be in the power of the gentleman from South Carolina to convince him, or the people of this country, that the money will not remain as safe in the pockets of the people, until it is wanted, as in the Treasury. He believed the willingness of the people to give the money when it is wanted cannot be questioned; and if that gentleman had all the reliance upon the people which he pretends to have, he would not wish to take their money when he was not certain it would be wanted.

As to our late despatches, containing the conversations of X, Y, and Z, which gentlemen seemed so much to rely upon, he confessed his opinions had not been at all changed by them. He believed, before they were communicated, that this country had been greatly injured by France, and he was not ready to take any step now that he was not ready to take before. He believed that he, and others who voted with him, should be as willing to defend the country, in case of danger, as those gentlemen who are continually raising up military phantoms for the purpose of knocking them down again. He hoped the amendment would be agreed to.

A motion was made and carried to adjourn, without the question being taken.

MONDAY, May 7.

Presents to Ministers.

Mr. PINCKNEY said, he rose to request leave to withdraw the resolution which had yesterday been laid upon the table by his colleague, Mr. HARPER, without his knowledge, respecting a business which had already been decided relative to himself, as it was founded upon a ground which was at least doubtful, and he thought out of order.

The SPEAKER interrupted Mr. P. to say that he would save him the trouble of any farther observations, by saying that he deemed the motion out of order.

Mr. PINCKNEY hoped, notwithstanding, he should be permitted to make a few remarks on the subject.

The SPEAKER replied, that any remarks upon a business already decided would not be in order, and could not be admitted without general consent. A pretty general cry of "I hope the gentleman will be permitted to proceed," being heard, Mr. PINCKNEY went on.

He said, it was with reluctance he took up the time of the House a moment in a matter relating to himself, particularly at present, when so much important business pressed for con

But his principal reason for troubling the House was to assign his reasons for addressing a letter to Congress on this subject, apparently of so trifling a nature. With respect to the present offered to him by the Court of Spain, it would have been improper for him, under any construction of the constitution, to have received it, as he was at that time also Minister to Great Britain. Upon this ground it was that he wrote to the Spanish Minister declining the acceptance of the present offered to him from that Court, except he should obtain leave of Congress to do so. This being the case, whatever might have been the propriety of accepting of the present offered to him by the Court of Great Britain, there would have been at least an appearance of inconsistency to have received a present from one Court and not from the other. He therefore gave the same answer to both.

This he hoped would account satisfactorily for having troubled Congress with any application on this subject. It was from a respect which he thought due to the Court of Spain, from the favorable treatment he had received from them, and being fully satisfied with all their conduct towards him, that he thought it proper to make the application. The other, respecting Great Britain, was involved with it.

Mr. P. said, he did apprehend there would have been a propriety in this House, at the time they rejected the resolution sent from the Senate, to have assigned a reason why they did


He would say why he thought so. He thought the constitution expressly allows, that, in some cases, presents may be received from a foreign power, but that the power of deciding upon this shall be left in the hands of the Legislature, as a check upon officers that they may not improperly receive any presents from a foreign power. But, considering this power to have been intended as a check upon the improper conduct of officers, it must strike the minds of the public when they are told that an officer was refused this privilege, that he had not done

H. OF R.]

Additional Revenue.

[MAY, 1798.

his duty, especially if the refusal was unquali- | caused so much agitation, was made with good fied, and unaccompanied with any reason for the refusal, and that the refusal was intended as a censure upon his conduct.

It was in this point of view, that he conceived the conduct of the person to whom this privilege was refused, was implicated, without an opportunity of being heard in his defence. He should be far from wishing any resolution to be entered into approving of his conduct; but there was a great distinction between approving and disapproving; between censure and applause; and although he did not desire applause, he could have wished to have avoided censure. All that he wished had been done was, that the House should have stated something of this kind, "deeming it improper that the diplomatic agents of the United States should receive a present from any foreign Prince or State, the request cannot be complied with;" as, without this, the natural inference must be, that there has been some misbehavior in the officer, or the usual privilege would not have been refused. He called it usual, because whenever it had heretofore been applied for, it had been invariably granted, and the rejection of the resolution from the Senate, must, therefore, be looked upon as establishing an imputation upon his character. It was saying to the world, "Every other person in a similar situation, has been permitted to accept of these presents, but you, and you alone are an exception; you cannot receive them." Such a person may have been worthy of condemnation; he may have betrayed the interest of his country; but it was injustice to that person to condemn him without a trial.

intentions; that it was not designed to embarrass the measures of Government, or with a view to prevent a provision of revenue adequate to the present or probable future exigencies; or from any reluctance on his part to concur in every measure requisite for an effectual defence of our country. To the uniform tenor of his conduct, on all occasions, since he had the honor of a seat in this House, he would cheerfully ap peal. Those with whom he associated knew that nothing was more dear to his heart than the honor, the dignity, the liberty, and the independence of his country. He did not, therefore, consider many of the remarks which had been made on this subject, as applicable to himself, nor should he take any measures whatever to repel them. If his friends intended he should make a personal application, their object was lost. Alike indifferent to censure as applause, when unmerited, he had ever done, and, as far as he could be informed, he would continue to do, what, at the time, appeared to be his duty.

He was as deeply impressed as any gentleman of this House could be, with a sense of the necessity and importance of sufficient and productive sources of revenue. Measures for defence must be expensive; without the means to carry them into effect, all our acts and resolutions are vain and futile.

Protection to our commerce, defence to our frontiers and seacoasts, security to our rights as a nation, energy and respectability to the operations of Government, are not to be obtained without money, and if the present revenues are not sufficient, more must undoubtedly be provided.

Mr. P. said, he thought it necessary, in justice to himself, to make these observations before the House, from a regard which he felt, in common with other gentlemen, for his reputation-more particularly as this matter would appear upon the journals of the House, and night not only reflect upon himself, but upon his children after him; they might be pointed at by the finger of scorn, as the offspring of a man who had betrayed the interests of his country. It was under the impression of these ideas that he had been led to trouble the House, and he trusted" he should stand excused for having done so.

Mr. McDowELL rose, bu' was prevented from speaking by the SPEAKER, who declared that nothing more could be admitted on a subject which was not before the House.

Mr. HARPER rose. He was also checked by the SPEAKER, but not before he had declared he brought forward the motion in question without the knowledge of his colleague.

Additional Revenue.

The House then proceeded to the order of the day, when the SPEAKER having stated the question to be to strike out the word annually in the first resolution,

Mr. D. FOSTER rose, and observed that, for a justification of himself to those who knew him, he need not declare that the motion, which had

Although he did not mean to pledge himself that he would vote for it, he should be glad to see a bill before the House, that opportunity might be given to examine the subject in detail. Since the motion he had submitted had been thought so exceptionable, he was willing for the present to modify it. If gentlemen would concur with him in a substitute, he would withdraw the motion to strike out the word annually," and propose to add, as an amendment at the end of the resolution, the following words:

"To be collected for a term not exceeding years; provided the Legislature of the United States shall at all times be at full liberty to substitute other duties or taxes of equal value in lieu thereof, for the purpose of discharging any debts or loans which may be contracted on the credit of said tax.”

Mr. HARPER rose to second the motion, because it concurred with his ideas on the subject, that the revenues ought to be commensurate with the debts incurred. He need not repeat, he said, that he had always been opposed to a land tax, except in the case of a war, or of preparation for war; but he now believed it necessary.

Mr. MACON hoped this motion would not prevail. In the State from which he came, they

MAY, 1798.]

Additional Revenue.

[H. OF R.

had an annual land tax, and found no inconve- | law was passed for one year, he could confinience from its being annual. He had no idea dently rely on future Congresses to renew it, if of a permanent tax on land, as all the State the situation of the country should require it. Governments collected their revenues from this It would not hereafter be convenient for him to source, or from a capitation tax, every other take any farther share in the public councils, object having been seized upon by the United but he should not distrust the wisdom and paStates. The idea of the tax being laid for a triotism of those who might follow him; and to number of years, would make it more unpopular do away the charges continually made against than any thing else. All our revenue laws are himself and others, that they were not willing temporary. But it was said it was necessary to defend the country, he should call the yeas that this tax should be permanent, in order to and nays upon every question of defence which obtain loans upon it. He believed loans might came before the House. very well be obtained upon it, though it were passed annually; for certainly those who loaned the Government money would have so much confidence in it as to believe that it would pay all its contracts fairly and honorably. He did not believe that all the money appropriated could be expended before the next session of Congress. Besides, there is a surplus million in the Treasury, ready for any purpose which the Executive may think proper to apply it to.

But it had been said, advantage ought to be taken of the present moment to get this tax. The same thing was said with respect to the Navy. He did not think it necessary to take advantage of the present enthusiasm of the people to collect a tax; the people would always obey the laws.

Mr. FINDLAY said, it was admitted, on all hands, that it depended on a contingency whether this tax would be wanted at all. For his own part he was under no apprehension of any formidable invasion of this country taking place before Congress meets again. If France is desirous of making conquests, there are more preferable objects to this country nearer home. The difficulties which have so long agitated Europe are not yet so far settled as to suffer France to send out any formidable force here. Let the conduct of the French Government have been as bad as it can be painted, it cannot be said that it has ever wholly lost sight of its own interest, and it would not be her interest to make an invasion of this country at this time; and, therefore, there is no necessity for going into measures as if an invading army was immediately expected amongst us.

A land tax was with him a favorite tax. He had long wished it. He was for adopting it some time ago, and for taking advantage of a low market, to bring up the public debt. But when he came to inquire into the subject, he found that many of the States had laid direct taxes for the support of their own Government. There is now an appearance of necessity for this tax; but being a new tax under the General Government, and not likely to be very satisfactory to some parts of the Union, it would be proper to make the law of short duration. Upon constitutional ground he was against continuing a direct tax longer than two years; every Congress ought to pass a vote upon it; but, in the present instance, he believed the law would be best if passed for one year.

Mr. F. concluded by observing, that if this

Mr. S. SMITH did not like the amendment; but he should vote for it, because, if he could not get all he wished, he would get all he could. If the blank was to be filled with two or three years, (as had been intimated,) it would not go far enough to induce moneyed men to rely upon it as a permanent security.

There seemed to be no difference of opinion as to the propriety of laying a direct tax; it only seemed to be as to the length of time which it ought to be laid. He agreed with those gentlemen who assert that money cannot be borrowed, except a permanent fund be provided. But gentlemen say, where are your expenses? Certain expenses have been agreed to, which are proposed to be met by a direct tax of two millions; but could it be supposed that the proceeds of this tax could be brought into the Treasury in less than eighteen months? They could not, and something must be done in the mean time to raise the money already voted, whether any war takes place or not. How was this to be done? By loans alone. But what inducement will there be to moneyed men to lend money, except a permanent revenue be made the security? You hold out the credit of the United States, which has not heretofore been injured. This is true. But heretofore we have not been engaged in war; we have had nothing to impede our revenue. But if a war takes place, it is possible our revenue may suffer very materially; and Congress are about to provide a fund which, in the opinion of some, will leave no permanency, and in the opinion of others, very little. And would it not require a great degree of patriotism in gentlemen to lend twenty shillings for twenty shillings, when they can go into the market and purchase them with sixteen. The difference of opinion on this subject, he was convinced, arose from the different pursuits of the members of that House. Certain gentlemen believed moneyed men would advance money without a permanent tax as a security. He believed the contrary; for, however great a confidence they may have in the honor of future Congresses, they would wish to see this Congress do something for their security. He feared gentlemen were not in earnest when they spoke of defending the country. We have men, said he, but we want money. He did not agree with the gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. WILLIAMS) that slaves fought for money, and freemen only for liberty. If he commanded a regiment of militia, he be

[blocks in formation]

lieved they would expect to be paid, and he could not believe he would term them slaves. Money must be had.

The gentleman from Pennsylvania was afraid of making the revenue permanent, because, as our revenue increased, it had been usual, not to repeal our revenue laws, but to increase our expenses. Whence did he collect this information? Not from the documents on the table; for there he would find that there was an unexpended surplus of one million nine hundred thousand dollars, which were in 1797 applied by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to the reduction of the public debt. We have, said he, gone on decreasing our expenses. It was true, that our dispute with Algiers, and a war with the Indians, had cost a great deal of money; but when the war with the latter was at an end our expenses were decreased. And now an income of expense is asked for to repel threatened danger, and gentlemen have voted measures of defence; but now they come to touch the expense, they flinch. Men may moralize and talk about defence as much as they please, it will avail nothing without money.

Mr. VARNUM hoped the motion under consideration would be negatived. The gentleman from Maryland (Mr. S. SMITH) gave two reasons on Saturday against striking out the word annually. One was, that it was necessary the tax should have some permanency, in order that money might be borrowed upon it; and another, that it might be a substitute for indirect taxes. That gentleman allowed, and he perfectly agreed with him in opinion, that in case of war, the defalcation in our revenue, he did not suppose, would be large, and that in our present situation he had no idea of a defalcation. If, then, a defalcation of our revenue was not to be expected, he thought he should be able to make it appear that the proposed tax is not necessary at all; and, of course, that it will not be right to pass it for more than one year. But the gentleman from Maryland says the people ought to be relieved from indirect taxes, because, for every 12 per cent. duty, the consumer pays 27. Does that gentleman wish, then, that the merchant should be deprived of a profit of 15 per cent. on the duties which he now pays? If so, this might be very well effected, without doing away the duty, and substituting a land tax in its place, by the merchants lowering the price of their goods 15 per cent.

But the gentleman added another reason for passing the law for a number of years, viz: that this tax might be at any time repealed. But, although this House might consent to a repeal of this tax, it was by no means certain that the other House would consent to its repeal. Indeed, it was his opinion, that if this tax was established as a permanent tax, that the people of this country would not be relieved from it for many years. Many objects, he had no doubt, would be found out by gentlemen, ever fruitful in this respect, upon which to expend any plus which might arise from this tax.

[MAY, 1798.

The gentleman from South Carolina, on Saturday, brought into view our situation with respect to France, and our liableness to an attack from that nation. He alluded to the conversation which took place between our Envoys and X, Y, and Z, and thence inferred that it was probable that this country would be attacked by France. He could not say that all the propositions made by these unauthorized persons were not from the Directory; but there was no evidence of this, and therefore he could not believe it, especially as the agents themselves declared they were not. He thought, therefore, if we wished to preserve peace with France, that we ought not to be too forward in believing all which was said by X, Y, and Z, was authorized by the French Government. He hoped it would prove to be the contrary, and that when the Directory shall discover what has been done, they will punish these persons for their conduct.

The question was put and negatived-46 to 35.

Mr. D. FOSTER then renewed his motion to strike out the word "annually," which was carried, there being sixty votes for it.

The question on the amendment providing for the taking of anew census, was put and carried, there being 57 votes for it.

Mr. READ moved an amendment, which went to strike out the provision which proposes that the tax should be laid by a uniform rule through all the States, with the view of inserting in its place the following words :

| "And upon such other estates within each particular State as are taxable according to the established rule of direct taxation in each State.".

The motion was negatived, there being only twenty-one votes for it.

The report was referred to the Committee of Ways and Means, to report bills accordingly.


Naturalization Law.

Mr. SEWALL called for the order of the day on the third resolution reported from the Commit tee of the Whole, on the subject of aliens, and the consideration of the following amendment being resumed, viz to add to it these words:

"Between which and the United States, there shall exist a state of declared war:"

It was agreed to; and referred to the select committee on commerce and defence, to report a bill accordingly.

The following is the resolution as amended by the House:

"Resolved, That provision be made, by law, for the require, of all aliens, being males, of the age of fourapprehending, securing or removing, as the case may teen years and upwards, who shall continue to reside, or shall arrive within the United States, being natives, citizens, or subjects, of any country between which and the United States there shall exist a state of desur-clared war, or the Government of which shall threat

en, attempt, or perpetrate, any invasion or predatory

Provisional Army.

MAY, 1798.]
incursions upon their territory, as soon as may be,
make proclamation of such event; providing, in all
cases where such aliens are not chargeable with actual
hostility, that the period settled by any treaty with
such hostile nation, or other reasonable period, accord-
ing to the usage of nations, and the duties of humanity,
shall be allowed, for the departure of such aliens,
with all their effects, from the territory of the United
States; and excepting all cases of such aliens to
whom passports or licenses of residence may be
granted, consistently with the public safety."


Provisional Army.


[H. OF R.

man had made, that, therefore, the lower country was very weak in point of force to oppose an invasion. And here he deemed it proper to notice the attempt which had been made to draw invidious distinctions between the militia force of our country and what are termed regulars attempts constantly made by the advocates of standing armies, not only on this occasion, but on many others--not only on this floor, but in the other branch of the Legislature, and very lately, in a pointed manner, by his colleague, (Mr. HARPER,) who pressed the establishment of a standing army by depressing the manly character of his fellow-citizens: he (Mr. HARPER) had said he was well acquainted with the Southern States; that the inhabitants on the seaboard are few, that for fifty or sixty miles they are still fewer, that the strong population is quite remote, that the whole in general are badly armed, many altogether without arms; that they are not well organized, and even it they were, they are not to be depended upon, unless headed and aided by regular troops; in short, that no good can be expected from the militia, unless they are supported by regulars. It is an unpleasant thing, said Mr. S., for me to have to make any remarks on a subject of this sort; but so frequently have gentlemen made invidious distinctions between the courage and efficacy of militia and regulars, and with so much injustice to the former, that I cannot permit their assertions any longer to pass without notice. For doing this, I do not mean to derogate from the merit of the late American regular army, nor more particularly from that part of it which served to the Southward, of whose condition I can better judge than of that which served in the Middle and Eastern districts; as to them I am bold to say, they were not inferior, under all circumstances, to any army of equal numbers and equal opportunities which I have heard or read of in any time or in any place; but, then, it must also be remembered, whatever gentlemen may here say to the contrary, that the militia were as serviceable and as successful as any regulars whatever.

This favorite scheme of raising a standing army must be pushed forward by every aid of fact and fiction, and that its success may be insured, the Southern members are to be terrified into its adoption, for we are told that the Southern States have much to fear, that there is every reason to believe the Southern States will be speedily invaded by a merciless and vindictive foe from the West Indies. That at this moment thousands may be disgorging on our shores; that they are prepared to strike. And the gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. HARPER, one of his colleagues) has, in the height of his zeal for American defence, or his fears for the safety of the Southern States, or from some other cause, which he did not pretend to divine, by his nice and minute delineations of the condition of the Southern States, shown to the House a terrifying picture of Southern imbecility, and had also published to this cruel, malicious, and insidious enemy, (as he terms them,) an enemy sufficiently penetrating without his aid, every point, every avenue, every position, most advantageous for them to take in attack; he has exposed our most vulnerable parts to their inveteracy, and our wealthiest part to their rapacity. The policy or prudence which dictated the detail, he did not stop to examine, but went on to ask, supposing these marauders were disposed to invade the Southern States, whether it would not be allowed that they were too fully and completely occupied nearer home, to be at liberty to execute at this time their intentions of He would quote only a few cases out of a such an invasion? For his part he thought such great number where the militia had acted alone, was their condition, and expected it would con- without any co-operation or support from the tinue to be so for some time to come; but, admit- regulars, and that against the veteran and conting that it is possible for the man who has been quering cavalry and infantry of British corps, mentioned, to invade our coast with the three or and in which actions they were distinguished four thousand men spoken of, the consequences for their bravery and success. It may be repredicted are not likely to follow. The reason-membered that very partial, if any, impressions ing of his colleague being admitted, perhaps his conclusions might also; but the former not being just, the latter could not result.

He was aware that the number of inhabitants of the lower country, of the States of Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, as stated by his colleague, was not very great; but he did not consent to the deduction which the gentleVOL. II.-18

He said he would take a cursory review of the services of the militia in one of the Southern States, which would tend to support his last declaration.

had ever been made by our regular troops on the British corps of cavalry during the early period of war; and it seemed to be reserved to the Southern militia to convince them that their equals existed in our country. It is not to be attributed to the want of courage or discipline in our regular corps that this had not been done before, but to imperious circumstances which no

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