Page images

Roberts, D. W., M.B., C.M.,
Llanelidan Rectory, Ruthin,
North Wales.

Robertson, Stewart Soutar, Cham-
berlain to the Duke of Hamilton,

Robinson, J. Ryley, LL.D., F.R.G.S.,
South Terrace, Dewsbury.
140 *Rodger, J. F., 1 Royal Circus.
Romans, John, C. E., 53 Frederick

Rorie, George L., 23 Comely Bank.
Rosehill, Right Hon. Lord, War-
riston House, Edinburgh.
Russel, John, 4 Baxter's Place

Samuel, P., 15 Hanover Street.
Sanderson, James H., 92 Princes
Street (Councillor).

Shearer, Wm., 13 Infirmary Street. Shiells, Robert Thornton, Architect, 62 George Street. Simpson, Alex. Gray, of Carfin, Hollytown, Motherwell. 150 Skinner, James, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire.

Small, Robert, H.M. Assistant In-
spector of Schools, 10 South
College Street.

Smith, R. M., F. R.S. E., 4 Bellevue
Crescent (Councillor).

[blocks in formation]


Agassiz, Louis, M.D., LL.D., Pro-
fessor of Natural History, Cam-
bridge, Massachusetts.
Ashburner, W., Geological Survey
of California, San Francisco.
Barrande, M. Joachim, Cor. Mem.
Imp. Acad. Vienna, 419 Klein-
seite, Prague.

Bell, Charles, Surveyor-General for
Cape Colony, Belton, Somerset
Road, Cape Town, Africa.
Bischof, Prof. Gustav, Poppledorf,

Blake, Prof. W. P., Californian

Academy of Natural Sciences,
San Francisco.

Boué, Ami, M.D., Mem. Acad.
Imp. Sc., Vienna.

Brongniart, M. Adolphe S., Prof.
of Botany, Jardin des Plantes,

Brown, Geo. A. W., Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. 10 Brown, Robert, F.R.G.S., present address, 4 Gladstone Terrace, Edinburgh.

Comrie, Peter, R.N., Surgeon
H.M.S. "Sparrowhawk," Esqui-
mault, Vancouver Island.

Crawford, The Hon. James Coutts,
Provincial Geologist for the
Province of Wellington, New

Daniels Dr, State Geologist, Wis-
consin, United States.
Dawson, Principal, M'Gill College,
Montreal, Canada.

Favre, Prof. Alphonse, Geneva.
Forbes, David, F.R.S., F.G.S.,
present address, 11 York Place,
Portman Square, London, W.
Gabb, William, Palæontologist of
the Geological Survey of Cali-
fornia, care of Prof. J. D. Whit-
ney, State Geologist for California,
San Francisco.

Gastaldi, Signor B., Turin.
Geinitz, Hanns Bruno, Professor of
Geology, Dresden.

20 Gervais, M. Paul, Montpellier. Grey, Dr George, Cradock, South Africa.

Grieve, Robert W. S., Dunedin,

Haast, Dr Julius, Provincial Geolo-
gist for the Province of Canter-
bury, New Zealand.
Hector, Dr James, F.R.S., Pro-
vincial Geologist for the Province
of Otago, New Zealand.
Heer, Rev. Dr Oswald, Professor of
Botany, Zurich.

Helmersen, General G. von, St

Johnstone, J. W., M.D., H.M.
Bengal Army.

Johnstrup, Johannes Frederik,
Professor i Mineralogie, Copen-

Keller, Dr Ferdinand, President of the Antiquarian Association of Zurich, Switzerland.

30 Kjerulf, Dr Théodor, The Royal University, Christiania. Kokscharow, M. von, St Petersburg.

Koninck, Laurent-Guillaume de,
Professor of Paleontology in the
University of Liége.
Landale, John J., Č.E., care of J.
Robertson Stewart, Esq., Vic-
toria, Vancouver Island."
Lawson, George, LL.D., Professor
of Chemistry in Dalhousie Col-
lege, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Logan, Sir Wm. Edmond, LL.D.,
F.R.S., F.G.S., Director of the
Geological Survey of Canada,

Loven, M., Stockholm.
Meneghini, Signor G., Professor of

Palæontology, University, Pisa.
Meyer, Dr Hermann von, Frank-


Milne-Edwards, Dr H., Professor of Natural History, Jardin des Plantes, Paris.

40 M'Chesney, Prof. J. H., Chicago, United States.

M'Coy, Frederick, Professor of
Zoology and Natural History,
Melbourne, Australia.
M'Glashan, Ed., Dunedin, Otago.
Naumann, Carl Fried., M.D., Prof.
of Geology, University, Leipsic.


Nilsson, Professor Svend, Lund,

Oldham, Thomas, A.M., F.R.S.,
F.G.S., Director of the Geological
Survey of India, Calcutta.
Olrik, Christian S. Marcus, Ridder
of Dannebrog, Copenhagen.
Owen, David Dale, Principal Geolo-
gist for the State of Kentucky,
United States.

Pajkull, C. W., Docent i Geologie,

Petermann, Dr Augustus, Redacteur
der Geographische Mettheilun-
gen, Gotha.

50 Pfaff, Christian Georg Frederick, Distriktslaege, Jakobshavn,

North Greenland.
Ransom, Colonel Leander, Presi-
dent of the Californian Academy
of Natural Sciences, San Fran-

Rink, Dr Heinrech, Ridder of
Dannebrog, Director of the Kongl.
Groulandske Handel, Copen-

Sandberger, Prof. Fridolin, Uni-
versity of Würzburg, Bavaria.
Sars, Dr Michael, the Royal Uni-
versity, Christiania.

Savi, Il Cavaliere Paolo, Professor of
Zoology, University, Pisa, Italy.
Silliman, Prof. Benjamin, care of
The Smithsonian Institution,

Steenstrup, Professor, Copenhagen.
Stewart, J. Robertson, Victoria,
Vancouver Island.

Studer, M. Bernard, Professor of
Geology, Berne.

60 Torrel, Otto, Professor of Zoology, Lund, Sweden.

Waltershausen, Baron W. Sartorius
von, University, Göttingen.
Whitney, Professor J. D., State
Geologist for California, San

Whymper, Lieutenant Frederick.
Wilson, Henry S., M.D.

Winchell, Prof. Alexander, State Geologist for Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States. 66 Zirkel, Professor F., Kiel, Holstein.


Armstrong, J., Hon. Secretary Glas

gow Geological Society, 16 Albert Drive, Queen's Park, Glasgow. Crosskey, Rev. Henry W., F.G.S., 28 George Street, Edgbaston, Birmingham.

Dun, Robert, Edinburgh.
Forrest, George, Edinburgh.
Hull, Edward, M.A., F.R.S., Di-

rector of the Geological Survey
of Ireland, 51 Stephen's Green,

Hunter, Rev. Robert, M. A., F.G.S.,
9 Mecklenburgh Street, London,

Jamieson, Alex., School of Arts,

Mathieson, Adam, Curator of
Museum, Jedburgh.
Murphy, Henry.

10 Sadler, John, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh.

Tate, George, F.G.S., Alnwick.

Taylor, Andrew, 10 Rankeillor

Whitley, Nicholas, C.E., Penarth,
Truro, Cornwall.

Woodward, Henry, F.G.S., 142 St
Paul's Road, Camden Square,
London, N. W.

Wünsch, Edward A., 149 West
George Street, Glasgow.

16 Young, John, Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow.

Society's Library and Museum, No. 5 St Andrew Square.
Assistant Librarian and Officer--Mr DAWSON.

The Fellows are particularly requested to intimate to the Honorary Secretary all changes of Residence, to whom also all Communications are requested to be addressed.

The EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY was instituted on the 4th December 1834, its object being the advancement of Geological Science, by means of Periodical Meetings for the Reading of Original Papers and the Exhibition of Specimens; the Publication of Transactions; Excursions; and the formation of a Geological Library and Museum.

The Society meets on the First and Third Thursdays of each month, from November to May inclusive. The Annual General Meeting is held on the first Thursday in November. The Museum is restricted to the following collections, viz. :-(1.) A typical collection of Fossils, which shall consist only of characteristic species, selected with the special view of illustrating the various Geological formations generally; (2.) A local collection of Fossils, which shall consist of Scottish Fossils only, and shall be selected with the view of illustrating the various formations which occur in Scotland, and more especially those in the immediate vicinity of Edinburgh; (3.) A small typical collection of Scottish Rocks and Minerals.

The Library and Museum are accommodated in No. 5, St Andrew Square, where they may be consulted by the Fellows under the direction of the Assistant-Librarian. The Society publishes annually, or as often as its funds will admit of, a volume of Transactions, which contains all the original papers read before the Society, or such of them as are approved of by the Publishing Committee. Every Ordinary Fellow who has paid his subscription for the year to which the Transactions refer, is entitled to receive a copy of the volume issued for that year.

Sir Roderick I. Murchison, Bart., is Patron of the Society. The officers consist of a President, two Vice-Presidents, Honorary Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian, and Curator, six Councillors, and an Assistant-Librarian; all of whom are elected yearly at the Annual General Meeting.

EXCERPTS FROM THE LAWS AS TO ADMISSION OF MEMBERS. Every Candidate for admission into the Society as an Ordinary Fellow must be nominated by at least two Ordinary Fellows.

The application shall be read at one Meeting, and at the ensuing Meeting shall be determined by ballot.

Every Ordinary Fellow shall on admission pay 5s. as EntranceMoney, and 10s. 6d. as his current year's Subscription to the Funds of the Society; and thereafter, on the 1st November in each year, an annual Subscription of 10s. 6d.; or he may compound for all future Annual Contributions either at his entrance, by one payment of Five Guineas, or at any subsequent period, by the payment of Five Pounds.

The Laws empower the Society to elect Twenty Honorary Fellows. Gentlemen distinguished for their scientific attainments and researches, particularly in Geology, or who have acquired claims upon the Society by aiding the furtherance of its objects, may be elected Foreign Corresponding Fellows if resident Abroad, or Associates if domiciled within the United Kingdom.

Copies of the Transactions and Publications of Institutions and Societies in America for the Edinburgh Geological Society, may be forwarded through the Smithsonian Institution, Washington; those from Societies on the Continent of Europe may be sent to the care of Messrs Williams & Norgate, Foreign Booksellers and Publishers, London and Edinburgh, who are the Agents of this Society.

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