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administration, morning and night, of effervescent sodium phosphate is invaluable. If the appetite

is not good, the regular use of the tincture of nux vomica, ten to twenty drops three times a day, is strongly indicated. In anemic cases pills of carbonate of iron or, probably still better, the pills of valerianate of quinin, iron, and zinc are necessary. In nervous cases with anemia, valerianate of zinc, one grain with two grains of the compound asafetida pill, two or three times a day (after Morell Mackenzie), will be found valuable. Careful diet, a tranquil mind, and moderate exercise are essential. Outdoor exercise, with a daily tepid bath followed by vigorous friction of the whole body, will serve to eliminate waste material. The patient should not unnecessarily expose himself to direct rays of the sun, as they are calculated to excite intense reflex irritation of the sensitive nerve centers. Much trouble may be averted by the use of a sunshade or umbrella and by the avoidance of exercise in the sun.

It must be understood that with this general hygienic and constitutional treatment the course of local prophylaxis by daily sterilization is most necessary.



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[blocks in formation]

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Prater (A.), Lancet, Lond., 1831, ii, 445.


Elliotson, Catarrhus Æstivus, or Hay-fever. Med. Gaz., Lond., 1833, xii, 164-171.

Also, Boston M. and S. J., 1833, vii, 341–347.


Schwandner (W. F.), Casus asthmatis thymici cum pneumonia conjuncti, 8. Tubingæ, 1838.


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in Hay-fever. Lancet, Lond., 1850, i, 629.


Mackenzie (F. W.), Remarks on the Nature and Treatment of Hay-fever. Lond. J. M., 1851, iii, 637-643.


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Phoebus (P.), On Hay-asthma. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 655.


Catarrhe d'été ou fièvre de foin. Abeille méd., Par., 1860, xviii, 38.

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Laforgue, Catarrhe d'été. Gaz. d. Hôp., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 44.

Also, Gaz. hebd, de méd., Par., 1860, vii, 67.

Perey (L.), Contribution à l'étude de l'asthme des foins en Suisse. Écho méd., Neuchât., 1860, iv, 595-598.

Phoebus (P.), Das Heufieber. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1860, n. F., iii, 92.

Phoebus (P.), Circulare relativ à la maladie connue sous les noms de catarrhe, bronchite, ou asthme d'été, et sous ceux de fièvre ou asthme des foins. Écho méd., Neuchât., 1860, iv, 304-307.


Darrach (J.), Strychnia in Hay-fever and Influenza. Maryland and Virg. M. J., Richmond, 1861, xvi, 106–109.


Hervier, Trois observations de catarrhe d'été sans fièvre de foin. Gaz. hebd. de méd., Par., 1862, ix, 169. Phoebus (P.), Der typische Frühsommer-Katarrh, oder das sogenannte Heufieber, Heu-Asthma. 8°. Giessen, 1862.


Smith (W. A.), Observations on Hay-fever. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1863, N. S., ii, 535.

Windsor (J.), The Cause of Hay-fever. Med. Times and Gaz., Lond., 1863, ii, 681.


Bird (J.), Hay-fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1865, ii, 73. Herrier, Ann. Soc. de méd. de St. Étienne et de la Loire, 1865, ii, 36-39.

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Smith (W. A.), Observations on Hay-fever, Hay-asthma, or Summer Catarrh. Med. Mirror, Lond., 1865, ii, 342–352.


Price (T. T.), Autumnal Catarrh, or Hay-asthma. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1866, 162–165.

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