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Tenth International Medical Congress.

duces the treatment of pneumonia to a very present by Drs. Miller and Blair of Crawford simple basis, as follows: Fresh air, milk, and county, and by your correspondent. injections per rectum of antipyrin, anticipating the diurnal exacerbation of fever-"this and nothing more." Croupus, catarrhal or broncho, all are treated the same. Antipyrin per rectum avoids the nausea consequent upon the stomach administration, thus nutrition is uninterrupted.

Prof. Holt emphasizes the principle that the germicide treatment of diphtheria is irrational, and productive of harm, in that the streptococcus diphtheria are found to live in a one per cent. solution of carbolic acid. The hope, therefore, of giving medicines with the view of destroying the germs of the disease by rendering the blood antiseptic is not to be thought of, and any measures based thereon must be futile., Local treatment is liable to be overdone. Should be restricted to measures serving the purpose of merely keeping parts clean, and for applying solutions to nose or pharynx. A syringe, with an attachment of an inch of soft rubber tubing to tip, is preferable to all other devices. Nourishment and stimulants, with fresh air and repose, gives the little patients better chances of recovery than forcible swabbing of the throat at short intervals.

The disinfecting of apartments after the disease has disappeared, is not accomplished by burning of sulphur, except everything be moist. The germs are not floating in the atmosphere, but attached to woodwork, &c., about the room. All should be scrubbed with I to 1000 hot sublimate solution; fabrics immersed for twenty-four hours in the same.

Prof. Wyeth, the genial professor of surgery in the Pollycinic, is operating with his accustomed skill and exactness, making forcible illustrations and practical applications as he

moves along.

In accordance with the decision of the Ninth

Congress at Washington, the Tenth International Medical Congress will be held at Berlin from the 4th to the 9th of August, 1890.

By the delegates of the German Medical Faculties and the Chief Medical Societies of the German Empire, the undersigned have been appointed members of the general committee of organization. A special committee of organization has also been appointed for each of the different sections, to arrange the scientific problems to be discussed at the meetings of the respective sections. An International Medical and Scientific Exhibition will also be held by this congress.

We have the honor to inform you of the above decisions, and at the same time cordially to invite your attendance at the Congress. We should esteem it a favor if you would kindly extend this invition to your friends in Medical Circles, as way may offer.

We beg to accompany our invitation by a copy of the statutes and programme, as also by a list of the intended sections and their special committees of organization.

DR. Leyden, Vice-Pres.
DR. LASSAR, Secretary General.

All communications must be directed to the General Secretary, Berlin NW., Karlstrasse 19.


Portland, Me., has made and sold 25,000 hypodermic needles within the past six years. As there are many more of these manufactories, it indicates that there is a demand for these

Clinical material, both at the Polyclinic and other hospitals is abundant. The practical needles far exceeding any possible legitimate teaching, the earnestness and zeal which char- use to which they can be put. It is evident that their sale will have to be governed by law acterizes the work in each department, combines to make the Polyclinic a strictly first- in the not distant future.-Quarterly Review. class institution for post graduate instruction, matriculates being afforded the advantages of visiting the other great hospitals of the city as well. Kansas is represented in the class at

WHAT, under the laws of Kansas, is the difference between lawyers and doctors? The lawyer gets his fee if he wins his case, the

doctor if he loses it. When the lawyer wins his case he may file a lien upon the judgment for his fees, if he loses it he must trust to the honor of his client. If the doctor loses his patient his fee is a prefered claim, if he cures him only the few who have, in their own name, more than the law exempts, are compelled to pay his bill.


In making a dissection during the past month of an adult female, I found the following peculiarities: Eight ribs on the left side. were joined to the sternum, the brachial artery in each arm bifurcated one inch before the point where it is crossed by the lower border of the pectoralis major muscle, the lingual artery was given off from the facial; there was no orbital artery, but at the point where it should have been given off the artery divided into the anterior and posterior temporals; the diagastric muscle was superficial to the stylohyoid. There was an intercosto-humeral plexus instead of an intercosto-humeral nerve, two turbinated bones only were found on the right side. In the same subject Dr. Minney trephined the mastoid and found the cells were reached at a depth of not more than one line, while the internal plate was as thin as a sheet of writing paper.

J. C. M'C.

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How to Cure Insomnia.

A very simple method of inducing sleep in cases of persistent insomnia, and one that has succeeded where many drugs have failed, i simply to administer a moderate amount of liquid food, before the patient goes to bed. This diverts the blood from the brain to the abnormal organs, and takes away the cerebral excitement that precludes sleep.

Intestinal Obstruction.

Nothnagel says: "I may briefly state in one sentence all the treatment I can recommend as an hospital consultant: Absolute abst:nence from food; induce the peristaltic action from below; still it from above; and above all, avoid purgative medicines Further, I know of nothing to add for the guidance of others."

The following letter was received by a physician from a man he knew, practicing medicine, and desiring counsel: "dear Dock, I have a pashunt whos physical sines shows that the wind pipe has ulcerated off and his lungs hav drop down into his stumick I have given hym everry thin without efeckt her father is welthy honable and influenshal as he is member of assembly and god nos I don't want to loos hym what shall I do ans by return male. Yours frat. "-Medical Gazette.

THE DISINFECTION OF INTESTINAL DISCHARGES. In the intestinal evacuations of typhus, dysenteric, and cholera patients, Prof. Uffelmann instituted a considerable number

M. of experiments with various substances, with the following results:

Subject the oxide of zinc to a temperature of about 200° F. for a few hours before mixing, then mix when cool and place in an airtight box until ready to use it. This is thoroughly antiseptic and does not possess the disagreeable odor of iodoform.-Times and Register.

THE Supreme Court of Georgia has decided that the proprietor of a patent medicine is liable for damages for injury done to any person who takes the medicine according to direction. Times and Register.

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vidual typhus colonies; after 24 hours, greatly of their attacks by the treatment of the ocular isolated, and no typhus, colonies.

muscles. Dr. Stevens has since then obtained 6. Creolin in 12.6 per cent. emulsion. After some confident and aggressive followers, and, 24 hours, individual colonies continued to de- consequently, considerable attention has been velop, but none of typhus or of cholera bacilli. attracted to his method. The committee ap7. Potash lye with water, equal parts. After pointed to test the validity of Dr. Stevens' acting for an hour, individual colonies con- statements worked in co-operation with the tinued to grow; none after six hours.

doctor and having found a suitable case of

8. Caustic lime, o.1 gramme, and fæces. idiopathic epilepsy or chronic chorea, had the After one hour, and even after 24 hours, num- patient examined separately by two of its erous colonies continued to grow, also several neurological members and a full history taken. of the typhus bacillus; none of the cholera The patient was then sent to Dr. Stevens and bacillus.

Caustic lime, 0.2 gramme, and fæces. Individual colonies continued to grow after 24 hours-none, however, containing the typhus or the cholera bacillus.

Milk of lime, 120 per cent., 121⁄2 parts to I part of fæces. Destroyed the Eberth bacillus within 2 hours.

9. Non acid sublimate solution, 2 per 1,000. After acting for a quarter of an hour, a tolerably large number of colonies continued to grow; isolated colonies with the typhus, but not the cholera bacillus. After one-half hour, fewer than after one-fourth hour. After 24 hours, very few or no colonies, and none with the typhus or cholera bacillus.

examined by that gentleman. If acceptable, further eye examinations were made again by one of the ophthalmologists of the commission. Each patient. therefore, went through four separate examinations before treatment was begun. Records were then kept of operations performed, and of the progress of the case. Twenty-eight patients were thus examined and put under treatment, but, for various reasons, four were withdrawn. Fourteen, however, were treated continuously for over four months, and, in some instances, over two years. Nine of these cases were of epilepsy; five of chronic chorea. Three of the cases of epilepsy and three of chorea were improved. None were entirely and completely cured, although two of the cases of chorea seem to have become practically well. None of the cases of epilepsy were cured or even strikingly improved, though as to this latter point there seems to be some difference of opinion. The commission, in their conclusions, state that they cannot recommend a treatment of ocular muscles in cases of epilepsy and chorea as the sole therapeutic measure, or as a curative measure: This conclusion does not deny to oculo-muscular treatment all value, but it is evident, from a perusal of the discussion, EPILEPSY, CHOREA AND THE EYE-MUSCLES. that the members do not attach very much -The commission appointed by the New importance to it. Although the extravagance York Neurological Society to investigate the of Dr. Stevens' claim is thus shown, it was relation of the insufficiency of the ocular certainly a most courageous act on his part to muscles to chorea and epilepsy, made its report in November last, and after an animated discussion, which was continued at the December meeting, the report was adopted.

10. Solution of sublimate, acidulated with hydrochloric acid, 2.1000. Many less colonies developed than after addition of the un-acidulated solution. After one-quarter hour, only isolated colonies observed; none of the typhus or cholera bacillus, and after 24 hours, as a rule, none at all.

II. Boiling water. Even when 8 parts of boiling water were added to 1 part of fæces, it did not always disinfect.-Deustche Medizinal Zeitung, Sept. 5, 1889.

In a paper by Dr. George T. Stevens, published a few years ago, it was asserted that about 50 per cent. of epileptics were relieved

put his method to so exacting a test, and argues an honest conviction on his part in the truth of his own views. The exact importance of functional eye disturbances in the production of morbid symptoms and the pathogeny of disease, time will determine definitely.-N. Y. Medical Record, December 21, 1889.

THE NECESSITY FOR A HIGHER STANDARD for this the Committee of Revision of the OF ACCURACY FOR TOXIC AND NARCOTIC Pharmacopoeia for 1890 should prescribe the DRUGS. Show us a physician or pharmacist process. To do this intelligently, they should who has not been many times puzzled by the avail themselves of the work that has already variable action of toxic drugs, indicating lack been done in this direction; and this brings of uniformity in preparation, and such an one us naturally to a discussion of this work. will be found to have had no practice in either AN EPIDEMIC OF PHTHISIS is reported by art. While the question of standardizing Marfan, who observed fourteen deaths from preparations of toxic drugs is now a new one, and has been the dream of every progressive among twenty-two employes in an office durpharmacist and physician, practically it would ing five years. The cases are traced to one seem difficult to determine just what standard employe who, at forty years, died of phthisis, after twenty-four years' employment. of strength to adopt. coughed and expectorated a great deal for three years. The office occupied by these men only admitted 10 cubic meters air for each individual; ventilation and light were bad. The and was not kept clean. All employes spat floor was uneven, full of crevices and cracks,


According to the Pharmacopoeia, one cubic centimetre of a fluid extract represents one gramme of the drug employed in making it. It is apparent that such a preparation, although made from the best qualities of drug the market affords, will not be of invariable strength. In the purchase of this crude drug, upon the floor. The author has no doubt that the quality must be largely judged by physi-tuber bacilli were present in the dust arising cal indications, which are often very deceptive. from sweeping done in the presence of the emAn estimation of the active medicinal ingredi- ployes. He was prevented from demonstratents is the only true criterion by which to ing this fact, because the place had been judge the quality of a drug; and this is sub- thoroughly swept when he called. The preject, even in carefully selected drugs, to a wide variation. Fluid extracts must, of course, share in this variability. It is this defect which is to be remedied.


disposing element of poverty (the small incomes,) and unhygienic, dwellings, doubtless played an important role.-W. Med. Presse.


simple and painless method of treating this complaint. After the part is thoroughly cleansed and disinfected by sublimate solutions, a few drops of liq. ferr. perchl. are dropped on the effected spot. The edge of the nail is then gently raised. It is then dried. This is then repeated on the second and third day. If suppuration takes place, the hardened scabs are to be removed by forceps, and the ferr. perch. again applied. The nail soon becomes soft and brittle so that it can be easily removed, without pain.-Med. Press and Circular.

That a pound of crude drug of good quality, Dr. Hofmann, of Erlangen, recommends a properly manipulated, should produce a pound of fluids extract, seems a good basis for tions; but when the variability of crude drugs, and the consequent variability of fluid extracts produced therefrom, is known, one cannot but *look forward to the advent of the new Pharmacopoeia with the hope that some uniform and more reliable method of standardizing fluids extracts, upon some safer and surer foundation, by which a preparation must be produced that can be used with more confidence in its definite therapeutic value, may be adopted. Individuals and manufacturing houses have, in a measure, recognized the necessity for such a standardization, and have in the past in various ways endeavored to meet the requirements of the medical profession in this respect.

The result has been, that there are already standardized preparations on the market, but these vary greatly in the strength adopted as the standard. There should be one only, and

NOTWITHSTANDING the large number of Hypophosphites on the market, it is quite difficult to obtain a uniform and reliable Syrup. "Robinson's is a highly elegant preparation, and possesses an advantage over some others, in that it holds the various salts, including Iron, Quinine, and Strychnine, etc., in perfect solution, and is not liable to the formation of fungous growths.

Some Recent Additions to Materia Medica. investigation were so favorable to this remedy that Parke, Davis & Co. added to their list of Among the new drugs which Messrs. Parke, tablets a 1-100 grain arsenite of copper Davis & Co. announce they can supply, are tablet, which makes a convenient method of the following: Cocillana.-Guarea, (species preparing the solution commended by Dr. undetermined); synonym-Sycocarpus Rusbyi, Aulde. One tablet should be dissolved in Britton; Part employed-the bark; natural three, four to six ounces of water, of which order-Anacardiacea; habitat-Bolivia. Properties-Expectorant, tonic, laxative. This new remedy possesses a sphere of influence on the respiratory organs somewhat similar to ipecac, but said to be "superior in certain diseases of the air passages, in which the latter is often used.”—Dr. D. D. Stewart in Medical News, Aug. 24, 1889.

the dose is a teaspoonful. Reprints of Dr, Auld's article furnished physicians by Parke, Davis & Co., on request.



Brubaker, A. M., M. D., published by P.
Blakiston, Son & Co. Price $1.

Besides its excellence as an expectorant, clinical experience has also established the fact that it exerts a tonic influence upon the A well arranged, convenient and reliable appetite, and that it reduces the night sweats compendium of the fundamental facts of of chronic bronchitis and phthisis. Cocillana Physiology. A most desirable addition to the also gives promise of usefulness as a laxative. library of medical students, for saving time Dose, 10 to 30 minims (0.6 to 2 c. c.)

Eschscholtzia.- (Eschscholtzia Californica, Cham.); synonym-California poppy; part employed the whole plant; natural orderpapaveracea; habitat-California.

Properties." An excellent soporific and analgesic, and above all, harmless."

Recent analysis claims to have discovered the presence of a minute quantity of morphine in the plant. The quantity contained, however, is not sufficient to account for all the therapeutic effects, and further chemical investigation promises to isolate another active principle, which may better explain its action. The drug is a very useful anodyne in certain cases. The inconveniences attributed to the use of opium, such as stomach disturbance, constipation, &c., have not in any case been observed in its use. It may, with adadvantage, replace opium preparations for

and labor.

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A TREATISE ON MATERIA MEDICA, PHAR MACOLOGY, AND THERAPEUTICS," by Jno. V. Shoemaker, A. M., M, D., professor of materia medica, pharmacology and therapeutics in the Medical Chirurgical college of Philadelphia, and member of the American medical association, and John Auld, M. D., demonstrator of clinical medicine and physical diagnosis in the Medical Chirurgical college of Philadelphia, and member of the American Medical Association.

In two volumes. Volume one devoted to

Pharmacy, general Pharmacology and Therapeutics and Remedial Agents, not properly classed with drugs. F. A. Davis publisher, Philadelphia and London.

The thanks of the busy practitioner and student are due the authors and publishers for the work. It presents modern therachildren. peutics in a manner satisfactory to the Fluid extract of the plant.-Dose, 15 to 30 needs of the profession in a brief conminims (1 to 2 c. c.) cise maner peculiar to the author; complete and systematic. A detailed review of the ARSENITE OF COPPER TATBPLE I-100 GRAINS. work would be unnecessary, but as it is dividAn article by Dr. J. Aulde on the applica- ed into different parts the subject can be easily tion of arsenite of copper in bowel affections, found. This book should be on the shelf of and especially in the diarrhoea of typhoid every general practitioner, who can consult it fever, was published in the July, 1889, Thera- with the confidence that its teachings are wise, peutic Gazette. The results obtained by this conservative and up to the times.

J. W. D.

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