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representatives 161. All acts
empowering county courts to
provide for wives, parents and
families of soldiers, repealed
212. Proviso in favor of
those in indigent circumstan-
ces 212. Allowance to wi-
dows, aud aged parents of
soldiers dying in service 262.
Land bounty, 300 acres, to
soldiers who have enlisted, or
shall enlist and serve to the
end of the war 331. Sick
soldiers provided for 335.—
Pay of soldiers to be made
equal to specie 374. Officers
appointed to recruit soldiers
for two years or the war 433.
---Recruiting expenses, how
paid 434. Bounty and im-
munities 434. From what
time pay of soldiers in the
Virginia line on continental
establishment, to be made
equal to specie 462. Audi-
tors to adjust their accounts
according to a scale of de-
preciation, and give printed
certificates, payable with in-
terest 462. Also, of officers
and soldiers dead 462. Or
out of the service, for the
time they served 463. Audi-
tors to return a list of certifi-
cates to treasurer 463. Fo-
ture pay of soldiers to be in
specie 463. Certificates to
be received on sales of for-
feited estates 464. If sales
paid for in specie, that to be
reserved for redeeming certi-
ficates 464. Scale of depre-
ciafion 465. Further tract
of country allotted for officers
and soldiers in lieu of that

fallen into North Carolina
465. When and how their
lands may be surveyed 466.
Pay and subsistence of state
troops to be made equal to
continentals 467. State caval-
ry entitled to same advanta-
ges as infantry 467. Officers
and seamen in the navy, same
as in the land service 467.--
Tobacco received for confis-
cated estates, to be sold, and
the money to redeem certifi-
cates 467. Within what time
military warrants to be locat-
ed 485. Soldiers enlisting
for two years or the war, en-
titled to same bounty and im-
munities as other continentals
499. Resolution extending
land bounty to certain offi-
cers and soldiers 539.
Solicitor general appointed 358:
His oath 358: His duty 359:
Motions against delinquents
359: To take advice of at-
torney general 360: · To ap-
point a clerk 360: Solicitor's
allowance 360: Salary of so-
licitor general in specie 493:

Executive authorised to send as-
sistance to our sister state of
South Carolina 214: Militia
and state troops to be sent
214: Militia embodied for
relief of 221: Citizens of
South Carolina and Georgia
authorised to remove their
slaves into this state 307:--
How long to remain, and un-
der what circumstances they
may be sold 307:

Paper money called in, and
funded at the rate of one dol-
lar in specie for a thousand
in paper 456: Military pen-
sions payable in specie 461:
pay and subsistence of officers
and soldiers made equal to
specie 462: Future pay in
specie 463: Scale of depreci-
ation 464,472: Salaries of in-
spectors of tobacco payable
in specie 475: Naval officers'
fees, in like manner 479. To-
bacco fees to be paid in spe-
cie 489: Allowances to sher-
iffs, venire men and witnesses
payable in specie 489: Sala-
ries of officers of civil govern-
ment to be paid quarterly in
specie 493: What proportion
of taxes payable in specie 508:

See Commodities, Tuxes.
Tax payable in certain enume-
rated commodities 79: Pla-
ces of deposit 79: Commissa-
ries of tax, their appointment
and duty 79:
On non-pay-
ment of tax in-commodities,
to be paid in money 80:-
Power of distress 80: Com-
missioners and commissaries
of tax, their duty, allowances,
and liabilities 80: Further
time allowed to pay taxes in
certain enumerated commo-
dities, called the specific tax
292,357,435: Persons liable
to tax, in certain enumerated
commodities, who have had
their grain impressed for the
use of the army, entitled to a
discount as to so much 404:
Penalty on commissiouers &

receivers of specific tax, for
neglect of duty 405: Judg-
ment ou motion without no-
tice 405: How judgment
rendered 405: Damages 405:
Remedy by commissioners a-
gainst receivers 405: : Poll-
tax, payable in grain 490:--
Tax in bacon, for every free
person 490: Commissioners
to receive taxes, how appoint-
ed 490. Penalty on commis-
sioners refusing to act 490:--
Bonds to be taken of commis-
sioners 491: Places of depo-
sit, how notified 491: Sto-
rage, how procured 491:-
Commodities, dischargeable
in money, and at what rates
491: Distress, when and how
to be made 491: Commission-
ers to make return to court,
and to executive and auditors
492: To obey orders of exe-
cutive 492: Power of sheriffs
to distrain, and his liability
492: What proportion of spe-
cie tax may be paid in tobac-
co, hemp or flour 508: Trea-
surer to deliver lists of re-
ceipts to governor, who, with
advice of council, to direct
sale of commodities 509:


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Act prohibiting distillation of
spirits from corn, wheat, rye,
and other grain repealed 112:
Tax on spirits 244. Duty on
spirits and wine imported
511. How casks entered 512:

Justices of Spotsylvania autho-
rised to hold their courts at
house of John Holladay 228.

STAFF.See army.


Justices of Stafford county em-
powered to ascertain centre
of county, by actual survey,
for the purpose of erecting a
court house 108. Commis-
sioners appointed to ascertain
centre of county of Stafford


Glebe of parish of St. Anne, in
Albemarle to be sold, and
money divided between pa-
rishes of St. Anne & Fluvan-

na 112.

Parish of St. Asaph formed
from Drysdale, in Caroline
and King and Queen coun-
ties 209. Boundaries 209.-
Glebe of Drysdale parish to
be sold, and money divided
between parishes of Drysdale
and St. Asaph, in proportion
to the value of the two church-
es 210. So much of this last
act as directs a valuation of
the churches repealed 213.

Of cases for court of appeals,
rules concerning 92.
See Army.

State troops sent to assistance
of South Carolina 214: Offi- |
cers of the two state regi- |
ments, empowered to re-en-
list their men 214: New or-
ganization of state troops 215:
Officers in state line reduced
449: Regiments consolidated
449: Their pay made equal
to continentals 467: Also
their land bounty 467.

G 4


Trustees of town of Staunton,
displaced 119. How others
elected 119. Their powers
119. To repair streets and
construct aqueducts 119.-
To assess taxes on the inha-
bitants 119. How taxes col-
lected 119. Collector to give
bond 119. Penalty for mis-
application of taxes 120.
Hogs not to run at large in
town 120. Proviso 120.
Act of 1748 prescribing method
of proving book debts or store
accounts, repealed 133.
Limitation of actions on
store accounts 133. Delive-
of articles to be dated 133.
Penalty for post-dating 133.
When limitation to commence
134.—Courts and juries
bound, ex officio, to take no-
tice of this act 134.
Streets in Richmond enlarged
318 .Houses on streets to re-
main 20 years 318. Discre-
tionary power as to streets,
for ascending and traversing
hills 318. Injury to indivi-
duals, how ascertained and
paid 318.

Land given to Baron Stuben
Substitutes, per drafts, how ad-
mitted 259.Quakers or
Menonists drafted, exempted
from personal service, but a
substitute to be provided at
the expense of the society,
261, 417.
Rules as to sub-
stitutes 417.


Town of Suffolk having been
burnt by the enemy, the jus-
tices of Nansemond authoris-
ed to appoint a place for hold-
ing courts 110.--Lots in,
where houses have been burnt
by the enemy, exempted from
taxes 190. Lots in Norfolk,
Portsmonth and Suffolk, the
houses and improvements on
which were either burnt by
the act of convention of 1776,
or by the British army since,
exempted from taxation 323.

Duty on sugar imported 511.

Swamps, marshes and sunken
grounds, preemption of, in
owners of contiguous high-
lands 61. How grants for,
obtainǝd 62.

Land bounty to chaplains, sur-
geons and surgeons' mates

Land bounty to chaplains, sur-
geons, and surgeons' mates

Surplus lands, within bounds of
patents, how grants for ob-
tained 62. Remedy of land-
holders unjustly vexed 63.

Certain houses and tenements
in Alexandria, vested in John
Sutton 372.

Surveyors and their deputies,
how appointed and qualified
53. Penalty for sale of office
53. How chief surveyor may


locate his own warrants 56.
Notice of survey 56. Effect
of party's failing to attend 56.
When principal to direet de-
puty to survey 57. Chain-
carriers to be sworn 57. Sur-
veys how made and bounded,
57. Plat and certificate,
when and how made 57.
Returns to William & Mary
college 57. Clerk of county
court and surveyor not to be
resisted 58. Penalty on sur-
veyors for neglect 58. Sur
veyor's office, how examined
Fees of surveyors 126,
Who shall attend sur-
veyors of roads 164. Pen-
alty on delinquents 164.-
How recoverable 165. Pen-
alty on surveyors for failure
of duty 195. Deputy survey
ors, how appointed 353.
Surveys before the establish-
ment of the commonwealth's
land office, what declared
valid 35, 36. Proviso 37.
Notice of surveys, how given
56. Effect of party's failing
to attend with chain-carriers
and marker 56. When prin-
cipal to direct deputy to sur-
vey 57.
Chain-carriers to
be sworn 57. Surveys, how
made and bounded 57. Plat
and certificate, when and how
made and disposed of 57.-
When to be returned to land
office 58. Inclusive patents,
how obtained 63. Further
time allowed for returning
surveys and plats 237, 403.
County courts in the Kentuc-
ky country, authorised to di-

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rect surveys to poor persons,
actual settlers, not exceeding
400 acres to a family 431.-
When surveys shall be made
of entries for land on the east-
ern waters 486.

Swamps, marshes and sunken
grounds, pre-emption of, in
owners of contiguous high
lands 61: How grants for,
obtained 62:


See Pork, Beef, &e.
Act for inspection of, revived &
amended 290: Fees altered

290: Penalties altered 291:

See Ordinaries.

Penalty on tavern keepers per-
mitting gaming in their hou-
ses 206.

Commissioners of tax and as-
sessors to be convened 10:-
Oath of commissioners of tax
10: Their duty in assessing
lands, lots in town, &c. 10.
Oath of assessors 11. Poll-
tax on slaves 12. Tax on
money 12.
On tobacco ex-
ported 12. Assessments when
returnable 13. Appeals when
heard 13. Lists of taxable
property when delivered 13.
Distress for taxes 13. Sheriff
refusing collection, ipso facto
deprived of office 13. What
paper money receivable in
taxes 13. Allowances to com-
missioners of tax, assessors,
and their clerks encreased 14.
Surplus of proceeds of sales,
for taxes, how disposed of 14.
Tax payable in commodities


79. Places of deposit, how
fixed 79. Commissaries of
tax, their appointment and
duty 79. On non-payment of
tax in commodities, to be
paid in money 80. Power of
distress 80. Commissioners
and commissaries of tax, their
duty, allowance, and liabili
ties 80. Additional taxes 166.
Poll-tax, who exempted 166.
Tax on slaves 166. On car-
riages 186. Duty of commis-
sioners of tax and assessors,
in furnishing lists to sheriffs.
166. Power and duty of
sheriffs in the collection 167.
Commissions 167. Allowan-
ces to commissioners and as-
sessors 167. Bonds by sher-
iffs 167. Penalty for conceal-
ing tithables and taxable pro-
perty 168. Appropriations to
meet requisitions of congress
168. Duty on liquors foreign
and domestic 168. Duty on
goods imported 169. Excep-
tions 169. Mode of collec-
tion 169. Duty on goods
brought into this state for sale
170. Duty on stock in trade
of retailers of goods 170. Pro-
vision where retailers are a-
bout to remove 170. Penalty
for removing without giving
notice 171. Penalties, how
recoverable 171. When the
poll-tax, and on carriages,
payable into the treasury 171.
Remedy against sheriffs and
collectors for failure of pay-
Five eighths of

ment 172.
tobacco in money appropri-
ated as a fund for borrowing
money, for the United States

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