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made, or had been discussed,
for the commonwealth, con-
firmed to the purchasers, sa-
ving the rights of all persons
to the purchase money 201.
So much of act for sequester-
ing British property, &c. as
allows debtors to pay their
debts into the treasury repeal-
ed 227. Act concerning es-
cheats and forfeitures from
British subjects suspended, as
to lands in Henry & Amherst,
conveyed by John Harmer to
Walter King Cole & George
Harmer 300. Slaves sold as
the escheated property of
John Harmer and purchased
by the public restored to
George Harmer 371.

See Escheats, Forfeitures.
Property of British subjects
vested in commonwealth, the
lands, slaves, and other real
estate, by escheat, the person-
al estate by forfeiture 67.-
Proceedings thereon 67, 69.
British subjects described 69.
Provision for widows, wives
and children 71. Mode and
rules of proceeding on tra-
verse of office, and monstrans
de droit 153. All bona fide
sales by British subjects va-
lid;-Collusive sales declared
void, and how detected 154.
Injunctions to inquisitions of
escheat, how and for what
causes obtained 155. Who
are excepted out of the for-
mer act and how relievable
156. Act concerning escheats.
and forfeitures suspended, as
to lands in Henry and Am-

herst, conveyed by John Har
mer to Walter King Cole &
George Harmer 300.
Brunswick county divided and
Greensville formed 363.—
Boundaries 363. Court days
✓ 363.

Charles Carter, esq. the surviv-
ing trustee of William Byrd,
esq. authorised to convey lots
and lands held under Byrd's
lottery, and a deed of trust


Barber Cæsar alias John Hope,
a slave of Susanna Riddle e-
mancipated 211.

Campbell county formed from
Bedford 447. Boundaries
447. Court days 447.
Wm. Campbell, Walter Crock-
ett and others indemnified for
suppressing a conspiracy &

insurrection 195.

See seat of Government.
For general assembly to be e-

rected in Richmond 86.—
Land, how acquired & paid
for 87. Capitol and palace in
Williamsburg to be sold in
the event that taxes prove un-
productive 285. Capitol in
Richmond located on Shockœ
hill 317.

Tax on carriages 166,244. Tax
payable in specie 594.

Charles Carter, esq. the surviv-

ing trustee of William Byrd,

[blocks in formation]


Troop of cavalry, for protection
of Illinois 26. Four troops
for eastern frontier 27.
valry to be raised during ex-
isting invasion 28. State ca-
valry reduced 215. Cavalry
for relief of South Carolina,
how formed 223. Horses how
furnished 224. Volunteer ca-
valry to be called into ser-
vice 312. To be credited to
their division of militia 312.
Cavalry entitled to same ad-
vantages of pay, &c. as in-
fantry 467.

To judgments of commissioners
for adjusting titles to lauds on
western waters, within what
time to be entered in general
court 48. Caveats depending
before the revolution, how
proceeded on 49. Causes of
caveat 58. Proceedings on
caveats 58. New caveats, for
what causes allowed 59. Costs
on caveats 59. Caveats on
surveys before establishment
of commonwealth's land of-
Z 3



fice, how proceeded in 179.
Caveats allowed to judgments
of commissioners 354.

Plats and certificates of survey,
when and how made 57.
When returned to land office
58. Assignable 60. Within
what time plats and certifi-
cates may not be delivered
61. Stealing, taking by rob-
bery, forging or counterfeit-
ing certain certificates, death
without clergy 93. Altering
erasing, &c. 94. Having in
possession instruments for
forging or counterfeiting 94.
Proceedings against offenders
95. Person suspected of hav-
ing forged or counterfeited,
how apprehended 96. Deci-
sions of court of appeals, how
certified 92. Certain certifi-
cates receivable in payment
for treasury land warrants
148. Loan office certificates
with interest receivable for
waste lands 148. Forms and
marks of treasurer's certifi-
cates, for money borrowed,
and mode of assigning them
184. Counterfeiting certifi-
cates, punishable with death
185,191. Provision certifi-
cates, when and where paya-
ble 234. Forging or counter-
feiting, how punishable 236.
Further time to enter war-
rants, on pre-emption certifi-
cates, with the surveyor 239.
Further time to return pre-
emption certificates, and pro-
viding in case of their loss
239. Certificates receivable
in taxes 350. Militia certifi-

cates receivable in taxes 410..
Death to counterfeit them 410.
Loan office certificates, for
paper money called in, to be
given by treasurer, at the rate
of one for a thousand 456.
When redeemable 456. In-
terest payable annually 456.
Payments on certificates to
be endorsed 457. Transferra-
ble by assignment only 457.
Certificates to be given to of
ficers and soldiers, on settle-
ment of their accounts 462.
Receivable on sales of for-
feited estates 464. Money a-
rising from such sales reser-
ved for their redemption 464.
So, of tobaccoes arising from
sales of confiscated estates

Effect of party's failing to at-

tend surveyor, with chain-
carriers and marker 56.-
Chain-carriers to be sworn

[blocks in formation]

ed 111. All acts providing
salaries for ministers repeal-
ed 197. Vestry authorised to
levy and make assessments
for salaries in arrear, for com-
plying with legal engage-
ments, and providing for pa-
rish poor 198.

Overseers of the poor to succeed
to powers and duties of ves-
tries and churchwardens 289.

In court of admiralty, rules con-
cerning 100.


Who shall be deemed citizens of
this commonwealth 129. Ci-
tizenship, how acquired 129.
Who deemed aliens 129. Ex-
patriation right of, how exer-
cised 129. Free white inha-
bitants of other of the United
States, entitled to privileges
of citizens of this state 130.
Fugitives from justice, in o-
ther states, how apprehended
and delivered up 130. For-
feiture of property, by at-
tainder in other states, affects
property in this 130.
Land bounty to volunteers, un-

der colonel George Rogers
Clarke 26. Regiment, under
his command to be completed
for defence of western fron-
tiers 389.

Salaries of clergy of church of
England further suspended
111. All acts providing for
salaries for ministers repeal-
ed 197. Vestries authorised
to levy for salaries in arrear,

[ocr errors]

for complying with legal en-
gagements, and providing for
parish poor 198.


Of court of appeals, how ap-
pointed and tenure of office
91. Duty of clerks as to re-
cords, bonds, &c. and dock-
etting causes 91. Salaries of
clerks in auditors' office en-
creased 107. Fees of clerk of
general court 127. Allowance
to clerk of general court for
ex officio services 378. Salary
of clerks in public offices, in |
specie 493. Their duty in re-
lation to lists of lands & tax-
able property 503,505.
Appointed, on discontinuance
of public store 374. His duty
to report to war office 427.


Clothing for the army, to be

furnished by certain counties,
and of what to consist 338.—
Mode of furnishing the cloth-
ing for the army, in each
county 339. Further time al-
lowed 393.

Officers to sup-
ply themselves with clothing
374. Act for more effectual
and speedy clothing the army
376. Clothing for seamen,

how provided 381.

Duty on coffee inported 511.
Act concerning escheats & for-
feitures from British subjects
suspended, as to lands in
Henry and Amherst, convey-
ed by John Harmer to Wal-
ter King Cole, and George
Harmer 300.

Congress authorised to impose
a duty on goods and prizes,
and to appoint collectors 409.
Collectors of duties, to be re-
ported to, by masters of ves-
sels 511. Their powers 513.
Penalty for receiving a bribe,
or conniving at a false entry
513. When and how they

may break open houses 514.
Their allowance 516. When
to account and pay 516.
Lands of, in Kentucky county,
escheated to commonwealth,
vested in trustees for a public
school 288.


Act for protection and encou-
ragement of the commerce
of nations acknowledging
the independence of the Uni-
ted States 202. Consuls from
such states as acknowledge
the independence of America,
how received 202. Deemed
subjects or citizens of the
state by whom appointed 202.
Guilty of crimes against this
state, remanded to their sove-
reign for punishment 202.-
Their powers 202. In execu-
tion thereof, how to be aided
203. Seamen deserting, how
apprehended 203. Mode of
proceeding in suits where fo-
reigners are parties 203.
Salary of commercial agent ra-
ted in tobacco 278. Value of
tobacco, in money, estimated
by grand jury 278. Com-
mercial agent appointed, on
the abolition of the board of

.trade 292. His duty to report
to war office 427. Salary of
commercial agent, in specie


Of specific tax, their appoint-
ment and duty 79. Their al-
lowances and liabilities 80.
Oath of commissaries as to
application of public money
confided to them 256. Gover-
nor and council may discon-
tinue state commissaries, and
transfer powers to continental
staff 415. State commissa-
ries, &c. not absolutely ne-
cessary may be discharged by
executive 449. Surplus stores
transferred to similar conti-
nental officers 450.
His duty to report to the war
office 427.


His duty to report to war office

Commissioner of the war office
appointed, on repeal of the
act establishing a board of
war 292. Powers and duties
of commissioner of war more
accurately defined 426. Com-
missioner of war to discharge
the duties of adjutant gene-
ral's department 428. Mili-
tary commissions to issue from
war office 428. Salary of
commissioner of war 428.
Quarter master general, com-
missary general, state clothi-
er, commercial agent, and
commissary of military stores
to report to commissioner of

war 427. Salary of commis-
sioner of war, in specie 493.
Of tax, further duties of 10.
Their oath 10. Allowance
encreased 14. Commissioners
for adjusting and determining
claims to lands on the western
waters, how appointed, their
oath, duty, power, and modes
and rules of proceeding 42-
47. Commissioners for sale
of escheated lands, their du-
ty, allowance, and liabilities
68,69. Commissioners & com-
missaries of specific tax, their
duty, allowances and liabili-
ties 80. Duty of commission-
ers of tax and assessors, in
furnishing lists to sheriffs 166.
Allowance to commissioners
and assessors 167. Powers of
commissioners for adjusting
claims to unpatented lands
further continued 178,238,
403, 484. Commissioners of
tax shall not be sureties for
sheriffs 200. Further time al-
lowed to the western commis-
sioners 238. Further allow-
ance to them and their offi-
cers 238. Commissioners of
tax and assessors to meet and
class the lands 242.
oath on that occasion 242.
General oath of assessors 243.
Rule if a difference of opinion
between them 243. Duty of
commissioners and assessors
246. Allowances to commis-
sioners and their clerk, and
to assessors 247. Commis-
sioners to act two years 252,
Assessors to be annually ap-
pointed, but to assess once in


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