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chasers thereof, which said deeds so to be executed shall be as good and effectual in law for conveying the right to the said lots, lands and tenements, and to every of them, as though the same had been made and executed by a majority of the aforesaid trustees: Provided nevertheless, That nothing in this act contained shall be construed to alter or affect the title to any of the before-mentioned lots, lands or tenements, where two or more persons set up titles or claim to the same lot or tenement as purchasers, either under the aforesaid lottery or deed of trust, nor to affect the title or claim of the heir at law of the said William Byrd, esquire, to all or any of the aforesaid lots, lands or tenements; Provided, The said heir at law prosecute such claim within twelve mouths from the passing of this act.

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An act for dividing the county of

1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That Bedford from and after the first day of February next, the coun- county divity of Bedford shall be divided into two distinct coun- ded, and ties, by a line to begin at the mouth of Judy's creek formed. Campbell on James river, thence to Thompson's mill on Buffalow creek, thence to the mouth of Back creek on Goose Boundaries. creek, thence the same course continued to Staunton river, and that part of the said county lying east of the said line, shall be called and known by the name of Campbell; and all the residue of the said county shall retain

the name of Bedford. That a court for the said coun- Court days, ty of Campbell shall be held by the justices thereof on the first Thursday in every month after the said division shall take place, in such manner as is provided by law for other counties, and shall be by their commissions directed.

11. And be it farther enacted, That the justices to be named in the commission of the peace for the said county of Campbell shall meet at the house of Micajah

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Terrill, in the said county, upon the first court day after the said division shall take place, and having taken the oaths prescribed by law, and administered the oath of office to, and taken bond of the sheriff according to law, proceed to appoint and qualify a clerk, and fix upon a place for holding courts in the said county, at or as near the centre thereof as the situation and convenience will admit of; and thenceforth the said court shall proceed to erect the necessary public buildings at such place; and until such buildings be compleated, to appoint any place for holding courts as they shall think fit. Provided always, That the appointment of a place for holding court, and of a clerk, shall not be made, unless a majority of the justices of the said county be present. Where such majority shall have been prevented from attending by bad weather, or their being at the time out of the county, in such cases, the pointment shall be postponed until some court day when a majority shall be present. That the governor, with advice of the council, shall appoint a person to be first sheriff of the said county, who shall continue in office during the term, and upon the same conditions as is by law appointed for other sheriffs,


III. Provided always, and be it farther enacted, That it shall be lawful for the sheriff of the said county of Bedford, to collect and make distress for any public dues or officers fees which shall remain unpaid by the inhabitants thereof at the time such division shall take place, and shall also be accountable for the same in like manner as if this act had not been made; and that "the court of the said county of Bedford shall have jurisdiction of all actions and suits in law or equity, which shall be depending before them at the time of the said division, and shall try and determine the same, and issue process and award execution thereon.

IV. And whereas by the division of the said county, the court-house in the county of Bedford will be inconveniently situated; Be it therefore enacted, That the justices thereof shall hold their first court at the house of David Wright, and the said justices, or a majority of them, shall have power to fix on a place in the said county, as near the centre thereof as the situation and convenience will admit of, for building a court-house and prison, and until such buildings are


compleated, to hold courts at such place in the said county as they shall think proper. That in all elections of a senator, the said county of Campbell shall be of the same district with the county of Bedford.


An act for regulating the military and naval arrangements of this state.

1. WHEREAS there are several corps of troops on the state establishment of this commonwealth, which having very few soldiers in them cannot render any essential services, but are nevertheless productive of a considerable annual expence, which ought to be retrenched:


Officers, in state line reduced.

Regiments consolidated

II. Be it therefore enacted, That the officers of the regiments and corps now in the service of this state (except so many of them as are necessary to command the men actually in service) be, and they are hereby reduced; and the governor, with the advice of council, is hereby directed and required to consolidate the officers and men which shall be retained in service, into one or more corps, according to the number of privates, in such manner as shall be judged most expedient: Provided, That as the number of privates shall be lessened by the expiration of their enlistments or otherwise, the governor shall, with the advice of council, make from time to time a proportionate reduction Not to affect of officers. Provided also, That nothing contained gen. Spotsin this act shall be construed to affect the legions un- gions. der the command of brigadier general Spotswood.

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III. And be it farther enacted, That the governor, ter masters, with advice of council, is hereby directed and required ries,commiso make immediate enquiry into the departments of sioners, &c. state quarter-masters, commissaries of purchases and not absolutely necessary, issues, commissioners acting under the provision law, to bec and the state hospital, and to dismiss all persons who charged. G.3


navy redu

shall not be found absolutely necessary for the service of the troops which shall continue in service, and for the transportation of troops, stores and other necessaries for the southern army.

IV. And whereas during the continuance of the present expensive war it is necessary to husband the resources of the state with the utmost oeconomy; and since the finances of the commonwealth will not admit of the putting the naval establishment at present upon such a footing as to be productive of any public benefit adequate to its expenditure;


Officers of V. It is farther enacted, That the officers of the naced & staff, Vy of every denomination, be, and they are hereby reincluding duced; also that all and every person of the naval staff paymasters establishment, including the commissioner of the navy, general of chaplains, surgeons, paymasters, or others, shall be, army and na- and they are hereby dismissed; and that the paymasters general both of the army and navy shall be included among the number hereby directed to be disBut officers, missed; Provided, That such officers as shall be thought for look-out necessary for the command of the look-out boat Liboat Liberty retained. berty, shall be retained in the public service.

vy dismissed.

cers reduced


VI. And be it farther enacted, That the executive Executive to and the officers of government whose business it is, call all offi. shall take care to call all persons hereby reduced or or dismissed dismissed, who have received any public monies on acto account. count, who have possession of any public stores, or who may be in any manner indebted to the state, or chargeable with delinquencies of any kind, to a strict account and settlement, and to exact speedy payment for all balances which may appear to be due. Surplus stores, &c. governor, with the advice of council, may also order any surplus stores of provisions which may be in possession of the state quarter-masters, commissioners acting under the provision law, or commissaries, and are of a perishable nature, to be delivered over to the similar continental departments, taking care that proper vouchers, to make the continent chargeable therewith, be lodged with the auditors; or may otherwise dispose of them in the most beneficial manner for the state.

transferred to similar continental officers.


An act to suspend the operation of an act to enable the congress of the United States to levy a duty on certain goods and merchandizes, and also on all prizes.

I. WHEREAS in consequence of an act of the con- Act authorigress of the United States, recommending it to the se- sing converal states to vest congress with a power enabling gress to levy a duty on them to levy a duty of five per centum ad valorem, on goods im. certain goods, wares and merchandizes, and also on ported, and all prizes and prize goods, the last session of this pre- on prizes sent general assembly passed an act "To enable the suspended, congress of the United States to levy a duty on cer ther states. tain goods and merchandizes, and also on all prizes;" have passed and it being represented that the other states in the similar laws, union have not passed similar laws:

II. Be it enacted, That the operation of the said act shall be, and the same is hereby suspended, until the governor by his proclamation, which he is hereby empowered to issue on being certified that the different states have passed similar laws, shall declare the said act to be again in force.

until the o


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