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(From "XVIII")

July 26, 1824.

I suppose it jarred no chord in the Vale when Byron died, a man of dreadful history, who left no brighter genius behind him. than is gone, and no such blasphemer of heaven or pander to sensuality. But the light of sublimer existence was on his cheek, even in his sarcastic beastliness and coarse sneers, nor seemed less than archangel ruined, and the excess of glory obscured. It is one of the hardest errors to get rid of, the admiration of intellectual excellence though depraved, and one cause is, there seems to be no reason why a spirit should be finely touched for such poor issues. One is glad of eternity, when we find so much to learn. But it is melancholy to have your well dry up, your fountain stopped from whence you were wont to look for an unfailing supply. Men marvel at Scott's never-ending traditions, but they set no bounds to their expectation from Byron's creative genius. Wit, argument, history,

I "The Vale" (Waterford, Maine) was the name of the Haskins farm, in which Miss Emerson had some rights, and which was long her place of residence.

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