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Levellers, iii. 5. 143.

Limerick, articles of, iii. 45.

Limited service, iv. 85.

Linens, Irish, ii. 321.

Lists of minority on new taxes, i. 31. Division on short money
bill in 1779. i. 35. 37. Of majority against declaration of Irish
rights, i. 54. Of division on perpetual mutiny bill in Ireland, i.
79. 81. 89, 90. Members who voted for and against the Union
in 1799, iii. 345. In 1800, iv. 373. 375. 394. 396.

Litta, Cardinal, iv. 392.

Locke on government, i. 114, 115. 243. ii. 208. On parliaments,
ii. 344. iii. 146. On dissolution of government, iii. 387.

Legislation, a trust, iv. 416.

Louis XVIII., King of France, flight to Ghent, iv. 372.

Loyalty of south of Ireland in 1796, iii. 272. Defined, iii. 426.
Not distinct from liberty, iv. 20.

Lushington, Mr., iv. 314.

Luther, ii. 65.

Magna Charta of Ireland, i. 41. 50. 108. iii. 350.
Malmsbury, Lord, obliged to leave Paris, iii. 265. 267. 269.

Manifesto, of clergy against tithe, ii. 163.

Manners, Lord (Irish Chancellor), iv. 328.

Mansfield, Lord, on appeals from Ireland, i. 336.

Majority, list of, against rights of Ireland, i. 55. On perpetual
mutiny-bill, i. 79. 90. Against the Union in 1799, iii. 345. In
favour of the Union in 1800, iii. 375. 395.

Malthus, on population, iv. 369.

Mayor of Dublin, ii. 311. Letter to speaker, iv. 295. Presents
petition of Dublin Corporation at bar of the House, iv. 296.
Maynooth College, iv. 96. 98. 118. 139.

M'Donnel, Randal, iv. 236.

M'Nevin, Dr., iv. 176.

Meath, county of, iii. 157.

Earl of, appeal to Irish House of Lords, i. 38.
Message from the Lord Lieutenant in 1782, i. 122. From the
Lord Lieutenant in 1797, iii. 265. On disarming the north of
Ireland, iii. 297. From his Majesty to the Irish Parliament, on
Union, iii. 377. To British Parliament, on Union, iv. 2. From
the Prince Regent on war with Buonaparte, iv. 372, 373.
Metge, Mr., j. 142. iii. 405.

Methodists, iv. 244.

Methuen, treaty, i. 325. Mr. Paul, iv.
Military establishment in Ireland, i. 3.
Militia, i. 217. iii. 74.

Milner, Doctor, iv. 162. 213.254.
Ministry, list of, April 1782, i. 121.

July, 1782, i. 167. 1783, i.
175.1784. i. 197. Conduct of, in 1793. iii. 41. Change of, in
Ireland, in 1795, iii. 147. 171. List of, in 1806. iv. 81. 95.
List of, in 1807, iv. 99. Causes of change in 1807, iv. 100.
Conduct of Mr. Fox's, towards Ireland, iv. 110.

Minority, list of, on new taxes, i. 31. On perpetual mutiny bill,

i. 80. 89. In favour of Union, in 1799, iii. 346. Against Union,
in 1800, iii. 373. 394.

Modus tenendi Parliamentum, iii. 362.

Moira, Lord, iii. 307. On formation of administration in 1812,
iv. 288, 289,

Molyneux, his celebrated case of Ireland, i. 38. 123. 321.

Monarchy, best form of government, iii. 11.

Money bill, short in 1779, i. 28. 32. 65. 97. In 1789, ii. 128.
Altered by British Council, i. 128. Granted in 1786, i. 289.
Montesquieu, his prediction on British Constitution, ii. 208. His
spirit of laws, iii. 49.

Montgomery, Alexander, i. 140.

Moore, Stephen, ii. 263. 328.

Morpeth, Lord, iv. 256.

Mutiny bill, Irish, perpetual, i. 57. 62. 78. 85.

Munster, clergy of, ii. 179. 181. 186.

Navigation act, ii. 17.

Nelson, Samuel, examination before secret committee, iii. 402,

Nero, Roman Emperor, ii. 229.

Newcome, Dr., iv. 78.

Newenham, Sir Edward, i. 25.
Newton, iv. 416.

Newport, Sir John, iv. 137. 140. 142. 194. 233. 259. On grant
to Maynooth College, iv. 269. On spirit intercourse, iv. 360.
On corn trade, iv. 367. Moves on state of Ireland, iv. 387.
On window tax, iv. 406, 407. 428.

Neutrals, rights of, iv. 168.

Nicholl, Sir John, iv. 263.

Nomination, domestic, of Catholic Bishops, iv. 213.
Non-Importation, agreement from England, i. 308.

Nootka Sound, iii. 396.

North, Lord, i. 46. Removal of from ministry, i. 121. Conduct
to America, ii. 19. 111. 256.

Norfolk, Duke of, iv. 415.

Northington, (Lord Lieutenant,) i. 196.

Noy, (Attorney-general to Charles I.) on ship money, i. 298. ii.
246. 288, 289.

Oath taken by Roman Catholics, iv. 306, 307.

O'Connar, Arthur, iii. 399.

Ogle, George, i. 140.

O'Hara, Charles, i. 63. 118.

O'Leary, Dr., controversy with Dr. Woodward, defence of, by
Mr. Curran, ii. 14, 15.

O'Neill, John, i. 118.

Orders in Council, i. 133. 164. 172.

His pension, ii. 99.

Orde, Mr. (Secretary), introduces commercial propositions, i. 214.
222. Moves for bill on, i. 230.
Orangemen, outrages by, iii. 220, 221. 225. Hostile to Catholics,
iv. 158. Discountenanced by government, iv. 387, 388.

[blocks in formation]

Papal Bulls, iv. 348.

On religion, iv. 146.

Paris, battle of, in 1814, iv. 372.

Matthew, the historian, witness to charter to Ireland, from
Henry II., i. 108.

Parnell, Sir John, dismissed for opposing Union, iii. 365. 406.
Motion in 1800 to address his Majesty to dissolve the parlia-
ment, iii. 44.

-, Henry, iv. 176. On Irish tithes, iv. 194. Resolutions
on corn laws, iv. 362. Presents Catholic petition in 1815.

i. 385.
Parliaments in England, antiquity of, iii. 137. In Ireland, seldom
called, iii. 144. Of Ireland, splendid acts of, iv. 75.
Parsons, Sir Lawrence, ii. 70. On Regency, ii. 127. 136. On
influence in parliament, ii. 219. 262. On French war, iii. 119.
On recall of Lord Fitzwilliam, motion for short money bill, iii.
162. 171. Moves censure on Lord Westmoreland, iii. 198.
On loyalty of south of Ireland, iii. 272. Motion to raise a
yeomanry, iii. 287. On Union, in 1799, iii. 344. 350. Motion
as to interference of military, at time of Union, iii. 376.
Peerage, sale of, ii. 249. 253. 266. 285. 291. iii. 10. iv. 17. 318.
Pelham, Mr., i. 173. iii. 287. (Secretary,) iii. 316.

Peele, Robert, (Secretary), iv. 313. Censures Orange Societies,
iv. 388. Opposes Roman Catholics, iv. 400.

Penal Code described by Mr. Grattan, iii. 52. Effects on Ireland,
iv. 204, 205. Described by Lord Avonmore, iv. 153. Repeal
of, iv. 205.

Pension List in Ireland, i. 2. 279.

ii. 137. 258. 324.

Bill moved by Mr. Forbes,

Percival, Spencer, iv. 162. 183. Chancellor of Exchequer, iv.
239. 254. Assassination of, iv. 287. 293.

Pery, Edward Sexton (Speaker), Speech of, i. 55. 97. 173.
Resigns as Speaker, i. 261. Letter of, i. 263. Praise of, by
Mr. Grattan, iv. 78. On corn trade of Ireland, iv. 367.
Petitions, Catholic, iii. 264. Against Union from all parts of Ire-
land, iii. 344. 376. 397. 406. 413.

Pigott, Sir Arthur, iv. 259. 419.

Pilkington, case of, i. 113. 115.

Pitt, William, supports Reform, i. 167. 200. On war, in 1796,
iii. 234. 243. His speeches on Union, iii. 365. 424. On Union
of Great Britain with Ireland, iv. 14, 15, 16. Death of, iv.
81. Communication with Roman Catholics at time of Union,
iv. 162. 199. 317. Remarks on, by Sir Samuel Romilly, iv. 221.
by Mr. Canning, iv. 222.

Placemen who voted on new taxes, i. 37. Who voted on short
money bill, i. 32. Who voted for the Union, iv. 5, 6, 7.
Place Bill, ii. 92.

Plumer, Sir Thomas (Solicitor General), iv. 120. 209.

Plunket, William Conyngham, iv. 106. 108. 122. Remarks on, by
Mr. Grattan, iv. 127. Praise of, by Mr. Whitbread, iv. 162.
On Catholic petition, iv. 312. 333. On war with Buonaparte,
iv. 384. On state of Ireland, iv. 388. On window tax, iv. 428.
Police, Dublin, i. 290. ii. 74. 151. 306. iii. 76. Resolutions moved
by Mr. Grattan, iii. 168.

Ponsonby, George, i. 123. Defends his father, in reply to Mr.
Flood, i. 177. On regency, ii. 104. 109. On tithes, ii. 186.
On the sale of peerages, ii. 285. On Irish trade with India,
ii. 298. 315. On Roman Catholic bill, iii. 73. 166. On Lord
Fitzwilliam's recall, iii. 181. On suspension of Habeas Corpus
Act, iii. 246. Replies to Mr. Toler, iii. 284. His amend-
ment on the question of Union in 1799, iii. 344. 379. His re-
solutions, iii. 410.426. On convention act, iv. 233. 259. On
regency question, iv. 216. On Catholic question, iv. 271. 286.
Seconds Mr. Grattan's motion, iv. 312. 385. 419.

William Brabazon, his plan of reform, iii. 332.
Pole, William Wellesley, (Mr.), his circular letter, iv. 232. 256.

258. 319.

Pope Pius VII., how treated by Bonaparte, iv. 280, 281.
Pope reinstated by Great Britain, iv. 69. 208. 413.

iv. 182. 211. 412.

On the Veto,

Porchester, Lord, motion on Scheldt expedition, iv. 185.

Portland, (Lord Lieutenant,) i. 121. Conduct in 1782, i. 225.
Opinion on the government of Ireland, iii. 176. 183. 409.

Poynings' Law, i. 39. 49. ii. 336. iii. 358.

Poynter, Doctor, iv. 392.

Presbyterians of Bangor, petition of, i. 124.

Press, attack on freedom of, ii. 352, 353.

Priesthood, Catholic, iv. 139.

Prince of Wales, ii. 109. Address to, ii. 118. Answers of, ii.
133. 141. Regent, iv. 275. Negociation for new ministry, iv.
289. Debts and income of, iv. 357.

Message from, iv. 373.

Letter to, from Princess of Wales, iv. 353.

Privilege, breach of, iii. 22. 24, 25.

Proclamation of Lord Lieutenant in 1793, iii. 26. Of General
Lake, disarming Ulster, iii. 299.

Propositions, commercial, Irish, i. 215. 222. 225. 230. 240. 250.
256. 261. ii. 22. iii. 407. 427.

Protestant ascendancy, described by Mr. Curran, ii. 364. By
Mr. Grattan, ii. 369. 382. iii. 63. iv. 75. 77.

resolutions of Irish counties in favour of the Roman
Catholics, iv. 154. Petition from, favourable to Catholics,
iv. 271.

Puffendorf, iii. 386, 387.

Purcel, Dr., Catholic, iii. 54.61.

Pym, Mr., i. 115.

Re-assumption, Act of, i. 99.

Rebellion in Ireland, Causes of, iv. 17, 18. In north of Ireland,
iv. 64.

Reduction, military, i. 186. 189.

Reform, parliamentary, i. 191. iii. 18. 31. 127. 134. 147. 332. iv.

179. 181.

Regency, ii. 109. 118. 133. Proceedings in British House of
Commons, ii. 120. Conduct of Lord Lieutenant, the Marquis
of Buckingham on, ii. 124. Deputation to Prince of Wales,
ii. 125. Of 1810, iv. 214.230. Resolutions, iv. 220. Restric-
tions on, iv. 226.

Religion, Christian, ii. 67, 68.

Repeal, 6 Geo. I., act of, iii. 353, 354.
Rescripts from Rome, iv. 350.

Revenue of Ireland, iii. 216, 421. Officers' bill, ii. 144. Laws of,
ii. 231. Commissioners of, ii. 206. Expence of, in Ireland, ii. 227.
Revolution of 1688, iii. 188, 189. iv. 72. 401. In Ireland, in 1782,
iv. 206.

Roche, Sir Boyle, i. 140.

Repeal, simple, of 6 Geo. I., i. 143.

Responsibility bill, ii. 326.

Richmond, Duke of, Lord Lieutenant, iv. 257.

Right, declaration of, Irish. Debate on, i. 38. 40. 45. 54. 64. 119.
104. 129. 131. List of division on, i. 55.

Riot Act, ii. 1.

Roberts, Lord, ii. 283.

Rogers, Major, conduct of, at Union, iii. 376.

Roman Catholics admitted to certain rights in 1782, i. 98, 99. 102.
104. ii. 365. Petition rejected in 1792, ii. 376. Conduct of
government towards, iii. 68. Bill of 1793, debates on, iii. 44.
49.55. 60. 66. 69.71.73. Bill proposed by Mr. Grattan in 1795,
iii. 165. Expect emancipation bill from Lord Fitzwilliam in
1795, iii. 177. Bill introduced by Mr. Grattan, iii. 187. 245.
247. Resolutions proposed by Mr. Grattan to admit to seats in
Parliament in 1796. iii. 251. 255. 261. 264. Conduct of, at
Union, iii. 263. Petition to Imperial Parliament in 1805, iv. 57.
59.66.69. 73.79. Efforts in Lord Howick's administration to
introduce into army and navy, iv. 100. 103. 108. 112. 115. 117.
Conduct of, iv. 132. Petition informal, iv. 137. Grant to col-
lege, iv. 117. 140. 268. 270. Promotion of bishops, iv. 149.
Foreign, encouraged by British Government, iv. 144. Property
in Ireland, iv. 154. Debate on petition presented by Mr. Grat-
tan in 1808, iv. 142. 150. 154. 162. By Mr. Grattan, in 1810,
iv. 181. 183. A committee moved for, iv. 196. 200. 208. 213.
Convention act enforced against, iv. 231.234. 238. Petition
presented by Mr. Grattan in 1811, iv. 239. 242. 249. 254. 256.
Mr. Pole's letter regarding convention, iv. 257. 260. 265. 268.
Protestant petition from Ireland in favour of, presented by Mr.
Grattan in 1812, iv. 271. 276. 280. 284. 286. Mr. Canning's
motion respecting, iv. 292. 294. Mr. Grattan presents petition
and moves for committee in 1813, iv. 297. 300. 310. 312. 314.
Committee on, iv. 315. 320. Sir John Cox Hippesley's motion
regarding, iv. 321. 325. 332. Speaker (Abbot) moves omission

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