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been raised above their level by the promoters and members of the numerous agricultural societies: their former humility and respect for their superiors is nearly gone by; and by having purchased the farms they before tenanted, they have formed a new class of country esquires, but without the sentiment of birth, or polish of education. When then it is considered what manner of men we have to deal with, the legislature must be sensible, how urgent the necessity is, that an amelioration of the state of the inferior Clergymen may enable them to preserve their rank, and utility in the world. I shall say but one word more on this point, and that is, that after all the guards and restraints the bill has placed on farming, the system of new regulations, from the constitution of church property, must remain imperfect; for what is to prevent that portion of the clergy from engaging to a very large extent in it, who have received by the inclosure acts, allotments of 4, 5, and even 1200 acres of land, as a commutation for tythes, unless the government, which it is not likely to do, should invade the rights of private property, and direct how much of his own land each proprietor shall cultivate; so that, whilst the poor vicar is pining in want, and receiving the charities perhaps of his parishioners, dealt out to him as their dependant, (a degradation which a farm might have rescued him from), his wealthy neighbour, though of the same profession, is filling his barns with grain, and laying up the stores of future abundance.-Whether then the allowance of farming, in a less restricted sense, may not be worth the reconsideration of the legislature, I humbly submit-If it affects the character of the clergyman in one degree, it will in all; for it must be carried on by the intervention of the same means; and I know no other pursuit for them of a more harmless and inoffending nature, and so intimately connected with the great object of the bill-residence; and I believe it will be a much more agreeable sight to the Lords of manors, to see the parish priest superintending his reapers, than amusing himself in the destruc. tion of game,"



The beautiful simplicity and energy of the following lines, so expressive of the sensibility and piety which produced them, will, I trust, ensure their insertion in your next number. They were presented by

the writer to

[blocks in formation]

And are those Eyes for ever clos'd
By Death's eternal seal :

That heart where purest virtue glow'd,
Has it forgot to feel?

Silent is all!-Thou can'st not hear
Sorrow's o'erwhelming storm,
Nor feel these agonising tears
Which bathe thy lifeless form!

The clouds of darkness are dispers❜d,
New rays of light appear;
An angel rises from the dust,
Celestial joys to share.

The soul unfetter'd, wings its flight,

From ev'ry earthly claim,

To regions of eternal light,

To praise a Saviour's name.

This thought my bursting heart should ease,
As I thy pains review;

The pang which bade pulsation cease,
Was faint to this adieu !




BEING of opinion, that the following elegant lines, addressed to the

ingenious and respectable Mrs. Clara Reeve, authoress of the Old English Baron, and many other useful and entertaining publications, will be an acceptable present to your readers, and afford them the same delight they have afforded me,. I send them to be inserted in your miscellany. This I venture to do without the consent or knowledge either of the author of the lines, or of the lady, to whom they are addressed, As, however, they reflect honour on both, I indulge the hope, that the publication of them will not prove displeasing to either. I am, Gentlemen, your's, &c,

Rempstone, Feb. 21, 1803.

E. P.

Lines addressed to the Authoress of the OLD ENGLISH BARON, on reading her M. S. treatise on Conchology.

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FROM guilt's black terrors, and from feats of arms,
Honour's high tone, and gentle love's alarms;
From energies, which all the soul engage,
Charm list'ning youth, and sooth reposing age,
See Clara's muse to humbler scenes descend
(Her course tho' varied, still the same her end)
The lonely strand, the silent deep explore,
And from mute shells extract the pious lore;


Mark their rich tints, pursue their flowing line,
And in each beauty trace the Hand Divine.

Thus Clara's labour rests; and thus the sun,!
His daily course of active glory run,

Whilst milder splendours o'er his ev'ning close,
In ocean's bosom finds at length repose,



T night's late hour, I view'd Eliza pale,
Her cheeks then white as lilies of the vale,
Lol as the skies refresh the plants with dews,
So balmy sleep her wasted strength renews,

Now, her lov'd cheeks their vermeil tints disclose,
And change the lily for the blushing rose.

Feb. 21, 1803.

M. D.



JULY 2. Saturday last the Rev. John Whalley Master, M. A. of Brasenose college, was admitted Bachelor in Divinity. The Right Hon. Lord Arthur Somerset, of Oriel College, and the Rev. Thomas T. Coxwell, of Pembroke college, Bachelors of Arts, were admitted Masters of Arts. And Mr. Henry Mears, of Merton college, was admitted Ba chelor of Arts.

Thursday Mr. Robert Allen, of University college, and the Rev. James W. Burford, of Wadham college, Bachelors of Arts, were admitted Masters of Arts. Messrs. Edward Nicholson, and John Starkie Jack son, of Queen's college, James Dunne, of Worcester college, and Alex ander Scott, of Christ Church, were admitted Bachelors of Arts.

Yesterday the Rev. Robert Dynely, Bachelor of Arts, of Lincoln col lege, was admitted Master of Arts, grand compounder. The Rev. James Venables, of Corpus Christi college, and John Ellard, of Wadham col lege, Bachelors of Arts, were admitted Masters of Arts. And Mr. William Price, of Pembroke college, was admitted Bachelor of Arts. Wednesday se'nnight Mr. Samuel Elsdale, and Mr. John Wilson, Bachelor of Arts, of Lincoln college, were elected Fellows of that So ciety.

Yesterday Messrs. Fox, Bright, Spencer, and Price, were elected Fellows; and Messrs. Wills, Symons, Prower, and Gibson, scholars of Wadham college.

The Rev. Jervoise Jervoise Purefoy Jervoise, clerk, B. LL. is insti tuted to the rectory of Stretton-on-the Foss, with Ditchford annexed, in this diocese, void by the death of the Rev. William Longford.

A dispensation has passed the great seal, to enable the Rev. William Baker, LL. B. chaplain to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, to hold the vicarage of Stonehouse, (together with the rectory of Dowdes well,) in the county and diocese of Gloucester, on the presentation of the King.

9th.] Tuesday the Rev. George Somers Clarke, of Trinity college, and Robert Farington, of Brasenose college, Bachelors in Divinity, were admitted

admitted Doctors in Divinity; Edward Aubery, Esq. Bachelor of Arts, of Oriel college, was admitted Master of Arts, grand compounder. The Rev. John Hyde, Bachelor of Arts, of Baliol college, was admitted Master of Arts. And Mr. John Beckwith, Student in Music, of Magdalen hall, was admitted Bachelor and Doctor in Music.

Thursday the Rev. William Mogg Bowen, Master of Arts, and Student in Divinity, of All Souls' college, was admitted Bachelor in Divinity. The Rev. John Bayley Sommers Carwithen, of St. Mary hall, Mr. Willingham Franklin, of Oriel college, Mr. Robert Cropp Taunton, of Corpus Christi college, and the Rev. George Sherer, of New college, Bachelors of Arts, were admitted Masters of Arts.

The Reverend Henry Halliwell, B. D. Fellow of Brasenose college, is presented by that society to the rectory of Clayton, in Sussex.

16th.] Saturday last, the Rev. William Mogg Bowen, B. D. of All Souls' college, and Master of the Grammar-school at St. Alban's, was admitted Doctor in Divinity. William Wellwood Moncrief, Esq. of Baliol college, M. A. and Student in Civil Law, was admitted Bachelor and Doctor in Civil Law. The Hon. C. Douglas, of All Souls' college, and Robert Howard, of Worcester college, Bachelors of Arts, were admitted Masters of Arts.-Mr. Robert Ashe, of Trinity college, was admitted Bachelor of Arts.

Tuesday the Rev. Edward Duke, of Magdalen hall, was admitted Bachelor of Arts.

Wednesday the Rev. Clarke Jenkins, of Lincoln college, John Wilcox, of Pembroke college, and Mr. J. P. Hewlet, of Magdalen college, Bachelors of Arts, were admitted Masters of Arts.

Yesterday Robert Allen, Master of Arts, and Student in Medicine, of University college, was admitted Bachelor and Doctor, and also to practise in medicine, The Rev. Richard Darke, of Brasenose college, and John Timbrill, of Worcester college, Masters of Arts, and Students in Divinity, were admitted Bachelors in Divinity. The Rev. William Hoblyn Lake, Bachelor of Arts, of Wadham college, was admitted Master of Arts.

23.] Yesterday was instituted, by the Right Rev. the Bishop of this diocese, Dr. Forbes, Fellow of St. John's college, to the vicarage of Kirklington in this county.

On Saturday July 23, the Rev. Mr. Busby was installed one of the Prebends of St. George's Chapel, Windsor, in the room of Dr. Fisher, and yesterday he went through the customary form of reading himself in.


JULY 2. The Honourable and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Ely, has presented the Rev. James Foster, B. D. Fellow of St. John's col lege, and curate of Doddington, in the isle of Ely, to the valuable rectory of Ratingnon, in the county of Essex.

The Reverend the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury have been pleased to appoint Mr. Starr, of that city, attorney at law, to be their auditor, in the room of Mr. Benson, resigned.

On Monday the Rev. Thomas Anthony Mutlow, B. A. was elected, by the Rev. the Dean and Chapter, a Minor Canon of Canterbury Cathedral, vacant by the decease of the Rev. Mr. Lardner. He was like, wise presented by the Dean and Chapter to the united rectories of St. Ani drew with St. Mary Bredman, in that city, vacant by the death of the Rev. William Gregory, M. A.


Mr. Nelson, a relation of Lord Nelson, is elected to a Tancred student-ship of Christ's college.

8.] The Rev. Henry Lloyd, once Fellow of Trinity college, now Regius Professor of Hebrew, and the Reverend Thomas Sampson, of Trinity college, minister of Camberwell chapel, Lambeth, were on Wednesday admitted Doctors in Divinity.

Mr. John Fowler, and Mr. M. Á. Parker, of St. John's college, and Mr. William Gibbs, of Jesus, were on Monday admitted Bachelors of Arts.

On Tuesday last, being Commencement Day, the following noblemen and gentlemen were admitted to the several degrees undermentioned : Doctor in Divinity.

Dr. Bowyer Edward Sparke, of Pembroke-hall, dean of Bristol. 2 Doctors of Physic.

Dr. James Fellowes, and Dr. George Rhodes, Fellows of Caius college.

3 Doctors in Civil Law.

Dr. John Johnson, of Caius college; Dr. Herbert Jenner, of Trinity hall; Dr. Andrew Thomas, of St. John's college.

3 Bachelors in Divinity.

The Rev. John Sampson, of Trinity College; the Rev. William Win◄ thorpe, of St. John's; the Rev. William Holme, of Emmanuel.

7 Bachelors in Civil Law.

Messrs. James Hewgill, of Jesus college; Inigo William Jones, of Trinity college; James Oliver, of Emmanuel; William Michael Lally, of Peterhouse; Robert Twiss, of Pembroke hall; Augustus Gosling, of Trinity hall; and Charles Pepys, of Trinity college.

5 Bachelors of Physic.

Messrs. Thomas Young, and T. Browning, of Emmanuel college; William Henry Williams, and John Stancliffe, of Caius college; and E. Moore, of Trinity hall.

9 Honorary Master of Arts.

The Hon. Hercules Robert Pakenham, of Caius college, son of lord Longford.

The Hon. Henry Cust, of Trinity college, second son of Lord Brownlow.

The Hon. Mr. Cavendish, of Trinity college, son of Lord George Cavendish, and nephew to the Duke of Devonshire.

The Hon Mr. Stewart, of Trinity college, son of the Earl of Galloway.

Sir Edward Hamilton, Bart, of Emmanuel college.

Lord Viscount Royston, of St. John's college, eldest son of his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.

The Hon. William Henry Rowland Irby, of St. John's college, son of the Hon. William Henry Irby, and nephew of Lord Boston.

Lord Viscount Pollington, of Trinity college, son of the Earl of Mexborough.

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The Hon. Mr. Lamb, of Trinity college, son of Lord Melbourne.

King's college.

79 Masters of Arts.

Messrs. Gandy, Davey,

Trinity college. Messrs. Ives, Collins, Baker, Tooth, Walford, Bayley, Boynton, W. Davies, R. Davies, Preston. Kempe, Barnes, Le Bas, Turner,

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St. John's college. Messrs. Tatham, Whitear, Whistler, Trevelyan, Bishop, Skynner, Hamilton, Williams, Mortlock, Rooke, Walker, Mu

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