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SALTS, natural hift. of, 136. Ac-
count of fome neutral falts made
with vegetable acids, &c. 357
Of a falt lake, 422.
SAXONS, Anglo, their coins, 89.

Had great plenty of cash, 190.
SCOTTICISMS, remarkable coll. of,
from Bolwell's account of Corfi.
ca, 149.

SCURVEY, propofal for prevent-
ing, in the navy, 370.
SEA-air, moft wholesome in hot
climates, 429.

SHARP, Mr. W. his account of an
intrum. for fractured legs, 355.
SHASTER, Curious extracts from,

SHILLING, derivation of that word,

89. History of that coin, ib.
SOCRATES, his philofophy altered
by Plato, 507; more faithfully
delivered by Xenophon, 59.
His laudable zeal for the refor-
mation of the Athenians, 513.
His modeft deportment to those
with whom he converfed, 514;
his admirable dexterity in his dif
putes with the Sophifts, ib. His
great fuccefs in cultivating the
paffions of young people, 515.
SOUL, its immateriality whimfical-

ly proved, 219. Those of brutes
afferted, 220. The medium by
which the foul is connected with
the body, pointed out, 222.
Its intermediate fate. 297.
SPAIN, her premature, invafion of
Portugal. in the late war, 391.
SPARS and chryftals, theory of
their formation, 427.
SPARTANS, ancient enemies of

ftill fubfifting, and where, 553.
SPENCE, Mr. his criticism on sev.
paffages in Virgil 169.
SPRY, Dr. his account of a lock'd
jaw &c. cured by electricity,

SUDORIPICS, exp. on, 207.
SUN, the proportion of its height
on the planets, refpectively
greater or lefs than on the earth,
afcertained, 293.

SWIFT, Dean, his letters to Stella,
454 account of his declining
health, 458; of his deplorable
infanity, 459.

SWINTON, Mr. his defcription of
a meteor feen at Oxford, 418;
of fwarms of gnats feen there, ib.
STUPOR,an extraord. cafe of, cured
by inoculation of the itch, 529.


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ALMAN, an architect, fome
account of, 182.
TEBASHIR, what, 354.
TEETH, method of preferving, 98.
TISSOT, Dr. his obfervations on the

morbus niger, 529. On a Schir-
rhus of the pancreas, ib
TOGGENBURGER, Dr. inoculates
the itch to cure a melancholy
patient, 529.

Toor H-ach, its various causes, 95.

Of the aguish tooth-ach, 96.
TRANQUEBAR, an healthy fettle
ment of the Danes, in Eaft In-
dia, 346.
TURKS, their government less ar-
bitrary than is generally fup-
pofed, 111. The fubordinate
parts thereof praised, 113. m-
terior policy of, 115. Their
exemplary modefty with refpeet
to the fair fex, 118. Remark-
able inftance of the freedom of
their women, in their behaviour
to men, 119. State of matri-
mony in Turkey, 122,



EDAM, a name erroneously
given to the Shafter of the
Hindoos, 381.

VESUVIUS, Curious acc, of the last
eruption of, 418.

VIRGIL, Geor. L. iv. 287. cri-
tic fed, 169. Several paffages
in his neid eriucifed, 170.-
His tomb. diff. on, 171.
VOLTAIRE, abufed by Ba-
retti, 55. His reflections on
Monks, 127. Defended against
Baretti, 323 A writer in the
Encyclopedie 544. His ridi-
cule of experimental philofo-
phers, for their cruelty to ani-

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AGER, ftore-fhip, accurate
account of the several pub-


WHITEWAY, Mrs. her letter to
Mr. Pope, relative to the cafe of
Dean Swift's declining health
and understanding, 458.
WINDEBANK, Secretary, letters
from, to Ch. I. 2—12.
WOODEN fhoes, apology for, 446.
WOTTON, Sir Henry, account of
him, as an architect, 180.
WOULFE, Mr. his exper. on the
diftillation of acids, &c. 357.
WREN, Sir Chrift. acc. of, 182.


ENOPHON, more faithful to

lications relating to the loss of the original, in his portrait of

and the diftreffes of the crew, 319.
WALKER, Mr. his affaffination at
Montreal. 484.

WARREN, Dr. his account of the
bronchial polypus, 40.
WHITE fwellings of the joints, me-
thod of treating, 34.
WHITEHURST,Mir. his obfervations
on the extraordinary cold at Der-
by, in 1767, 421.

Socrates, than Plato, 508, 509,


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ERRATA, in this VOLUM E.

Page 155, 1. penult. of Chauncy's Letter, for the paying, read
by paying.

163, for Lady Francis, read Lady Frances.

176, In the Head-title to the article of Grecian Archi-
tecture, infert the Name of the Author,-Capt.
Stephen Riou.

397, 1.6, for lightening, read tightening:

406, 1. 23, for the labour, read his labour.

ERRATA in the laft APPENDIX.


Page 577, I. 27, for management, read menagement.
30, for when treating, read when he treats.
578,-15, from the bottom, for 1760, read 1768.
580, 25, read action of the veffels on the fluids."
30, for to arife, read to have arifen.
589,- 7, for in the practice, read on the practice.

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