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ties of the labouring world of ruin. Here follows the devil's deluding proclamation and the enemy entering from the north into York state near Vermont.

Camp, Odelltown, 30th August, 1814.

Major gen. Brisbane having received instructions to advance with the troops under his command into the territory of the United States, avails himself of the opportunity of requesting that commanding officers will use every exertion to maintain the strictest discipline in the troops under their command; and he holds them responsible that in every instance where a complaint is made to him of any injury sustained by the Inhabitants that he will see them redressed (1) and whatever damage is done, is instantly to be paid for, and charged against those concerned; and where this cannot le ascertained, to the corps in general, so that unoffending Feople may not be the sufferers. In taking the neces

(1) Will you be at British mercy, how did the serpent promise Adam, will British power though with all its fair promising make redress to our butchered inhabitants, for injuries sustained by their soldiery, did Britain ever possess a spark of humanity, when her own officers will at one single word lay waste even the finest edifices and cities of the world without the least regard to humanity, can we not remember the broken promises of the serpent and the suffering of innocent men, women and children at Copenhagen, the East-Indies, and the cities and villages of our revolution, where have they respected private property in this war, than where their policy, pleasure and good picking dictated, how did they respect the innocent people of the village of Alexandria, of Hampton, of Havre-deGrace, it is an anti-christian nation that lays waste our seaboard under flames & tribute, whenever they want won't they supply their wants when the power of our country is in their hands won't they as before the revolution abuse us, won't they take all our property even to bedding, clothing, provisions, and even make us slaves, whenever they can do it consistent to themselves and tovies loitering among us., We once revolted for safety

sary precaution against individuals who may so far for get what is due to themselves & their country as to commit acts of plunder or violence, the Major General is at the same time fully convinced, that almost the whole of the troops are determined that their conduct shall not bring disgrace on the British uame, (2) he therefore calls upon them to discover those who may be guilty of any act of plunder or oppression, that they may be brought to the punishment they merit; and the soldiers must soon find that such a line of conduct will add much to their comforts for the inhabitants of the country finding that they are properly treated and protectcd, will bring every article requisite, into the camp (5) for those who remain quiet in their houses are not in the smallest degree to be molested, nor their property taken from them, without their full consent, and its being paid for, as it is not against such persons that Great Britain makes war; but against the government whose folly and ambition has brought the miseries of war into their country and the army and individuals in arms in support of such a government.

The Major General commanding has requested the Magistrates of the country to explain to the people his object and determination on entering the American

(2) This they can declare with safety, for the British name and character cannot be disgraced more than it now is.

(3) If you dispose of provisions for the enemy how in the name of God can the British arms protect you from the danger of ruin, it is treason to aid and assist the enemy, according to the constitution of our salvation, consequently death from which how can the British protect you, when if recolonized, that which is dearer than life, your dear liberty, is lost in British tyranny. Britain don't protect even her own people's property, life and liberty, did not we revolt for the purpose of protection, are not the British people worse ruined than death can ruin ; then but unite and we escaper both dreadful events.

territory, and he trusts that the conduct of the soldiers will be such as to reflect no shade of dishonor on their country.

By command of Maj. Gen. BRISBANE,


Major of Brigade.

Is it not a lie that Britain don't make war against such persons, as her proclamation officers and tories entice to succumb to her ruinous delusion and forsake their own dear country and government, is it possible to make war against the government of a people and not against the people, but it is against our government it is against our being on independent people,from British misery; it is a lie, it was never the folly of our ambitious rulers, that made thi, war, but Britain has contrary to the law of nations, of God, of nature and of humanity, carried on a ruinous war against our existence as an independent people, this more than eight years, but our want of ambition and bravery delayed its declaration to the people till the last moments of despair, had congress withheld from the people the knowledge of their dreadful danger, only three months longer, our country would have been ruined, had we not declared war the very June we did, we should have never been in arms against our dangerous enemy's dreadful danger, but we should have had a civil war among our selves, which would have thrown us directly at the British footstool.

What else than necessity could induce our administration to declare war, when their own popularity is thereby so dangerously jeopardized by a people even as wise as are the Columbians; did not the administration trust to the wisdom and patriotism of the people to support them; when was there a republic wise and able to discern the light of the truth, which alone could guard against the devil's cunning artful minority in so hold a step. when aristocrats ascend to Congress in peace, they fall as sudden as they rise, but

when they rise the aggressor in war, they are royal masters for life, have not the administration of every republic that ever existed, been overthrown by being by the emissaries of kings, kicked into a war as we was against kings, our administration declared themselves in arms to the open public world, against the most powerful and dangerous commercial foe that ever existed; a mother king too, with all his secreted corresponding emissaries and spies, in the bosom of our country of the same blood and language, hugging and tugging in commercial secrecy, with our cunning artful minority of lawyers and merchants, and priestcraft deviltre, full of eloquence and lying arguments, clothed under the soft cloak of peace makers, pretending to an ignorant community that their rulers are the devil and themselves God, to delude the people out of their votes, patriotism and of their elected rulers; did these same enemies of liberty, though with all their cunning, maintain their popularity in Adams's administration, when at war only with a distant republic of no danger, even when France had half of Europe in arms against her, and when she was not mistress of the seas, and had no Canada to fortify armies upon, and by tories and commerce clothe, feed and winter them on our own production, as it were in our bosoms; France had not even a thousandth part the advantage of a favorite minority, over the Adams administration, as have the cunning Britons and tories over the present; yet a hampered press sedition law, and all the cunning that a Hamilton could contrive, could not keep devils in power, with all the British commercial state, tape, buckram, religion, lords and lawyers, to help them; the reason why, they were thieves, they stole the people's hearts, and in favor of kings slavery, drove a free people against a free people for the ascension of French kings, instead of our people helping France, fight against kings, as are the Columbians now for their li berties; and as they did at the revolution, with free presses and plain truth, union and liberty; all republics have been destroyed for the want of wisdom in the people, to support their friends in power, for the return of peace by the sword of union and equal rights;

those who declared us in arms in June, ran all the risque, their very lives were at stake, necessity declared this war; if they are successful, this is the first republic that ever stood the like storm, and God grant us success. Turn back to page 214, and observe the correspondence between the spy Henry and the Cana da governor. To divide us into a civil war, by which to sap us out of our independence, has ever been the British aim, and her emissaries and tories, established their secret junto connivance for no other purpose, than openly charge our people by proclamation, that themselves brought the miseries of war in their country, for which will fight us; into whose country have the Columbians brought war? not into a British country. Never did the Columbians invade any country, to which the British king and nobility have any right to enslave or have dominion,; when did the Columbians disturb the British capitol ? what more business has Britain to Canada than we have? what right has Britain to harrass the unoffending Canadians ? what right has Britain to any of God's land that does not join the British island? when did the Columbians invade any foreign people? we only wish to relieve our own nation, the Canadians are Columbians as well as ourselves. To our northern line, God knows no land mark; we as much wish to be surrounded by the ocean for our safety, as does the British fast anchored nobility; to these states, though colonies the Canadians owed their liberties, though changed from one master to another, to us they are indebted for help to rid themselves of all masters; the only liberty Canada has, was through a hope that by them America is Britain's. Was it the folly and ambition of Washington, that brought the miseries of war in their country at the revolution? Is it not a dishonor and disgrace to any people, to be mauled round in danger and calamity, by the rod of a foreign despot, a robber, an invader, a mean bankrupt robbing nation, invading and robbing a foreign land of labourers, never their own for the support of idle no bles, but which is the property of a.people born to be free? why is not the Canadian laborer as deserving of his independent freedom in a land in which he was

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