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the constitution as good as they had got it, and to have nothing said without the walls, that the popularity of the deputies should not be injured in the eyes of their constituents, as the times were then too delusive for establishing any better constitution than the one we have, and so trust its defects to the better administration of it, accordingly all agreed that the last formula be added, and it was as follows, viz. done in convention by the unanimous consent of all the states present.

At the Maryland convention upon the subject of adopting the constitution, Luther Martin a member therein for the first time expressed the views of a party, determined to establish a kingly aristocracy upon Hamilton's plan, which Hamilton extracted from Peter Porcupine's writings, volume 1st, page 90, which constitution of Hamilton's was published after our constitution was adopted, to destroy his popularity; in it was that the representatives should hold their offices three years, and the senate and governor instead of president, during good behaviour. Of course they would behave very well during life, and if they behaved ever so bad, none being the judge but-themselves, their good behaviour would only be the devil's behaviour, which we know to be bad, for we behold the slavery of all Europe, to be like that from which we revolted. The most tyrannical nation of Europe, have their kings in in no other manner than during good behaviour, and which is the only thing that destroys liberty, because no one has the property he possesses, who has no power in the government under which he lives, to govern an owner ship in that property, but himself is the slave and property of masters, which his voice cannot remove from domineering over him with all the power of his nation. A president in for life, is a proud oppres-sive master over you, because your constitution will not allow of his removal, whereas was he to be elected every year, he is then your humble and agreeable ser-vant, for he is at your mercy to be removed when the year comes round, when if he does not behave wise and well, you can elect another, not only all this, but he will serve you a thousand times better than if he

was a permanent king, least the people remove him from office with disgrace.

A government formed on Hamilton's plan, said the Washingtons, would have been a monarchy in every thing but the name, this is very true said the Hamiltons; and America wanted precisely such a govern ment, but the delusion of the times would not have permitted America to be called a monarchy, said Hamiltons; this delusion of the times, (made by tories) was the great wish for liberty impressed on the minds of the people, by the love of that liberty which the British yoke excited, and Washington told us to be jealous of; dangerous enemies, are every where among every people on earth.

Because Adams dismissed Pickering from the of fice of secretary of state, and appointed Mr. Gerry a minister to France, Hamilton in return sought ven geance upon him; Hamilton then wrote a most cruel libel against Mr. Adams, in order to defeat his re-election, a cunning pamphlet, but which was designed merely for the federal electors, to decide them in favor of federal Charles C. Pinckney for president.

This book let the cat out of the bag, as the devil is always his own destroyer; the libel had a more sudden and extensive circulation than was intended, and sealed the fate of false federalism; this opened the door of truth from the gloom of dreadful darkness. Indeed it was a revolution equal to the first, tho' not so bloody, and every true American felt the return of daylight and rejoiced. And the farmers now came forth and looked back with astonishment upon the night of ter ror; they aroused themselves and broke from the spell of false federal sorcery, and looked down with horre into the abyss to the brink of destruction, to which they had been enchanted.

Thomas Jefferson was now elected president, and the eye of every patriot was turned towards him as the saviour of our country. He came into power to redress a world of wrongs, and happily for us and glori ous for himself, he has performed it; and poor Hamil ton failed to be the Bonaparte of America, and the ether British string of the bow was next persevered

upon, on the last days of their congressional life, passed a naval peace establishment in order as they wished, that Britain might rise mistress of the ocean and recolonize us, which authorized the president to sell off all their ships of war, except a few which had so long paid homage to the cross of St. George, against the navy of France; this act and many others for British party purposes, were finished pro tempore on the night of the 4th of March, 1801, when all aristocrats of a short life ascendency, died for the want of proselytes, and which epoch of eternal light had beamed through the farmers brains, for they voted for honest men.

But the British naval ascendency upon the ocean, that flattering arm of power, calls back her love as she had then so far advanced towards a naval superiority over the seas and liberties of the world, by means of our national assistance as directed by Hamilton and his aristocratical associates under Adams, and we being so weak on the wave, no other alternative was left us than to let the devil go all his lengths upon the ocean of ruin, and the Columbians persevere in establishing domestic manufactories, so as to live without the sea, until the devil might tumble down from its dominion for the want of food to feed its avarice. So while Thomas Jefferson's policy was directed to domestic safety, he no more wanted gun-ships than Hamilton rebels wanted the Columbians not to have any, with which to join France and Spain, and fight their Leloved British fast ascending naval power; and while the Hamiltons were rejoicing for Nelson's successful victory; Jefferson after selling the gun-ships as directed, pursued that Columbian policy which even conquers the Hamiltonians so much beloved British whore of the ocean, notwithstanding it called back the rest of her French defeated Hamiltons, Pickerings and Randolphs, and all false religious lovers of French Bourbons, all hands to return to her bosom and form with her and her old defeated tories, the fast anchored defender of the faith the holy league of the devil.

While the Franklins, Washingtons, Jeffersons, Madisons, Handcocks, Gerries and Adams, and all real republicans, have ever continued to pursue that

unchangeable policy of general safety, which conduct ed Columbia through the revolution, and through all the convulsive storms of changeable Europe ever since, notwithstanding their deadly influence, has ever continued by internal emissaries and tories, to sever and endanger the federal states in devastation and slavish ruin. The real unchangeable republicans of Columbia, have firmly continued to direct their ark amidst the dark and rising storm of naval Europe, pursued but one invariable course ever since the revolution, whether Britain, France or Spain, might happen to rise. master of the seas they engaged in none of their wars, nor meddled not with their ambition or rivalship; but pursued the Columbian true interest, accompanied with the well wishes of all the republican world, the Columbian republicans as soon as they were the majo rity in Congress over the aristocrats, made peace with foreign Europe and enacted an embargo, and took a neutral and domestic stand, so as to have nothing to

do upon the broad ocean of danger, with neither Britain nor France during all their edicts and wars of destruction, but shut ourselves entirely independent from all their brolls according to the advice of Washington, while the tories and emissaries of Britain among us, contrary to Washington's advice, disobeyed our embargo, which withheld us from the storms of naval Europe, and almost severed our states to division and civil war, because the republicans wanted to live in peace and be neutral according to Washington; New-England pretended federalism, must carry on foreign commerce with Britain, under her laws and tribute, to the rebellious ruin of Europe as well as ourselves, for the sake of meddling with the broils of Eu-rope, would kick and cuff us into a war of ruin; thus went ahead the commercial devils of Columbia, ever since the revolution to ruin our agricultural liberties.

All this overwhelming storm of aristocratical revenge and ruin, rose into concealed action, immediate-ly after finding Washington in the establishment of our constitution was determined on a republic instead. of a monarchy as Hamilton wanted, but as Washing-ton's great name and fame was superior to open public

attack, they went on clandestinely while he was alive, and more openly after his death.

Whatever might have been the concealed aristocratical French and tory views during the revolution, ever since the establishment of our constitution, Hamilton and Pickering have been writing darkness; Pickering in particular, though he was sometimes asleep and sometimes awake, his political days and nights were generally about ten years long, or a political cycle, which awaited the result of European naval war engagements; just after a great naval battle had been fought by the Europeans, Pickering's pen commenced its political movement, and during the intermission between maritime convulsions, he would plead English law, for he had done talking French, after the abolition of French Bourbon royalty had taken place, for then he returned slily into the arms of his fast anchored English mother, he was tame, had not ventured far from home, though he was not a tory, a hypocrice: worse than a tory, Pickering turned slow round, and so did Hamilton, while Randolph turned twice to his once, though neither turned three times, nor half so sudden as did the old Indian at the old French war, who was so fond of being on the strongest side, that when the French gained the battle, the Indian forsook his English master and joined the French, and when the English were victorious, he flies on to the other side, and so continued he on the strongest side where power was, but as he was hopping for the last side from the weaker to the stronger, as aristocrats always do, his brother Indians shot him, and cut off his head as kings are always beheaded, for no other purpose, and the Indians stuck his head upon a pole high in the air, with a large biscuit in his mouth, representing power, on the same principle from the love of power, until ruin overtakes magnificent kings and their cities fall a prey to the devil; men who know their politics and do this are knaves, but oftener knowledge in their own conceit, and truth is not in them, while men unacquainted with politics discover that they had erred, it is no sin to denounce their former party, but it is a disgrace to follow aristocrats knowingly, and a

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