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heaven is above hell. The moral good of social divines, is true divinity; while that of moral evil of local company, is foul civility; on the good and evil propensities of man, collectively, are the two opposite extremes, where heaven or hell are sensible; on divinity we have a heavenly paradise; on that of extreme civility, an awful hell.

It is the liberty of the moral one, to be civil with the social few, that gives the liberty of civil power, which raises the death weapon, as did wicked Cain. Hence all the clandestine wars of hell; and hence the necessity of the mediation of the general whole, for the liberty of divine conquest, for fending off the held forth weapons of civil liberty; hence, all the holy wars of God; and hence, the only government of all the commercial strife of man, fluctuates from good to evil, and from evil to good, that in the liberty of the moral one, civil few, and divine whole; are falling monarchies,, ravaging aristocracies and one conquering democracy, to continue to emancipate, till all men become equally liberated, in the light of one extended scientific millennium, of universally united one, like the beginning one man.

All action, has impulse from the love of no other interest, than the moral law of the single one, having the liberty of right and wrong. The civil law of the social few, to act from the liberty of wrong, rendering the divine law of the general whole, the liberty of acting for general right. All wrong relates to something else, but all right is absolute; between which right and wrong, all the commercial strife of man fluctuates, the moral one beguiled by the social few, keeps up a constant rebellion of parts, against the general whole.

The minority, subservient to the majority, and not enticed in disaffection from the great whole; admits of no vile avarice for the serpent of aristocracy to feed upon, for there is no party for him to master. True government, consists in that moral order, which is divinely with all, when the trial of rights are before the barall, to act equally; neutrality is unknown to God, because when his holy war engages the world, all his works must act. His great machine of motion knows of no inaction of its relative parts; all must absolutely

act. A dead man is no companion to the living-among three one for God of two engaged, the third is a robber, the examples of our Saviour are before us; the great divine third interposed his mediation, between the moral and civil parties, for the salvation of moral innocence, against the destruction of civil tyranny. When a murderer attacks an innocent neighbour, he who fails to resist, falls directly under the frowning wrath of his maker. Our Saviour, interposed his lively active spirit, to the cold and dead sinner, envied for non-resistance by neighbouring victims the prey of ruin, increasing the power of revenge and the devil, to become the implement of returning vengeance, for lending aid, like the friendwho lends his money, purchases the devil from the bosom of fine clothing, self above all things, civil commerce with the serpent, is the cause of destruction.

Extreme civility is no government, but aristocratical war and confusion; it can only destroy liberty, morality divinely, is the only law that governs; divinity is the only authority of freedom, resisting the tyranny of civility by civility. The foreign commerce of man,. or the devil's selfish parts, by its own authority, is never to be governed; but to end in its extremes of misery and war; because it is of evil origin, foreign to good :. a cold and distant stranger; it is that foreign commerce which is a cold and stranger; a devil unknown to God; God knows of no other commerce, than that which is every where domestic, equal and common to all. Adam would have continued an undethroned tiller, was there a possibility of mediating between something and nothing; but Cain must kill Abel; Adam being the first: man, could never be met while alone; was uneasy and parts were required for a perfect whole; more men. were in the wants of Adam, and that wisdom which created one, was not inadequate to more. Hence, the wisdom of an all sufficient God, whose course of things was so assigned, that out of the commerce of the pair, the necessiated and speculator, should grow all the commerce of the devil; and all civil governments consist in nothing else than the relative concerns of the contract-ing pair, that is, commerce between two nations or two persons and which is no government at all, no more than

between man and wife; for from it goes all the parts astray, to a wavering lost state of rebellion, a cold and distant stranger, to that love which brought them together; or lent money to a friend, who never paid. I mean charity never returns from foreigners, which it built up, it is reinstated, only through that reconciliatory wisdom of a whole, which mediates the rule of union for the parts gong astray, to return back to the obedience of the majority; that the grand democratical whole the great ark of safety becomes the only restraint to the small commercial parties, which always go astray in rebellion to that whole.

All order is on the side of God, confusion to the devil. Immorality put on the grave of mortality; and he who was made first, did not corporeally die first; but all was disorder, disorderly and instant deaths, attacked us on every side. And all moral government of Adam's posterity, but for divine mediation, has become a subject of delusion by the serpent, and of compulsion by the devil. As all civil kings, built on the extreme of civility, have ever since the fall of Adam, dictated both father and children, and domineered them on to slavery, and untimely deaths, and severe punishment, are beheld in all civil kingdoms, whose masters, are always built up by lust and pride; and common freedom is never found within their ravenous reach; but whose subjects are his majesty's whores, paupers and powerful.

Government of divine order, has not the sole object of lust and pride; but ever tending to multiply and replenish the globe, with humble equal and virtuous people of common wealth; which black aristocracy continues to tear asunder, for the foul clothing of self interest and pomp.

All the aristocratical troubles of man, grew out of the eivil two. The moral one, never met, can no more commit a sin than live in burning flames. Partial company, and not general, is the direful author of all sinit is from the private associations of the civil few, man and woman, man and man, and men and men, that all aristocracies are propagated; commerce has no other being. One good man can be moral king, but two civilians, generate the civil devil-you help me, and I help

you, are always the broken promises of the serpent, who afterwards left poor Adam in naked shame, to love the office of a civil king; but New-England can go alone, says he, who flatters her from the help of the Lord; vain neuter, to pick up the crumbs of troubled neighbours,and breathe the moment breath.

He, who adheres to the good of the majority of mankind, or an elective government, is always right; if that majority be the greatest of all, I mean of all the world, if they could but vote, for the manner in which the world has being, consists in the union of all, and the disobedient parts are enticed from that whole by a deceiver, and brought back only by conviction; otherwise, there would never be a minority, of course be no party, and war can never exist where all is union. And civil kings, the only beguiling devil, who feeds on extreme avarice; are always the minority, and so dreadfull small that every agent, must help keep their chins above water, I mean all powerful subjects, must pretend to help and love the king, to delude others.

So easy is man deluded, that if he stands neuter, or acts a moment for self, he is in danger. So great an enemy is man to himself, that he is a friend to the very devil, who hates him every moment he acts for him; and if he dont act at all, he will kick him and cuff him, and the dupe falls disaffected from his God, and knuckles and bows to the devil, who punishes for obliging him; whose presence seems a thousand times more charming than God's, because the devil's partialities, conforms to the partial views of man; while the per-fection of God, is incomprehensible, for which reason God's great divine government of all men, seems exactly wrong to the backsliding rebel; of course he is fond of the serpent since of his little things, he can see so plainly through all of them; and not comprehending the whole of God's perfection, he despises God on that account. And nothing else forms the different states in the same empire, than that the dupe thinks himself exactly right, and his neighbour born in the arms of God's majority, exactly wrong. Thus duped, citizens, think.. their elected servants are wrong, and themselves wise masters. A minority of office-seekers, are always wise

in their own conceit, and those in office fools-office timber, is never scarce but in the opinion of outs, always plenty, and cunning aristocratic outs wanting office will be as much thicker, than honest ins, as office loving outs, are thicker than ins. Yes it may be said more than three to one, which cunning aristocratic outs, will have office, as kings will be on the throne; and if they cannot get it honestly, they will get it as a wicked father told his son to get money, and rather than the minority of aristocrats shall fail of a permanent office for life, for as they are got roguishly no other will answer; will clandestinely ally themselves with the very enemy, with which the majority of their country, is publicly at war for their rights, and increase the calamity by delusion, falsehood and deception, for the purpose of climbing to permanent office, on the ruin of the common people, and becoming kings over them, by clandestinely perverting their country's means, to the aid of the enemies, and when an opportunity occurs, even to traitorously turn part of their own country's army over to join that of the enemy, against their country's safety; even by whole battalions, for the aid of the foreign king, in helping this same cunning artful minority, upon a robbed throne But Washington tells us, they will only stay there the moment, although aristocrats always calculate on permanency if they can, but they will first get there, as Eve told Adam to bite away, who always are willing and the serpent rushes upon the for-bidden throne of rebellion, and which aristocrats tho' on the throne, are still the minority, and growing smaller, in the same proportion that their subjects increase in paupery, and there seated mightily pretending to love the king, for deluding their subjects to love him also, that the devil's servants can reign in hell forever.. But oh how my neck aches, comes the next groan, aftèr « Adam found the serpent was above him, upon the throne of command. Poor Adam must have been sorry, when he was behind the bushes of Eden, for not obeying his God.

There is no other government, between man and man, than the regulation of commerce; there is nothing belonging to man, above that of beasts, than commerce;

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