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until it is too late to escape the danger of recolonization.

Had the leaders of federalism put on the Kentuckian spirit, as real Washingtons united with the republicans in season, patriotism would have so roused the spirit of conquest, that if needed, half a million would have been in arms, and waded through all the British corruption of North America, and sweetened with glory the Columbian name, and not a man slain, for surrender, surrender to freedom, would every where sound in Canada, even before the march of only one thousand for a van guard, when they are sure of any number at home, at any time to fly to their standard, faithful obedience to the call of country, intimidates the foe, and so raises the spirit of patriotism, that if all should know that we could raise a great force, renders a small one or none at all needed, for what do we have a Congress and militia, but to keep a look-out, like watchmen for danger, to rouse the people when that danger threatens, had we all rallied three years ago, when Congress said danger threatened us from Europe, no Wellington army would now cross the wide Atlantic, had we all rallied around our standard at the very first call of our country, nothing would have had to been done, for the serpentine foe would have drawn in his horns, and the militia return the next day, but ready at a moment's warning, when if the watchmen again calls, rally again en masse, and danger soon fails to show its head, but if we sleep on the look-out, we invite the robber.

Had the Russians been citizens and not subjects, as dupes are to torics, but full of patriotic ardor, as all freemen ought to be, free and independent from all deluding aristocrats, to think for themselves, the great Napoleon army would have never been invited to invade their sleeping delusion, which Frenchmen would have overrun, but for their frightful climate, as Britain now draws the sword for her own overthrow, as was Napoleon.

The same is the case of North America as of Russia, were they not a sleep in the arms of aristocratical delusion, without a thought of their own, but snuffling

and fretting for tories, against their own country's holy war of liberty, no Wellington army would now invade the new world's happy shore; freedom consists in the light, life and jealousy of equals, all hands at all times ready to rally at their country's call, danger or no dan ger to all but to Congress our watchmen, and not in the sleeping federalism of kings, Strongs and Griswolds, in arms of tory delusion, in the chimney corners with their mouths filled with kings arguments, and their blind hearts veiled with strutting pride of backsliding iniquity.

Had only one hundred thousand rallied in arms, when the war first began, at the first moment of our country's call whether invaded or not, Britain would have known, that to send her armies across the wide Atlantic, would only meet with the disastrous disgrace of the devil's arms, for she would know that we could raise armies of freemen, faster on our own patriotic ground of defence, at the shores edge of North Ameri ca, than she can possibly send so distant her offending and indolent army of slaves; not a soldier would Eritain send among us, but the olive branch; yes, peace for the sake of her own existence, would be poured out from her phials of reconciliation, had we all rallied hand in hand like brothers and equals, instead of being withheld by tories in the devil's net of delusion.

But we are the powerful conquerors, as the new world has always enjoyed, since its beginning, though she has many times split into parties, she has every time rallied in union, she now sleeps as she slept in sev enty-five, but we shall rally as we rallied in seventysix, around that unconquerable standard, of our new world's liberty, which God has forever preserved and forever will, in spite of all the commercial powers of darkness. At the revolution in seventy-five, we were dead in the arms of a pair of parties, as now tories, disputing with freedom, until they envied the sword of mother bondage, and the red coats come flocking across the wave, and soon they learned us the art of war, and seventy-six made all alive, and hand in hand went friends and equals, forsaking tories and forgiving dupes, who repented their sins and joined the union class, and

oh how violent the deluded would thrush their sword, into the very bowels of their deluders, and miserable were flying tories, and the militia was no longer withheld, but all were soldiers, too many at last turned out, and the cry was, (as I hope we may soon say) return, return, ye patriots instead of continuing the plea of peace, and wicked war forever, and never have peace where there is none, as the devil always charges the Almighty for the purpose of war.

The administration calling forth the militia, to garrison certain points for the moment, as was ordered, was according to Washington exactly wise, was the call promptly obeyed, but rebellion is the devil.

As to the use of the Militia, for sudden emergencies, in times of such imminent danger, as will not admit of delay, even a single state has the constitutional power of calling into actual service the whole of its militia, if so, and our congress not, what good does our union do, what else is our constitution for, but for these seventeen states, like seventeen persons, to unite in time of the danger of either one, for the protection of the whole, oh tory deluders vanish.

Were there no other invasions to repel than British armies, and our militia never wanted but to repel such invasion; they never would be wanted, for Britons do not expect success that way.

And other nations have no navy, with which to bring armies into our country, nor would Britain allow her European enemies to trifle with her beloved America, for Britain will invade and subdue us if we are divided to her acceptance, and she enjoy the prey not others; beloved, because she loves those who withhold the militia, and destroys the American energy, till the people are tired out in delusion and war, yes our mothers out-spread arms are eager for the return of her lamented lost colonies.

Where is the benevolent patriot, who stays at home when every one of the states shall say to a man, that their innocent neighbors along our borders, shall no longer be butchered, & our rights no longer endangered.

What other words than invasion, could wiser men than our fathers with a Franklin and Washington, find


more comprehensive for that place of the constitution, For plainer language, if nothing more was to be repelled than armies, why was the term invasion made use of, when the militia to be called forth to repel armies, would save much dispute; why use the word invasion, when to say repel armies would be beyond dispute, unless that hostile entrance made by emissaries, spies, John Henries and every kind of backsliding rebellion, was never to be repelled from aiding and assisting the most powerful foe the world ever witnessed, though the weakest of all corruption, was the deluded to turn against her.

The use of our constitution for repelling internal invaders, is of far more importance, than for repelling the entrance of external arms, for if we had no constitution, for repelling the invading armies of an enemy to liberty, the patriotism of an united people, was ever the greatest bulwark to our safety, not only that experience proved it at the revolution, when no constitution existed in the new world, but a united tho' small people, can as they did then, defy the whole divided world.

The real meaning of our constitution, was ever intended for internal as well as external safety, and the insurrection of Massachusetts produced it, for repelling the like in future, thus the article for repelling invasion, suppressing insurrection and enforcing the laws of the union, was intended for repelling and suppressing every kind of hostile entrance, as well as that of an invading army, and wise was Washington, Franklin and others, who influence its construction. But of all the new things of this world, history never afforded a blacker scene of internal murder, robbery, blasphemy and danger, produced by the rebels or tory leaders of federalism, than disobeying the embargo and call of government for the militia, and their continual overwhelming inconsistency, disobedience, opposition and discouraging ridicules of the higher power of God, or voice of their chosen rulers, to the aid and assistance of an external, internal and of all the most despicable, dirtiest and blackest foes, not only of the most iminent danger to the poor labouring victims of New

England; but all the world's liberties depend on the heroic valor of the Columbian arms, whose successful victories render the only decision of the present crisis, in favor of the liberties of the common world.

As the people of the United States are now divi did, and the tories or aristocratical pettifoggers of British nonsense, have their own heads and hell-reigns for repelling invasion, iminent danger would never occur to their royal selves, until all the states return to colonies, and the poor mechanics and farmers of America, become paupers and waiters to false pride, like those c the same nation with which they club their parisidal hands.

The question was put, go to war with France, when the want of votes said no; iminent danger threatened destruction from a foe, a thousand times more dangerous; and the question was put, war exists with Britain, and the declaration was from the voice of him, who holds the will of the majority, and the act was constitutional, and in that state of declared war, though iminent danger was over our heads, every Eri tish friend of Congress vcted against it, and against inlisting a single soldier; and with pettifogging heart, hand in hand, every voice of a sinking hell, pourca forth all its obstacles for preventing inlistments, and the militia from fending off the ravaging flames of the most despicable of all foes, and Indian tomahawks from the bowels of the innocent; in cousequence of which, what has been the havock, read and believe, feel the calamity of those whose blood and life is as dear as your own.

Was there no militia guarding the lines of Canada, during a war with a foe, whose sea-faring means defies the world to assist us, for rebels allow of no regulars to be raised, against their mother's Canada ranks, until with an army in Canada, Britain can easily heal her revolutionary soar, for our division invites the serpent; yes, she can ravage us under her yoke, by her invading and returning armies, by compelling our bordering friends to surrender to the foe, and take up aros against us, for if we neglect them, their endangered lives and properties obliges them to do it, for which our

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