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sleep in her arms of slavery. Why did not Britain and her allies give France a free clective government, of equal rights to all the people? But the Bourbons must be reinstated, so as to recolonize us. No wonder devils rejoice. Why had the Bourbons any better right to reign in palace forever, than others to enjoy their equal turns to govern by their election by the people? Did British aristocracy ever give a spark of freedom? But of all hypocrites she pretends it for the purpose of kidnapping those who had already got their freedom. Does not the religion and magnanimity of the republican sword give freedom? But Washington is dead, and the tories are alive; this alters the case, and the lawyer's bull again is goring the farmer's ox.

Because farmers are sleeping,
And the tories awake,
The sly devils are creeping,
Our union to break.

What is property, but power of protecting that which is vested in its possessor; of what avail is a great or small farm to the farmer? Although nominally he has what is called a lawful deed of his land, it amounts to just nothing, unless he has his free, equal and uninterrupted voice in his government, mutually and unitedly with the sovereign people, of equals and citizens, to protect his title, against the ravages of the foreign merchandize of kingly aristocrats. What is title of property? Is it simply the possessing that property? By no means. What then is it but power of suffrage; a voice in government: to say that you shall unmolestedly hold that property as your own; that you shall keep it; after having honestly come by it. Property is at once wrested from farmers, unless they have the staff in their own hands, and by the but-end too. That is government equally in the power of all the people; in which case, the sovereign will is in the personal strength of independent friends and equals, and not at the mercy of aristocratical masters, masters to crowned heads, because all subjects of kings are slaves to tyrant nobles. A slave has no property; where now is cur red's Lut

end, our governing union, that power over our proper ty and liberty, but in the divided danger of foreign commercial power and entangling delusion, what hinders our property and bodies from going to merchandize, unless we stand by each other in union, with sword in hand, to defend ourselves against the foe; is not the farmer's hand as it were now slipping over the slender end of his governing rod, to despair; then let us again unite, and revolt, and recover the true end of our sovereign will and power, to govern ourselves in the repossession of lost rights and property, as our fathers did for us.


In these, our days, is the third time of the world, since the deluge, that foreign commercial speculation has fallen under the same maritime head of the serpent; the seas have never till now, these two thousand years, been without a balancing commercial power; the tending evil of a wicked world, is again near the controul of the devil; was there a balance of worldly power upon the ocean, as there was till 1801; the titles of our farms, and property, and liberty, would be in ourselves, for when two evils were raging, we could continue to join our power to the least of the two wrongs, and save curselves from the pending storm of aristocratical robbery, for royal aggrandizement in office, as masters to masters of false royal masters of old George and all and the whole becomes jeopardized under the ravages of the most damnable, deluding, insignificant, robbing tyrants, that ever infested man. Because power on the seas, since the beginning of man, was never so great as now, and under the same parliamentary controul of maritime compulsion. How furious soon and even now emanates in every country, the popular drift of craving lust and haughty pride of the powerful crushers of innocent man. Whole farms, whole properties to be swallowed up in the hands of foreigners as soon as the arms of the farmer is laid down. The tories English credit becomes restored, on the firm basis of undaunted robbery, terminating a national debt a moment's national blessing to aristocrats, whose naval compulsion and delusion of its popular drift, and speculation of the foreign lawyer, foreign preacher, and foreign trader

of oppression when in power, will hamper freedom's press of truth, and falsify to ignorance that God and democracy is the devil. And while in that blindness of dark delusion, the real devil robs us of all we have, all our dear properties and ourselves into merchandize, as did the whore of Babylon, all the best of Asia, and of Tyre, the heart of Europe, and Mistress Britain most all Columbia. The will of the devil is for the third and last time at the hand of power. No matter for farms, no matter for men, worth even one hundred thousand dollars, in Columbia they cannot keep it, if the farmer does not keep his sword till he has got back his power from the devil of parties, and invest it in the unanimity of all the Columbians, united to combat the great commercial foe, who has by the serpent of division, usurped our power, our rights, our titles of our inheritance, yes our very united power of protecting the titles of our possessions. Never will we lay down our arms, till we behold our union of government return, never will we be slaves to the king and navy of Britain, never


If we yield this point, what good will all our shipping, our cities and our productions do us? Of what avail will it be to us, to be a great and mighty foreign lawyer, or a great and mighty priest, a great and mighty foreign merchant, or ever so active a christian in these fatal days, when no commercial rival is found upon the ocean to guard the foe against the farmer's union. If we now yield to the piratical tyrant of the wave, where is our power to combat it? What lawyer, what priest, what merchant in Columbia holds but the moment his mighty station, when power falls from him to greater masters? Oh folly! into whose arms when it is tro late, will you plunge your rebellious brains. When no Columbian farmer's congress will then be found to protect

you, and your beloved serpent forsakes you also. Oh forsaken wretch! even those who are now your best friends will then despise you, after you have helped them ravage down their grand agricultural opponent. How long will it be, before even the great Alexander of Russia will be shedding tears for the loss of Bonaparte, when appears the power of the British whore.

Yes, all the people of Europe will be crying for the reinstated Napoleon, of even the great Napoleon, that once despised tyrant they then will love. In case we fail of our glorious COLUMBIAN UNION, for the salvation of even for a while, the very sovereigns of Europe, from the overwhelming flame of the ocean, and surely for the sovereign people of Europe. For the kings and paupers of Europe will soon lament our lost liberty, for the loss of their maritime rights and their sovereign heads, from the British vengeance of that devil, that great self destroyer; but farmers at last always did conquer, as at the revolution, and always will con


From what other nation, can foreign influence come to disturb our union, than from a commercial nation. Foreign commerce is the devil; we are in the arms of British foreign commercial danger; before the downfal of the French navy, we were under the dreadful danger of French and Spanish influence; but with the downfal of their navies; consequently with the downfal of their colonies; which once joined us by land; we were freed from their dangerous and deadly commercial influence; and whose downfal has a hundred fold increased, our mother's deadly danger, from British commercial influence, and she joins us by land, she is among us, her trade, ambition, interest, humor or caprice, and ships of war, are at our doors; we are wound up in British influence; we are entangled in British alliance; we hear nothing from China, nothing from Russia, nothing from France or Spain; they have got no ships, but all comes from Britain, all commerce comes from Britain, consequently all war comes from British influence; French influence is done with, it is all on the other side, Britain has now all French and Spanish influence connected with her influence, since the fall of Bonaparte; here British danger rises over our heads; how dark and black the clouds of danger; all European danger is now swayed by the British sceptre of danger. But thank God, Columbian farmers will be free ; as at the revolution when our common country, conquered our British cities of commerce, of war and of tories ; no matter for their banks of horded up cash,

their palaces of cuddled up superfluities, luxuries and cowardly folly; the farmers, free and brave, expansive, friendly and unanimous, will conquer; our revolution gave them numbers, our constitution gave them guns, and God gives them money; no matter for the shinplasters of British banks among us. On farmers credit issues the currency of their liberty; if all their cities are laid in British ruin, our common country's rights, they never will surrender to commercial masters, but commerce shall yield to the voice of the farmer, as at the revolution it did, when all our cities, though invested with British armies, British commerce and British ruin yielded to our conquering fathers, who retrenched from luxury and superfluous folly, the patriotic lawyer, the domestic trader and free preacher retrenched from their foreign commercial party of French and British influence and tories, and joined the third and union class of farmers under their Washington banners of ag ricultural love and numbers; fought and conquered with freemen's paper, with farmers clubs, and noble souls.

In exchange for patriotism and conquering freedom; then retrench from commercial luxuries, ye foreign lawyers, foreign preachers, foreign merchants, and all luxurious foreigners of rebellion, pride, superfluities, commercial entanglements, of wound up delusion, in false, royal ambition, commercial rivalship, caprice and dependant British folly; why not fling off that devil's net, which binds together our seaboard few, and stand independent from the debts and dues, of an entangled and compulsive ocean of human influence; or stand independent with sword in the conquering hand of agricultural numbers, till crowned with freemen's glory.

Partake of the farmer's table, wear the farmer's apparel and breathe his salubrious air of health and sweet repose; and more than one hundred millions annually will be saved, for the prosecution of that glerious war, which conquers and scourges the same deadly corruption from our country, which the sea breeze has again blown up our rivers, over our heads and in our congress, let this doleful evil be again conquered, as by

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