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ence, is full of delusion and destruction, for evading the constituted authority. Those aristocrats in the interest of the seas, and of the present interest over the farmer, availed themselves of the opportunity of evading the dead letter of our constitution, for the more violence in their commercial rebellion.

The true spirit of our constitution, is as much lost to the deluded, as ever Adam was in his fall; and its dead letter has by British tories and emissaries of entangled subjection, become a perverted implement to British favor, as much for retaking these colonies, as for the true spirit in the remaining independent party of the states, to defend themselves from the destruction; and as Britain has availed herself of the use of Canada, and a party in the states in her delusive commercial favor, under the pretence of neutrality, but in reality hidden British assistance by dampening the ardor of the people and prolonging the war, that while Britain profits by it, she wont make peace, so long as she can continue our division and debt, and the states become unable to complete their independence from her, but yield in despair and recolonization, with the ascension of her royal party, and the destruction of congressional power, for British laws under the controul of her king and parliament.

The two parties of America, while temporally bound together, by the dead letter of their constitution, they are really separated by a good and evil spirit; the British aristocracy avails itself of the advantage of that division which aristocrats themselves made, and still continue to exasperate for the same purpose, for which they divided us, and so to continue us by deception, as all kingly aristocracies of Europe always ride on division, till at last our union rots down under the oppression of British aristocracy's eternal delusion, as all kingly nations, and as we were when colonies, always was divided till Washington united us, independent of their commercial entanglements, and shall we again unite, and revolt from her ungrateful arms of tyrant delusión, why quit our own independence, and stand on. foreign ground of commercial entanglement, in the

arms of avarice, ambition, rivalship, interest, humor, or caprice.

All this overwhelng cloud of British deluding influence arises from the social few aristocrats, hidden in both nations in palace power, called tories, which tories are the same cunning aristocrats now as at the revolution, while those whom they delude are the honest men who are only wanting light of their danger. Whenever tories controul the British parliament, these states become divided into war by them because they are also among us, locking their clandestine arms of sedition and perfidy behind the scene, with their beloved tories at home, to entrap the honest whig party of both nations, for their own aggrandizement in palace, and the honest moralist to reduce to the cottage.

All this sly advantage of the tories arises from those democratic moralists, who always think they sleep in security. A deluded democrat is either a kind of destitute wretch, dependant bankrupt, lurking fop or a simple shell moralist, wound up in self, a mere dependant tool to the intrigues, hypocrisy and merchandize of reign aristocrats, tories, who imperceivably set for them all the disguised lessons of political nutriment, being sweet food of love the king, with rejoicing nobles for king's success. While on the other hand every democrat who is free from aristocratical delusion is always an independent christian or moral cosmopolite, or a friend to his country, and to all mankind, as well as to the people of his own neighborhood. He only hates aristocratical robbers, against whom he always acts, and for the freedom of the world. But a man who has no regard whatever for any thing else than simply his own moral self, never extends his mind independently out of his own neighborhood, unless pinned upon the sleeve or exhaled through the breath of some great aristocratic some body, greater than his own moral self, to whom the aristocrat pretends to be at least as moral as he, for enticing the loyal confidence of his moral dupes. A man attending exclusively to his own secreted and selfish morality and nothing else, is the most despicable and dangerous enemy to himself and the freedom of society of all human tools; he is

even worse than the aristocrat himself in the sense of a tool, for aristocrats would be harmless, were moralists not their dependant props.

But a moralist who attends to his agricultural right and meetings of his country, in the general sense of divinity true philosophy, and universal government, and the examples of our Saviour, is the glory of the world; for he is a moralist divinely, in the worship of his God. He is a christian of active and passive love, anxious for the promulgation of real truth, for the divine liberty and salvation, of all God's enslaved and wicked people.

On the other hand, a moralist, simply in the abstract point of view, relates only to self civilly, his whole study tends solely to happify self so much that he even loses his morality, becomes indolent, inactive As a stump, a stranger to the living spirit, as Adam fell to death. His government regards not his poor neighbours children nor posterity, least it does not tend directly to favor his moral self in some way or other, to make his character shine, and credit better, or wealth greater. These kind of terrapin moralists, are not moralists in the true sense of the word, because they are total strangers, both to christianity and to the knowledge of the philosophical and political world. They are no Washingtonians, they are no conquerors, philo, sophers or diviners, but the deluded tools of aristocracy, rolled up in deluded self, as the snail in his shell, an enemy to patriotism, and a friend to human masters. If roguish, the greatest of all hypocrites, for they are aristocrats; even if honest, they are misers, civil kings or robbers, though they do not know it themselves, except they are so told by their aristocrats, who take care to never tell them, except they wish to tickle them up to office, to vote for aristocratical laws. All deluded moralists, in other words terrapin democrats, are always the ready tool of aristocracy, and the aristocrats always ready to act, where action will bear delusion. Thus goes the world, the moral one beguiled by the civil few, only to be restored by the divine whole, the moralist deluded by the serpent in self.

Even the very first man ever upon the stage, being alone, of course the greatest moralist the world ever knew in flesh, and first entirely alone in the image of God, but as soon as he was met, what was he but a prey to the devil? so easy was moral father Adam liable to delusion, that the serpent availed himself of the opportunity of attack, and down he came into the arms of the devil, fell from his moral greatness the moment he met his kind; thus how easy is man deluded, for the want of independent divinity beyond the carcass of self.

Our Saviour was no such moralist, as we have trembling in delusion among us, though the serpent was in flesh all round him, he yielded not, but died for the deluded; that they might have an example of unyielding bravery before them, that the point of salvation shall be maintained in spite of the civilian. Since the christian era, a man is no moralist, unless a moralist divinely, as he will be in the millennium; to be a moralist civilly, is to be a falling Adam, a deluded king, miser or fool.

King George is a mighty moral fool, he knows nothing but through the mouth of his aristocrats, he is unheard of but by the roaring of his cannon; his death is never announced by the same generation, he is told by his aristocrats that he is the defender of the faith, but he knows nothing beyond the neighbourhood and walls of his palace, never reads a word of truth, he knows nothing of scalping or of the conflagration from his ships over the world of suffering innocence, he only knows he is king George although he departs this life he is king George, till the war is over.

The pope of Rome, and puffed up terrapins all around him, were made to think by their cunning foreign lawyers and priestcraft deviltre, in the grass of aristocracy, that the pope was the greatest moralist the world ever knew, and the people who are fools even think to this day, that he is so great a moralist, that he is the vicar of Christ.

The tories of the revolution, were the most noble characters in their own cramped up conceit, the world was ever loaded with; and the peace loving moral

cowards and old women, really thought the revolters and whigs of Washington's party were the very devil, for driving on the war so furiously against their beloved king, but when the war of the revolution got red hot, and Washington's party enough the majority to vote the declaration of independence into being, the old women and such men as were deluded fools, really tho't they were going to lose all their laws, bibles and religion; how their tears did roll down their cheeks, they had been slavish moralists so long they were afraid to be free ones.

A man must be something else than a chimney corner moralist, if he means to be a freeman among freemen, Washingtonians among Washingtonians, or a christian among christians; his mind ought humbly to survey the heavens and his antipode, and if his body is needed it must act also, or he enslaves not only himself but his neighbor.

George Washington was no such moralist, but divinely he was filled with patriotic ardor, he was filled with the spirit of conquest, he overleaped the walls of the terrapin. His heart was a stranger to colonies or neighborhood governments of oppression, he expanded our thoughts to the heavens, his sword cut asunder our cramped shells of moral frailty, and set our conscience free, and built us up a great union of love to each other, free and independent from the simple veil of moral folly, to think for ourselves and more too, throughout our federal union, as all freemen should, beyond petty states or principalities of paupers and kings. For the democracy of a grand empire of peace, love and unity, requires man to have an expansive mind, there is a moral evil as well as moral good. Nor was doctor Franklin a hemmed up tory, but his thinking mind was traversing high and low all conditions of the whole human family, full of national charity. Little did he think of moral self to the detriment of the divine world, he was always an enemy to kings and a friend to man, and the first for our revolution; would he now sleep in the terrapin of kings? No, but he early broke free his mind from the trammels of kings, and unshackled theusands of others.

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