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of awful suspense and darkness, should we all have lived, were it not for the celestial and physical light, from those like Bacon, Newton and Franklin ? where is the aristocrat, who has not derived all his advantages, all his great blessings, from the works of these most illustrious diviners, conquerors and philosophers of truth, these noble inventors and actors of unfolding the pleasures of liberty, are the right servants to obey. By men like Noah, like Shem,. like Ezra, like Isaiah, like John, like Newton, like Washington, all has been done that is done, the thousand unarmed ships of the ocean, are by thein directed and all property admitted, how insignificant must look the great magnificent king of England with all his gun ships when compared with the divine excellence of Washington, and Ezra; the great prince of Persia, with all his Persian riches, char-lots and palaces of gold, could no more compare with the wisdom of Washington, Newton and Solomon, than a toad to a terrestrial globe. Ch monopolizing devils, where is your justice, where is your charity, look round, behold your neglected victims of paupery, robbed for your false palaces of iniquity; what saysLazarus to the rich man of hell? Shameful George the third, turn round to glory, throw off the magnificent robe of robbery, destroy no longer, repent for unpardonable sins, repent, why under your awful powers of floating darkness, ravage your innocent posterity, draw no more the sword of darkness, turn round, draw the republican sword of conquering light, extend victori-ous union over the Columbian fields, the fast-anchored isle to freedom, put forth your Fox, your Barre and Pitt, and shield the sword of blood for endless peace, by victory over the devil, over civil kings who are de-vils, true republicans are the servants of God, they se-verally lived in all countries, in all ages, served their heavenly king in all subjects, for they are diviners, philosophers and conquerors in truth, they are patriots,. their days are first and last, and their king, their Christ of unfolding truth, of unfurling liberty, under the brilliant banners of an enlightened equality. Great Abram, great Washington, how they frustrated the yokes of oppression in both eighteenth centuries, before and

after the era of christian glory, great was the vengeance of their christian presence, carried shame over the heads of their enemies, over Sodomites of Turkey, over Britonites of Columbia, went to flames their cities of rebellion, for the devil is that great self destroyer of his own evil things of erection.

Christians act from the dictates of the inspired wisdom of their heavenly Lord and King, who was and is, and who never erred in all the flesh of thirty years; he was no British king, but who went too, and went from the beholding and dazzling eyes of the wicked, on the height of political time, in the midst of the most extreme civil bondage, preserved only by the beams of inspiration, which swelled in every apostolic breast of his presence, aided by his love and tidings of glorious liberty, glorious salvation to all, that long expected Lord of all truth, of all liberty, of all men, from the first of man to the ending of men, of all nations who seek his holy presence, rejoicers of his victories and liberty; his ne-ver failing spirit of gracious glory, that grand king of all things, the head of the head kind of all kinds, of all justice, of equal rights, to all his followers of his glory, as Washington directed, had we been Washingtons, had we been christians, this holy war would never have involved us in wrath, had we obeyed our Saviour's hea-venly direction of impartial justice, Washington's heavenly directions of impartial justice, equal and exact to all men, equal and exact justice to all farmers, and not that aristocratical speculators shall have all who never labor, but in secret cunning continue to monopolize the blessed rights of those, who toil for all. This holy war would never have been our fate, had we unitedly obeyed the acts of elected chief rulers, the acts of an elected Washington, the acts of an elected Saviour: had we obeyed the acts of those who proved us union, no parties of war, would there be, for all would be one party, where all is union, and none there be left to fight, had we obeyed the examples of those, who for all acted, died and left their divine legacies, democratically to all, to act equally for the enjoyment of holy liberty, like that brought by the holy war of the revolution.

Obey that impartial mediator, in human flesh, and feeling divine, he came to the world's undisappointed relief, in the mean height of all human time, whose earthly residence included the mean point of temporality, which existed between Adam's unborn morality, and ending births of divinity, the highest of all in hea venly spirit, and lowest in earthly flesh, he appeared acting in the official capacity of all collectively in the lowest state of self denial, in the opposite extreme of miserable earthly poverty, to that of the richest magnificent kings of civility. He came upon earth in that extreme of spiritual light, opposite to the extreme power of worldly darkness, representing that the spirit of godliness, did not consist in the rich kings of magnificent civility, monopolized from the political parties and geographical portions, of rebellious kingdoms; representing that to support equality, is the only way to serve our divine King of Heaven, our true God we canonly serve by our charity in government, a charitable government, is the charity of our Heavenly King, whose examples are, that we must aid and assist the weak against the strong; to serve our charitable king of the collective poor, is to vote, act and fight collectively against the mighty rich and powerful king nations and combinations of rebellion, farmers to vote, act and fight against magnificent kings, against aristocratical speculators, airy castles of floating usurpations; the weak to assist the weak, makes all the weak, the strong against the strong; to oppose the powers of darkness was ever the examples of Christ, and no more civil kings of flesh shall be on earth, and no civil nation exsel another on the seas of riches..

[It being the usual custom of the Roman governors to advise the Senate and People of such material things as happened in their respective provinces. Publius. Lentultus, being President in the days of Tiberius. Cesur, the Emperor, wrote the following Epistle to the Senate, concerning the description of the person of Jesus Christ.]


"There appeared in these our days, a Man of great virtue, named JESUS CHRIST, who is yet living among us, and of the Gentiles, is accepted for a prophet of truth; but his own disciples call him the Son of God. He raiseth the dead, and cureth all manner of diseases. A man, of stature somewhat tall and comely, with a very reverenced countenance such as the beholders may both love and fear; his hair of the color of a filbert fully ripe, plain to his ears, whence downward it is more orient of color, somewhat curling and waving about his shoulders.

In the midst of his head is a seam, or partition of his hair, after the manner of the Nazarites; his forehead plain and delicate, his face without spot or wrinkle, beautified with a comely red! his nose and mouth exactly formed, his beard thick the color of his hair; not of any great length, but forked! his look innocent, his eyes grey, clear and quick-in reproving, terriblein admonishing, courteous-in speaking, very modest and wise-in proportion of body, well shaped.

None have seen him laugh; but many have seen him weep a man, for his singular beauty surpassing the children of men,”

For the redemption of a proud and haughty world, our Saviour that patriot's friend, became represented in the opposite extreme, of the richest aristocratical king ever on earth, that the blind shall discern between the two extremes of good and evil, that all may behold the medial light, the wicked to find their rich partial king of dark civility, directly opposite to the divine king of all men, and in the same low state, as was the first moral king of beginning, that the lost world shall commence anew from the ark of Christ, that there shall be no more kings, who shall hold dominion beyond his farming limits, because of falling pride, because too much of worldly blessings, destroys the humiliation of christian obedience.

God's providence is too complete to be trivial, the world is never to want another Adam, another Noah, another Alexander, another Columbus, but a christian millennium, because pride of iniquity will have its fall,

proved in Adam, in Alexander, and in all the proud kings of rebellion, even the very first man immediately after assuming the black power of too much dominions for the weak vessel of man, fell to sin. The command given to Adam, over his family and creatures of the world, as they multiplied beyond his mortal power to govern, he swelled to the falling pride of overreaching aristocracy, that great self destroyer, like a man though able to cross the narrow stream, falls within the broad gulph, because unable to reach the opposite shore. Man cannot discern his little kind, who slily crawl from the grass of unexpected darkness, and his government falls, who attempts to be that civil king who grasps too much.

When the monopolizing power of aristocratical speculators have extended their foul dominion of rebellion over the forbidden seas of God, the devil's great power of worldly darkness, has swelled to the very summit of its bursting extremes, to fall by the defeat of itself; aristocracy ever tends to the formation of one great false godhead, and never completely arrives, but flies off in the ashes of war. No sooner than the whole dominion of the seas, shall completely fall to the controul of one national power, the sea modernly overswells the shores of the world, or all the foreign cities be involved in the flames of ruin.

In the same proportion, that the seas are enslaved under the same maritime head, the rights to the soils of its shores are destroyed, and the people unequal, like the trees of an uncultivated wilderness; some cities shining in magnificence, others tumbling to ruin, the world unequal, like its surface uneven, rich vallies of soil, and barren mountainous rocks, one great city reduced into starvation and famine, another, flourishing in plenty, but when the seas are free to the liberty of all, the cities are small, numerous and domestic to all; commerce every where equal, subsistence every where plenty, equal to the abundant glory of an all-sufficient God. For when the seas are free, they are unmolestedly governed by the equal power of all the tillers of the globe, whose use are blessings to all who seek them, but not for those who act not, nor for those who

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