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Heb. v. 5.

i. 9. Rev. 11. 27.

v. 10. Rom. 111. 13.

vi. 3. Matt. xxi. 16. VIII. 5. Heb. 11. 6.

vin. 7. 1 Cor. xv. 27. VIII. 17. 18. Heb. 11. 13. x. 7. Rom. u. 14.

XIV. 1. Rom. 1. 10. 11. 12. XVI. 8. Acts, 11. 25. xvi. 10. Acts, xu. 35. XVIII. 50. Rom. xv. 9. XIX. 5. Rom. x. 18. XXII. 1. Matt. xxvi. 46. 34.

[ocr errors]

Mark, xv.

XXII. 19. Matt. XXVII. 35.

John, XIX. 24.

XXII. 23. Heb. 11. 12.

XXIV. 1. 1 Cor. x. 26.

xxxi. 6. Luke, xxш. 46.

xxxii. 1. 2. Rom. iv. 7. 8. XXXIV. 12. 1. Pet. I. 10.

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CII. 26... Heb. 1. 10...
CIV. 4. Heb. 1. 7.
CIX. 3. John, xv. 25.
CIX. 8. Acts, 1. 20.
cx. 1. Matt. XXII. 44.
Mark, xii. 36.
Luke, xx. 42. 43.
Acts, 11. 34. 35.
1 Cor. xv. 25.
Heb. I. 13.

cx. 4. Heb. v. 6.

Heb. VII. 17. 21.

CXII. 9. 2. Cor. ix. 9.

cxvi. 10. 2 Cor. iv. 13.

CXVII. 1. Rom. xv. 11.




Rom. x. 11.

1 Pet. 11. 6.

XXIX. 10.

CXVII. 6. Hebr. XIII. 6.

CXVIII. 22. Luke, xx. 17.
CXVIII. 22. 23. Matt. xxi. 42.

Mark, xır. 10. 11.xxix. 13.

Acts, Iv. 11.

1 Pet. II. 7.

Rom. xi. 8.
Matt. xv. 8. 9.

Mark, vii. 6. 7.

XXIX. 14. 1 Cor. 19. XL. 3. Matt. 1. 3.

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Luke, vIII. 10.

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Luke, 1. 4. 5. 6.
John, 1. 23.

XL. 6. 1 Pet. 1. 24. 25.
XL. 13. Rom. xi. 34.
1 Cor. n. 16.

XLII. 1. Matt. xi. 18.
XLV. 23. Rom. xiv. 11.
XLIX. 6. Acts, xi. 47.
XLIX. 8. 2 Cor. vi. 2.
LII. 5. Rom. 11. 24.

LII. 7. Rom. x. 15.

LII. 11. 12. 2 Cor. vi. 17. 18.

LII. 15. Rom. xv.


L. 1. John xu. 38. LI. 3. Rom. x. 16. LII. 4. Matt. vi. 17.

VI. 9. 10. Acts, xxvIII. 26. 27. L. 5. 1 Pet. 11. 24.

vi. 10. John, xii. 40.

VII. 14. Matt. 1. 23.

LII. 7. 8. Acts, vin. 32. 33.

LII. 9. 1 Pet. 11. 22.

VIII. 12. 13. I Pet. ш. 14. 15, L. 12. Mark, xv. 28.

VIII. 14. Rom. IX. 33.

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Luke, xx. 37.

LIV. 1. Gal. iv. 27.
LIV. 13. John, vi. 45.
LV. 3. Acts, xiii. 34.
LVI. 7. Matt. xxi. 13.

[ocr errors]

Mark, xi. 17. Luke, xix. 46.

LIX. 7. 8. Rom. 111. 15.
LIX. 20. 21. Rom. xi. 26. 27.
LXI. 1. 2. Luke, iv. 18. 19.

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There are, in the New Testament, no direct quotations from

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But references are made to some of these:

TO JUDGES, in Heb. xI. 30-34. and Acts, XIII. 20; to II KINGS in Luke, Iv. 25-27. x. 4. Heb. xi. 35; I CHRONICLES, in Heb. v. 4; 1 CHRONICLES, in Matt. 11. 51. xxiii. 35. Lu. xi. 51; NEHEMIAH, Rom. II. 24; ESTHER, Rev. xi. 5; ECCLESIASTES, in 1 Tim. vI. 7. Jam. Iv. 5; LAMENTATIONS, 1 Cor. iv. 15; EZEKIEL, in 1 Pet. II. 5. III. 4. Rev.; DANIEL, in Matt. xxxiv. 15. Mark, xui. 14. Heb. xi. 33. 34; JoNAH, in Matt. xi. 39 – 41. Luke, XI. 30. 32; NAHUM, Rev. xviii. 3.

STORR, in his Biblical Theology, (quoted above, §. 8. note *), has exhibited, from the New Testament, a View of the "Divine authority of the Old Testament," in Vol. 1. B. 1. §. 13.; and in §. 14., he gives the "Proof," from the New Testament, “ that the Jewish Canon, in the days of Jesus, contained the same books which now constitute our Old Testament." HORNE, in his Introduction to the Holy Scriptures, Vol. 11. P. 1. Ch. 1x. Sect. I., has classified and arranged the "Quotations from the Old Testament in the New." The most convenient and satisfactory work, as an aid to the student, who desires to investigate the subject, is entitled "Passages cited from the Old Testament by the writers of the New Testament, compared with the Original Hebrew and the Septuagint Version: ar

ranged by the Junior Class in the Theological Seminary, Andover, and published at their request, under the superintendence of M. STUART, Associate Professor of Sacred Literature." pp. 39. Quarto, Andover, 1827. Tr. 1

Note [B].

The quotations from the Old Testament in the New are of two kinds.

I. Some books are quoted for the establishment of religious truths. To this class, without controversy, belong the following books.


Matt. IV. 4.7. xv. 4. xxi. 31. 37.

Mark, vII. 9. 10. 13. 1 Cor. ix. 8.

2. ISAIAH. Matt. 1. 23. (VIII. 17. xi. 18. Mark, xi. 17. John, vi. 45.), Acts, vi. 30-35. Rom. XII. I Pet. 11. 6. 3. JEREMIAH. Hebr. x. 15. 16. 17.

4. PSALMS. Matt. xxII. 43. 44. Acts, 1. 25.

II. Some books of the Old Testament are only cited by the way; sometimes for illustration, sometimes as parallels.

The student, who wishes to examine this part of the subject, will be furnished with a list of the direct and indirect quotations, by consulting KNAPP's edition of the New Testament; in which, at the close of Tom. II., is given a table, entitled: Recensus locorum Veteris Testamenti in Novo vel ipsis verbis, vel obscurius commemoratorum.

The whole subject is very ably discussed by the following writers, in addition to those cited in the last note:

DRUSIUS, in the work entitled: In Parallela Sacra Notae, inserted in the Critici Sacri, Lond., 1660. Vol. VIII. pp. 1266--1325.

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