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tles, whilst they taught many of the HERESIES, which are now held by men I would not name. "Cranmer, Latimer, and Ridley, and Coverdale, Peter Martyr, and Bucer and Zuinglius, Henry and Somerset and Elizabeth, and Cecil and Burnet and Tillotson and Taylor and Hoadley-these, my Lord, are the Apostles, the Fathers and the Supporters of your Church-these are the men, with a host of Apostates in whom your Grace glories.... if they have reconstructed your Church, on the foundations of the Prophets and Apostles, the Manichæan system must be true, and the evil principle has prevailed over the good one!"

Here we must stop for a moment, to remind the reader, of the Rhemish Note which we quoted, "abhor these Mani chees of our time;" and to assure him, that the Popish Dignitary whose letter is now before us, appears to be a faithful disciple of the Rhemish School, and to sympathise with Father Gandolphy in some of his most bigotted, relentless, and violent effusions, against the founders of our Established Reformed Church, and even against her murdered Martyrs, her Cranmers, her Ridleys, and her Latimers!

He proceeds to demand, why the Archbishop seeks "to usurp❞ the title of Catholic,' and to possess it in common with that Church, to which the whole universe has exclusively assigned it ?" and he says, "who before your Grace, has ever-imagined that the established Church in these countries was Catholic *. Your Church had not been placed on any foundation by the LORD-for, her founders refused to hear HIM, and the FATHER who sent him, when they despised the voice of those whom he had commanded them to hear," (viz. the Popish Priests): "nor upon his Apostles, who made unity the touchstone of truth-who regarded heresy as a gangrene" (mark-reader!) and pronounced that he who abided by his own judgment, was self-convicted and to be shunned: .... Your Grace

The Archbishop had observed with great justice on the important mischiefs which arise from our distinguishing the Roman Catholic, as the Catholic Church exclusively. We regret that we have not space at present, to pursue this subject; as it is one of most serious consequence. One observation upon it, we would press on the public attention-that this erroneous custom contributes to enable Popish Doctors to persuade Roman Catholics, at least all the uninformed Roman Catholics, that the declarations of the Fathers in the early ages of Christianity, in support of the Apostolic Catholic Church, apply now exclusively to the Church of Rome; and all their censures of " Heretics," to voluntary and stedfast PROTESTANTS.

Even Friar Hayes charges Members of the Established Church with falsehood, in repeating their Creed, because they profess to believe in the Catholic Church. And really, if they shall be guilty of the falsehood of distinguishing the Church of Rome, as exclusively "the Catholic Church," they will subject themselves to the charge of the second falsehood urged against them by such persons as Friar Hayes, and widely circulated and believed amongst Members of the Church of Rome.

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cannot inherit spiritual jurisdiction, as you would a title to an estate. You have not received it from the Catholic Church, for he disavows you, saying with Cyprian, no matter what you teach, or who you are, if you be out of the pale of her unity, you are not a Bishop Your Grace is reported to have said, that the Roman Catholics had a Church without a Religion: but ISAIAS saith of that Church, that every arm that is raised, against her, will not prosper, and against every tongue that contendeth with her, she shall obtain her cause for this is the inhe ritance of her children.

Isaias, it seems, was prophesying of the Popish Church exclusively; and foretold that she shall obtain her cause against the Archbishop's and against every tongue that shall attempt to contend with her. But, the Popish dignitary returns with rising again, to the passage of the Archbishop's Charge, which he has misquoted as above.


"Your Grace," he continues, "has again muligned us. You are stated to have said, that we have a Church without a Religion. What, my Lord, are we to be thus outraged? And has a theological hatred invaded your breast also, and blinded your understanding? Have we returned to the days of Paganism, when our fathers were accused as Atheists? and burned at a stake for devouring infants? . . a Church without a Religion! We have a Church, my Lord, and one against which the Gates of Hell shall not prevail—(remember the Divinity Class book of Maynooth, that the deadly tongues' of those whom Popish Doctors call Heretics' are Gates of Hell')—'a Church, which has been assailed by Heresies, by Schism, and by Calumny, but never overcome .... did your Grace but revolve in your mind the labour of a Xavier, the apostolic life of a Boromeo, the zeal and piety of a de Sales, the admirable life and heroic virtues of our present Pontiff, your Grace would have been humbled on your throne; and instead of reviling the Religion of those men, you would have descended to the place of the Publican, and prayed to the God of the temple, that he would make you like to one of them.... We' (meaning himself and the other Members of his Church) shall at least take care that your Grace does not attack it'-the Romish Faith — with impunity. Nemo nos impunè lacessit.”.

Thus this meek Popish dignitary concludes his newspaper effusion, signing himself J. K. L.

Even if his statement of the Archbishop's expression were correct, what was there in it, comparable with the charges against Protestantism and Protestants which we have cited

* We are prevented from citing this Popish dignitary's observations in a more complete form, by our limits only.

from late authorised Romish publications in these countries, and particularly in Ireland? Even the misquotation represents the Roman Catholics as possessing truly a Church-as forming a branch of our Redeemer's Universal Church; though with a system of faith and worship, which, as a whole system, is not a Religion. And, if the Archbishop had expressed himself even thus, any candid man must immediately have supposed, that his Grace using these words to his Clergy, not only admitted the Church of Rome, to be a branch of our Redeemer's Universal Church; but also parts of her religious system to be strictly and properly parts of the Christian Religion: and indeed the latter immediately follows from the former, since the mere fact of her members, being also members of our Lord's Universal Church, necessarily involves their possessing certain essential parts of the Christian Religion.

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But the Archbishop's words were mis-stated, and even the mis-statement strained, for the purpose of most grossly and injuriously misrepresenting his meaning. Nay though the authorised publication of his Grace's Charge very soon after appeared, in which he stated most clearly and fully his innoceut and just meaning, and in which he expressly said that the Roman Catholic Church has preserved some of the "sterling treasures of Religion;" still is this popish dignitary's letter published in numerous successive editions and circulated diligently amongst the Irish Roman Catholic populace. And in order to give an apparent justification of his calumnious misrepresentation of the Archbishop's meaning, a fabricated and false report of his Grace's Charge is prefixed to the letter? This scandalous proceeding is still carried on; and though two months have elasped since the authorised report of the Charge was published in Dublin, we have reason to believe, that a ninth edition of the fabricated and false report of the Charge with the Popish dignitary's letter annexed to it, was published in Ireland for the Roman Catholic populace, about the middle of the present month-(January). Such a proceeding could not be persisted in, without the knowledge and consent of the author of the letter. We cannot trust ourselves to remark upon it, farther than to say, that it's culpability appears aggravated, by the peculiar circumstances of Ireland, in consequence of which, the letter of the Popish dignitary must naturally tend to excite a spirit of animosity amongst the Roman Catholic populace, against the Archbishop of Dublin.

But what will our readers say, when we inform them, that this same Popish Dignitary-this writer of the inflammatory

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letter to which we have referred, this man, who consents (for we must necessarily infer his consent, from his situation) to have that mishievous letter still re-published and circulated, with a false and fabricated report of the Archbishop's Charge, nearly two months after the publication, in Dublin, of the authorised and correct report that this man is an Irish Popish Bishop!-Nay, that he is the very identical Popish Bishop, who (soon after he had first published the inflammatory letter, with a signature concealing his name) published "the Pastoral" which bore so moderate and conciliating an aspect, under his real name: subscribing himself J. Doyle, D.D. &c. to the Pastoral; while his inflammatory letter is going through successive editions, with the signature of "J. K. L.," which letters, it has since appeared, were chosen, as being the initials of "James Kildare* and Leighlin!" And still is his inflammatory letter re-published and circulated, together with the false report of the Charge of the Archbishop of Dublin! We cannot regret, that our space forbids us to remark upon such conduct: all comment on it must be unnecessary.

Next to "J. K. L.," as a violent newspaper warrior, Dr. Curtis followed. Dr. Curtis holds the highest situation in the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland. He is a Bishop of the Romish Church, and is called "titular Archbishop of Armagh." It is generally known, that some time since, a calf's head was placed on the altar of the Roman Catholic Chapel of Ardee. The author or authors of the profanation have not been discovered. It may possibly have been committed by some enthusiastic or unprincipled professor of protestantism: but there is, at least, as much reason to suspect, that it was the contrivance of some incendiary of the Romish Church, for the purpose of exciting, by a false suspicion, the animosity of the Roman Catholic popu

*The Romish Hierarchy and priesthood in Ireland, are now sedulously endeavouring to establish the custom of designating the Prelates of the established Church, as the "Protestant Archbishops and Bishops," while they take care that they shall be styled "the Catholic Archbishops and Bishops" of Sees in Ireland; contrary to the laws and Constitution. They even now appear to be grasp ing the titles of Bishops of the Irish Sees exclusively, while the only constitutional Bishops, are to be distinguished from the true Bishops, by being always termed "the Protestant Bishops." Nay, it is but a few weeks, since it was announced to be stated in a Paris paper, that the reception of a converted young Englishman, of noble family, into "the Catholic Church," took place before "the Right Rev. Dr. Poynter, the Catholic Bishop of London'-! Perhaps we may soon be favoured with paragraphs about "the Protestant Bishops of Sees in ENGLAND, as distinguished from the true Catholic Bishops of those Sees."

lace, against Protestants and protestantism. But scarcely had Dr. Curtis, the Romish titular Archbishop of Armagh, heard of the profanation, when he immediately wrote to the Roman Catholic priest of Ardee, a letter, charging by name, the ARCHBISHOP of DUBLIN as having been the cause of it, by means of the Charge he had delivered!!! Nay, he ordered the priest to read this letter, (which we cannot trust ourselves to describe as it deserves), from the altar to the Roman Catholics!!! This, we shall say of the letter, that its tendency was horrible. We cannot imagine any thing more calculated to excite, in the breasts of the Roman Catholic populace, the worst and most dangerous feelings against the Archbishop.

Like the other Romish Bishop, Dr. Doyle, he grossly misrepresented the Archbishop's meaning. But one extract may be sufficient to shew the nature of his letter. He states that the Archbishop in his Charge,

"Officially announced" such an "outrageous imputation, as, if not manifestly absurd, would go to prove, not only that the penal laws against Catholics, had been too lenient, and should be augmented and enforced, but also that Catholics should be expelled from society; for without Religion they can have no security to offer to any government, nor even to private individuals; and consequently should not expect to be tolerated in social life, or to enjoy the protection of the laws; but much less complain of being ignominiously driven, and excluded from all posts of honour, emolument, confidence, and power; for all which, their supposed infidelity or atheism, would render them totally unqualified.'


Now we request especial attention to Dr. Curtis's words, which immediately follow.

"I am reluctantly obliged to say, that the Archbishop, (if he really be as reported, a man of talents and erudition, or even of common sense,) must have clearly seen, and meant to recommend the cruel and exterminating inference above mentioned, that follows as an evident COROLLARY, from his scandalous and actionable libel against Catholics."

Here Dr. Curtis, has let out an intimation, to which we call the particular attention of the Public. While he misrepresents the Archbishop of Dublin, as having accused Roman Catholics of being wholly destitute of religious principles of having no religion-which is not only different from what his Grace said, but directly contrary to what he said; Dr. Curtis for a moment forgets, or seems to forget, that this very charge, which he misrepresents the Archbishop to have made against Roman Catholics, is distinctly and repeatedly

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