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§ 105. Class I.

(1) Present. (a) Original short stems. All forms of the present stem have i-umlaut with loss of WG. -j-, and, with the exception of the 2 and 3 sing. ind. and the sing. imp., gemination of the final consonant of the root. Stems in -r, however, do not lose the derivative -j (cf. § 62, II), except in the 2 and 3 sing. ind. and sing. imp., nor undergo gemination of their final consonant (S. 227).

Examples.-bycgendo 19. 45, bebycgeð 12. 33, acuellas I 7. 12, gelecgas 19. 44, arecganne I 3. 7, sellas 6. 34, gesealla 1. 73, &c. (for ea cf. § 31 (c)), gesettes 12. 42, settanne I 5. 17, awæcce 20. 28, derhwæcende 6. 12; 2 and 3 sing. ind. and imp., bygeð 22. 36, bebyg 18. 22, seles I 4. 8, gesceded 10. 19, getrymað I 10. 10, getrym I 11. 4, sete I 8. 12, aðen 6. 10.

Many exceptions occur; the simple vowel appears where gemination is expected in bebycane I 7. 16, selenne 1. 77, eftseleð I 8. 12, setendum I 10. 5.

On the analogy of verbs in -r are untrymmia 15. 14 (though with gemination); getrymeg 22. 32 (for -eg=j, cf. § 62, III; S. 175, 3).

On the other hand, gemination appears sometimes in the 2 and 3 sing. ind. and the sing. imp., bebycgeð 22. 36, selles 22. 48, sellað 11. 13, selled 11. 11, onsettað 15. 5.

Verbs in -r: 3 sing. ind., byres I 1. 1, ymbstyred 15. 8; infin., geherganne 19. 37 (for g=j, cf. § 62, II; S. 175, 3), gestyrige 6. 48, gestyrege 8. 49 (-ig-, -eg- =j, S. 175, 2); pres. part., hergendo 2. 20, hergendra 2. 13, hergiendum I 10. 12, eriende 17. 7; with loss of j, herende I 9. 6. (b) Original long and polysyllabic stems. The whole present stem has i-umlaut, and the derivative j falls out

except in the verb ceiga (<*kaujan), where it is retained in all forms.

Examples.-gehero 9. 9, læres 20. 21, doema 13. 18, hyhtendo 6. 35, læd 5. 4 (imp.), henes 10. 16, &c.

For the forms oferleor 22. 42, rehtanne 1. 79, cf. S. 384, anm. 3; Fü. 19, V.

In all forms eawa is without umlaut: eauað 3. 7, ædeaua 6. 47, &c.

Polysyllabic verbs (cf. S. 403, anm. 1). Gemination remains in geonditteð 2. 38; it is simplified in ondeto 10. 21, ondetande I 4. 15, &c., giónetað 13. 7.

(2) Preterite. (a) Original short stems. The normal form of the ending is -ede, -edon, with i-umlaut of the root-syllable, but without gemination of the final cons.: aðenede 5. 13, geherede 16. 8, efnegeheredon I 4. 2, getrymede 22. 59, bewaredon 11. 52. Gemination takes place in ontrymmedon 23. 5, 23. 23 (cf. S. 416, anm. 11).

The old middle vowel is preserved in aðenide 6. 10; it is syncopated in sceðde 4. 35. -ade in getrumade 9. 51 (without umlaut, on analogy of Cl. II), getrummade 3. 18.

(b) Original long stems. The ending regularly appears with syncope of the middle vowel (according to § 60, IV), as -de, -don. The i-umlaut remains. The ending is added without further change to verbs in a simple liquid or nasal, in f, s, g, or in a vowel or diphthong+d.

Examples.-lærdes 13. 26, oferfoerde 4. 30, ondælde 10. 34, haelde 7. 3, agemde I 5. 19, todoemde 23. 24, hendon 23. 10, fordwinde 14. 34, gelefde 1. 45, geræsdon 5. 1, gebegde 24. 12, underbræddon 19. 36, gehyddest 10. 21, inlædde I 9. 3; dd is simplified in gefoedon 23. 29, gefoede 15. 15 (pret. opt.), nedon 24. 29 (pret. ind.); the middle vowel is retained in teledon 20. 20, geteledon I 8. 13 (besides telde 23. 11, geteldon 12. 1, aweredon 18. 9).

No change takes place in the verbs in ð: gecyðde

I 2. 14, lædon 1. 71; but is assimilated in cydde I 7. II.

No syncope takes place in verbs in mute + liquid: geglendradon 4. 29, getimbrade 7. 5 (with a as middle vowel); but more frequently a secondary vowel is developed or the original vowel restored between the mute and liquid gehyngerde 4. 2, 6. 3, getimberde I 5. 9, getimberdon 17. 28, gedegelde 1. 24, 8. 47.


Certain slight changes in the root-syllable take place in consequence of the d of the ending following immediately upon its final consonant :

Gmc. gemination is simplified in cende 2. 7, acendon 23. 29, eftcerdon 2. 20, &c., eftcerde 1. 56, gecerde 15. 17, &c. (besides eftcerrdon 23. 48), gecyste 7. 38, 22. 47 (for -te cf. below), gefylde 1. 53, gefyldon 5. gefyllde 7. 1), gespilde 16. 1, spilde 17. 27.

7 (besides

The ending -de becomes -te after the tenues (p), t, c, and the voiceless spirant s: geneolecte 7. 12, geneolecton 8. 24 (besides geneolecde, cf. below); gegroette 1. 40, geboette I 7. 5, gecyste 7. 38, 22. 47.

Simple writing of the consonant is found in inlihte 1. 79, geboeton 10. 13. The cons. is written anomalously as in gerihče 3. 19. The etymological writing appears in togeecde 3. 20, togeneolecde I 10. 17 (S. 405, anm. 10).

After cons.+d or t, the d of the ending is lost: ahældon 24. 5, gescende I 8. 10, gesendon 21. 1, eftsende 23. 15, gescilde I 8. 8, awoerdon 20. 11 (besides aweredon 18. 9, without syncope); geondworde I 7. 7, ondwarde 3. 11, &c., woende 4. 10, awoende 19. 15, gehyrston 15. 2, astylton 2. 47, gehræston 13. 19, eftgeræste 24. 30; both vowels are preserved in astyltdon 4. 32, and only the d of the ending in gestyldon 8. 56.

The preterites of the following long- and short-syllabled words were without the middle vowel in the Gmc. period, and in consequence are without umlaut in OE.: brohte

14. 20, brohton 23. 1, bohte 14. 19, bohton 17. 28, gelahte 9. 47, rahton 22. 53, sohton 2. 48, saldes 19. 23, gesaldon 1. 2, tahte 9. 45, gedohte 1. 29, awæhton 9. 32, awoehton 8. 24.

By analogy the umlaut is brought into the pret. of setta and lecga: legdon 19. 36, settes 19. 21, eftsette I 9. 19, &c.

The verbs in rw lose their w before original i of the pret. ending: gesmiride 4. 18 (cf. § 61, II (c)).

The old form of the ending is retained in gesmiride 4. 18; the following are formed on the analogy of Class II: geondetade I 4. 7, ædeauades 10. 21, ædeawade 24. 34, geglendradon 4. 29, hyhtade 23, 8, geliorade I 2. 4, getimbrade 7. 5, getrumade 9. 51.

The whole preterite ending and middle vowel are lost in eftgebeg 2. 7.

The contract verb *gedion has the pret. gediides 11. 27. (3) Preterite participle.-(a) Original short stems. The ending is regularly -ed (=old -id), with i-umlaut of the root-syllable : astyred 10. 41, getrymed 22. 32, geteled I 4. 12, 22. 37, geypped 12. 2, gesetted 2. 12, gesettet 6. 48, &c. (the gemination being brought in analogically; for final t<d, cf. § 71), geseted 3. 9, gesetet 13. 6.

The vowel of the ending is not syncopated in the inflected forms: gecuelledo 23. 32, gesettedo 12. 19, 24. 12, efnegestyredo 24. 37.

The strong ending appears in geseteno I 9. 6, onsetenum 10. 30, inseteno I 6. 2.

(b) Original long stems. The ending is -ed, with the i-umlaut carried through: gecyded 6. 44, gecerred 7. 13, acenned I 3. 13, gedærsted 13. 21, gefoeded 4. 16, gehyded 8. 17, gehered 1. 13, gelæred 1. 4, geláeded 21. 24, gelefed 6. 4, geneded 14. 8, gestrenced 1. 80, ofersuiðet I 4. 11, getéled 18. 32, gewéded 8. 35.

The middle vowel is syncopated in the following inflected forms: gehældo 6. 17, untyndo 24. 31; with.

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simplification of gemination in gefylde I 4. 18, gecerde 2. 45, eftcerde 2. 20, efnegeceigdum 23. 13.

The following inflected forms appear without syncope: gedegledo 19. 42, gemerredo I. 2. 11, foregegyrdedo 12. 43, gefylledo 21. 22, geceigedo 14. 24.

Without the middle vowel from the Gmc. period are (including both long and short stems): gebroht I 5. 11, efnegebroht 6. 38, eftgesald 14. 14, gesáld 18. 32, &c., gesoht 11. 50, 51, awoeht I 5. 20, aweht I 5. 11.

The old ending -id is retained in gestrencgid 2. 40, gecegid 19. 23. The ending -ad, on the analogy of Class II, appears in ædeauad 12. 2, 19. 11, ædeawad 8. 17, geboetad 23. 16, geondetad I 9. 7, geondetað 12. 8 (for - cf. § 71), gedroefad 1. 29, gedeglad 18. 34, oehtad 11. 49, aoehtad 21. 12, gerehtad 13. 13, gesendad 13. 34, 23. 25, gesendat 19. 32 (for -t cf. § 71), gewoedad 15. 22, onwaldad 22. 25, gedrencgad 10. 15.

The final -g (=-j) of the stem is lost in geced I 5. 1, geceid 1. 35.

The ending -en appears in ymbgyrdeno I 7. 17.

The whole participial ending is lost in awoende 2. 39, 10. 17, efneawennde 2. 39, eftawoende 8. 55 (besides the uninflected form, awoendad 1. 56).

§ 106. Class II.

(1) For the present forms cf. S. 411, 1, and Chap. XII. (2) Preterite. The regular form of the ending is -ade, -adon.

Examples.-bodade 3. 3, geclansade 7. 44, gedruncnadon 5. 7, gefyrhtadon 24. 22, fearradon 2. 15, gearuades 2. 31, gehlaðade 14. 10, geleornadon 6. 3, ofgemercade 10. 1, gemyndgade I 7. 8, plægade 7. 32, gehriordade 16. 19, sceauade 20. 23, ondsuarade 5. 31, geondsuarade 22. 51, geworðade 13. 13, awundradon 1. 21; with u-umlaut, cliopade 8. 28, &c., hlionade 7. 37, &c.; and the contract verbs gefeade 1. 41, &c., gefeadon 19. 37, tuiade

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