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Documents accompanying the President's Message.

izing reanes to be held with t e remote trioes on the Missouri by Commissioners to be appointed by the President, and to be accompanied by a military escort. The Commissioners have been appointed, (General Atkinson and Major O'Fallon, the Agent on the Missouri,) and measures adopted to carry the provisions of the act into effect as soon in the spring as the sea son will admit. It is believed that much good will result from the measure, by giving increased security to our citizens and trade in that remote region; but it is feared that nothing short of permanent military posts will afford complete security to either:

[Sen. and H. of R.

commercial and political intercourse among their cite zens; and within the spheres of these duties, they are more competent to act than the General Government; and there can be no rational doubt, but that, as the po pulation and capital of the several states increase, these powerful means of developing their resources will te ceive from their respective Legislatures due attention But as numerous as this class of improvement is, and in portant as it may be to the General Government, in the discharge of the various dutfes confided by the constite tion to it, there are other improvements, not compre hended in it, of a more general character, which ar The appropriation of the sum of $10,000, annually, for more essentially connected with the performance of the civilization of the Indians, is producing very benefi- duties, while they are less intimately connected wh cial effects, by improving the condition of the various those belonging to the state governments, and less with tribes in our neighborhood. Already 32 schools are es in their power of execution. It is believed that th tablished in the Indian nations, and, for the most part, class, and this only, was comprehended in the provision are well conducted, in which, during the present year, of the act. In projecting the surveys in this view of the 916 youths of both sexes have been instructed in read-subject, the whole Union must be considered as one, an ing, writing, arithmetic, and all of the ordinary occupa- the attention directed, not to those roads and can tions of life. So large a body of well instructed youths, of which may facilitate intercourse between parts of the whom several hundred will annually return to their same state,but to those which may bind all of the parts to homes, cannot fail to effect a beneficial change in gether, and the whole with the centre, thereby facilita the condition of this unhappy race. ting commerce and intercourse among the states, and The acts making appropriation for the repairs of Ply-enabling the government to disseminate prompt mouth beach, the improvement of the entrance into the through the mail, information to every part, and to ex harbor of Presqu' Isle, on Lake Erie, and of the naviga- tend protection to the whole. By extending those pr tion of the Ohio and Mississippi, claimed the early atten- ciples, the line of cominunication by roads and canals tion of the Department. through the states, the General Government, instead interfering with the state governments within their proper spheres of action, will afford (particularly those states situated in the interior,) the only means of perfecting improvements of similar description, whic properly belong to them.

mine what particular routes were of "national impo tance," and which, accordingly, the board should be d rected to examine, in order to cause surveys, plans, and estimates, to be prepared, as directed by the act.

The execution of the two first of these works, was placed under the superintendence of officers or the corps of engineers. The first is nearly completed, and preparatory arrangements have been made for the early execution of the second. An officer, also, of the corps, was assigned to the execution of the act for the improve- These principles being fixed, it only remained to ap ment of the navigation of the Ohio, so far as it autho-ply them to our actual geographical position, to deter rized an experiment to be made in removing the sand bars, which obstructed the navigation of that river. The officer was prepared to make the experiment, but the river remained too full, during the Fall, for a fai trial. Under the other provisions of the act directing measures to be taken to remove the snags, sawyers, and planters, which obstruct the navigation of the Ohio and Mississip pi, a contract has been formed, with a gentleman experienced in their navigation, to free both of those rivers from all such obstructions, in conformity with the provisions of the act, for the sum of $60,000, to be paid on the execution of the work. In the contract it is stipulated, that it shall be executed under the superintendence and inspection of an officer of the Corps of Engineers.

In order to carry into effect the act of Congress, of the 30th April last, authorizing the President "to cause the necessary surveys, plans, and estimates, to be made, of the routes of such roads and canals, as he may deem of national importance in a commercial or military point of view, or necessary to the transportation of the public mail," a board was constituted, consisting of General Bernard and Colonel fotten, of the Engineer Corps, and John L. Sullivan, an experienced civil Engineer. It be came necessary, in giving orders to the board, under the act, to determine what routes for roads and canals were of "national importance," in the views contemplated by the act; as such only as the President might deem to be of that description were authorized to be examined and surveyed. In deciding this point, it became necessary to advert to our political system, in its distribution of powers and duties between the general and the state Governments. In thus regarding our system, it was conceived that all of those routes of roads and canals, which might be fairly considered as falling within the province of any particular state, however useful they might be in a cominercial or political view, or, to the transportation of the mail, were excluded from the provisions of the act. The states have important duties to perform, in facilitating, by means of roads and canals,

The first and most important, was conceived to be the route for a canal extending from the seat of government by the Potomac, to the Ohio river, and thence to Lake Erie; and, accordingly, as soon as the board was orga zed, it was ordered to examine and cause this important route to be surveyed. Dr. William Howard and Mr. James Shriver, both of whom were well acquainted with the localities of the route, were associated as assistants with the board. Two topographical brigades (all that co be spared from the survey of the coast, for the purpose of fortification,) and one brigade of surveyors, under Mr. Shriver, were placed under the orders of the board.

The examination of the route was completed in Sep tember; but the survey will not be finished till the nex season. That part of it, however, which is most inter esting, the section of the summit level of the Alleghans, including its eastern slope, is completed, which, its hoped, will enable the board to determine, during the present winter, on the practicability of the proje Should it prove practicable, its execution would be of in calculable advantage to the country. It would bind to gether, by the strongest bond of common interest a security, a very large portion of this Union: but, in order fully to realise its "importance in a national point of view," it will be necessary to advert to some of the more striking geographical features of our country.

The United States may be considered, in a geograph cal point of view, as consisting of three distinct parts; f which the portion extending along the shores of the Alantic, and back to the Alleghany mountains, constitutes one; that lying on the Lakes and the St. Lawrence 300 ther; and that watered by the Mississippi, including its various branches, the other. These several portions are very distinctly marked by well defined lines, and have naturally but little connexion, particularly in a commer



Documents accompanying the President's Message.

[Sen. and H. of R.

cial point of view. It is only by artificial means of com-
munication that this natural separation can be overcome;
to effect which much has already been done. The great
canal of New-York firmly unites the country of the Lakes
with the Atlantic through the channel of the North Ri-
ver; and the National Road from Cumberland to Wheel-
ing, commenced under the administration of Mr. Jeffer
Bon, unites, but more imperfectly, the Western with theed than Massachusetts herself, in avoiding the long and
Atlantic states. But the complete union of these sepa-
rate parts, which, geographically, constitute our country,
can only be effected by the completion of the projected
canal to the Ohio and Lake Erie, by means of which the
country lying on the Lakes will be firmly united to that
an the Western waters, and both with the Atlantic states,
and the whole intimately connected with the centre.
These considerations, of themselves, without taking into
view others, fairly bring this great work within the pro-
vision of the act directing the surveys; but, when we
Extend our views, and consider the Ohio and the Missis-
ippi, with its great branches, but as a prolongation of
he canal, it must be admitted to be not only of national
mportance, but of the very highest national importance,
Bacommercial, military, and political point of view. Thus
considered,it involves the completion ofthe improvements
of the navigation of both of these rivers, which has been
Commenced under the appropriation of the last session
Congress; and, also, canals round the fails of the Ohio
Louisville, and Muscle Shoals on the Tennessee river;
loth of which, it is believed, can be executed at a mode-
ate expense. With these improvements, the projected
anal would not only unite the three great sections of
he country together, as has been pointed out, but would
so unite, in the most intimate manner, all of the states
in the Lakes and the Western waters among themselves,
nd give complete effect to whatever improvement may
e made by those states individually. The advantages,
fact, from the completion of this single work, as pro-
josed, would be so extended and ramified throughout
hese great divisions of our country, already containing
large a portion of our population, and destined, in a
ew generations, to out-number the most populous states
if Europe, as to leave in that quarter no other work for
he execution of the general government, excepting on-
y the extension of Cumberland road from Wheeling to
St. Louis, which is also conceived to be of "national im-

ford a prompt, cheap, and safe communication between
all of the states north of the seat of government, and
greatly facilitate their communication with the centre of
the Union. The states of New Itampshire and Maine,
though lying beyond the point where these improve-
ments would terminate, would not, on that account, less
participate in the advantages, as they are no less interest-
dangerous passt ge round Cape Cod, which would be ef-
fected by the union of Barnstable with Buzzard's bay.
In the section lying south of this, none of these advan-
tages for communication by canals exist. A line of in-
land navigation extends, it is true, along nearly the whole
line of coasts which is susceptible of improvement, and
may be rendered highly serviceable, particularly in war,
and on that account may be fairly considered of "nation-
al importance." The Dismal Swamp canal, from the
Chesapeake bay to Albemarle Sound, which is nearly
completed, constitutes a very important link in this na-
vigation. But it is conceived that, for the southern divi-
sion of our country, the improvement which would best
effect the views of Congress, would be a durable road,
extending from the seat of government to New Orleans,
through the Atlantic states; and the Board will accord-
ingly receive instructions to examine the route as soon
as the next season will permit.

The completion of this work, and the line of canals to the North, would unite the several Atlantic states, including those on the Gulf, in a strong bond of union, and connect the whole with the centre, which would also be united, as has been shown, with those on the Lakes and the Western waters, by the improvement projected in that quarter.

These three great works, then, the canal to Ohio and Lake Erie, with the improvement of the navigation of the Ohio, Mississippi, and the canal round the Muscle Shoal; the series of canals connecting the bays north of the Seat of Government, and a durable road extending from the Seat of Government to New Orleans, uniting the whole of the Southern Atlantic States, are conceiv ed to be the most important objects within the provisions of the act of the last session. The beneficial effects which would flow from such a system of improvement would extend directly and immediately to every state in the Union; and the expenditure that would be required for its completion, would bear a fair proportion to the wealth and population of the several sections of country, at least, as they will stand a few years hence. When completed, it would greatly facilitate commerce and intercourse among the states, while it would afford to the government the means of transmitting information through the mail promptly to every part, and of giving effectual protection to every portion of our widely extended country.

There are several other routes which, though not es

The route which is deemed next in importance in a naoral point of view, is the one extending through the Entire tier of the Atlantic states, including those on the Gulf of Mexico. By adverting to the division of our Country, through which this route must pass, it will be seen that there is a striking difference in geographical features between the portions which extend south and north of the general government, including the Chesa peake bay, with its various arms, in the latter division. In the northern part of the division, all of the great rivers sential to the system, are deemed of great importance in terminate in deep and bold navigable estuaries, while an a commercial and military point of view, and which the Opposite character distinguishes the mouths of the rivers board will receive instructions to examine. Among in the other. This difference gives greater advantage to these, the most prominent is the connexion, whereimprovement, by canal, in the northern, and less in the ver it may prove practicable, of the Eastern and southern, division. In the former, it is conceived to be of Western waters, through the principal rivers discharging high national importance to unite its deep and capacious themselves into the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico: for bajs by a series of canals; and the Board was according example, the Alabama and Savannah rivers with the ly instructed to examine the routes for canals between the Tennessee, James river with the Kenhawa, and the SusDelaware and the Rariton, between Barnstable and Buz-quehannah with the Alleghany; which last will be more zard's bays, and Boston harbor and Narraganset bay particularly adverted to in a subsequent part of the reThe execution of the very important link in this line of port. To these, we may add, the route from Lake communication between the Delaware and the Chesa Champlain to the St. Lawrence, and from the river St. peake, having been already commenced, was not com- John, across Florida Neck, to the Gulf of Mexico. They prehended in the order. These orders will be executed are both deemed important; but the latter particularly by the Board before the termination of the season. The So. Should it prove practicable, its beneficial effects important results which would follow from the comple- would be great, comprehensible, and durable. The tion of this chain, in a commercial, military, and political whole of the Atlantic and Western states would deeply dont of view, are so striking, that they need not be partake in its advantages. Besides the facility of interdwelt on. It would, at all times, in peace and war, af- course which it would afford between those s'ates, bur


Documents accompanying the President's Message.

trade with Mexico, Guatimala, and the central parts of the continent, would not only be greatly facilitated, but rendered much more secure.

The board have, besides those already mentioned, examined, in conjunction with Pennsylvania Commissioners, a route for a canal from the Allegany to the Susquehannah. In addition to the importance of this route to a large portion of the West, and the state of Pennsylvania, it was thought to possess other and strong claims on the attention of the government. It is believed to be one of the most promising routes to cross the Allegany by a canal communication, and should that by the Potomac prove impracticable, it might afford the means of effect. ing the great object intended by the canal projected by

that route.

When the various routes to which I have referred are examined and surveyed, and plans and estimates formed, in conformity with the directions of the act, it will present so full a view of the whole subject, as will enable Congress to commence and complete such a system of internal improvement as it may deem proper, with the greatest possible advantage.

In conclusion, I have to remark, that experience has shown, that the Corps of Engineers is too small to perform the various duties which are assigned to it. Its duties have been more than trebled since its establishment, and are increasing every year. During the present year much inconvenience has been experienced for the want of a sufficient number of officers, notwithstanding every officer of the corps has been on active duty during the season.

I have the honor to remain, your obedient servant, J. C. CALHOUN.

To the President of the U. States.


[Sen. and H. of R.

E. A Statement showing the number of men enlisted, the amount of money advanced for the purposes of recruiting, and the amount for which recruit ing accounts have been rendered for settlement, from 1st Oct. 1825, to 30th Sept. 1824. By statement E, it will be seen, that $5224 87 remains unexpended in the hands of recruiting officers. This sum is now in a course of application to the re cruiting service, and ther is no doubt, from the promp titude and correctness of the recruiting officers, that it will, when the proper time arrives, be regularly ac counted for.

Brevet Major General Gaines is just completing a tou of inspection, embracing the posts on the upper and lower Lakes; but his report has not been received.

During the early part of the year, a tour of inspection was performed by Brevet Major General Scott, embra ing the posts on the Florida Gulf and Mississippi river commencing at Fort St. Philip, below New Orleans, and terminating at Fort St. Anthony.

During the months of March, April, and May, Colonel Wool inspected all the posts on the Atlantic coast, be tween Savannah, Geo. and Portsmouth, NH. During the months of June, July, and August, he inspected the posts of Sackett's Harbor, Niagara, Detroit, Sault St Marie, and Green Bay.

Colonel Archer has inspected the posts of Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Fort St. Philip, Petite Coquille Pensacola, and all the Posts on the Atlantic frontier, bo tween Washington City and Fort Sullivan, Me. including the National Armory, at Springfield, Mass.

The Reports of Inspections, performed by the Com manding Officers of Artillery regiments, are not yet re ceived.

The general condition of the army, the state of its dis cipline, administration, &c. are as favorable as could be

Transmitted from the War Department to the President, to expected. The infantry regiments have perhaps attain

accompany his Message to Congress.

A. Report of Major General Brown, concerning the organization, distribution, and disbursements of the Army.

B. Report of the Quartermaster General.

C. Report of the Commissary General of Subsistence.
D. Report of the Paymaster General.
E. Report of the Surgeon General.

F. Report of the Commissary General of Purchases. G. Report of the Engineer Department, with report of the Board of Visiters on the state of the Military Academy.

H. Report of the Ordnance Department.
I. Statement concerning Pensions.
J. Statements of Bounty Lands.
K. Statement of Indian Affairs.

[These papers furnish the details, the general result of which appears in the preceding report. The two following are selected as being apparently the most important.]



Washington 20th Nov. 1824. SIR: Agreeably to your instructions of the 1st inst. I have the honor to lay before you the Returns and Statements following, viz

A. A Statement of the Organization of the Army, agreeably to the act of Congress of 2d March, 1821. B. A Return of the Strength of the Army, from the last regimental and other returns, received at Head Quarters.

C. A Return shewing the Distribution of the Troops in the Eastern Department.

D. A Return shewing the Distribution of the Troops in the Western Department.

ed as much excellence as is compatible with the state of dispersion which naturally grows out of the physical re lations of the country, and the exigencies of the public service. In the artillery regiments, an important acces sion of scientific and experimental knowledge is to be es pected from the school of practice, which has gone into operation at Fortress Monroe.

In addition to the intelligence which I have above pre sented, in obedience to your instructions, I have thought proper to submit, for your consideration, some reflections upon a subject connected, in the most intimate manner, with the welfare of the army, I mean the evil of desertion-an evil which has grown to a serious magnitude, and exerts an unhappy influence upon the nume rical force and efficiency of the army, upon its moral cha racter, and upon the fund appropriated by the govern ment for its support. Its effect upon the numerical force and efficiency of the army is, by withdrawing from the ranks a large number of men, of whom the and the residue are devoted to hard labor and imprison greater part succeed in eluding the vigilance of pursuit, ment in the garrison, which are the highest penalties awarded to the crime; in either case their services as soldiers are lost to the army. Its effect upon the mo al character of the army is, to degrade the spirit of the profession by relaxing its moral ties, and by merging the infamy of the crime in the multiplication of example. its effect upon the fund appropriated to the support the army is, by increasing the expenditure of the re cruiting service, from the necessity of keeping the ranks of the army full, by providing a recruit, at a considerable expense, to supply the place of every deserter who eludes apprehension.

The comforts which the soldier enjoys from the liberal provision of the government, his exemption from all ar bitrary restraint, and the mildness and regularity which distinguish the administration of the army, leave no ima ginable cause for the prevalency of desertion, but the


Documents accompanying the President's Message.

inadequacy of the punishment annexed to it by law. In
time of war, it is suppressed by the infliction of capital
punishment; but it has not ben customary to inflict the
sentence of death upon deserters in time of peace. Be-
fore the late war, punishment by stripes operated as a
partial, if not an efficient, restraint; but this mode of
penishment was abolished by law, at a time when it was
deemed necessary, in order to engage individuals of re-
spectable connexions and elevated spirit, to enter the
ranks, to expunge from the government of the army
every feature which was repugnant to the moral eleva-
tion of man. It has been my opinion that it would be
come necessary, if the government should continue to
enlist into the army foreigners, who have generally been
accustomed to the lash, and cannot easily be governed
without it to revive, by law, the punishment by stripes,
under the discretion of courts martial; but, as you have
consented to the prohibition of their enlistment, it is at
least due to the character of our native soldiery, to make
a further experiment to govern them without resorting
to expedients which are not altogether in harmony with
the genius of our institutions or the spirit of the age.
Experience having proved that the established system
of punishment is inadequate to the suppression of the
crime, and that it is vain to rely altogether upon the in-
fluence of moral obligation, I can conceive no other mode |
of securing the fidelity of the soldier than by creating an
artificial interest, which will bind him to the service.
With a view to this object, I would recommend that pro-
vision be made, by law, to retain a portion of his month-
ly pay in the hands of the Government, until the expira-
tion of his term of enlistment, and to make an honorable
discharge the condition of its payment. The smallest
portion which I would advise to be retained is one dol-
ar per month, and the largest portion two dollars. A
sum smaller than the former would be inadequate to pro-
duce in the soldier the necessary interest, and a sum
larger than the latter would make too serious an inroad
upon his comforts. Assuming the medium, one dollar
and fifty cents, as the proper standard, let us examine
its influence upon the army and the public treasures.
At the expiration of his first year's service, every soldier
would have in the possession of the Government eight-
een dollars; at the end of the second year, thirty-six
dollars; and at the expiration of his term of enlistment,
ninety dollars. The regular monthly increase of the
sum in expectancy, would be a constantly increasing
motive to a faithful performance of his duties; and he
would be confirmed in his course of fidelity and obe-
dience to the laws, by the consideration that an honora-
ble discharge would put him in possession of a sum suf-
ficient to sustain him in transferring his industry, if he
should think proper, to a new pursuit. In the mean-
time, if he should desert, the sum retained from his pay
would, in some cases, be sufficient, and in all cases go
far towards enabling the Government to provide a re-
crit to supply his place. Thus, the expense of filling
vacancies occasioned by a violation of the laws, would
principally fall, as in justice it ought, upon the offenders
themselves, and not upon the public, against which the
offence is committed.

[Sen. and H. of R.

reflect, when we are compelled to have recourse to ex.
pedients like these, that those of a milder character
have been exhausted.
I have the honor to be, most respectfully, sir, your
obedient servant,

Secretary of War.


Engineer Department, Nov. 20, 1824. SIR: In pursuance of your instructions, dated the 1st instant,to report "the application of the appropriation of the last session,for fortifications to the several works, and the expenditures necessary for their completion; and also a statement of the work performed on fortifications within this year, ending 30th Sept. last; the works remaining to be commenced, according to the plans of the Board of Engineers; the estimates of the Board of Engineers for those works; the progress of the Board of Engineers in its labors, comprehending the operations of the Topographical Engineers, from the commencement of the year; the progress of the Board of Internal Improvements, comprehending the operations of the Topographical Engineers, under the act of the 30th of April last, to procure the necessary surveys, plans, and estimates, upon the subject of Roads and Canals; the act of the 24th of May last, to improve the navigation of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers; the act of the 26th of May last, for deepening the channel leading into the harbor of Presqu'Isle, and for repairing Plymouth Beach; the condition of the Military Academy, including its present number, and the number which graduated last year; the amount drawn for the three first quarters of this year, under the several heads of appropria tion, and the amount of accounts rendered and passed to the Auditor for settlement in the same period," I have the honor to make the following report, yiz:

I beg leave to refer to the accompanying tables, marked G, H, and I, for part of the information above required.

Table G exhibits "the application of the appropriation of the last session, for fortifications to the several works, and the expenditures necessary for their completion.' It shows that, of the amount appropriated, $620,000, the sum of $312,477 86 was expended in the three first quarters of the year, leaving the sum of $307,522 14 to be expended.

Table H exhibits the amounts drawn for the three first quarters of this year, added to the amounts in the hands of agents on the 1st of January last, applicable to the several objects designated; and the amount of accounts relating to those objects, rendered and passed to the Auditor for settlement in the same period.

Table I exhibits "the works remaining to be commenced, according to the plans of the Board of Engi neers, and the estimates of the Board of Engineers for those works."

The work performed on fortifications within this year, ending on the 30th of September, will be found in the following summary statements, in relation to each fortification. Two of those fortifications, that at Brenton's Point, in the harbor of Newport, Rhode Island, and that at New Utrecht Point, in the harbor of New York, were commenced this year.

The more I reflect upon this subject, the more firmly I am strengthened in the conviction that the frequency of desertion will be materially abridged by the measure which I have the honor to suggest. If my position is correct, it will be apparent that the efficiency of the army will be augmented, that its moral character will be The work at Brenton's Point was commenced under elevated, and that the branch of public expenditure the authority of an appropriation of fifty thousand dolheretofore referred to will be brought within the small-lers, for purchasing the site and collecting materials. est limits to which, under the most favorable circumstances, it is susceptible of being reduced. If it should be found by experience that this measure is ineffectual, and that it is necessary, by severe and humiliating penalties, to punish, where interest and the sense of moral obligation are inedequate to restrain, it will be a consolation to

The site has been purchased and enclosed; the construction of a wharf, and other arrangements for collecting materials have been commenced, and some materials have been collected.

The work at New Utrecht Point was also commenced, under the authority of an appropriation of fifty thousand

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dollars, for purchasing the site and collecting materials. The greater part of the land required for a site for this work is already owned by the United States. The small addition to be procured has not yet been obtained. The proprietor holds it at a price much above what is conceived to be its value; and several attempts to negotiate with him having failed, an appeal has been made, through the Governor, to the Legislature of New York, to appoint assessors, to determine the value. Extensive arrangements for the collection of materials are in progress. The wharf has been repaired, and a railway, to extend from it to the top of the bank, a height of forty-five feet, has been commenced, together with trucks to be used upon it. Other arrangements have been made, and a few materials have been collected.

At Fort Monroe, the progress of the operations during the year has been steady and satisfactory. The work is of great extent, and yet all parts of it have been, in a more or less degree, advanced, and in some parts the main walls have been completed. Additional permanent quarters have been built, and the construction of a permanent hospital has been commenced.

It had been contemplated to lay the foundation of the walls of Fort Calhoun during this season, and arrangements were made accordingly, but they could not be carried into effect, for the want of an officer to superintend them. No disadvantage, however, is likely to arise from the delay; on the contrary, if the mole, which is a pile of stones upon which the structure is to be built, has not thoroughly settled, which is possible, although not probable, there will be afforded additional time for to acquire the requisite solidity.

[Sen. and H. of R,

had deviated from the plan in several particulars, to the injury of the work. His conduct was considered so reprehensible, that a court of inquiry, to investigate it, was ordered, and it being conceived that the opinion of the court lay the just foundation for further measures, a court martial was ordered to try Major Babcock, on charges growing out of his conduct as superintendent, of which, however, he was acquitted, on the belief of the court that the errors were errors of judgment, and not intentional.

The occurrence has been one of mortification to the Department, but it feels a thorough conviction that Fort Delaware is the only one of the fortifications which, oa final inspection, will be found to be defective, either in the workmanship, or in the want of conformity to the plans. This particular work was commenced at an early period, before the commencement of the present system, and the errors that have been committed may, at least in some degree, be attributed to the incomplete state of the system under which it was commenced

The foregoing exhibits the progress of the fortifica tions during the year, with the exception of some repairs that were made to Castle William, in New York haroo

The officers composing the Board of Engineers for Fortifications, have been engaged, during this year. chiefly in the duties of the Board for Internal Improvements, of which, also, they are members. During the early part of the year, they were employed in the consi deration of a project for the defence of the eastern section of the coast of Maine-in preparing plans and estmates for fortifications for Portland, in Maine; Pors mouth, in New Hampshire; Beaufort and Cape Fear tver, in North Carolina, and Charleston, in South Carol na. They also inspected Fort Delaware and Fort Washder their instructions, has been employed in the prose cution of surveys at St. Mary's, on the Potomac, on the Patapsco, and in the harbor of Charleston, in South Car rolina, and its vicinity; and, also, in the preparation of drawings relating to those surveys, and to others previously made.

The work at Mobile Point was conducted this year under favorable circumstances, and the results reported are very satisfactory, notwithstanding that some inter-ington. A portion of the Topographical Engineers, un ruption was occasioned by the suspension of the operations at one of the brick-yards, which had been relied on for the supply of bricks. The difficulty of procuring bricks in sufficient quantities, and of proper quality has heretofore constituted the chief obstacle to the prosecution of the work at Mobile Point. During the last year the old brick-yards in the vicinity of Mobile Point have been enlarged and improved, and several new ones have been established. The effect of these changes is al ready manifest, in the improvement of the quality, and the reduction of the price, of that material. The supply of materials on hand, with such additions as the existing sources of supply may be relied on to furnish, afford the fullest assurance, that the difficulties heretofore experienced for the want of them, are not likely to


The operations at Chef Menteur have been very well advanced this year, although they have been retarded by the sickness which prevailed there during the summer and fall, which was so general that only one individual at the work escaped.

The sickness was still greater at Fort Jackson, on the Mississippi, and proved fatal to a number of workmen and military convicts employed at hard labor. In consequence of this circumstance, less work has been done than was expected; but arrangements have been made, calculated to impart additional vigor to the operations during the season favorable to their prosecution, and by that means, to complete, before the ensuing spring, the expenditure of the residue of the appropriation.

Under the act of Congress of the 30th of April last, "to procure the necessary surveys, plans, and estimates, upon the subject of roads and canals," the Board of En g neers for internal improvements have made the requi site examinations in relation to routes for canals con templated to be established between the Chesapeake and Ohio, the Ohio and Lake Erie, (east of Cuyahoga and Great Beaver,) the Alleghany and Susquehannah, the Susquehannah and Schuylkill, the Delaware and Ra riton; and are now engaged in examining the routes be ↑ tween Buzzard's and Barnstable Bays, and Narragansett || Bay and Boston Harbor. The requisite surveys in rela tion to the above have been commenced by a portion of the topographical engineers, and by civil engineers on the route between the Chesapeake and Ohio; and the greater part of those on the eastern slope have been completed.

Under the act of the 24th May last, to improve the navigation of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, arrangements were prepared, under the superintendence of an officer of the Topographical Engineers, to carry o effect the first section, by making one of the required experiments over the sand-bar below Henderson, being one of those designated; but the river, when at its lowI regret to state, that the anticipation that Fort Dela est stage last summer, being much higher than the ordi ware would be completed out of the appropriation of nary level at the lowest stage, it was conceived that a 1823, has not been realized. In making that represent fair experiment could not be made, and it was accordation in the report of last year, this Department was go-ingly postponed until the state of the river should be verned by the report of Major Babcock, the superin tending engineer; but experience has proved that his estimates were erroneous. It is also with regret that I state that the final inspection of the Board of Engineers, upon the execution of the work, has not been creditabie to the officer; besides the erroneous estimates, he

more favorable. To carry into effect the second section, a contract has been made with Mr. John Bruce of Kentucky, to remove all snags, sawyers, and planters, in the Ohio, between Pittsburg and the Mississippi; and in the Mississippi, between the mouth of Missouri and New Or leans; the execution of which, during its progress, will

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