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Examples.-1 and 3 sing.: bisuac 23. 11, gescean 9. 29, bead I 10. 19, tosceaf 1. 52, gedranc 5. 39, ofcearf 9. 9, cwom 12. 49, gebæd 22. 32, gesuor 1. 73, forheald 15. 29.

In bebeade 8. 29, ondrearde 18. 2, and stode 1. 11, e is added, probably through a mistake due to a false feeling of analogy to the weak preterites aroused by the final d of the root. The analogy is truer in gebinde 24. 28, in which the strong pret. stem does not appear at all.

2 sing.: cuome 4. 34, onfenge 16. 25, ongete 24. 18, geðuoge 7. 46.

§ 92. Strong verbs, plural.-The ending of the plural of the pret. ind. varies between -on and -un, with -en once. The vocalic ending never appears in Luke (cf. Fü. 59).

Examples: -on, beron 7. 14, bedon 4. 38, brecon 17. 27, cwoedon 8. 24, ondreardon 2. 9, gefrugnon 3. 10, ongetton 20. 19, ongunnon 7. 49, nomon 11. 52, aslogon 22. 63, ymbsprecon 19. 7, durscon 22. 63, wunnon 5. 5; -un, oncneaun 2. 50, frugnun 20. 27, ongunnun 5. 21, hlogun 8. 53, gehrowun 8. 23; donagehrewun 8. 26, gesungun 7. 32, ges"ungun 18. 32, geðuogun 5. 2; -en, gefreten 8. 5.

§ 93. Weak verbs, singular.-The regular ending of the I and 3 sing. is -e; of the 2 sing., -es and est.


Examples. (1) Class I: 1 and 3 sing. -e, bohte 14. 18, brohte 14. 20, todoemde 23. 24, gefoede 15. 15, befoerde 10. 30, herde I 2. 3, gerahte 24. 30; eftsette I 9. 19, spilde 17. 27; -a occurs in one instance, gesohta 22. 31; the personal ending is lost in eftfoerd 4. 13, lærd 23. 5.

2 sing. -es, ædeauades 10. 21, saldes 19. 23, settes 19. 21; -est, doemdest 7. 43, gehyddest 10. 21, saldest 7. 44, 7.45; -esd for -est, in gesaudesd 19. 21, a weak pret. of the strong verb gesawa.

(2) Class II: 1 and 3 sing., becnade I 7. 11, lufade 7. 42, sceomade 18. 2, gemercade I 2. 7, getalade 11. 38, plægade 7. 32 (cf. § 1, II (a)). The personal ending has been lost in lufad 7. 47.

2 sing. geondsuaredes 10. 28.


(3) Class III: 1 and 3 sing., hæfde 19. 20, sægde 14. lifde 2. 36, giude 23. 52, smeade 12. 17, geðreade I 10. 11. § 94. Weak verbs, plural.-The regular ending is -on. Examples.-(1) Class I: underbræddon 19. 36, bohton 17. 28, offoerdon 8. 2. gehyrston 15. 2, gelærdon 13. 26, nedon 24. 29, rahton 22. 53, sohton 2. 48, ontrymmedon 23. 23; e in geherde 4. 23 (before the pronoun we).

(2) Class II: gebecnadon 1. 62, bebodadon 12. 48, ahongadon 23. 39, geearnadon I 9. 3, geleornadon 6. 3, liccedon 16. 21, bereofadon 10. 30, wundradon 7. 16.

The final n is lost in clioppado 23. 21, without a following pronoun.

(3) Class III: sægdon I 6. 3, 7. 18, gesmeadon 20. 14, geðreadon 18. 15.

Preterite Optative.

§ 95. Singular.-The regular ending is e in both strong

and weak verbs.

Examples.-(1) Strong verbs: gecurfe I 11. 6, eftcuome 17. 18, forlure 15. 9, gehrine 8. 47, awoxe 22. 31; aworpe 11. 14; miswunne I 2. 12, awrit I 2. 13.

(2) Weak verbs, Class I: acende 2. 6, geeaude I 2. 17, foerde 8. 29, haelde 7. 3, tahte I 2. 14.

(3) Weak verbs, Class II: fearrade 4. 42.

(4) Weak verbs, Class III: giude 19. 23.

§ 96. Plural.-The WS. ending -en occurs only twice in Luke, and e with dropping of the final n, once; the more frequent forms are -on and -o; for the relation of these different endings v. Lea 121.

Strong verbs: -en, cuoeden I 6. 5, gesegen I 3. 9.

-on, gebedon 18. 10, gecuoedon 8. 56, ongetón 24. 16. -o, onfengo S. 14, gehulpo 5. 7, genomo 20. 20, gesego 24. 23, 24. 37.

Weak verbs, Classes I and II: -on, geboeton 10. 13,

gefoerdon 8. 31, saldon 2. 24, geendebrednadon 1. 1, gehreawsadon 10. 13.

Weak verbs, Class III: -e, hæfde 17. 6; -on, sægdon I 10. 3.

Preterite Participle.

§ 97. (1) Strong verbs.-The pret. part. of the strong verbs regularly ends in -en: boren 21. 23, beboden I 9. 7, gedrifen 8. 29, besmitten 14. 34, &c. ; for other examples cf. § 98 ff., Tense-Formation of Strong Verbs.

The old ending -in perhaps appears in awrittinæ I 2. 5, cf. § 55, II, Suffixal Ablaut.

For syncope of the middle vowel in the inflected forms, cf. § 60, III.

The anomalous form harmcuoedum 6. 28, although it glosses a pres. part., appears to be intended for a pret. part., the -ed of the stem suggesting a false analogy to the -ed of the weak preterite part.

(2) Weak verbs.-The pret. part. of the weak verbs ends in -d with the appropriate middle vowel (cf. § 105 ff., Tense-Formation of Weak Verbs); it ends in -t where there is no Gmc. middle vowel, and the final cons. of the stem is a velar (cf. § 78).

Examples: ofgebeged 24. 29, gegroeted I 3. 15, alefed 6. 9, geneded 14. 8, astyred 10. 41, asended 4. 26, gecostad 4. 13, ahefigad 21. 34, losad 19. 10, gemersad 1. 65, gemyndgad 1. 54, gedreatad I 6. 9, gefreod I 8. 9, 12. 58, geðread I 5. 14, gebroht I 5. 11, eftgesald 14. 14, gesoht 11. 50, awoeht I 5. 20.

- is written for -d in eftgeniuað 6. 10.

-t for -d in geendat 22. 22, gelædet 23. 32, gesendat 19. 32, eftasettet 19. 20, foregesettet I 9. 14, efnegesettet 7. 8, ymbsetet 21. 20, ofersuidet I 4. 11, gewoendet 17. 4.


§ 98. Class I.

Ablaut Verbs.

(1) The vowel of the present stem is ī: abidas 7. 20, bídend 2. 25, bites 9. 39, adrifa I 9. 15, hrinæ 16. 24, arísað 18. 33, scine 17. 24, toslíto 12. 18, astig 14. 10, gesuica 18. 1.

ripan sometimes has the vowel short in the present, and is then subject to the oa-umlaut: hrippes 19. 22, but hriopað 12. 24 (Fü. 65. 1).


(2) The vowel of the 1 and 3 sing. pret. is a fordraf I 4. 16, forgrap 5. 26, hran 7. 14, gehran 5. 13, arás 4. 39, gerás 24. 26, ymbscean 2. 9 (for ea, due to the influence of SC, cf. § 52 (d)), astág 19. 4, adunestag 3. 22, besuác 19. 8, awrat 20. 28.

Late formations according to the weak inflection are seen in gegrippde 9. 38, gehrinade 18. 15, aduneastigade 10. 30.

(3) The vowel of the 2 sing., the pl. ind., and the whole optative pret. is i: arison 4. 29, astigon 5. 19, awrigon 22. 64, awrite I 2. 13; with io due to u-umlaut in gebiodon 2. 38.

The weak form occurs in gegrippedon 23. 26.

(4) The vowel of the pret. part. is i: ofadrifen 16. 4, toslitten 5. 6, gesliten 8. 29, besmitten 14. 34, bisuicen 21. 8; awrigen 9. 45, auritten 4. 4.

The weak form is found in gehrined 21. 5.

§ 99. Class II.

(1) The stem-vowel of the pres. is éa (= WS. éo; for the confusion in North. between ea, eo, and io, cf. § 13): forbeadane I 6. 11, forbeadende 23. 2; also in the contract verb flead S. 13, gefleanne 21. 36; io appears in bebiodo 23. 46. u as the present vowel appears in brucco 22. 11, brucað 14. 15, &c.

(2) The stem-vowel of the 1 and 3 sing. pret. is éa:

bead I 10. 19, bebead I 5. 8, &c., forbead I 6. 10, geceas 6. 13, forleas 15. 9, tosceaf 1. 52, with simplification of the diphthong, due to the following palatal (cf. § 35) in gebréc 24. 43, gebræc I 11. 13.

(3) The vowel of the 2 sing. ind., the plural ind., and the whole opt. is u: forbudon 9. 49, flugon 8. 34, forlure 15. 9.

The vowel of the singular has been carried over to the plural in brecon (together with palatal umlaut, cf. § 35) 13. 26, 17. 27, and to the opt. in gebrece 1. 8, 11. 37, gecease I 3. 6, I 7. 2, also in the plural geceason 14. 7.

(4) The stem-vowel of the pret. part. is o: aboden 12. 3, &c., beboden I 9. 7, forboden I 4. 17, gecoren 8. 15, &c., beloccen 11. 7, forloren 15. 32, &c., agotten 5. 37, &c.

§ 100. Class III.

(1) (a) Verbs in nasal+cons. have as the stem-vowel of the present i (cf. § 3, II): gebindeð 11. 22, dringes 17. 8, drincas 10. 7, gefindes 15. 9, beginnes 3. 8, grindas 17. 35, gelimpað 21. 13, singes 22. 34, winnað 12. 27; also, with metathesis of r and consequent breaking, iorna 14. 31, iornende I 2. 17, &c.

(b) In verbs in r+cons., the original e of the present stem is broken to ea (for eo): cearfas 19. 27, ofcearfa 8. 22, ymbcearfanne 1. 59, scearfað 13. 7, gescearfa 13. 9; under the influence of a preceding w this is replaced by o: aworpa 19. 45, aworpo 6. 42, &c., geworpa 11. 18, onworpað 21. 12, wordes 1. 34, aworde 21. 31, geworða 21. 7 (cf. § 45).

(c) Verbs in 1+cons. have the present stem in its original form e: delfo 13. 8, geldanne 7. 41, ageldas 20. 25, forgeldo 10. 35, helpende I 7. 1, forsuelgas 20. 47.

(d) e appears also in fregna 20. 3, gefregno 23. 14, besides frægno 22. 68, frægnend I 9. 9, &c., tostraegdaeð 11. 23, and gefraignas 19. 31.

(e) An anomalous present with u occurs: wiðspurna 4. 11, cf. Fü. 67, 1 (e).

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