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privately given for further securing of him; that the Castle guards were doubled, and nose suffered to go out without showing their faces, and that some ladies had been already put to do it, and therefore dissuading him to attempt any escape, because it was impossible: the earl said No, then it is full time. Aud se he made haste, and within half an hour after, by God's blessing, got safe out, questioned pretty warmly by the first centry, but not at all by the main-guard; and then, after the great gate was opened, and the lower guard drawn out double, to make a lane for his com

7thly. The earl's trial having been upon Monday and Tuesday, the 12th and 13th of December; upon the 14th, the council's letter was dispatched; and upon the 15th, the earl intreated, by a friend, for liberty to speak to his royal highness; whose answer, was, that it was not ordinary to speak to criminals, except with rogues on some Plot, where dis-pany, one of the guard who opened the gate, coveries might be expected: yet his highness sad, he would advise upon it. But, upon Friday the 16th, he did refuse it. Yet the earl did renew his suit, and urged, That he had sent a petition to his majesty, which was the first he had sent upon that occasion, and that, before the return should come, he was desirous to have his highness's answer, that he might owe some part of the favour he expected, to his highness.


took him by the arm, and viewed him; but it pleased God he was not discerned. When he was out, he was not fully resolved whether to go. Home he had judged safest; but he thought it might breed mistakes and trouble that he designed not: so he resolved to go for England, and to take the road, that by post he might be his majesty's first informer of his escape. But being disappointed of horses that he expected, he found that the notice of his But on Monday morning, the 19th, the escape was got before him; and soon after as earl was told, he was not like to have any ac- he came the length of Newcastle, heard that cess; and in the afternoon, he heard that the his majesty had given way to pronounce seareturn of the council's express was looked for, tence against him, according as he had appreon Thursday the 22nd, being the council day. hended from the circumstances and other And further that the justice court (which ac- grounds I have told you; which made hiz cording to its custom had sat the same Mon- judge, it would be an undiscreet presumption, day, and, in course, should have adjourned till in that state, to offer himself to his majesty, Monday the 26th of December, or, because while he knew none durst address him, and so of Christmas, to the first Monday of January) he rather chused to shift in the wide world, till was, for the earl's sake, adjourned till Friday his majesty might be at some greater freedom the 23rd, to the end, that immediately upon both to understand his case, and apply suitable the king's return, they might pronounce sen- remedies. His majesty's clear and excellent tence. He was moreover informed, that his understanding, and gracious and benign disroyal highness was heard say, That if the ex-position, do fully assure him, that his majesty press returned not timously, he would take upon himself what was to be done. Which being general, and dark, was the more to be suspected. All this, the earl told, made him the same Monday late, cast in his thoughts whether it were not fit for him to attempt an escape; but his doubtings were so many he could resolve nothing, that night, except to put off till Wednesday. Yet on Tuesday morning he began to think, if he did at all design to escape; he had best do it that same evening. However he was, even then, not fully resolved, nor had he as yet spoke one word of it to any mortal. But about 10 o'clock this Tuesday, his highness's absolute refusal to suffer the earl to see him, until his majesty's return reame, was confirmed: and about noon the carl heard that some troops, and a regiment of foot were come to town; and that the next day he was to be brought down from the castle to the common jail (from which criminals are ordinarily carried to execution) and then he resolved to make his escape that very night, and yet did not conclude it thoroughly till five o'clock in the evening: at which time he gave directions about it, not thinking to essay it, till near ten: but at seven, one coming up from the city, and telling him that new orders were

doth not in his thoughts, charge him with the least disloyalty, and that he hath no com placence in his rain. But if his majesty do, at present, lie under the pressure of some unlucky influences, not so easy to his royal indinations, the earl, it seems, thinks it reasonable to wait patiently for a better opportunity. It may indeed appear strange, that innocence and honour oppressed in his person, almost beyond a parallel, should not, ere now, have constrained him to some public vindication; especially when to the horrid sentence given against him, his adversaries have further prevailed to cause his majesty dispose, not only of his heritable offices and jurisdictions (the pretended eye-sore); but also upon his whole estate and fortune, with as little consideration of the earl's personal interest, as if he had fallen for the blackest treason, and most atrocions Perduellion. But, besides that some things are of themselves so absurdly wicked, that all palliating pretences do only render them the more hateful; and the very simple hearing doth strike with an horror, not to be heigh tened by any representation: next that the earl, being so astonishingly overtaken for words, as fairly and honestly uttered as be could possibly devise, doth, with reason, ap

prehend that there is nothing he can say in this matter, though with the serenest mind, and in the greatest truth and sobriety, that may not be construed to flow from a design to lay blame where hitherto he hath been tender to give any ground of offence. I say (besides these things) he is withal (I know) most firmly persuaded, that, if ever he shall have the happiness to be once heard by his majesty, and in his presence allowed to explain a few particulars, in duty here omitted, his majesty's justice and goodness will quickly dispel all the clouds that now hang over him, and restore him to that favour wherein he hath sometime reckoned himself very happy, and which he will ever be most ready to acknowledge. And therefore all that in the mean time he judged necessary, or would give way to, was that for preserving the remembrance of so odd a transaction, until a more seasonable juncture, some I memorials should be drawn, and deposited in sure keeping; which being grown under my hand unto this narrative, I thought I could not better observe his order, than by transmitting it to your faithful custody. I have carefully therein observed the truth, in point of fact, avouching nothing but upon the best and clearest evidence can possibly be expected; nor have I, as to the manner, licenced or indalged myself in any severity of expression,

which, I thought, could be justly, in such a case, omitted, without betraying the cause. Yet if you now, or any other hereafter, shall judge, that I do sometime exceed, let it not be imputed to him; for as he did indeed charge me to guard against any more warm or vehement expression, than the merit and exigence of the subject do indispensibly require; so I am assured that he silently and patiently waits on the Lord, committing his way to him, and trusting in him, that he may bring it to pass and that He shall bring forth his righteousness as the light, and his judgment as the noon-day."

The following extract from an intercepted letter of the duke of York's to one of his friends, is published in sir John Dalrymple's Memoirs, Appendix to Part I. as strongly marking what Dalrymple calls the apathy of the character of the duke of York:

"EDINBURGH, Dec. 13, 1681. "Lord Argyle's trial began yesterday, and their forms in the justice court are so tedious, that they could not make an end of it then, but will, as I believe, this evening: and have reason to believe the jury will find the bill, and not Ignoramus; and that little lord will be once again at his majesty's mercy."

285. Proceedings before the KING in Council, against ARTHUR Earl of ANGLESEY, Lord Privy Seal, upon account of a Book reflecting on the Conduct of James Duke of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland: 34 CHARLES II. A. D. 1682.

To the King's Most Excellent Majesty.

the author) intituled A Letter from a person

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' of honour in the country, written to the earl The Duke of Ormond, your Majesty's Lieute- of Castlehaven, being Observations and Renant of Ireland, and Steward of your Ma-flections upon his lordship's Memoirs concernjesty's Houshold, most humbly represents:ing the wars of Ireland."

THAT the earl of Anglesey, lord privy seal, in the year 1681, caused a book to be printed (whereof he hath acknowledged himself to be


That in the said book there are divers passages and expressions which are not only untrue, but reflecting in a high degree upon his late majesty's government, and particularly in

From a pamphlet (which has been col-1682:" and containing the following AdJated with the Register of the Privy Council) dress to the Reader: published, as it is said, by lord Anglesey, under the title of "A true Account of the whole Proceedings betwixt his Grace James duke "Ormond, and the Right Hon. Arthur earl of Anglesey, late Lord Privy-Seal, before the "King and Council, and the said Earl's Let"ter of the 2nd of August to his Majesty on "that occasion. With a Letter of the now Lord Bishop of Winchester's to the said "Earl, of the means to keep out Popery, and "the only effectual expedient to hinder the "growth thereof, and to secure both the Church of England and the Presbyterian "party. London: Printed for Thomas Fox, at the Angel and Star, in Westminster-hall,

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"That there hath been a Controversy between the duke of Ormond and the earl of Anglesey, the immediate consequence of which hath been the removal of the earl from a place of great honour and trust under his majesty, for which he was in every respect extraordi narily well qualified, perhaps no man questions. And many may be likely to say, that the more fatal such quarrels amongst great personages are to either side, the more instructive they commonly prove to the rest of mankind, who are thereby let into a prospect of those things which were thought too sacred for the view of the prophane vulgar.

"As every inferior soldier may learn skill

relation to the rebellion and war in Ireland, and to the several cessations and peaces made by his, and your majesty's authority and command.

That in the said book the lord privy seal hath maliciously endeavoured to calumniate and asperse the duke of Ormond, by calling in question his faithfulness and loyalty to his late majesty, the sincerity of his profession in point of religion, and insinuating that the cessations and peaces (destructive as he says to the English and Protestants) were advised and procured by him the said duke, out of his affection to the Irish popish rebels, because he was allied to many of them in blood and by marriages.

and address, by seeing two generals engage in the sight of their armies, so certainly this paper battle between these great ones may be of use to all sorts of men that have the least grain of that commendable ambition, to propound to themselves the greatest examples. Wherefore I conceive no man, of which side soever fortune or choice hath placed him, can blame me for procuring and exposing to public view authentic transcripts of what hath passed in this affair.

"The bare curiosity to know how such men write, were almost enough to tempt any one to peruse these papers, but then when they relate to the history of unmovable affairs, of which either of the parties may say,

Quorum pars magna fui.'

"And when they were so great men in themselves, and their parts in the history so great that they may be compared to Cæsar writing the Commentaries of his own enterprises; I should think him very dull that need be courted to be a reader.

"But these papers carry in them what I hope will further recommend and endear them to the greater part of this nation; most of them being in defence of the poor English Protestants in Ireland, to some of which the earl of Anglesey hath most generously asserted the glory of their martyrdom, and to others, the unblemished honour of preventing the utter ruin and extirpation of the rest.

That the lord privy seal, in the course of abov twenty years free and friendly acquaintance and correspondence with the duke of Ormond, never thought fit to give him any intimation of his lordship's intention to write a history of the wars of Ireland, and other transactions there, wherein both the duke, and his lordship (though of opposite parties) had a great part, but chose rather to seek for information from the earl of Castlehaven, and to publish his " Observations on the Earl of Castlehaven's Memoirs," in a conjuncture when his reflections in his book and his Letter of the 7th of December, 1681, to the duke of Ormond, might not only do most mischief to him, but to the govern

on the English in that kingdom in a time of settled peace, without the least occasion given.

"I must confess there are several passages in the letter to the earl of Castlehaven, wherein the duke of Ormond seems concerned to vindicate his own actions. How far the charge or the defence is made good, it is not for me to judge: nor shall I in the least enter into the merits of it.

"I am sure the earl of Anglesey made most noble declaration, fit to be written letters of gold; Truth,' says he, being the 'greatest and best friend, I had rather one or 'several persons and families should lie under the consequence of its impartiality, than that the English nation and Protestant religion should suffer by a timorous unworthy con'cealing or withholding any part of it.'

"This being the said earl's avowed prin ciple, methinks he ought to be importuned by a public Address, that what he hath meditated and hath been preparing from records and 'authentic unquestionable relations and trans'actions of that bloody tragedy and matchless defection from the crown and very nation of Englishmen,' may soon see the light."

* The following Letters had passed between the duke of Ormond and the Lord Privy Seal, on the subject of the Letter from a Person of 'Honour,' &c.

"My Lord;

Nov. 12, 1681.

"It is now, I think, more than a year, since "The earl of Castlehaven, who had been I first saw a little book, written by way of too fortunate an head to the Roman Catho- letter, called Observations and Reflections, on lic rebels in Ireland, had not only in print my lord of Castlehaven's Memoirs: wherein, [E. Castlehaven's Memoirs, p. 12] justified though there are some things that might lead his own engagement with that bloody party, the reader to believe that your lordship was but would make that chiefly a defensive war, the author, yet there were many more I which was certainly the effect of an universal thought impossible should come from you; conspiracy amongst the papists there. Nor is for it affirms many matters of fact positively, it to be doubted but there were encouragers in which are easily and authentically to be dis England. This engaged the earl of Angle- proved; and from those matters of fact, grossly sey, amidst his many avocations, to ward off mistaken, it deduces consequences, raises inthe second blow against them who had suffered ferences, and scatters glances injurious to the almost beyond all example before: and his in-memory of the dead, and the honour of some terposition extracted from the earl of Castlehaven a Confession, [Pref. to the Memoirs], that he himself acted as a rebel, and that all the water in the sea cannot wash that rebellion off that nation, which was begun most bloodily

living. Among those, that, by the blessing of God, are yet living, I find myself worst treated. Twenty years after the king's restoration, and forty after the beginning of the Irish Rebellion, as if it had been all that while reserved for me,

ment. The duke of Ormond humbly conceives that at least while the lord privy-seal and he have the honour to be of your majesty's privy council, and in the stations they are, it will not be fit for him to publish such an Answer to the lord privy-seal's book and letter, and for such times as these, we are fallen into, when calumny (though the matter of it be never so groundless and improbable) meets with credulity; and when liberty is taken to asperse men, and represent them to the world, under the monstrous and odious figures of papists, or popishly affected; not because they are so thought, by those that employ the representers, but because they are known to be too good Protestants, and too loyal subjects, to join in the destruction of the crown and church: besides, the treatise came forth, and must have been written, when I had but newly received repeated assurances of the continuance of your friendship to me; wherein, as in one of your letters you are pleased to say, you had never made a false step; for these reasons, I was not willing to believe that book to be of your lordship's composing, and hoped some of the suborned libellers of the age, had endeavoured to imitate your lordship, and not you them but I was, in a while after, first, by my son Arran, and afterwards by the bearer, sir Robert Reading, assured your lordship had owned to them that the piece was your's, but professed the publication to be without your order; and that you did not intend to do, or think that you had done, me any injury, or prejudice: if your lordship really thought so, the publication might have been owned, as well as what was published; but then let the world judge, whether pen, ink, and paper, are not dangerous tools in your hands? When I was thus assured your lordship was the author, it cost me some thoughts how to vindicate truth, my master the late king, myself, my actions, and family, all reflected on, and traduced by that pamphlet: I found myself engaged in the service of our present king, and that in a time of difficulty and danger, and in such times, for the most part, it has been my lot to be employed in public affairs; and though I had not been so taken up, yet I well knew that writing upon such occasions is no more my talent, than it is my delight; and, to say truth, my indisposition to the exercise, might help to persuade me, that the book, though bonoured with your lordship's name, would, after it had performed it's office in coffeehouses, and served your lordship's design in that conjuncture, expire, as writings of that nature and force usually do and herein I rested without troubling myself, or any body else, with animadversions on your lordship's mistakes, which are so many, and so obvious, that I wonder how you could fall into them. I will add to this, that I have been in expectation, that by this time your Complete History would have come forth; wherein, if I may judge by the pattern, I have just cause to sus


as might otherwise be necessary in vindication of truth, his late majesty's justice and honor, and his own integrity.

It is therefore most humbly proposed, that your majesty would be pleased to appoint a committee of your privy council to look over pect, that neither the subject, or myself, will be more justly dealt with, than in that occasional essay; and, I would have been glad to have seen all my work before me, in case I should think fit to make a work of it. The delay of your publishing that History, and the consideration of your lordship's age, and mine, are the occasions of this letter; whereby, I inform you, that as no man now alive is better able than I am, to give an account of the principal transactions during the rebellion in Ireland; so no man is possessed of more authentic commissions, instruments, and papers, all which, or transcripts of them, you might have commanded before you set forth your reflections. But, possibly, to have stayed for them, might have lost you a seasonable opportunity of publishing your abhorrence of the Irish rebellion, and your zeal against popery : what your lordship might then have had, you may yet have, because I had rather help to prevent than detect errors; but then, I must first know to what particular part of your history you desire information, and how you deliver those parts to the world, and to posterity. If after this offer, your lordship shall proceed to the conclusion, and publication of your history, and not accept of it, I must, before-hand, appeal from you, as from an incompetent judge of my actions, and a partially engaged and unfaithful historian." "ORMOND."

The Earl of Anglesey's ANSWER was as follows:

"My Lord,

"Your grace's of the 12th of November, I received towards the end of that month, and was not a little surprized, after being threatened above a year, with your grace's Answer, to the Observations and Reflections on my lord Castlehaven's Memoirs, which your grace takes notice you had seen above a year before, to find them only most satirically burlesqued, and my intentions in the writing of them, most unnaturally misinterpreted, and misjudged, without giving instance of any one particular, which could so much transport your grace, or interest you to judge of a letter of a mine to another, with so invective heat and mistake. Your grace's letter, therefore, consisting only of generals, I can no otherwise adapt my answer, (after a most serious revision of my book upon this occasion) but by giving the reverse of your grace's strained and erroneous affirmatives, by my plain and true negatives; till your grace shall administer occasion, by communicating the particular animadversions, your grace hath been so long (as I hear) about. The reasons leading your grace to believe it impossible I could be the author of that discourse, I 3 S

the lord privy-seal's book and to call his lordship and the duke of Ormond before them, and if upon report from them, it shall appear to your majesty that the earl of Anglesey, has fallen into

cannot admit, though they import a fair opinion of me; and that in the beginning of your letter, your grace had better thoughts than when your hand was in and heated. I do therefore absolutely deny, that I affirm any matter of fact, positively in that book, which are easily, or authentically (or at all) to be disproved. Or that, from those matters of fact, grossly mistaken, it deduces consequences, raises inferences, and scatters glances injurious to the memory of the dead, and the honour of some living; among which, your grace finds yourself worst treated. This being so, your grace's unjust inferences from the time of it's writing, and the misjudging the design of the author, give no countenance, or occasion, to your grace's rhetorical character of the times, though I join in all, but the opinion your grace seems to have taken up, that there is a plot (other than that of the papists) to destroy the crown and church; a discovery worthy the making, if your grace knows and believes what you write; but how I am concerned to have it mentioned to me, I know not, your grace can best tell what you intend to insinuate thereby. These are your grace's reasons, why you were not willing to believe that book of my composing; yet you cannot leave me without a sting, in your expressing the hopes which succeeded them, viz. That some of the suborned libellers of the age, had endeavoured to imitate me, and not I them. Whether I should imitate suborned libellers, or they me, would be all one for my reputation; because I were grossly criminal in the first, and must have been so before in your grace's opinion; or they could not imitate me in the second: your grace will want instances in both, except this of your own making; and therefore, there must be some other reason why your grace did not believe (if really you did not) that discourse to be of my composure. But this admitted for truth, (as it is undoubtedly) your grace, in the next place, calls the world to judge, whether pen, ink, and paper, are not dangerous tools in my hands. I remember the times, when they were serviceable to the king's restoration, and constant service of the crown, or craved in aid by your grace, that you did not account them so and it is much to my safety, that they are not so in your grace's hands, though I find them as sharp there, as in any man's alive. Your grace being at length assured I was the author, your next care was to spend some thoughts to vindicate truth, the late king, yourself, your ac-tions, and family, all reflected upon and traduced (as your grace is pleased to fancy) by that pamphlet. But your grace had no cause to trouble your thoughts with such vindications, unless you could shew, where in that book they are reflected upon and traduced, no such

| the mistakes and errors herein laid to his charge, that then your majesty would be pleased to consider of the best and most authentic mea how reparation may be made to all that are inthing occurring to me, (upon the strictest revisal) nor ever shall be objected to me with justice and truth. After your grace bath brought it to the coffee-houses, (where I be lieve it never was, till your grace preferred it to that office) and where you have doomed it to expire, as writings, of that nature and forte use (you say) to do, (for which I shall not be at all concerned) you rested, without troubling yourself or any body else with animadversions upon my mistakes, which your grace is pleased to say, are so many and so obvious, (though you name none, nor do they occur to others that you wonder how I could fall into them If your grace believes yourself in this, you seem to have forgot the long time you spent in considering and animadverting upon the despicable pamphlet, with your labours where I was threatened by some of your grace's retions for many months; and your grace hath redeemed the delay, by the virulent genen! reflections you have now sent me, which yet I doubt not will evaporate or shrink to nothing, when your grace shall seek for instances to back them, whereof if you can find any, I claim in justice they may be sent me. Your grace adds, that you have been in expectation, that by this time my Complete History would have come forth, wherein (if you may judge by the pattern) your grace saith, you have just cause to suspect, that neither the subject, nor yourself, will be more justly dealt with than in that occasional essay; and therefore, offer me all the helps of authentic commissions, transactions, and papers, your grace is pos sessed of, whereof you inform me none hath more. This is an anticipating jealousy, which no man living can have ground for, and when my History shall be completed, (which is now delayed for those assistances your grace is so weli able, and so freely offers to afford me) though my weakness may be exposed, my integrity and impartiality shall appear, and your unjust suspicion will, I doubt not, cease, if truth may be welcome to you, and not ac counted one of the dangerous instruments ia my hand; by which having incurred your anger and enmity in the first essay, I have slender hopes to be more acceptable in the second; though I resolve to hold to the first approved law of a good and faithful historian, which is, that he should not dare to say any thing that is false; and that he dare not but say any thing that is true; that there be not so much as suspicion of favour or hatred in his writing. And this might give a supersedeas to your grace's unreasonable appeal before a gravamen, though I never intended, by re lating the truth of things past, to become judge of your grace's or any other man's actions, but barely Res gestas narrare, for the information, correction, and instruction

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