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make my defence, that is, if he had those things that he has not, he might appear to be another man than he is; but I am sure, as it appears upon the evidence that hath been given by all the witnesses, there is a plain proof, and a full proof of every treason laid to his charge.

Plunket. My lord, I desire these witnesses may be called [giving in a Paper.] Cryer. David Fitzgerard, Eustace Commines and Paul Gormar.

L. C. J. Who gave him this paper? He had it not before.

Stranger. I was told that these were good evidences for Dr. Plunket, and I gave him the names.

L. C. J. Where are they?
Stranger. They are hard by.

Att. Gen. Where is Eustace Commines? For he was one that gave in evidence against the prisoner.

Dublin to discover it that very time, and so he | I had such records, and witnesses here, I could hath fixed the person, and time, and the business they came about. Then Mac Legh comes and tells you the same thing in every circumstance; ay, but says the prisoner at the bar, and would make it to be a great objection, how chance that they have concealed this all the while, and not discovered it to some justice of the peace? Why, says one, I was under your jurisdictiction in that place, that is the very reason he gives wherefore he durst not; and, says another, I was concerned and as earnest as the prisoner or any body else, but going into France, I observed the slavery that all the subjects were under, under the tyranny of that king, and apprehending that the same king was to come into Ireland by the means of these gentlemen, I was concerned at it, and had rather the devil should reign over us than such an one, and therefore I will discover it. And he said very well, I think, that he had rather have the devil to reign; for it seems to be him, or one in his shape that reigns after that manner. And there are two persons that swear to the very year that they were obliged to raise the money, and swear positively, they saw his orders, Sub pana suspensionis, I do not know whether they meant hanged or suspended from their office. But it seems it was so terrible, that it made them pay twenty shillings a-piece for three years successively. And there is another gentleman that tells you, that out of a small living, wherein he was concerned only as a curate to a third person, it had been paid two or three times, and another, though he was exempt himself from the payment, yet so great a confident was he of the prisoner's at the bar, that he was present when he saw thirty or forty pay this tax, and whereas the prisoner at the bar would make it thought a strange thing, that he should raise so much money, who had but an house seven foot high, it seems there is above that thatched house a chapel.

Plunket. There is no chapel.

Serj. Jefferies. But now, my lord, that which substantially proves what these witnesses say, is the letter that is sent to Rome to the secretary of the college de propaganda fide, which is the last letter that the last gentleman speaks of, wherein he does particularly take notice, that he had taken care to raise such monies, and view all the ports and places of strength. And lord, that which is a very great circumince to back the evidence of the first letter to French cardinal Bouillon, which was taken tice of by the first witness, and there is such passage in this too, that the catholic princes should not spill one another's blood, when they might better employ it here in Ireland for the propagation of the faith; this last letter takes particular notice of this very instance too, that instead of drawing their swords against one ther, they had better come to promote the

faith in Ireland. These four witnesses unctual and precise in every particular circumstance of the case, and against them there is nothing but the common objection; If

Then Paul Gormar appeared.

L. C. J. What would you ask him?

Plunket. I desire to know of him, whether Mr. Moyer did allure and entice him to swear against me.

Gormar. Indeed, my lord, he never did. L. C. J. Will you ask him any more? Gormar. But this, my lord, Mr. Moyer and were in discourse, and he said if there was law to be had in Ireland, he would shew Mr. Plunket his share in it.


L. C. J. Well what of that?

Gormar. My lord, I did come out of Ireland to reveal what plots the Irish had against the king, and as for this Mr. Plunket, as I have a soul to save, I never heard of any misdemeanor of him.

Just. Dolben. How came you here to day?
Gormar. I was summoned.

Just. Dolben. By whom? Was it the Attor ney General or Plunket that summoned you? Gormar. Here is the summons.

Serj. Jefferies. It is a common Subpoena.
Plunket. I never sent for him.

Gormar. It was not against you, they knew I had nothing against you, I thought you did more good in Ireland than hurt; so I declareit.

LC. J. Have you any more witnesses? If Fitzgerard or Commines will come, we will hear them.

Plunket. My lord, I have not any more witnesses.

L. C. J. Look you, gentlemen of the jury, this gentleman here, Mr. Plunket, is indicted of High-treason, and it is for conspiring the king's death, and endeavouring to bring the French army into Ireland for to invade that kingdom, and to plant the Romish religion in that kingdom. You have had evidence against him that hath been fully examined. And these things do seem to be very plain by the witnesses, that he himself hath taken a commission, or a grant, or what you will please to call it, from


the pope to be primate of Ireland, that he hath | to convince them evidently, and slew what

men they were, and the prepensed malice that they did bear to me, and so finding that I could clear myself evidently, they absented themselves, on the day of my trial no Christian ap

taken upon him to make laws as the provincial, and that he hath undertaken and endeavoured to settle the popish religion in that kingdom, and in order to that, he hath invited the aid of the French army, and that he hath for the bet-peared, but hither over they came, and proter landing of them, looked out what places cured that I should be brought hither, where I were most convenient for them; That he could not have a jury that knew the qualities hath set a tax upon the clergy within his pro- of my adversaries, or who knew me, or the vince for the facilitating of all this, and for the circumstance of the places, times, and persons; making preparations for the entertainment of the juries here, as I say, were altogether this army. This the witnesses testify against strangers to these affairs, and so, my lord, they him, and that there were some towns, as Dun- could not know many things that conduce to a Gannon and another town, that were to be be- fair trial, and it was morally impossible they trayed by the French. Now you must consi- should know it. I have been accused princider concerning these witnesses; If you be- pally and chiefly for surveying the ports, for lieve the evidence that hath been given, and fixing upon Carlingford for the landing of the which hath been repeated by the king's coun- French, for the having of 70,000 men ready cil, and if you believe that he did design to join with the French, for collecting money to bring in a French army, to establish the for the agents in this matter, for assisting of Romish religion there again, and that he took the French and this great Utopian army. A upon him to raise money for that purpose, sur-jury in Ireland consisting of men that lived in veyed the ports, and made such provisions, as the witnesses speak of and was in that conspiracy; you must find him guilty. I leave it to you, it is a pretty strong evidence, he does not say any thing to it, but that his witnesses are not

come over.

Plunket. I can say nothing to it, but give my own protestation, that there is not one word of this said against me is true, but all plain romance. I never had any communication with any French minister, cardinal, nor other.

Then the jury withdrew for a quarter of an bour, and being returned, gave this verdict.

Cl. of Cr. Oliver Plunket, hold up thy hand. How say you, is he Guilty of the high-treason whereof he stands indicted, or Not Guilty? Foreman. Guilty.

· Plunket. Deo gratia, God be thanked. Then the verdict was recorded, and the Court rose. And the Keeper went away with his prisoner.

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On Wednesday, 15 June, 1681, Oliver Plunket was brought to the bar to receive his Judgment.

Att. Gen. My lord, I pray your judgment against the prisoner Oliver Plunket.

that country, or any man in the world that hath but seen Ireland in a map, would easily see there was no probability that that should be a place fit for the French to land in, though be never was in Ireland, yet by the map, he would see they must come between the narrow seas, all along to Ulster, and the rocks, and such places would make it very dangerous; and by their own confession it was a poor town, and of no strength, a very small garrison, which had not been so, if it had been a place of any consideration. And where I had influence only upon one province, as is well known, though I had the title of Primate of all Ireland, as the archbishop of Canterbury hath of all England; yet the archbishop of York did not permit him to meddle with his province; and it is well known by the gentry there, and those that are accustomed to the place, that in all the province of Ulster, take men, women, and children of the Roman Catholics, they could not make up 70,000. This, a jury there, my lord, had known very well, and therefore the laws of England, which are very favour able to the prisoner, have provided that there should be a jury of the place where the fact was committed, as sir Thomas Gascoigne, as I have heard, had a Yorkshire jury, though he was tried at London. And then after my coming here, I was kept close prisoner for six months, not any Christian was permitted to come to me, nor did I know any thing, how things stood in the world. I was brought here the third of May, to be arraigned, and I did petition your lordship to have some time for my trial, and I would have it put off till Michaelmas, but your lordships did not think fit to grant so long, but

Cl. of Cr. Oliver Plunket, hold up thy hand; thou hast been indicted of high-treason, thou hast been thereupon arraigned, thou hast thereunto pleaded Not Guilty, and for thy trial hast put thyself upon God and the country, which country hath found thee Guilty; what hast thou to say for thyself, why judgment of death should not pass upon thee, and execution be thereupon awarded according to the law. Plunket. My lord, may it please your lord-only till the eighth of this month, when my ship, I have something to say, which if your lordship will consider seriously, may occasion the Court's commiseration and mercy. I have, my lord, for this fact been arraigned in Ireland, and brought to my trial there. At the day of my trial all the witnesses voluntarily absented themselves, seeing I had records and witnesses

witnesses who were ready at the sea-side, would not come over without passes, and ĺ could not get over the records without an order from hence; which records would have shewn that some of the witnesses were indicted and found Guilty of high crimes, some were imprisoned for robberies, and some of the wit.


Plunket. I have nothing further to say, but what I have said.

while judgment was passing upon the priThen Proclamation was made for silence,


L. C. J. Look you, Mr. Plunket, you have

nesses were infamous people; so I petitioned the 8th of this month, that I might have time but for 12 days more: but your lordship thought, when the motion was made, that it was only to put off my trial, and now my nesses are come to Coventry yesterday morning, and they will be here in a few days, and so for want of time to defend myself in, I was ex-been here indicted of a very great and heinous posed to my adversaries, who were some of my crime, the greatest and most heinous of all own clergy, whom for their debauched lives I crimes, and that is, high-treason; and truly have corrected, as is well known there. I will your's is treason of the highest nature, it is a not deny myself, but that as long as there was treason in truth against God and your king, any toleration and connivance, I did execute and the country where you lived. You have the function of a bishop, and that by the 2nd done as much as you could to dishonour God of Elizabeth is only a premunire, and no trea- in this case; for the bottom of your treason son. So that, my ford, I was exposed defence- was, your setting up your false religion, than less to my enemies, whereas now my witnesses which there is not any thing more displeasing are come on, that could make all appear. I to God, or more pernicious to mankind in the did beg for 12 days time, whereby you might world. A religion that is ten times worse than have seen as plain as the sun, what those wit-all the heathenish superstitions; the most disnesses are, that began the story, and say these things against me. And, my lord, for those depositions of the 70,000 men, and the monies that are collected of the clergy in Ireland, they cannot be true; for they are a poor clergy that have no revenue nor land; they live as the Presbyterians do here, there is not a priest in all Ireland, that hath certainly or uncertainly above threescore pounds a year, and that I should collect of them 40s. a-piece, for the raising of an army, or for the landing of the French at Carlingford; if it had been brought before a jury in Ireland, it would have been thought a mere romance. If they had accused me of a Premunire for the exercise of my episcopal function, perhaps they had said something that might have been believed; but my lord, as I am a dying man, and hope for salvation by my Lord and Saviour, I am not guilty of one point of treason they have swore against me, no more than the child that was born but yesterday. I have an attestation under my lord of Essex's hand concerning my good behaviour in Ireland, and not only from him, but from my lord Berkley, who was also governor there, which the king's attorney saw; but here I was brought, here I was tried, and not having time to bring my witnesses, I could not prove my innocency, as otherwise I might. So that if there be any case in the world that deserves compassion, sure my case does: and it is such a rare case, as I believe you will not two of them in print, that one arraigned Treland, should be tried here afterwards for same fact. My lord, if there be any thing he world that deserves pity, this does; for can say, as I hope for mercy, I was never guilty of any one point they have swore against me, and if my petition for time had been granted, I could have shewn how all was prepense malice against me, and have produced all circumstances that could make out the innocency of a person. But not having had time enough, d being tried, I am at your mercy.

honourable and derogatory to God and his glory, of all religions or pretended religions whatsoever, for it undertakes to dispense with God's laws, and to pardon the breach of them. So that certainly a greater crime there cannot be committed against God, than for a man to endeavour the propagation of that religion; but you to effect this, have designed the death of our lawful prince and king: and then your design of blood in the kingdom where you lived, to set all together by the ears, to destroy poor innocent people, to prostitute their lives and liberties, and all that is dear to them, to the tyranny of Rome and France; and that by introducing a French army. What greater evil can be designed by any man? I mention these things because they have all been fully proved against you; and that you may take notice, and repent of them, and make your peace with God, by a particular application for mercy for all these faults; for it seems to me, that against God, your prince, and fellow-subjects, you have behaved yourself very ill, designing very great evil to all these; and now it hath pleased God to bring you to judg ment.

I must tell you, peradventure, what you urge for yourself might introduce pity, if it were to be believed; that is, that you are innocent, and had witnesses to prove it; but we cannot suppose any man innocent, that hath had a legal and fair trial, and a trial with as much candor to you, as your case could bear, or as perhaps any man in such a case ever had. You had time upon your request to send for your witnesses, to help you in your defence, and to have proved your innocence, if you could have done it; time long enough to your own content, you yourself thought it so, at the time it was given. To give a prisoner under your circumstances, five or six weeks time to send for witnesses, is not usual; we could have put you upon a present defence, and hur ried you out of the world by a sudden trial, if we had had any design against you; but we go on in a fair way, and with legal proceedings, and with as much respect to you, as in


such a case could be used, for we gave you all the fair hearing and liberty that you desired to have.

Look you, as to what you urge, that your trial was in this kingdom, whereas your offence was in another, that is a thing that does not become you by any means to object; for you have had a trial here by honest persons, and that according to the laws which obtain in this kingdom, and that too of Ireland, which is by a Statute not made on purpose to bring you into a snare, but an ancient Statute, and not without precedents of its having been put in execution before your time: for your own country will afford you several precedents in this case, as O'Rurke, and several others that have been arraigned and condemned for treason done there. So that you have no reason to except against the legality of your trial. You say, now you have witnesses that could prove all this matter; why that lies in the mouth of any man that is condemned to say; but pray consider with yourself, what regard ought to be given to this. We cannot help it, if your witnesses do not come; you may remember they wanted not time nor opportunity to come over; but you told us they would not come unless they had a passport.

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Plunket. My lord, they got a pass to come over afterwards, and so in eight days they came hither.

L. C. J. You might have provided yourself, if they wanted such a thing. In the first place, no body is bound to give it them, much less could you expect it for them without asking.

Plunket. I could not get the copies of the records neither by any means, unless I had an order from the council, and they would not give that order, unless your lordship appointed it.

L. C. J. We cannot tell that, you should have petitioned in time.

Plunket. How could any one foresee, unless he was God Almighty, that they would deny it, or that he could not get out a copy of a record, paying for it, without a petition. All the friends I had, told me, upon motion there it might be had; but here I under the lieutenant's and council's hands, that they would give no copy of records without order from hence, which before I could know it, it was impossible for me to have them ready against my trial.

L. C. J. Look you, Sir, I do speak this to you, to shew you that those objections, which you seem to make against your trial, have no weight at all; but in this case it is not the jury that are so material as the witnesses them selves. I appeal to all that heard your trial, if they could so much as doubt but that you were guilty of what you were charged with. For consider, here were persons that were of your own religion, the most of them priests, I think almost all of them in orders.

Plunket. There were two friers, and a priest whom I have endeavoured to correct this seven

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years, and they were renegadoes from our reli gion, and declared apostates.

L. C. J. Look you, Sir, they gave an evidence very home to your matter; you had li berty to examine them, and they gave you a rational account of any thing you asked. Let me but put you in mind of one thing. You made exceptions to one's evidence, (and indeed that was very much of your exceptions to all) why he did not reveal this in all that time; Truly he told you he was of your mind, till he went into France, and saw what slavery and mischief you endeavoured to introduce upon his and your own countrymen, and this his spirit rose against, to see what a condition Ireland was like to be brought into. And pray, did he not give you a full answer to that ques tion?

Plunket. I had sufficient witnesses to prove he was an apostate, and was chastised by me, and therefore had prepensed malice against


L. C. J. Therefore I have spoken this to the satisfaction, I hope, of yourself, and all that hear it. I do now wish you to consider, you are near your end. It seems you have lived in a false religion hitherto; it is not too late at any time to repent, I wish you may have the grace to do so: In the mean time there is no room for us here to grant you any kind of mercy, though I'll tell you, we are inclined to pity all malefactors: Whoever have done evil, we are inclined to pity them, and wish hear. tily that they may repent, as we do that you may, of what you have done. But all we can do now, is to say what the law says, and that is to pass judgment upon you.

Plunket. May it please your lordship to give me leave to speak one word. If I were a man that had no care of my conscience in this matter, and did not think of God Almighty, or conscience, or heaven, or hell, I might have saved my life; for I was offered it by divers people here, so I would but confess my own guilt, and accuse others. But, my lord, I had rather dis ten thousand deaths, than wrongfully accuse any body. And the time will come when your lordship will see what these witnesses are, that have come in against me. I do assure your lordship, if I were a man that had not good principles, I might easily have saved my life; but I had rather die ten thousand deaths, than wrongfully to take away one farthing of any man's goods, one day of his liberty, or one minute of his life.

L. C. J. I am sorry to see you persist in the principles of that religion.

Plunket. They are those principles, that even God Almighty cannot dispense withal.

L. C. J. Well, however, the judgment which we must give you is that which the law says, and speaks. And therefore you must go 'from hence to the place from whence you came, that is, to Newgate, and from thence you shall be drawn through the city of London to Tyburn; there you shall be hanged by the neck, but cut down before you are

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dead, your bowels shall be taken out and burnt before your face, your head shall be cut off, and your body be divided into four quarters, to be disposed of as his majesty pleases. And pray God to have mercy upon your soul.' Plunket. My lord, I hope I may have this favour, of leave for a servant, and some few friends that I have, to come at me.

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L. C. J. I think you may have liberty for any servant to come to you, I know nothing to the contrary.

Plunket. And some few friends that I have in town.

L. C. J. But I would advise you to have some minister to come to you, some protestant minister.

Plunket. My lord, if you please, there are some in prison, that never were indicted or accused of any crime, and they will do my business very well; for they will do it according to the rites of our own church, which is the ancient usage, they cannot do better, and I would not alter it now.

time, I must receive sentence of everlasting damnation; after which there is no reprieve or hope of pardon. I will therefore confess the truth, without any equivocation, and make use of the words according to their accustomed signification; assuring you moreover, that I am of that certain persuasion, that no power, not only upon earth, but also in heaven, can dispense with me, or give me leave to make a false protestation: And I protest upon the word of a dying man, and as I hope for salvation at the hands of the Supreme Judge, that I will declare the naked truth with all candour and sincerity: And that my affairs may be the better known to all the world.

It is to be observed, that I have been accused in Ireland of treason and Præmunire, and that there I was arraigned and brought to my trial; but the prosecutors (ren of flagitious and infamous lives), perceiving that I had records and witnesses who would evidently convince them, and clearly shew my innocency and their wickedness, they voluntarily absented themselves, and came to this city, to procure that I should be brought hither to my trial (where the crimes objected were not committed) where the

L. C. J. Mr. Richardson, you may let his servant come to him, and any friend in your presence, to see there be no evil done, nor any contrivances that may hereafter have an influ-jury did not know me, or the qualities of my ence upon affairs.

Justice Jones. Be you present, or somebody.

Plunket. My servant, I hope, may come, without his being present.

L. C. J. Yes, yes, his servant may be with him alone. Well, Sir, we wish better to you than you do to yourself.

Plunket. God Almighty bless your lordship. And now, my lord, as I am a dead man to this world, and as I hope for mercy in the other world, I was never guilty of any of the trea. sons laid to my charge, as you will hear in time; and my character you may receive from my lord chancellor of Ireland, my lord Berkeley, my lord Essex, and the duke of Ormond.

Then the keeper took away his prisoner, and upon Friday the 1st of July, he was executed according to the sentence.

At the place of execution Dr. Plunket spake as follows:

I have some few days past abided my trial at the King's-bench, and now very soon I must hold up my hand at the King of Kings'-bench, and appear before a judge that cannot be deceived by false witnesses, or corrupted allegations; for he knoweth the secrets of hearts; neither can he deceive any, or give an unjust sentence, or misled by respect of persons; He being all goodness, and a most just judge, will infallibly decree an eternal reward for all good works, and condign punishment for the smallest transgression against his commandments. Which being a most certain and undoubted truth, it would be a wicked act, and contrary to my perpetual welfare, that I should now, by declaring any thing contrary to truth, commit a detestable sin, for which, within a very short

accusers, and were not informed of several other circumstances conducing to a fair trial. Here, after six months close imprisonment (or thereabouts) I was brought to the bar the 3rd of May, and arrraigned for a crime, for which I was before arraigned in Ireland: A strange resolution, a rare fact, of which you will hardly find a precedent these five hundred years past: But whereas my witnesses and records were in Ireland, the Lord Chief Justice gave me five weeks time to get them brought hither: but by reason of the uncertainty of the seas, of wind and weather, and of the difficulty of getting copies of records, and bringing many witnesses from several counties in Ireland, and for many other impediments (of which affidavit was made) I could not at the end of the five weeks get the records and witnesses brought hither; I therefore begged for twelve days more, that I might be in a readiness for my trial, which my Lord Chief Justice denied ; and so I was brought to my trial, and exposed, as it were, with my hands tied, to those merciless perjurors, who did aim at my life, by accusing me of these fol· lowing points:

First, That I have sent letters by one Niel O'Neal (who was my page) to M. Baldeschi, the Pope's secretary; to the bishop of Aix, and to Principe Colonna, that they might solicit foreign powers to invade Ireland; and also to have sent letters to cardinal Bouillon to the same effect. Secondly, To have employed captain Con O'Neal to the French king for succour. Thirdly, To have levied and exacted monies from the clergy of Ireland, to bring in the French, and to maintain 70,000 mes. Fourthly, To have had in readiness 70,000 men, and lists made of them, and to have given directions to one friar Duffy to make a list of 250 men in the parish of Foghart, in the county

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