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of your officers and forces by fea and land. They are equally conducive to the fafety and glory of our country; and your gracious acceptance of the fervice of the militia, as being useful in the prefent arduous conjuncture, will be a great encouragement to their zeal.

At the fame time that we thankfally acknowledge your majefty's render confideration for your people, in your wifhes to have found your kingdoms in full peace, we cannot but admire your wifdom in the comprehenfive fenfe you have expreffed of the caufes and neceffity of the prefent war. We are convinced that your majefty's humane difpofition makes you lament the calamities of it; whilft your greatnefs of mind has determined you to purfue it with vigour, in order to a fafe and honourable peace, fo defirable, not only to your own fubjects, but to all Europe. Animated by that duty which we owe your majefty, and by our zeal for the honour and intereft of these kingdoms, we give your majefty the ftrongest affurances, that we will chearfully fupport you in profecuting the war; affift the king of Pruffia, and the reft of your allies; and heartily concur in all fuch meafures, as fhall be neceffary for the defence of your majefty and dominions, and for the other national and important ends which you have fo fully laid before us.

The anxiety, which your majefty has fo early declared, for the uncommon burdens of your people, demands our fincereft thanks. Your tender concern will be an inducement to bear them the more chearfully, and a pledge to your faithful fubjects, that they fhall be relieved from them as foon as the public feurity will, in found policy, admit.

Thefe many eminent proofs of your majefty's goodness, and of your fixed attention to our happiness, call upon us for the warmest returns of duty, gratitude, and affection, to your facred perfon and government. Our loyalty and fidelity are inviolable. Our refolutions to maintain your undoubted title to this imperial crown, and the proteftant fucceffion in your illftrious house, at the hazard of our lives and fortunes, is never to be fhaken. Happy fhall we be in every inftance, whereby we may be able to contribute to the glory, profperity, and ease of your reign. Your majefty's prudence, and the benevolence of your royal heart, have pointed out to us the most agrecable means of promoting these ends, by fo frongly inculcating the continuance of that union and good harmony, which fubfift amongst your people. In doing this, your majesty has fet an inviting and powerful example to all your fubjects, which we are determined to follow, by performing every thing on our part, to ftrengthen and improve this happy fituation.

His majesty's most gracious answer. My Lords,

"I return you my hearty thanks for this very loyal and dutiful addrefs. Nothing can be more agreeable to me, than your unanimous concurrence in the feveral weighty matters which I laid before you. The affurances you give me of your fidelity and affection to my perfon and government, and of your zeal for the true intereft of your country, and for the fupport of my allies, afford me the highest fatisfaction, and will have the best effect both at

home and abroad. It shall be my conftant endeavour to answer the expectations which you have formed of my reign."


The bumble Address of the House of and confide in, thofe facred afsuCommons to ohe King.

rances of your majefty's firm and invariable resolution, to adhere to, and strengthen, this excellent con

Moft gracious Sovereign, WE your majefty's most duti- ftitution in church and state; to

ful and loyal fubjects, the Commons of Great Britain in parliament affembled, approach your royal prefence, to exprefs the deepeft fense of the great and fevere lofs, which your majefty, and these kingdoms, have fultained by the death of your majefty's royal grandfather, our late inoft excellent fovereign; the memory of whofe juft and profperous reign will be held in reverence by latest posterity.

We beg leave to congratulate your majesty on your happy acceffion to the throne, the only confideration that can alleviate our grief for fuch a lofs. The knowledge of your majesty's royal virtues, wifdom, and firmness, opens to your faithful fubjects the faireft profpect for their future happiness at home, and for the continuance of that weight and influence of your majefty's crown abroad, fo effentially neceffary, in this arduous and critical conjuncture, for the prefervation of that fyftem, upon which the liberties of Europe depend.

maintain the toleration inviolate; and to protect your faithful fubjects in that greateft of human bleffings, the fecure enjoyment of their religious and civil rights.

We return your majesty our humble thanks for your most gracious speech from the throne; and acknowledge, with the livelieft fentiments of duty, gratitude, and exultation of mind, thofe moft affecting and animating words of our most gracious fovereign. That, Born and Educated in this Country, He glories in the name of Briton. And we offer to your majefty the full tribute of our hearts, for the warm expreffions of your truly royal and tender affection towards your people. We venerate,

Permit us to congratulate your majefly on the various fucceffes, which, under the protection of God, have attended the British arms, during the last summer; particularly in the reduction of Montreal, and the entire province of Canada; a conqueft equally important and glorious, atchieved with intrepidity, and closed with humanity, the genuine attributes of that British fpirit, which, under the benign aufpices of your majefty, will, we truft, continue, by the Divine affiftance, to give additional luftre to the arms of Great Britain.

This valuable and extenfive acquifition, joined to the fignal advantages gained in the Eaft Indies; the flourishing ftate of our commerce; the refpectable condition of your majefty's navy, by which the remains of the enemy's fleet continue blocked up in their harbours, whilft their trade is almost annihilated; are confiderations which fill our hearts with the most pleafing hopes, that you majefty will be thereby enabled to profecute this juft and neceffary war, to that great and defirable object of establifhing, in conjunction with your allies, a fafe, honourable, and lafting peace.

We fee, with the greatest plea fure, that the progrefs of the French armies in Germany, notwithstanding their fuperiority of numbers,


has been stopt, and, to the honour of your majesty's arms, their attempts hitherto baffled, by the wife and able conduct of his ferene highnefs prince Ferdinand of Brunfwick.

When we confider the ftupendous efforts, made, in every campaign by your majesty's great ally, the king of Pruffia, the defeat of the Auftrians in Silefia, and that recent and glorious victory obtained over the army commanded by marfhal Daun, we cannot fufficiently admire the invincible conftancy of mind, and inexhaustible refources of genius, displayed by that magnanimous monarch, to whom the moft dangerous and difficult fituations have only administered fresh occafions for glory.

Our most dutiful acknowledgements are due to your majefty for the mention which you have fo graciously made of the diftinguifhed valour and intrepidity of your officers and forces at fea and land, and for the declaration of your majesty's conftant refolution to encourage and reward fuch merit; and we return our most humble thanks to you majefty for your favourable acceptance of the zealous and ufe ful fervice of the militia, in the prefent arduous conjun&ture.

We affure your majesty, that your faithful Commons, thoroughly fenfible of this important crifis, and defirous, with the Divine affiftance, to render your majesty's reign fuccessful and glorious in war, happy and honourable in peace (the natural return of a grateful people to a gracious and affectionate fovereign) will concur in fuch meafures as fhall be requifite for the vigorous and effectual profecution of the war; and that we will chearfully and

speedily grant fuch supplies as fhall be found neceffary for that purpose, and for the fupport of the king of Pruffia, and the reft of your ma jefty's allies: firmly relying on your majefty's wisdom, goodness, and juftice, that they will be applied in fuch a manner as will most effectually answer the ends for which they are granted, and with the utmoft economy that the nature of fuch great and extenfive operations will allow; and that we will make fuch an adequate provifion for your majesty's civil government as may be fufficient to maintain the honour and dignity of your crown with all proper and becoming luftre.

Your majefty's faithful Commons approach your royal perfon with hearts penetrated by the warmeft and livelieft fenfe of your unbounded tenderness and concern for the welfare of your people; and rejoicing at the high fatisfaction your majesty taken in the union which fo univerfally prevails throughout your kingdoms: A deep fenfe of that national strength and profperity vifibly derived from this falutary fource, and, above all, your majefty's approbation of that happy union, and the natural difpofition and wish of your royal heart to cement and promote it, are the ftrongest incentives to concord, and the fureft pledge of its duration. The fixt refolution, which your majefty has declared, to countenance and encourage the practice of true religion and virtue, will, we doubt not, prove the best means of drawing down the favour of God upon a dutiful and united nation: and we fhall never cease devoutly to offer up our ardent vows to the Divine Providence, that, as a re


compence for these royal virtues, your majesty may reign in the hearts of a free and happy people, and that they, excited by your majesty's benevolent care to discharge your royal function, and animated by gratitude for the enjoyment of fo many bleffings, may make the due return, by a constant obedience to your laws, and by the most steady attachment and loyalty to your perfon and goverment.

His majefty's most gracious answer. Gentlemen,

"I return you my cordial thanks for this most dutiful and affectionate addrefs, and for your warm expreffions of fidelity to my perfon, and attention to the honour and dignity of my crown.

The unanimous affurances that you will make effectual and speedy provifion for the vigorous profecution of the war, and for the fupport of my allies, yield me the trueft fatisfaction, and will, I truft, prove the happy means of reducing the enemy to the terms of a juft and honourable peace. With fuch zeal and harmony among my people, I have only to implore the continuance of the Divine bleffings on their generous efforts, and on my ardent endeavours for the permanent felicity of my loving fubjects."

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2 Earl of Harrington

Dragoons. 5 Regiments. I Lieut. Gen, Conway 3 Earl of Albemarle 4 Sir Robert Rich 16 Lieut. Col. Burgoyne 17 Lieut. Col. Hale.




Three Regiments. 7 Battalions. 1 Ld Vifc. Ligonier. 3 Battalions. 2 Lord Tyrawley. 2 Battalions. 3 Earl of Rothes. 2 Battalions. Foot Regiments 23.

3 Major Gen. Howard
9 Major Gen. Whitmore
14 Major Gen. Jeffreys
Lord Geo. Beauclerk
Earl of Panmure *
* Scotch Fufileers.
30 Earl of Loudon
31 Lt. Gen. Holmes
32 Lt. Gen. Leighton
34 Earl of Effingham
36 Lord Rob. Manners
41 Col. Parfons [Invalids]
56 Lord Charles Manners
61 Col. Grey
64 Col. Cary

66 Col. Lafaufille [5 Comp.]
67 Loid Fred. Cavendish
68 Col. Lambton
69 Col. Colville
70 Col. Parflow [5 Comp.]
71 Col. Petitot

72 Duke of Richmond
85 Col.Crawford[Royal Volunteers]
86 Earl of Sutherland *

*Highlanders. 88 Lt. Col. Vaughan *

* Royal Welch Fufileers. 93 Major Gen. Campbell * *Fenfible Men.

In Ireland.

Commander in Chief, Lieut. Gen. Earl of Rothes.

Horse. z Regiments.

I Lieut. Gen. Brown

2 Vacant


Dragoons. 8 Regiments. 5 Lieut. Gen. Moystn 8 Major Gen. Yorke 9 Col. Whitley 12 Sir John Whiteford 13 Major. Gen. Douglas 14 Major Gen, Campbell 17 Sir James Caldwell 18 Earl of Drogheda

Foot. 17 Regiments.

1 Royal Scotch. ift Battalion 2 Major Gen. Fitzwilliam 10 Lieut. Gen. Pole 16 Lt. Gen. Handafyd 18 Lt. Gen. Folliott 26 Lt. Gen. Anftruther 29 Major Gen. Boscawen 39 Major Gen. Adlercron 52 Col. Sandford

59 Major Gen. Montague
62 Major Gen. Strode
73 Col. Brown

76 Lord Forbes's ift Battalion
83 Col. Sebright

89 Col. Bagfhaw

90 Sir Ralph Gore

91 Lt. Col. Blaney

[blocks in formation]

4 Major General Honeywood Dragoon Guards. 3 Regiments. I Lieut. Gen. Bland

2 Lieut. Gen. Waldegrave 3 Sir Charles Howard

Dragoons. 9 Regiments. 2 Lieut. Gen. Campbell 6 Lt. Gen. Cholmondeley 7 Sir John Cope 10 Sir John Mordaunt 11 Earl of Ancram 15 Major Gen. Elliot

Foot. 16 Regiments. 5 Major Gen. Hodgfon 8 Major Gen. Barrington 11 Lieut. Gen. Bockland 12 Lieut. Gen. Napier 20 Major Gen. Kingsley 23 Lieut. Gon. Huske * Welsh Fufiliers. 24 Major Gen. Cornwallis 25 Earl of Home


33 Major Gen. Griffin 37 Lieut. Gen. Stuart 50 Major Gen. Carr 51 Major Gen. Brudenell 81 Ld. Lindores [Invalids.] 82 Col. Parker, ditto.

In garrison at Embden.

87 Major Keith

92 Major Campbell



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