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Bank Notes: still out.

A few weeks ago the Bank advertised that they were ready to pay in cash, or to exchange for other notes, all those of oue or two pounds value issued prior to 1812. It was supposed at the time that there was little concession in this; the number of such notes still out standing was thought small. They did, however, amount to full nine hundred and fifty thousand pounds. Of this sum, not one thousand five hundred pounds has been claimed in gold, under the notice. New notes to the amount of fifty thousand pounds have been required for the old ones. The remainder are still out.

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Rise in Porter.

On Tuesday se'nnight the London brew. ers sent their coopers round to the different publicans with a notice, that an additional charge of five shillings per barrel would be immediately made upon porter. This will cause an advance of one halfpenny in each pot to the consumer, making the price fivepence-halfpenny. The price of ale and table beer has likewise been raised by the brewers.

Silver: better than common.

A tradesman in London lately received from Jamaica 400 ounces of Insurgent dollars in payment for an adventure. The Bank refused to receive them as standard money; but when carried to an essayer, they were found to be so pure, and so much divested of alloy, that they were purchased as 420 ounces of standard silver.

Hopes of better times.

We observe, with pleasure, that the condition of the numerous body of nailmakers in Staffordshire is improved by a meeting of their employers, held at West Bromwich, when it was unanimously agreed to restore their rate of wages, which had been, from the depression of that trade, partially and considerably reduced. State of the Expence of Assistance afforded

to the Spitalfields Wearers.

The Committee feel it incumbent upon them to explain to the public in what man ner they are distributing the funds intrust ed to their charge, from whence it will be evident, that although the subscription has been most liberal, yet such is the extent and character of the prevalent distress, that it is sufficient only to palliate the amount of suffering, which, it is feared, is beyond the reach of private benevolence wholly to relieve.

The Associations distribute at the dwellings of the poor, in sums from 1s. to 5s. 6d. according to the urgency of their wants, among nearly 6,000 families.

For clothing, in addition to various benevolent contributions both of old and new articles of clothing.

Loss on the sale of : about 7,000 quarts of 40,000 per week soup per day, or about

(from three to four ton Ditto on sale of cod weight)..

Ditto on herrings (eight to ten barrels)... Ditto on rice (a ton weight.......

Ditto on coals (1,500 bushels)

Wages and charges

nearly 1,000l. per week

150 ditto

250 ditto

15 ditto

5 ditto



75 ditto

10 ditto


and the Committee regret to add, that the Present weekly expenditure continual increase of applicants must considerably augment this serious weekly charge upon the funds; they, therefore, earnestly solicit those benevolent persons who may have withheld their subscriptions under the opinion that sufficient funds are already collected, no longer to postpone their aid.

The Committee have also to acknow ledge donatious from Government of 2,000 blankets-1,000 paillasses--and 4,000 pair of shoes; and also from individuals large

Provincial theatrical property is so much reduced also, from the same melancholy cause, that most of the theatres are shut

quantities of men's and women's cast-off
clothes, whole pieces of baise, calico, flan-
nel, &c. new faunel petticoats, blue cloaks,
and various articles, which have been ap-up. Sunday paper.
propriated with great care, and proved of
essential service; but the district still re-
mains deplorably destitute of these neces-

The Committee beg to acknowledge a
New Year's Gift, from the ladies at
Wandsworth, viz.
100 calico shifts,
100 linsey-woolsey
upper petticoats
100 blue flannel

under petticoats,

100 bed-gowns,
100 shawls,
100 pair of stockings
100 pair of shoes.

The above were collected by a lottery of 140 cards, upon each of which was inscribed 5 of one sort of the articles above named, and each of the ladies drawing the cards engaged to provide whatever might fall to her lot to procure.

The Directors of the East India Company, with a laudable desire to alleviate the pressure of the present moment, have determined to retain in their employ during the winter upwards of 500 extra labourers, who but for such bumane consideration would have been discharged. These men are in addition to above 2,500 labourers on the Company's regular esta blishment.

USEFUL IMPROVEMENT.-Many years ago a woman, of the name of Barbara Gilmour, introduced into the county of Ayr, in Scotland, the art of making what is now called the Dunlop cheese, which has been a regular source of industry and wealth since that time to the farmers; and it has been well observed that she has, by her innocent and simple ingenuity, deserved better of posterity than all the conquerors or military heroes that ever exis.ed upon earth.

Dec. 13th Colston's Anniversary was celebrated at Bristol; the Anchor Society made a collection for benevolent purposes to the amount of 3151. 14s.; the Dolphin Society's collection was 3291. 17s.; and that of the Grateful Society was 2151. Thus to the honour of the city of Bristul, on this day of grateful commemoration, the sum of 8601. was collected for the sacred cause of charity.

A Clock, on an entirely new system, has been made by John Thomas, of New port, Monmouthshire, a working -Smith and Farrier. This piece of mechanism continues going, after once winding up, for the space of 384 days. It has a pendant, vibrating seconds, and dial plate, shewing minutes and seconds. The plates and wheels are of brass, the pinions of the best cast steel.

A General Bill of all the Christenings and Burials from December 12, 1815, to December 10, 1816:

Christened in the 97 parishes within the walls, 983-Buried, 1,107.

Christened in the 17 parishes without the walls, 5,061-Buried, 3,969.

Christened in the 23 out-parishes in Middlesex and Surrey, 12,510-Buried, 10,104

Christened in the 10 parishes in the city and liberties of Westminster, 5,027-Buried, 5,136.

Christened-Males, 12,132, Females, 11,449, in all 23,581.

Buried-Males 10,105, Females, 10,211, in all 20,216.

Whereof have died, under two years of age, 5,400, between two and five, 1,960, five and ten, 845, ten and twenty, 675, twenty and thirty, 2,464, thirty and forty, 1,912, forty and fifty, 2,123, fifty and sixty, 1,955, sixty and seventy, 1,720, seventy and eighty, 1,308, eighty and ninety, 781, ninety and a hundred, 168, a hundred, 3, a hundred and one, 0, hundred and three, 1, a hundred and four, 1, Increased in the burials this year 756.

Unsound Flour.-Mr. R. Oastler, of Leeds, has published in the Leeds. Intelligencer some directions for making bread of unsound flour. He says that the "Carbo nate of Ammonia makes the bread better than either Carbonate of Soda or Salt of Tartar. If the flour be not very unsound, for 14lbs. of it use one ounce of Carbonate of Ammonia, taking peculiar care to pur chase where you can rely upon having it pure. This ounce of Carbonate of Ammonia should be dissolved in a little warm Theatrical Distress.-It is said, in con- water, and then put into such further quansequence of the severe pressure of the tity of water as may be requisite for kneadtimes, which has operated most powering the dough quite stiff. And as this Carfully upon the receipts of the two houses,bonate is volatile and all flies off, there is no that if some change for the better does not take place, the managers have it in contemplation to perform but three nights a week, each theatre playing alternately.

impropriety in increasing the quantity. It is generally used by bakers and confectioners. In case the flour be very bad, it might be well to make the experiment with 7lbs. of

it, as a much larger quantity of the Am-coast of Cardiganshire, and of Pembrokemonia would be needful-but the very shire, induce me to request you to write to worst of flour may be rendered useable if all the clergy of your Deaury, whose pasufficient of the Carbonate of Ammonia berishes lie on the sea-coast, and to inform introduced. When purchased, the Amthem that it is my warmest wish and inmonia should be tight corked up in a phial in order to prevent evaporation, to which it is greatly liable."


junction, that they will lose no time in representing to their congregations, in terms "sharper than any two-edged sword," the cruel and unchristian-like enormity of plundering wrecks; and that, for the future, they will preach to them on this subject once a quarter, or at least twice every year, and press strongly on their consciences the flagrant criminality of this inBritons and Christians to the enlightened human practice, so disgraceful to them as

SIR,-As large quantities of Potatoes have been frosted, it may prevent ignorance from throwing them away, if you will remind your readers, that, if soaked three hours in cold water, before they are to be prepared as food, changing the water every hour, these valuable roots will recover their salubrious qualities and flavour-country of which they are natives, and While in the cold water, they must stand which they inhabit; and wholly repug more especially to the neighbourhood where a sufficiency of artificial heat may nant to every principle, spiritual and pracprevent freezing. If much frozen before laid in cold water, to each peck of Potatoes tical, of the benevolent religion which take a quarter of an ounce of saltpetre, dis- they profess.-I am, Rev. Sir, your solved in water, which is to be mixed with the water which boils the Potatoes. If the Potatoes are so frozen as to be quite unfit for nourishment to men or animals, they will make starch, and yield more flour than if unfermented by the icy power.That flour, with an equal quantity of wheat flour, some butter, sugar, a little barm, and a few currants, makes excellent tea bread. If formed into small cakes, and put into a 'slow oven, will keep a month.




and affectionate friend,




Edinburgh New College.

The Parliamentary Commissioners ap. pointed to manage the yearly grant of 10,000l. voted by Parliament to be laid out in finishing the College of Edinburgh, met on the 7th instant, in order to receive plans and specifications for the completion of the building. The plan of Mr. Wm. Playfair being adopted, the prize of one hundred guineas was adjudged to that gentleman, The second prize, of eighty guineas, was On Friday, December 18th, a French awarded to Mr. Burn. According to Mr. brig, laden with wines, &c. from Toulon Playfair's plan, we understand that the exto Havre-de-Grace, parted from her anchors terior of the building, as originally planned at Aberporth, Cardiganshire, where she by Adains, is to be retained, with very had been detained some days by stress of little alteration; but there will be a total weather, and drifting on the Penbryn departure from the internal arrangements. Sands, was totally wrecked in the course of The southern side of the quadrangle is to the same night; but the crew happily be occupied almost entirely by the library, escaped. With pain we state, that a large which will be 120 feet long, and one of the body of the neighbouring peasantry as- most elegant rooms in the kingdom. The sembled, and (notwithstanding the praise- western side is to be appropriated to the worthy efforts of Col. Price, of Pigeons- museum, and the other two sides are to be ford, and other gentlemen, with the assist- occupied chiefly as class-rooms. The oriance of the Custom-house officers) pillaged ginal proposal of accommodating the Propart of the cargo, and drank so immode- fessors with houses in the College, is abanrately of the wine, that eleven became the doned. We understand the whole of this immediate victims of their own beastly ex-magnificent structure, which will be a lastcess.-The above, and other equally inhuman and disgraceful conduct on the part of the people termed "Wreckers," has called forth the laudable interference of

the Bishop of St. David's. The following circular letter cannot receive too extensive a circulation:

"REV. SIR, The disgraceful transactions which have lately taken place on the

ing monument of the national taste, will be completed in six or seven years.

Splendid Catholic Chapel opened. On Sunday, Dec. 22, the new Roman Catholic Chapel of Glasgow was opened, when a sermon was preached by the Rev. Andrew Scott, who expressed his gratitude for the kind attention with which himself and his hearers had been treated by the

inhabitants of the city, during the time he had been their pastor. The Chapel, which is one of the most splendid structures in Scotland, will contain above 2,400 persons, and was extremely crowded that day by persons of different persuasions, and a very liberal collection was afterwards received. The building has cost upwards of 13,000!.


The Dublin papers contain an account of a meeting which was held at the Mansion-house in that city, Dec. 6th, for the purpose of adopting some plan to relieve the poorer classes of the inhabitants. The business was introduced by the Ld. Mayor in an appropriate address. Alderman Shaw then moved the immediate opening of a subscription. and the appointment of a Committee for the management and application of the funds. The subscription was commenced by Mr. Peel signing for two hundred pounds, on the part of the Lord Lieutenant, and for himself one hundred. He was followed by the Lord Chancellor, one hundred pounds; and in less than half an hour à sum exceeding three thousand pounds was subscribed. We are gratified in learning that politics were never once introduced at this meeting.

The following official notice was on Fri-
day Jan. 10, issued from the Office of the
Master of the Mint:-


"Royal Mint, Jan. 17, 1917. "The New Silver Coinage being now very nearly finished, arrangements are making for enabling all his Majesty's subjects in every part of Great Britain to exchange, at the same period, the old for the new silver coin of the realm. This exchange will commence on or before Monday, the 3d February next, and all standard silver coin of the realm, however defaced or reduced in weight, by use, will be received in exchange for the new coin, by tale, as its nominal value.

"The public are requested to observe, that the new silver coin to be issued from his Majesty's Mint upon this occasion, will be delivered in exchange to the holders of the old coin; it is therefore strongly recommended, that all silver coin of the realm (however defaced or reduced in weight by use) should continue to be given and received in Payments, for the very short period that will elapse before the, issue of the new silver coin. By this means no interruption of the circulation will arise.

"NOTE-The old silver coin of the realm, however defaced or reduced in weight by use, is received in payments at its nominal value, by all branches of the revenue, and at the Bank of England, and will continue to be so, until it is exchanged for the new silver coinage.

"W. W. POLE, "Master and Worker of his Majesty's Mint." VOL. V. No. 29. Lit. Pan. N. S. Feb. 1.



A Character.-Dec. 1816.

...There was a calm expression in that face,
A silent dignity, a saintly grace,
That all the goodness of the Christian prov'd,
And, once beheld, was ever after lov'd ;→→
He stood a bulwark to the cause of right,
A host in his own calm collected might,→
Yet sympathis'd with every Son of Woe
And sooth'd the sorrows of his course below &
His look, benevolent, sedate, and calm,
Gave to his doctrine a persuasive charm;
That doctrine-with pure zeal and reason

By Virtue sanction'd, by a Saviour taught !➡
'Twas the mild radiance of a beam from high,
The genuine warmth of Christian Charity,→
No wild intemperate flash from heated miud;
No start of feeling-veering as the wind,
No torrent rushing with impetuous force,
False zeal its spring, insanity its course,
Not such its nature;-pure, refin'd, and

By reason guided, and control'd by taste,
The saintlike spirit beam'd in every look,
In every smile, in every accent spoke.
His was the firm but fervent energy
That look'd on wordly objects, with an eye,
Long wont to contemplate sublimer themes
And catch its rays from Truth's divinest

His strict uprightness no temptation shook,
He aw'd the impious scorner with a look ;
Yet still maintained his Heav'n-directed plan
Of Faith in God, and Charity to man.


Alas, for thee! abandon'd Lute!
Thy voice is hush'd-thy chords are mute,
Yet 'mid thy silver strings,
Zephyr in sportive mazes playing
The fleeting melody delaying,

Still waves his airy wings;
And as their light touch vibrates o'er
The dulcet chords so sweet before,

They breathe tender sigh,
Plaintive as Mem❜ry fondly heaves
When tracing o'er her sybil-leaves

She dwells on scenes gone by.
2 H

'Tis but a sigh-thy notes are dead'; The magic of thy sound is fled,

And, sear'd by early woe,

The heart that bade these notes awake,
The heart that lov'd them,—could it break,
Were hush'd for ever now!

The touch of an untutor'd hand,

The stroke of time-which none withstand,
Have marr'd thy tuneful sound;
But o'er thy Minstrel's hapless fate
Time presses with a deadlier weight

And bows him to the ground!

The "soul of song" that warm'd his lay
Fades, as the rosy light of day

Sinks into Evening gloom;
Day's slumbering light may wake again,
But nought shall wake the dying strain
That echoes from the tomb!

Welcome that tomb!-its dark recess
Is peaceful in its loneliness ;—

There anguish cannot groan,
There all the ties that bind the soul,
Love's tenderest bonds of soft control,
Are broken-like thine own!

The day is pass'd,—and with it flown
The brightness of the sunny beam,
Pale Evening throws her sable zone
Around the calm and quiet scene:-
The woods upon the mountain's brow
By the breeze majestic wave,
And calmly sleeps the stream below
O'er the fisher's lonely grave.
Long has wept the silver tide,
Stealing on its pebbly shore,
Since it bathed his wherry side,
Dashing to the feather'd oar:
"Twas at night;-and homeward sped
The Fisher to his home afar,

The cold moon shone above his head,
Lofty beam'd each dancing star;
He thought upon his cottage fire
With rosy children circled round,

And sweet the dreams those thoughts inspire,
Dreams with peace and pleasure crown'd!

And as he row'd his boat along,

Cheerily his voice arose,

The woods re-echoed to his song
And sigh'd at ev'ry murin'ring close.

The boat glides on ;—obscure and dark
Lurks beneath the sunken rock :-
Whirls around the fragile bark,

It shivers with the sudden shock!
The dying cry, the plunge was heard,
The peasants gathered on the shore,
And unavailing prayers preferr'd
For him who can awake no more.
In vain beside her cottage fire
His widow'd partner mourns his stay,
His children ask their absent sire,
But he, alas! is far away.

They laid him in a humble grave;
The green sod blossoms on his breast,
Calmly flows the silver wave
Soothing his unbroken rest.
And there the lonely bird of night
Pours her softest, wildest note,
And upon the brow of night
Tunefully the echoes float.

[blocks in formation]

THE BLACKING-BALL RIVALS; Or the Muses of St George's Fields versus those of the Strand.

We are always desirous of distinguishing ingenuity; the thought and dexterity by which Mr. Turner's blacking shone in verse, is unques tionably, highly amusing; but it seems a rival has put him to the expence of another sacrifice to his Muse, to ensure her assistance. It is thus great men labour, while the public think them dozing, As this fashion, should it continue, may furnish a dinner, or even a coat, to a poét of skill; we cannot but wish it encreased popu larity in these hard times.

On his incomparable Blacking.
As when the Sun's glad beams diffuse
Resplendent lustre far and near,
So shines your Blacking on my shoes,
Unsullied, splendid, bright, and clear.
To Sol, what planet can compare?

What morning star shines half so bright?
For influence, heat, and light are there,
Hail matchless source of boundless light!
The blossom spreads itself to thee,
Parent of trees, of flower, and fruit;
And in the eve, the western sea

Spontaneous rolls to pay thee suit.
But cease, my Muse, this lofty strain,
Nor sun, nor stars, nor seas explore ;
But to the point revert again-
For merit is reserved in store.

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