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spear, the perishing blades of which now characterize their masters in the grave, those more peaceful inhabitants who here fed their flocks, and tended their cattle. Others became the prey of

these excite our interest by marking | some of them defended with sword and associations of families: to which they add that arising from having been our countrymen; in whose habits and manners, we, though separated by a long, long, interval, yet experience an inquisitiveness not unmingled with sym-casualty; and we learn from their repathy.


mains, that they carried their affections unabated to the tomb: the father, the mother, and the infant, repose together:

E'en in their ashes live their wonted fires.

The silent tomb speaks; aud those who venture to describe the men of those re

mote generations as barbarians, may stand corrected by the discoveries of the diligent antiquary, whose folios surround our table. Those discoveries may correct other errors also: for, however general be the notion, or however strong the fancy, that the race of man dwindles, and that in former ages giants, and men of vast stature, trod these plains, their sepulchres afford no confirmation of that prejudice. Sir Richard, indeed, occasionally, finds skeletons of "stout men;" but not more frequently than he might easily find among the modern popula


Dr. Clarke found earthen barrows not only in the steppes of Russia; but, again, in Greece, ia the plains of Troy, and in still more Southern Egypt; where they seem to have preceded the Pyramids, and to have suggested the form of those immense constructions. Mr. Gell found unfinished barrows in the neighbourhood of Troy; no small portion of which was formed of stones, rudely piled, or thrown, into a heap, to be afterwards covered with earth and turf. A circumstance this, to which our British barrows are no strangers; many of them are neatly paved with flints, gathered from the vicinity; and contain masses of the same kind of stones, heaped over the original deposit. We presume not to suppose that the aborigenes of our island, sprang out of the earth; though such was the boast of many ancient nations, who could not, or would not trace their descent. What little testimony exists on the subject, derives the population of Britain from the opposite coast of the Continent: and that is supposed to have been formed of settlers from the region where still exist those commemorations which so strongly engaged the attention of our countryman on his travels. Whether the antient settlers did more than traverse those extensive plains, we cannot attempt to decide; but the general resemblance of place and memorials with those of the Wiltshire downs, might be adduced in support of a theory, which has in its favour all the confirmation that can be derived from history; or rather from tradition subsequently record-solute antiquity, other proofs of British ed, and committed to the historic page. long after the events had taken place.

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Neither were these ancient Britons without their manufactures, sufficient at least to supply them with the necessaries of life: Sir R. disinterred remains of linen, and bits of woollen cloth, still distinct enough to enable him to judge on the nature of the article; which was what we now call kersey. The flocks, fed on the downs, no doubt, supplied the wool; and the skilful manufacturer formed it into cloth, then, as is done now; for Wiltshire has been a clothing county from time immemorial, as we well know. Straps of leather were also found; with these the warriors slung, and by these they held, their shields: this adds another to their manufacturing processes; and, in all probability, had not their mouldering dust perished, through ab

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ingenuity might have been collected.— The best preserved articles are metals. and gems; gold retains its qualities: so does brass; iron, not equally well;among the gems are glass, amber, jet, shells strung into necklaces, and other ornaments for the person, formed with considerable elegance.

Now, these give rise to a question as to their origin: if they were of domestic fabrication, then they bear testimony to the ingenuity and skill of those who made them; and probably to the wealth of those who wore them: if they were obtained from abroad, then they indicate the activity of a commerce with strangers, who, certainly, took care to ceive an adequate value in return. And these remarks apply to the most remote interments: for, Sir R. concludes that the same tumulus not seldom contains, three distinct depositions: the first, that for which the mound was formed; the skeleton remaining intire ; the second, that in which the bodies were burned, and the ashes inclosed in an urn, of clay, laboriously ornamented, but unskilfully baked; a third, which occupies a place near the surface; and is evidently long posterior to the former. Now, if we grant the existence of the arts of working metals,-of piercing and ornamenting them-of converting the skins of cattle into leather, of combining the wool of sheep into cloth, with those of carpentry, and constructions of wood, in which we know these people ex- It will be recollected that all the Bricelled, there will remain few arts of pri- tish dwellings were round in shape; that mary necessity, which these sons of Al- there is no instance of any foundation biou would have had any great occasion being square; and this corrects the to regret. They drew tough bows; they error of whoever was the original dedischarged sharp arrows, though head-signer of the figure of the Druid in ed with flint, only; they took sure aim, Rowland's "Mona Antiqua": be has as the many horns of stags found in placed in the back-ground wattled buildtheir sepulchres sufficiently witness.ings,-in which he is right:-but, has Such are the facts we learn from the introduced a square form,-in which be dead but, the living have left traces is wrong. of no mean talents, resolution, and

posing that each accommodated a distinct branch of the same family, that some of them were appropriated to sheep, cattle, and other property, the human population of the whole exceeded that of many cities. But here are no regular streets; no sensible divisions; the ways are like the cells of a bee-hive, inre-tricacy itself. Not so, the British villages on Knook Down; in these, the dwellings are placed in a much more orderly manner, and it should appear that several members of a family dwelt within the same enclosure; but, not in the same hut, or cottage. Story over story, certainly never was adopted by the ancient Britons; neither had they separate apartments under one roof; but their separate apartments were in fact, distinct, though adjoining structures; and this alone, is sufficient to justify our rejection of the tale related by Cæsar, that ten or a dozen men (especially brothers) lived together, having their wives in common; not only is that practice contrary to nature, and therefore incredible, but, no trace of any such indiscriminate connection has hitherto been discovered.



Their domestic habitations are probably, as ancient as any other memorial of them existing.

The laborious antiquary to whom we are indebted for these communications, has supposed that branches of trees, intertwined, formed the walls of these houses: had he recollected the Among the most perplexing of these practice of wattle-ing, with that of antiquities are the excavations, called thatching the roof with straw, or reeds, "Pen Pits," which-if they be truly he would, no doubt, have taken notice vestiges of antient British residences, of this particular. And the rather, beimply a condensed population of several cause it contributes to account for the thousands of inhabitants, within a space partial sinking of these dwellings into too contracted to have served for retreat the ground: since thereby, not only to Shepherds and Herdsmen only. Their were the lower ranges of (circular) number is very great; many hundreds, poles more firmly held in position; but if not thousands; they may be traced those also which rose from thence to the to a considerable distance, and they roof. Moreover, we cannot help conlosely adjoin each other. Even sup-jecturing that what Sir R. denominates

a" Pond Barrow," is, in fact, the foundation of an edifice, more consequential than common; perhaps a Druid's house, or place of worship: at least, sepulchral remains are not found in these hollows, though near them]; they, possibly, therefore, sometimes mark a chosen spot for burial: not unlike the modern village church, with its surrounding churchyard.


This leads us to their acknowledged places of worship; and these are always circular. We recollect none of any other form; they are also open to the heavens; though it is highly probable that they were surrounded by groves, of oaks, especially, through which " dim religious light," penetrated with difficulty, and added a mysterious solemnity to the rites of which these structures were the scene. Within a few years past, the materials for composing a history of similar structures, have somewhat increased; and this volume takes an honourable place, among authorities for the purpose. Had Dr. Clarke, when surveying Olympus from the summit of Kuchunlu Tepe, recollected, with true antiquary feelings, the wonders of his own country, he never could have slighted the circle of stones, that he found on that mountain, buried in a grove of oaks, (Vide LITERARY PANORAMA, Vol. XIII. pp. 86, 231,) at a spot from which votaries might almost hold converse with the objects of their adoration. Whether we have heartily forgiven that sin of omission, is a secret we keep to ourselves; but, we may be allowed to retain our regret that the Dr.'s negligence should forego so favourable an opportunity for enabling us to compare the circles of the east with those of the west, and perhaps for framing some approximating conjecture as to their era. The only author which we recollect, as having noticed these oriental circles, is Chardin, whose Travels in Persia presents the following passage, "Upon the left hand of the road are to be seen

There are, however, traces of open tem

ples, built after the manner of the Druids, but of a square form, among the ruins of Persepolis in Persia. Niebuhr has given a plate of these, which is the best authority known. We hope for further information from the labours of an illustrious British traveller.

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LARGE CIRCLES of hewn stone: which the Persians affirm, to be a great sign that the Caous making war in Media, held a council in that place it being the custom of those people, that every officer that came to the council brought with him a stone to serve him instead of a chair: these Caous were a sort of giants. What is most to be admired, after observation of these stones, is this, that they are so high that eight men can hardly move one; and yet there is no place from whence they can be imagined to have been fetched, but from the next mountains, which are six leagues off."

"These Caous were a sort of Giants," says Chardin: the reader will not fail to compare this opinion-not a mere modern notion, with the sentiments handed down by tradition in the west; our circles, too, have had their "giants ;" and beside giants, their inchanters and magicians.

Another hint at the purposes to which circles of stones were applied, we learn incidentally from the psalmist David, who recording the train of the tribes that followed the ascent of the Sacred Ark to Zion, enumerates "the Princes of Judah, with their council," or rather, as Interpreters inform us, "the men of their Stones" the leaders, sages, chiefs, who gave advice when assembled at their Council Stones. (Psalm lxviii. 27.)Precisely in the spirit of this explanation is the expression of Homer, who, Iliad xviii. 504. describing the representations wrought by Vulcau on the shield of Achilles, mentions the Judges on the Forum, engaged in hearing a cause:

The Old Men were seated at the wrought stones in the SACRED CIRCLE." If such were the customary tribunals in Britain also, there can be no occasion of wonder at the number of Druid circles of Stones, still remaining in our Island.

Druid Circles in Persia ;-Druid circles in the woods of Ida-Druid circles in Judea :-Barrows as sepulchres, throughout vast regions, beside the Don and the Wolga;-another step, and we touch on a justification of the tradition which affirms, that the ancestors of the ancient Britons, the first inhabitants of our island, were descendants from

Describing the British villages on Knook Down, says our author:

the Scythians, tribes from Independent | tains about seven hundred acres; and is Tartary, from Russian Asia, from the now daily diminishing by the operations shores of the Euxine, perhaps from of agriculture, and the levellings necesMount Caucasus. Their religion was sary for the plough. that of the ancient Patriarchs: AbraThese pits are in their form like an inham was a Druid, for he planted a grove verted cone, and are very unequal in their of oaks; Jacob and Laban were Druids, dimensions; in some instances we see doufor they raised a double circle of comble pits, divided by a slight partition of memorative stones: Joshua took large earth; and the soil in which they are dug stones, which formed his memorial cir- is of so dry a nature, that no water has been ever known to stagnate in them, In every cle (Gilgal); and the Ebenezer, or "stone of help," of Samuel, was pre-have been invariably found-they bear depart of the district, querns or mill-stones cisely analogous to those which in our cided marks of the tool upon them, and apown country, we pronounce Druidical. pear never to have been used. They are These slight introductory observations made of the native green stone [found on have enabled the reader to form a tolera- the spot.] bly correct notion of the contents of this magnificent folio. In the necessary researches Sir Richard was greatly as- We have undoubted proofs from history sisted, and not seldom preceded, by Mr. and from existing remains, that the earCunnington, a gentleman of Heytes- liest habitations were pits or slight excavabury, in Wiltshire, whose attention tions in the ground, covered and protected seems to have been directed by accident from the inclemency of the weather by into this course of British antiquity, boughs of trees, or sods of turf. The high which he afterwards pursued with grounds were pointed out by nature, as the eagerness. That gentleman first pro-less cucumbered by wood, and affording fittest for these early settlements, being jected the plan of the work; and in better pasture for the numerous flocks, and token of gratitude, it is dedicated to herds, from which the erratic tribes of the him; and his portrait accompanies the first colonists drew their means of subsisdedication. The county is divided into tence: but after the conquest of our island several "digressions, such as distance by the Romans, when, by meaus of their and time will allow of for one day; and enlightened knowledge, society became in naming them, says Sir R. I shall more civilized, the Britons began to quit take the liberty of anglicizing a Latin the elevated ridge of chalk hills, and seek word, and call them Iters." The first station is Stourton, where Sir R.'s seat is; the second is Warminster; the third Heytesbury; the fourth Wily; the fifth Amesbury; the sixth Everley; the seventh Salisbury; the eighth Fo-were cleared of wood, and towns and vilvant; the ninth Hendon. North Wilt- lages were erected in the plains near rishire will follow; but let these be first vers, which, after the departure of the Rocompleted.. maus, became the residence of the Saxons, The Introduction is brief; but pre-ed before these important chauges took But a considerable period must have elapssents a judicious combination of well-place; for on our bleakest hills we find the known authorities: Pliny, Cæsar, Tacitus, &c. It also distinguishes Towns; Earthen-works, Fortresses or Camps, Tumuli or Barrows; of which several kinds are named, chiefly according to their forms;-the mode of burial,-the contents found in these Barrows,-and, Religious Structures.

We have already alluded to those remarkable excavations-" Pen Pits" of which a part only remains, yet this con

more sheltered and desirable situations. sandy vales immediately bordering on the At first, we find them removed into the chalk hills; and at a late period, when the improved state of society under the Romans ensured them security, the vallies

luxuries of the Romans introduced into the British settlements, flues, hypocausts, stuecoed and painted walls, &c. &c, Yet not a single juscription has ever been disco. vered in any one of these British villages, that can throw any positive light upon the era in which they flourished, or were deserted, for a more temperate, and less ex posed climate.

If we refer to the plan of this ground, we shall perceive two British towns, situated at some considerable distance from each

other, and seemingly connected by means of OLD DITCH; we must also observe that, in one part, this Ditch has been evidently broken through, and the line of habitations continued across it; from which circumstance we may reasonably conclude, that the ditch existed prior to the construction of the village; or perhaps if the ditch served as a communication between the upper and lower villages, it might have been broken through in order to extend the limits of the latter.

tlement; and that, the Romanized Britons continued to reside in it to a late period. That"Old Ditch", with others, which may be traced for miles, in various places, was a road, or track for communication, Sir R. has no doubt; such ways are usually sunk into the ground, and the soil is thrown up, on each side. This certainly was a secure mode of leading cattle from place to place.

The site of these villages is decidedly marked by great cavities and irregulariThe Barrows are, beyond question, ties of ground, and by a black soil: when places of British interment; nor do any the moles were more abundant, numerous proofs of Roman deposits occur among coins were constantly thrown up by them, them. Nevertheless, the mode of interas well as fragments of pottery, of different ment by cremation, or burning the bospecies. On digging in these excavations, dy, is Roman; and it assigns for the we find the coarse British pottery, and al- date of these instances, a period bemost every species of what has been called tween that of the prevalence of the RoRoman pottery, but which I conceive to have been manufactured by the Britons man arms (say about A. D. 50) and from Roman models: also, fibula, and rings that of the popular reception of Chrisof brass worn as armilla or bracelets, flat- tianity (say about A. D. 350): for, the headed iron nails, hinges of doors, locks heathen laughed at the Christian docand keys, and a variety of Roman coins, of trine of the resurrection of the body, which the small brass of the Lower Em- calling it "the hope of worms"; and pire are the most numerous, and particu- resigned to the new sect the terms Jarly those of the Constantine family. Ofthe deposit, resting, sleeping, in peace, larger brass we have coins of Vespasian, &c. After the reception of ChristiaNerva, Antoninus, Trajan, Julia, Mamma and Posthumus: of the denarii we have nity, therefore, burning would cease; Caligula, the elder Faustina, Julia Mam- and before the prevalence of the Roman mæa, the elder Philip, Gallienns, and Gra- power, the Britons interred the bodies, tianus the small brass are too numerous in the attitude in which they died ; i. e. to particularize, but some of the smallest with the feet and legs gathered up: are remarkable, having only a radiated in reference to which, Sir R. very appo head (often very rude) and one or two Ro-sitely quotes the passage, Gen. xxix. 33. manletters, which perhaps may have been struck during the latest struggles between

the Britons and Saxons.

"And when Jacob had made an end of

commanding his sons, he gathered up his feet into the bed, and yielded up the ghost." This seems to imply a peaceful departure; and, may, it is likely, be so taken, generally.

In digging within these British villages, we have but rarely discovered any signs of building with stone or flint: but we have several times found very thin stones laid as floors to a room. The fire places were As an instance of the contents of small excavations in the ground, in which these Barrows, and of the perseverance we have frequently found a large flat hearth stone: and in two parts of this extensive employed in examining them, we advillage we have discovered hypocausts si-duce that near Heytesbury, on the milar to those in the Roman villa at Pit-northern bank of the river Wily, which mead near Warminster. These are regu- from the nature and richness of its conlar works of masonry, made in the form of a tents was denominated by its excavacross, and covered with large flat stones tors the GOLDEN BARROW. well cemented by mortar. We have also during our investigations of this spot, repeatedly found pieces of painted stucco, and of brick flues: also pit coal, and some fragments of glass or chrystal rings, beads,


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It was opened for the first time in the year 1803. At the depth of two feet we found a little pile of burned human bones placed in a shallow bason-like cist, and at

the distance of one foot from the bones was a considerable quantity of ashes intermixed with small fragments of burned bones. About two feet from the pile of bones

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