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SPAIN. Recent accounts from Catalonia state, that after the finest prospect of a good vin tage in that quarter, the rains had set in so violently that it was feared the season would be nearly lost.


ple of her Majesty, and would give orders to their mercers for dresses against the winter, thousands of industrious persons might immediately be enabled to resume their employments.

Soldiers Widows: Waterloo Pensions.

We are informed that the Committee of the Waterloo Subscription have assigned an annuity of 101. per annum for her whole

The Deputies of the reformed Cantons of Switzerland have voted a suitable provision to the Protestant churches in Piede (not while she remains unmarried only),


The Great Council of Geneva has decided, that owing to the scarcity, there should be no places of public amusement opened this year.

The Sovereign Council of the Canton of Berne, has destined half a million of francs for the purchase of grain from abroad, for the distribution of Rumford

soups, and other means of relief, to the indigent.

A Swiss paper observes, that there are in Switzerland no fewer than 11 different fool measures, 20 kinds of superficial measure, 60 different ells, 87 various measures

of corn, 81 liquor measures, and 50 different kinds of weight. It is therefore no wonder that it has been proposed to the Diet to introduce a uniformity in this respect.

National Register:


The King's Health.

"Windsor Castle, Sept. 7.
"His Majesty has enjoyed good bodily
health, and has been generally tranquil dur-
ing the last month, but his Majesty's dis-
erder has undergone no change.


to the widow of every brave private soldier who fel in the battle of Waterlooan additional assistance is also given to such widows, toward the support of every orphan child they are left with, who are, under proper caution, assisted until 21.


Considerable confusion has been occa

sioned in various places in the country, by the banks, and principal tradesmen refusing to take in payment any French or Irish shillings and sixpences: as usual, there were not wanting ill-disposed persons, who reported that these Banks would not take plain shillings of any kind. This produced

riot and muschief. Somewhat of the same

disposition was manifested in London, aud produced confusion for a time, but was promptly allayed by the following notices.

Take notice-The Bank of England do not refuse any shillings or sixpences on account of their being plain, provided they are English. By order of the Lord Mayor. Saturday Morning. FRANCIS HOBLER.

In consequence of the above notice, people assembled in crowds to take their silver to the Bank, for which they received Bank of England notes and tokens. The Bank took every thing not clearly ascertained to be foreign currency. The day passed over in the city without the least tendency to tumult, although the Bank was beset by crowds. In the afternoon the following fresh notice was posted at the Bank and Mansion-house :

SILVER COIN.-Take notice-All Shil

lings and Sixpences of the Coin of the Realm, whether plain or not, will continue to be exchanged at the Bank of Englaud as heretofore, till the issue of the new Silver Coinage, which will not take place before the month of February next.-N. B. Those who refuse to take the current Coin of the Realm are liable to be prosecuted.

Silk Weavers favoured. Lately, her Majesty was graciously pleased to allow some of the most respectable Spitalfields manufacturers to wait upon her at Windsor, and to exhibit specimens of the perfection to which the silkmanufacture, in various articles of furniture and dress, is now brought. Her Majesty entered with the utmost benevolence into the present distresses of the manufacturers; she was pleased to receive the gentlemen who pleaded the cause of the Bauk of England, Sept. 21, 1816. poor weavers and their families with great Afterwards a third Notice was issued. affability, and to assure them of every protection which her Majesty's example WOOD, Mayor.-SILVER COIN.-By and countenance could afford. If the no- authority of his Majesty's Secretary of bility and gentry would second the exam-State for the Home Department, Notice is

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of attention.

They are generally seen near the sun's equator: and nearly parallel to it: but these were nearly at half a right angle (or 40%) S. E. of the æquator, and in oblique direction leading towards his centre, the 1st very small; 2d and 3rd much larger, and nearly of a size; 4th small; 5th much larger; 6th largest; very irregular in its outline, and seemingly a cluster.

If the Piazzi, Venus, the Earth, Mereury, Mars, and the Herchelian Planet, (supposing it half its actual diameter) could be seen altogether in transit, by an eye situated at our distance from the Sun, they might exhibit nearly the same relative size and appearance as these Spots. They were separated by considerable intervals from each other; and the three nearest the centre by a greater interval from the three nearest to the circumference.

If the subsidence of the Sun's luminous atmosphere were to disclose the summits of a ridge of solar mountains, the appearance might be much similar. All, except that nearest to the centre, have much more the aspect of conical tops of mountains than of cavities. From outmost to innermost appear to be a distance of more than 200,000 miles. And if all joined without interval, they would compose a line of about 80,000 miles. It is 36 days, yesterday, since the last observation, and then with the same telescope, of a Spot on the Sun.

On Sunday the 8th, it seems certain they had not emerged; as otherwise, three at least, if not four of those nearest to the centre, must have been visible. Since the commencement of this year, numerous observations have not shewn that they

have had any effect on the solar light, or heat, sufficient to influence our weather, since the 18th of April last, in a degree at all adequately to account for our singularly cloudy, rainy, and cold season. This may be more probably owing to the chill of our earth from our long and lingering winter. And perhaps there may have been a change in the state of the frozen seas and mountains, near the northern circum-polar regions, which may have produced much greater evaporation and cold than usual. During the five weeks that no solar spots weather was nearly as cold, cloudy, and were seen from the 5th of August, the stormy as it had been before, Ipswich, 11th Sept. 1816.

C. L.

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The Marquis of Salisbury picked up two pheasants frozen to death in Hatfield Park!

Wednesday Sept. 4, was eminently calculated to impress a foreigner with an idea of the uncertainty of the English climate. All the seasons of the year were compressed into a less space of time than 24 hours. We had hail, rain, cloud and sun-shine, heat and cold, storm and calm, winter and summer, in rapid succession. At three o'clock in the morning it blew a storm, and the rain descended in torrents. At ten o'clock the weather became intensely cold, a heavy shower of hail stones cleared the streets of passengers, and the dense and dark atmosphere, surcharged with clouds, threatened a wet and dismal noou: The weather at this moment bore every character of winter. At twelve o'clock the clouds dispersed, a brilliant sun shone forth, imparting all the genial heat and life of summer The heat, however, gra dually subsided; the weather became cold, but remained dry till about five o'clock, when some light sprinkling showers de scended. The night was frosty and dry.

"Snow in harvest is no common occurrence, but it is a fact that it occurred here Sept. 4, as witnessed by several persons in the town."-Lewes Journal.

The atmospheric air was so intensely | barytes and strontian, which do not becold in the Isle of Wight, on Wednesday come oxided by exposure to atmospheric Sept. 4, that the bail-stones, which descend- air. The metal of barytes is ductile, and ed profusely, on being collected together, has the lustre of silver. An account of soon became consolidated. these experiments will be shortly before the public.

Bridges in London.

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Laudable regulations; Official excrtions. The Lord Mayor, in his endeavours to check the abuses of Bartholomew fair, spent the greater part of Tuesday and last night himself, aided by the marshals, city officers, &c. and succeeded in establishing a cessation of every species of disorder by 12 o'clock. Not a public-house or show was found open after that hour.

Penitentiary partly peopled. Fifty female convicts have been sent to the Penitentiary on Millbank, and, it is expected, that this place of confinement will shortly be in readiness for the reception of more. No person is allowed to see the prisoners. In future, all convicts sentenced to seven and fourteen years transportation, are to be sent there, at the discretion of the Secretary of State for the Home Department. Those sentenced to transportation for life, are to be sent to Botany Bay, as usual.

Re-sale of the Opera House.

The Principal bidders for the Opera House on Tuesday were, Mr. Duthie, Mr. Galt, Secretary of the Caledonian Asylum, Mr. Ebers, the bookseller of Bond-street, and Mr. Waters, who purchased it for £70,150.

Intense Heat.

Our chemical and mineralogical readers will be glad to hear, that by means of a blow-pipe for burning the gaseous constituents of water, in a state of high condensation, which is constructed by Mr. Newman, of Lisle-street, Leicestersquare, a degree of heat may be produced greater than that of the most power ful Galvanic battery. Professor Clarke, of Cambridge, who is engaged in a series of analytical experiments with the blow-pipe, has already succeeded in the decomposition of the earths; having obtained metals from

Gas Light.

The town of Preston, in Lancashire, has lately been lighted with gas. The length of main pipes (which are sufficient to light the whole of the town, including several extensive factories) already laid is 1,000 yards, and in this space it is estimated that more than 900 lights, emitting flame equal to 4,000 mould candles, of six in the pound, will be attached to the main pipes in the ensuing winter. The plan which had before been projected, of lighting a considerable space by means of a single burner, placed at an elevated situation, has, for the first time, been carried into effect at Preston by Mr. Gratton, the Engineer. In the centre of the market- place, which is of considerable area, there happens, very opportunely, to be a handsome Gothic column, 36 feet in height; on the top of this is placed a vase, in which is the burner, and it thus becomes the substitute of 25 common oil lamps, but with'an effect which could not be equalled by more than double that number, placed in the most advantageous situation.

At a meeting lately of the coal-owners of the Tyne and Wear, it was resolved to present a piece of plate, value £500 to Sir Humphrey Davy, for his invaluable discovery of the safety lamp for mines.

Manufactures removed for security.

A stocking manufactory is about to be established at Ilsley, in Berkshire, the machinery for which is removed from Nottingham by a large manufacturer, in consequence of the disorderly conduct of the workmen in the latter place.

We understand that many other manufacturers have removed to different places: insomuch that report affirms that Nottingham is nearly ruined by the absence of those masters who are gone or going.

Cotton Manufactures.

The present situation and the real interests of our Cotton manufacturers are subjects of much importance. Foreign countries which exclude our piece goods, readily take our cotton yarn, from which they manufacture goods for themselves. By returns from the Custom-house at Hull, it appears that there have been shipped from that port, during the last three months, 3,713,990 pounds weight of cotton yarns. These yarns are chiefly purchased

to supply the manufacturers of cotton piece | if not quite, a continuation of the natural goods in Germany, France, and Switzer- line of the shore. Thus, the sea, instead land; some part is also destined for Russia, of breaking with force against the bank, and the whole, when manufactured, will Hows gently up it and retires, and probably produce 1,237.966 pieces of muslins and rather adds to than diminishes the bank.calicoes, allowing three pounds to each Whereas, had it been made more perpendi piece of 24 yards, which is the average cular, it would have been undermined by weight of the piece. A weaver finishes in the water, though the materials composing the loom one piece of 21 yards weekly. it had been of a nature much more solid, The number of hands, therefore, necessary and which could not have been preserved 10 weave the quantity of yarn as above but at very considerable cost. In many stated, in the same period, is 95,228, and parts where the breaches have been stopsupposing the quantity of cotton yarn ship-ed, the Marram plant is springing up, and ped from all the other ports of England and Scotland, to be equal, when put together, to the quantity shipped from Hull, it will give full employment to nearly two hundred thousand foreign weavers, and the annual produce will be ten millions of pieces of cotton goods. The additional activity given to foreign labour in printing, dyeing, bleaching, and finishing these goods, is almost incalculable.

Remarkable Sand Hills, on the Coast of

thus in a few years they will resume the appearance, and accumulate like the other hills.

Comparative value of Cow's milk, daily.

A method has been recently communicated to the Oxfordshire Agricultural Society by their worthy president, Mr. Fane, of ascertaining the comparative value of the milk of each cow in a dairy. The principle is, that if milk be poured into a glass and suffered to remain, the division between the cream that swims upon it, and the milk below, will be so plain and evident, that the depth of the cream may be easily measured: of course, if the milk of any cow produce more cream than that of another, the difference may be correctly ascertained; this may be done in any glass for instance, or, what is better, one of vessel having upright sides; a tumbler those glasses in which shopkeepers preserve their sugar plums and such like wares. the depth of milk poured into a glass be exactly six inches and 2-8ths, every 1-8th of an inch in depth of the cream swimming upon it will be equal to 2 per cent. of the amount of the whole of the milk.


The Marram banks, in Norfolk, are a most singular natural production, and highly useful. They are so named from a plant which grows on them, a sort of short reed, Arundo Arenaria, among the leaves of which the blowing sand is collected, and the Marram continuing to rise, the sand bank rises with it. When on the top of them, they have quite the appearance of an irregular ridge of mountains, and prevent the sea from flowing into the very extensive marshes and other land behind them. About thirty years ago, a very high tide and heavy sea forced its way through them, causing very extensive gaps or breaches at various places. These remained open during many years, the sea at high Turnip Wheat. The great objection to tides passing through, and inundating the sowing turnip wheat is the chance of land for many miles into the country. At blight, which too frequently ensues from length an Act of Parliament was obtained, the late sowing of wheat after taking off by which a power was given to assess all the the turnip crop. It may be of advantage parishes abutting on the rivers which unite to agriculturists to be informed, that in two and flow into the sea at Yarmouth, namefields of about 30 acres, called Upper and ly, the Waveney, which separates Norfolk Lower Common Bury, in the parish of and Suffolk; the Yare, up to Norwich; Rickmersworth, Herts, part of the proand the Bure from Eylsham, &c. A dif-perty of the late A. F. Whitfeld, Esq. a ficulty remained how to resist so formidable an opponent as the German ocean.Many plans were thought of, tried and abandoned; at last it was accomplished in a very simple manner, by au engineer; furze faggots were used as a sort of foun. dation, and over these the sand and shingle (small stones and flints, of which the beach is very much composed,) were raised to a sufficient height, but with a very gentle descent towards the sea, being very nearly,

very good crop of wheat is now growing, the seed of which was hoed in among a crop of turnips in the end of September and beginning of October last.

Mr. Lee, of Hull, in sowing four acres of grass seed in a close, mixed with the seed half a peck of rape, one stem of which produced 1,340 pods, many of which contained from 35 to 49 seeds, and the whole half peck of seed 100 bushels.

Fourteen pounds and a half of wool were | James's church, Bath. sheared from a two-year-old ram, at the late meeting of the Shropshire Agricultural Society.

This convert to the

Christian Religion is between 30 and 40 years of age.

The inhabitants of Exeter have lessened their parochial rates full £1000 per annum, by establishing a pottery, and employing the poor therein. WALES.

The salmon fisheries in the north never produced more abundantly than during the present summer. The herring season also promises to be unusually successful. An extraordinary quantity has been caught The principal Welch theatres have failoff the north coast of Northumberland, so that they were sold at Berwick, Tweed-ed this season to give employment to British actors; that of Swansea is not opened mouth, &c. on the 26th and 27th ult. at is. per hundred, and on the 28th at 8d. for want of a tenant, ard the recently new per hundred, which is a lower price than Tenby Theatre is let as a dissenting place of worship. berrings ever sold at there before.

Salmon is now selling in various parts of Wales at 14d and 2d per lb.

A pilchard was taken last week in Mount's Bay, Plymouth, which measured Bearly thirteen inches in length, and six inches round the body, and weighed nearly seven ounces: it is supposed to be the largest of the species ever caught on the English coast.


Earthquake in Scotland.


"Chimney-tops were thrown down or damaged in every quarter of the town. The Mason Lodge, occupied as an hotel, was rent from top to bottom, the north stalk of the chimney partly thrown down; one of the coping-stones, weighing, I should think, from fifty to sixty pounds, was thrown to the other side of the street, a distance not less than sixty feet. spire of the steeple, which I think one of the handsomest in Scotland, has been seriously injured, and must in part be taken down. The spire is an octagon; and within On Tuesday the main-mast of the Cano-five or six feet of the top, the angles of the pas, weighing about 28 tons, was lifted per- octagon are turned nearly to the middle of pendicularly by four boys, of 14 yearsof age, the flat sides of the octagon immediately unon the plan of R. Seppings, Esq. Surveyor der it. What is more wonderful than any of the Navy, who was present at Ply-thing attending this memorable event, not

The migrations of shoals of herrings southward, has been observed to take place very early, this year, and is considered by fishermen, as an indication of a hard



Portsmouth anchorage was for the last week, for the first time these 25 years, without a ship of war lying at it.

An Association of Attornies has been formed in the County of Suffolk, for the purpose of "promoting and sustaining the respectability of the profession," by excluding from the society all dishonourable persons.

withstanding the vast quantities of stones and bricks that have been thrown from such immense heights, not one person has received any hurt!"

Among the numerous effects of the late earthquake in the north of Scotland, the sluice-gate of a piece of water at Parkbill, the seat of General Gordon, near Aber

deen, weighing several tons, was raised

from the foundation about 12 inches, and some large stones having roiled underneath it, kept it up in that situation until most of the water escaped before it could be replaced.

Esquimaux visits Edinburgh.

The victuallers and other inhabitants of Reading petitioned Parliament during the last session for an alteration in their licenses, so as not to limit those licensed to one house, but to enable the victualler to We do not recollect ever to have seen sell in any house within a particular dis so vast an assemblage of per.ons of all trict, town, or place; the license not to be used for more than one house at a time, ranks at Leith, as were collected there on instead of being limited to the person, inThursday, to see the contest between the respect of a particular house, as he now specifies. The petitioners state, that in Reading there are 70 ale-houses, ali of which, two ouly excepted, are in the hauds of common brewers or spirit merchants.

Esquim.ux youth, lately brought to this country from Davis' Straits, and the sixoared witále boat. Not a part of the pier, the windows and roofs of houses, but were crowded; the decks and rigging of the vesscis were the same; the latter at the im

A Jew, of the name of Gerson, was bap-nineut risk of their lives. The exhibition tized on Wednesday last, Sept. 11, in St. comunicirced a little before two o'clock, and VOL. V. No. 25. Lit. Pan, N. S. Oct. 1. G

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