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candour, raised far above the influence of party; a discernment in criticism, deep and correct; and, above all, a clear aud unbiassed principium et fons recte scribendi, pervade every part of this astonishing work, and give it a perfection very unusual in literary productions so comprehensive and so complicated."- Eustace.

The Storia della Litteratura Italiana of the immortal Tiraboschi cannot fail to be admitted into every judicious library. Italy boasts of few literary characters of higher class.

8039 TOMMASEO, Canti Popolari Toscani, Corsi, Illirici, Greci, con opuscolo originale, 4 vols. 8vo. plates, hf. calf neat, 36s Venezia, 1841-42 8040 TORELLI. Rime amorose del Conte Pomponio Torelli detto il Perduto nell' Accademia degli illustri innominati di Parma, sq. 8vo. very fine copy, rough leaves, in the original vellum binding, 18s Parma, Viotti, 1575 8041 TROIANO (Massimo) Dialoghi delle cose notabili delle Nozze di Guglielmo VI, Conte Palatino e Duca di Baviera, e di Mad. Renata di Loreno, sm. 4to. Italian and Spanish, port. of Troianus, woodcuts of emblems, calf gilt, 14s Venetia, 1569 "Della rarita di questro libro (di cui parla Bianconi nelle Lettere sopra la Baviera, Lucca, 1763) vedi l'opera di Napione della lingua Italiana, Milano, 1819."-Tomitano.

8042 TROYA, Condizione de Romani vinti da' Longobardi, 8vo. calf extra, 5s Mil. 1844 8043 TRUCCHI. POESIE ITALIANE inedite di Dugento Autori, raccolte da Trucchi, dall' origine della lingua, infino al Sec. XVII, 4 vols. large 8vo. hf. morocco, gilt tops, uncut, 25s Prato, 1846-47

Commencing with the "Trovatori," and ending with the "Poeti Secentisti," with biographical notices. 8044 TUTTI I TRIONFI, Carri, Mascherate, o CANTI CARNASCIALESCHI andati per Firenze dal Tempo del Magnifico Lorenzo De Medici, fino all' anno 1559, in questa seconda edizione corretti con diversi MSS. collazionati, 2 parts, sq. 8vo. engraved title, 40 portraits, first issue of this edition, bds. UNCUT, from the libraries of the Duke of Roxburghe and Isaac Disraeli, 32s Cosmopoli (Lucca), 1750 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. old French calf, gilt edges, 368

8045 8046

the same, 2 parts in 1 vol. stout 8vo. second issue, old calf gilt, 20s

1750 1750

The Stanley copy fetched £2. 2s. Besides the 'Canti' of Lorenzo de Medici, this volume contains those of 47 other poets. A few of the poems are in Italian dialects. "The merits of these Carnival Songs are principally to be estimated by the purity of the Florentine diction, which is allowed to be there preserved in its most unadulterated state. They are frequently cited by the Academicians della Crusca, in their celebrated dictionary, as authorities for the Italian tongue, and consequently composed a part of those works, selected for the purity of their style, and known by the name of Testi di lingua."-Roscoe.

"A strange existence, truly, was that of Lorenzo! After working with all the power of his intellect and his will at the making of new laws, which should crush out some last remnant of liberty-after using his influence to obtain some new decree of confiscation or sentence of death, he would enter the Platonic Academy, and dispute with vehemence on virtue and the immortality of the soul-issuing thence, and mingling with a company of utterly depraved young men, he would sing his Canti Carnascialeschi,' or Carnival Songs (of infamous celebrity), and give himself up to wine and women, then return home again, and at table, in the society of Pulci and Politian, recite verses and discourse on poetry, and to each of these pursuits he gave himself up so wholly that each seemed to be the sole aim of his life."-Prof. Villari, Life of Savonarola, quoted in the Athenæum, Aug. 18, 1860.

8048 VARCHI (B.) STORIA FIORENTINA, con aggiunte, correzioni e note per cura di Lelio Arbib, 3 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 24s Firenze, 1843-44 8049 VENICE. CONTARINO La Republica e i Magistrati di Vinegia, 1545-ROSELLO, Ritratto del vero Governo del Principe dal essempio vivo del Gran Cosimo, 1552 -PATRITIO, La Citta Felice, etc. 1553-3 vols. in 1, 16mo. olive morocco, gilt back, gold borders on the sides, 12s Vineg. 1545-53 8050 QUIRINO (Ant.) Advis donné à l'Estat et Republique de Venise, sur les difficultez avec Paul V, 1606-SQUITINIO DELLA LIBERTA VENETA, le raggioni dell' Impero Romano sopra la signoria di Venetia, Mirandola, 1619-2 vols. in 1, 12mo. vellum, from Lord Orford's and Lord Roxburghe's libraries, 1606-19


The author of the curious second piece in this volume was the famous Marquis of Bedemar, Spanish Ambassador at Venice, 1607-10, who formed the plot to seize that city for Spain. 8051 VENICE. RACCOLTA degli Scritti, nella Causa del P. PAOLO V. co' signori VENETIANI, sm. 4to. containing 19 rare works on the quarrel between Pope Paul V. and the Republic of Venice, calf, 25s Coira, 1507 (1607) 8052 VASARI, OPERE: Vite de piu celebri Pittori, Scultori e Architetti, dal 1200 al 1568; Lettere pittoriche; Vite degli Artefici; etc. 6 vols. in 12, 18mo. about 150 portraits, a pretty set in calf gilt, 25s Firenze, 1822-23 8053 VILLANI [Giovanni] Cronica, a miglior lezione ridotta coll ajuto de' Testi a Penna, 8 vols. impl. 8vo. portrait engraved by Lasinio the younger, 1823-VILLANI [Matteo e Filippo] Cronica, 6 vols. 8vo. 1825-6-together 14 vols. LARGE VELLUM PAPER, sd. £3. 6s Firenze, 1823-6

This is the first complete edition of the works of Vasari.

8054 ITALIAN DIALECTS. Bergamesc. Tasso, il GOFFREDO, trauestito alla Rustica Bergamasca da Carlo Assonica, 4to. with philological footnotes, hf. bd. Venetia, Pezzana, 1670


Traduction rare, avec le texte original en regard.

An edition exactly similar to the above, published at Cosenza, 1737, was priced, 1856, myself, with a few leaves stained, £2. 2s. The difference between the two is merely in the title.

8055 Tasso, il Goffredo, con il Travestimento Bergamesco di Assonica, 2 vols. 12mo. portrait, half calf, uncut, 18s

Bergamo, 1778 8056 ZAPPETTINI, Vocabolario Bergamasco-Italiano, 8vo. 540 pp. hf. calf, uncut, 128

Bergamo, 1859

8057 Bolognese. AURELI, Nuovo Dizionario del dialetto Bolognese, 12mo. hf. calf, uncut, 8s 6d Bologna, 1851

Bologna, 1835

8058 FERRARI, Vocabolario Bolognese-Italiano, con squarci di componenti Bolog nesi, prefazione sulla Ortografia, ed Appendice, stout 4to. Italian vellum, gilt back, 25s 8059 DGRAZI d'Bertuldin dalla Zena, miss' in rima Bulognesa, da G. M. B. sm. 4to. etchings, bds. 8s; calf neat, 12s Bologna, 1736 8060 LOTTI (Lotto) Ch' n' ha cervel hapa gamb, poemetto giocoso, Parma, 1685—Rimedi per la Sonn, Milano, 1704; 2 vols. in 1, 12mo. plates, vellum, 68 1685-1704 8061 Rimedi per la Sonn da liezr alla Banzola, sq. 8vo. bds. 3s 8062 Brescian. MELCHIORI, Vocabolario Bresciano-Italiano, 2 vols. 8vo. sd.




Brescia, 1817

the same, 2 vols. Appendice, 1 vol.; together 3 vols. in 1, 8vo. hf. calf, uncut, 258 1817-20 8064 Calabrese. TASSO GERUSALEMME Liberata, in Lingua Calabrese da Cusentino, sm. 4to, Italian and Calabrian, vellum, 12s

8065 Ferrarese. NANNINI, Vocabolario Ferrarese-Italiano,

double columns, vellum, 10s

8066 Genoese. CAVALLI, Cittara Zeneize, con Rime antiche

vellum, 9s

8067 FRANCHI, Ro Chittarrin, Strofoggi dra Muza, 12mo. vellum, 8s
Prefaced with "Regole dell' Ortografia Zeneize."
the same, NEW EDITION, 16mo. sd. 6s

Cosenza, 1737
12mo, 280 pp.
Ferrara, 1805
Genovesi, 12mo.
Genova, 1745
Zena, 1772

Genova, 1823
Gen. 1851

8068 8069 OLIVIERI, Dizionario Genovese-Italiano, 12mo. 559 pp. sd. 4s 6d 8070 Milanese. CAPPELLETTI, Vocabolario Milanese-Italiano-Francese, 16mo. 553 pp. sd. 5s


8071 CHERUBINI, Vocabolario Milanese-Italiano, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 10s 1814 8072 -- the same, 2 vols. 8vo, calf neat, 16s


8073 COLLEZIONE delle migliore Opere scritte in Dialetto Milanese, 12 vols. 16mo. sd. 188


8074 TASSO, Gerusalemme Liberata, travestita in lingua Milanese da Balestrieri, folio, Italian and Milanese, bd. 10s Milano, 1773

8075 Neapolitan. POETI NAPOLETANI. COLLEZIONE di tutti i Poemi in Lingua Napoletana, con Vocabulario, 28 vols. in 14, 12mo. neat in hf. calf, scarce, Another copy, 27 vols. (Vol. 5 wanting), 12mo. hf. mo

£2. 12s


rocco, 25s

8077 CAPASSI, Varie Poesie, 4to. portrait, vellum, 58

Several are in the Neapolitan dialect.

[blocks in formation]

Napoli, 1689
Nap. 1786

8078 Tasso, Gierosalemme Libberata, da Fasano, folio, Italian and Neopolitan, plates after Caracci, vellum, 7s

another edition, 2 vols. 12mo. bd. 5s

8079 8080 VOCABOLARIO del dialetto Napoletano con Ricerche Etimologiche, 2 vols. --Del Dialetto Napoletano-3 vols. 16mo. vellum, 15s Nap. 1789 8081 Parmese. MALASPINA, Vocabolario Parmigiano-Italiano, accresciuto di più che 50,000 voci, con Giunte e Correzioni, 4 vols. 8vo. about 1900 pp. double columns, sd. 30s Parma, 1856-59 8082 PESCHERI, Dizionario Parmigiano-Italiano, col Appendice, 3 vols. in 1, stout sm. 8vo. calf gilt, gilt top, uncut, 15s Parma, 1828-31 8083 Dizionario Parmigiano-Italiano, rifuso, corretto, accresciuto, 2 vols. 8vo. 47 and 1194 pp. double columns, bds. 28s Borgo San Donnino, 1836 8084 Piedmontese. CALVI, Poesie Piemontesi, 8vo. sd. 5s Torino, 1816 8085 PIPINO, Poesie Piemontese, Torino, 1783-Rancher, La Nemaida, et Aperçu sur le patois Niçard, Nissa, 1823-Coye, Euvres complètes Provençales; Lou Novy Para, coumediou, Arles, 1829-Cholera in Pavia, Pavia, 1836; 5 vols. in 1, 8vo. hf. russia, 10s 1783-1836

8086 SANT ALBINO, Gran Dizionario Piemontese-Italiano, roy. 4to. 16 and 1237 pp. double columns, hf. calf, uncut, £2. 8s Torino, 1859

8087 ZALLI DI CHIERI, Dizionario Piemontese, Italiano, Latino e Francese, edizione seconda riordinata e arrichita, colle Appendici, 2 vols. in 1, stout 4to. calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, 30s

Carmagnola, 1830

Roma, 1695

8088 Romanesc. BERNERI, Il Meo Patacco overo Roma in Feste, poema giocoso nel Linguaggio Romanesco, stout 12mo. vellum, 4s 8089 MORRI, Vocabolario Romagnola-Italiano, large 4to. 886 pp. double columns, hf. calf, uncut, £2.58

Bel exemplaire de ce poeme fort rare.

Faenza, 1840

Ferrara, 1688

8090 PERESIO, il Maggio Romanesco, ouero il Palio conquistato, con indice dei Proverbij, etc. stout 12mo. vellum, Is 8091 Sardinian. PORRU, Saggio di Gramatica sul dialetto SARDO Meridionale, 8vo. calf, scarce, 20s Cagliari, 1811 8092 PURQUEDDU, Tesoro della Sardegna ne Bachi e Gelsi, poema Sardo e Italiano, 12mo. front. and plates, stiff covers, uncut, fine copy, 158 Cagliari, 1779 8093 SPANO, Oitografia Sarda nazionale, ossia Gramatica della lingua Logudorese, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. map, 434 pp. hf. calf, uncut, 20s 8094 Vocabulario Sardo-Italiano, e Italiano-Sardo, coll' verbj Sardi, 2 vols. in 1, high 4to. hf. calf, uncut, £2. 2s 8095 BIUNDI, Dizionario Siciliano-Italiano, 12mo. 578 pp. sd. 58 8096 Sicilian. CARINI, Lu Vivu Mortu, effectu di bruttu amuri, 16mo. hf. vel.


Cagliari, 1840 Aggiunta dei ProCagliari, 1851 Palermo, 1857

Palermu, 1783

8097 LEONARDI, Poema supra di lu Vinu, si sia utili o dannusu, cantatu intra l'Accademia di li Etnei, 1789, 8vo. THICK PAPER, portrait, vellum, 32s Gatania, 1798 Copies on thick or vellum paper are VERY RARE. Each page of this curious work has learned philological foot-notes, explaining all the etymiologies of the difficult Sicilian words. 8098 MORTILLARO, Nuovo Dizionario Siciliano-Italiano, 4to. 976 pp. double columns, hf. calf, uncut, 36s Palermo, 1853

8099 PASQUALINO (Mich.) Vocabulario Siciliano etimologico, Italiano, e Latino, 5 vols. sm. 4to. russia extra, by Clarke, £3. 3s Palermo, 1785-95

Very rare. "Selon Eber, l'Auteur de cet ouvrage peu connu en France a fait de profondes et heureuses recherches sur les etymologies."- Brunet.

8100 RAU E REQUESENS (D. S.) Rime, 16mo. vellum, 18s

Venetia, Giunti, 1672 This very scarce volume contains the Author's CANZUNI SICILIANI, written in the Sicilian dialect. On the Яlyleaf at the end is a Manuscript sonnet, Risposta data dal Gran Visir al Re di Prussia," also in the Sicilian dialect.

[ocr errors]

8101 SCIMONELLI (Ign.) Poesie, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, hf. citron morocco, rare, £2. Palermo, 1826 8102 TEMPIU (Duminicú) Operi, Vols. I, II, in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. rus. 15s Catania, 1814 These poems were completed in the third volume, published 1815. 8103 Siennese.

GIGLI (Girolamo) Vocabulario Cateriniano, ove si spiegano alcune Voci e Frasi di S. Caterina da Siena, usate nelle sue opere, secondo IL DIALETTO SANESE, 4to. FIRST EDITION, 320 pp. (A—R), all published, very rare, (Roma, 1717)


La premiere édition de cet ouvrage parut, Rome, 1717, mais elle fut arrêtée et saisie lorsquil n'y avait encore que 320 pages d'imprimées, parce que l'ouvrage contenait une satire continuelle des académiciens de la Crusca. Comme l'édition est fort rare, on en a fait une léimpression in 4to, "con aggiunte di Martelli, A-Z," avec un supplément, sans date, mais sous l'indication de Manila nell isole Filippine.

This work was never perfected, but burnt by the hangman, by order of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, who conceived himself injuriously mentioned therein. The inhabitants of Siena believe the dialect of the Italian Language as spoken by them the purest, and have therefore at various times roughly handled the Academy della Crusca. 8104 GIGLI, Vocabulario Cateriniano, con aggiunta, seconda impressione, 4to. portrait, hf. bd. uncut, 18s Manilla, nell' Isole Filippine, s. a.

To this edition has been added some fragments left by the author, and some letters of Academicians concerning the work; but it has been purged of the obnoxious passages.

8105 Venetian. BAFFO (Georgio) Opere, 4 vols. sm. 4to. portrait, hf. bd. £2.88 Cosmopoli, 1789 "Poesies obscènes en patois Vénitien, imprimées aux frais du Comte de Pembroke."— BRUNET. 8106 BOERIO, Dizionario del Dialetto Veneziano, roy. 4to. 802 pp. treble cols. hf. bd. 28s Venezia, 1829

8107 BOSCHINI (Marco) Carta dei Navegar Pitoresco, dialogo tra un Senator Venetian deletante e un Professor de Pitura (in quartine in Dialetto Veneziano), sq. 8vo. frontispiece, porirait and plates etched by the Author himself, vellum, Venetia, per li Baba, 1660


8108 the same, sm. 4to. with all the Etchings, hf. bd. entirely uncut, 32s 1660 "This is an enthusiastic patriotic attempt to place the Venetian School above all others, and is bitter against Vasari. Lanzi says, that with all its defects this work is valuable for historic notices and pictorial precepts. "Sotto quaderni in lingua Veneziana descrivonsi le migliori pitture di Venezia, opera rara e delle più interessanti per l'arte."-" Operetta interessantissima fatta da un insigne conoscitore delle arti, e piena di accorgimento, scritta in dialetto Veneto, col ritratto dell' autore, e una galleria di pitture al fine in 26 tavole illustrate, e inventate dall' autore medesimo."-Cicogna. Bibliogr. Ven z.


8109 COLLEZIONE delle migliori Opere scritte in dialetto Veneziano, 12 vols.— Poeti antichi, 2 vols.-14 vols. 16mo. sd. 18s; or, 14 vols. in 5, 16mo. calf extra, 30s Venezia, 1817 8110 PATRIARCHI (Gasparo) Vocabolario Veneziano e Padovano, 4to. hf. bd. 6s 8111 TASSO, El Goffredo, canta alla Barcariola, 2 vols. 12mo. Italian and Venetian, woodcuts, bds. 12s Venezia, 17718112 ITALY: GINGUÉNÉ (P. L.) Histoire Littéraire d'Italie; augmentée par Danou, et continuée par SALFI, 12 vols. 8vo. sd. 35s the same, COMPLETE, 14 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, very rare, £4. 48 1811-35 The latter volumes are extremely rare, many having been destroyed by fire. 8114 DENNISTOUN'S Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, illustrating the Arms, Arts, and Literature of Italy, from 1410 to 1630, 3 vols. 8vo. with numerous engravings, comprising portraits, views, medallions, facsimiles of handwriting, &c. (pub. at £1. 8s) extra cloth gilt, 178 6d


Paris, 1812-34


This valuable work has already taken a high place in historical literature. Though professing only to record the history of Urbino, the birth-place of Raphael, it largely illustrates the history and condition of Italy during the Middle Ages, especially her literature, arts, and artists. The work has been the labour of a life; and the materials employed, manuscript and printed, exceed 500 volumes, as will be seen by the printed list of them, extending to eight closely printed pages. The illustrations were engraved in Italy from authentic sources, and have been highly praised for their truth and delicacy.

8115 FERRARI, Histoire des Révolutions d'Italie, ou Guelfes et Gibelins, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, 12s Paris, 1858


8116 ROSSETTI (G.) The Antipapal Spirit which produced the Reformation, its secret influence on the Literature of Italy, 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, 68 8117 MUSIC. PICITONO (Frate Angelo da) FIOR ANGELICO di MUSICA, nel

qual si contengono bellissime dispute contra quelli che dicono la Musica non esser Scienza, sq. 8vo. woodcut title, and printer's device at end, with numerous specimens of Music, and diagrams, title very slightly injured and neatly mended, otherwise a fine copy in antique calf gilt, by Bedford, £4. 4s Vinegia, 1547 VERY RARE. COLLATION: Title, Dedication, etc. 2 leaves; Table, 2 leaves; Libro primo, 60 leaves, unnumbered, Libro secondo, 35 leaves, Q to & 3; Colophon, 1 leaf.

A to P;


8118 Language and Dialects. 2 vols. 8vo. calf, 9s

AsH (J.) Dictionary of the English Language,

"An excellent old dictionary."


8119 BAKER'S (A. E.) Glossary of Northamptonshire Words and Phrases, with the Customs of the County, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 24s) cloth, 15s

1854 1862

8120 BARNES' Poems in the Dorset Dialect, first collection, 12mo. cloth, 5s 8121 BEE, Sportsman's Slang, a dictionary of terms used on the TURF, the RING, and BON TON, 12mo. coloured front. bd. 7s 1825 8122 BOBBIN'S (Tim) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS (by JOHN COLLIER), containing his view of the LANCASHIRE DIALECT, and his Poems with Glossary, portrait and curious plates, half morocco, very rare, 36s Manchester, 1775


the same, 1775-BRICE'S EXMOOR Scolding, and Courtship, with Vocabulary of the Language, 1771-2 vols. in 1, 12mo. plates, calf, £2. 2s 1771-75 8124 BOBBIN'S Miscellaneous Works, with his Life, portraits and plates, 1812Plebeian Politics, dialogue between two Lancashire Clowns, etc. by Tim Bobbin the Second, with Glossary, portrait, 1801–2 vols. in 1, 8vo. calf neat, 20s

Salford, 1801-12 Author by Corry,

8125 BOBBIN'S Works in prose and verse, with Memoir of the and Glossary of Lancashire Words and Phrases, large 8vo. portrait and plates, BEST EDITION, fine paper, calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 2s Rochdale, 1819 8126 BOBBIN'S Lancashire Dialect and Poems, 12mo. plates by Cruikshank, half

morocco, 7s 6d


8127 BONAPARTE (Prince L. L.) SONG OF SOLOMON, in twenty-five_English dialects: Lowland Scotch, three versions; of Northumberland; Newcastle, two versions; Cumberland, two varieties, North and Central; Durham, Westmoreland, North Yorkshire, Craven, North Lancashire, West Yorkshire, Sheffield, Lancashire (Bolton), Devonshire, East Devonshire, Somersetshire, Wiltshire, Dorset, Cornwall (living dialect,) Sussex and Norfolk, and SaxonEnglish; 25 parts, 16mo. £3. 5s 1858-63 8128 BOUCHER (J.) Glossary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Introduction, and A-BLA, (all published), 4to. an unfinished work, cloth, 5s; or calf gilt, 7s 6d 1832

8128*BOPP'S Comparative Grammar of the Sanscrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Sclavonic Languages, translated from the German by Lieut. Eastwick, conducted through the press by H. H. Wilson, 3 vols. 8vo. second edition, complete, (pub. at £3. 78 6d), cloth, 36s 1856 Professor Bopp gives numerous and undeniable proofs of the close connexion which subsists between the sacred language of the Hindus and the languages of ancient Greece and Rome, as well as those of the Celtic, Teutonic, and Sclavonic nations.

8129 COLE'S English Dictionary, 12mo. calf, 5s


8130 COTGRAVE'S French-English and English-French Dictionary, with Grammar and Proverbs, by Howell, folio, calf, 24s 8131 another edition, folio, calf, 25s



8132 CRAVEN DIALECT in the West Riding of the County of York, with a copious GLOSSARY and Dialogues, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. (pub. at 20s) cloth, 14s


8133 DIALOGUES, Songs, and Ballads, in the Westmoreland and Cumberland dialects, with Glossary, 12mo. cloth, 78

(ca. 1700)



1839 8134 DICTIONARY (A new) of the Terms Ancient and Modern of the CANTING CREW, Gypsies, Beggars, Thieves, Cheats, with proverbs and phrases, by B. E., 12mo. 6 and 176 pp. double columns, calf, rare, 30s 8135 FORBY (R.) Vocabulary of East Anglia (Norfolk and Suffolk), with Life by Dawson Turner, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, cloth, 14s 8136 the same, 2 vols. in 1, sm. 8vo. calf gilt, 158 8137 FULLER'S Collection of English, French, Scotch, Spanish, and Italian Proverbs, 18mo. calf extra, 6s (P 1800) 8138 GIL (Alexandri) Logonomia Anglica quâ gentis sermo facilius addiscitur, secundò edita, correctior, ad usum communem accomodatior, sq. 8vo. a little wormed towards the end, otherwise fine copy, calf gilt, old style, £3. 3s 1621 A very rare and curious work, being an English Grammar in Latin, on a singular Phonetic system, with examples from Anglo-Saxon, German, and other languages. The author (whose son and namesake was the teacher of Milton) was evidently a man of extensive learning and acquirements. His phonetic spelling sometimes looks rather uncouth; as, for instance, when such a combination as Dzyudzyh represents the word Judge. 8139 GRADUS AD CANTABRIGIAM, Dictionary of Cant Terms, 12mo. 2s Lond. 1803 8140 GROSE'S (Captain) Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, 8vo. FIRST EDITION, containing many indecorous words and explanations not given in after editions, clean copy, rare, bds. 15s 1785 Of this edition an illustrated issue exists, with the title changed to "Blackguardiana," or a Dictionary of Rogues, Bawds, Pimps, etc. illustrated with 18 portraits (of bad characters) by Caulfield, interspersed with Anecdotes and Flash Songs (reprinted from "A new Canting Dictionary, 12mo., 1725,") 8vo. s. a. 8141 GROSE, the second edition, corrected and enlarged, 8vo. bds. 9s





Lexicon Balatronicum, originally by Grose, now enlarged by a member of the Whip Club, Hell-Fire Dick, etc. 8vo. bds. 5s 1811

the same, with a large plate," Bang-up Dinner" by Cruikshank inserted, bds. 7s 6d 1811

Lexicon Balatronicum: Dictionary of Buckish Slang, University Wit, and Pickpocket Eloquence, altered and enlarged by J. Disney, H. Clarke, Dick Owen (Hell-Fire Dick), and others, 8vo. prepared for a new edition, WITH COPIOUS MANUSCRIPT ADDITIONS, hf. russia, uncut, £2. 2s 1811

8145 GROSE'S Provincial Glossary, with a collection of Local Proverbs and Popular Superstitions, 8vo. 5s 8146

the same, 2nd edition, calf, 7s



8147 HALLIWELL'S Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial words, obsolete phrases, and Ancient Customs, from the fourteenth Century, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 15s 1852 8148 HARTSHORNE (C. H.) SALOPIA ANTIQUA, or an enquiry from personal survey into the Druidical, Military, and other early remains in Shropshire, and the North Welsh borders, with observations upon the names of places and a Glossary of words used in the County of Salop, 8vo. illuminated title and plates, cloth, 10s 1841

The Glossary is very complete, extending over 324 pages.

8149 HULOET'S (R.) Dictionarie (English, Latin, and French) enlarged by John Higgins, (Editor of Mirror for Magistrates), sm. folio, Black letter, engraved title, with the coat of arms of Sir Geo. Peckham on the reverse, large copy, calf, 2 leaves of sheet K and 1 leaf of sheet Tt wanting, calf, scarce, 32s T. Marsh, 1572 Amongst the commendatory verses is an English Poem of 38 lines by Thomas Churchyarde. Collation: Engraved title; Dedication, 1 leaf; To the reader and verses, 2 leaves; Dictionary, sig. A—A a a, 251 leaves; Table, 1 leaf. "In fact this is almost a new book from the various additions and improvements it contains."—Ant. à Wood

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