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3885 CHRIEMHILDEN Rache, und die Klage; 2 Heldengedichte aus d. schwäb. Zeitpunkte, mit Glossarium, sm. 4to. sd. 3s Zyrich, 1757 3886 DÄHNERT's Platt-Deutsches Wörterbuch, nach der Pommerschen und Rüg. Mundart, sm. 4to. bds. with autograph of Coleridge, 10s


A valuable work, especially for the old German language.

Stralsund, 1781

3887 DETMAR, Chronik des Franciscaner Lesemeisters Detmar, mit Ergänzungen, von Grautoff, in Low German, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 6s Hamburg, 1829-20 3888 DOCEN's Geschichte der teutschen Literatur, 2 vols. in 1, sm. 8vo. cloth, 4s 1807 3889 FRANKFURT. GELEHRTENVEREIN für Deutsche Sprache, Abhandlungen, 3 vols. in 1, 8vo. facsimiles of gothic writing, cloth, 10s Frank. 1818-21 3890 GOTTFRIED'S VON STRASSBURG Werke, (Tristan und Isolde, Minnelieder, etc.) mit Einleitung und Wörterbuch, von Von der Hagen, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. hf. cf. Breslau, 1823 Gottfried of Strasburg was one of the Minnesingers in the XIIIth Century. 3891 TRISTAN, mit der Fortsetzung Ulrichs von Turheim, herausg. von Groote, 4to. with Glossary of old German, facsimile, etc. hf. calf, 9s Berlin, 1821 3892 GRAFF, ALTHOCHDEUTSCHER SPRACHSCHATZ, oder Wörterbuch der althochdeutschen Sprache (Dictionary of the Old German Language, with references to the Greek and Latin, Oriental, Northern, and other Languages,) 6 vols.Massman's Vollständiger Index zu Graff's Althochdeutschen Sprachschatze, 1 vol.-together 7 vols. 4to. hf. bd. £2. 2s; or, hf. cf. nt. £2. 10s Berl. 1834-46 This Dictionary contains all the old German words used before the 12th century, compared with the present High German, the Indian Dialects, the Greek, Latin. Old Prussian, Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Old Dutch, Icelandic, Sanscrit, &c. and shewing the roots which the High and Low German, the English, the Dutch, the Danish, and the Swedish Languages have in common.

3893 GRIMM'S (J.) Deutsche Grammatik, 4 vols. 8vo. £2. 10s Goettingen, 1822-37


3895 3896

Deutsche Mythologie, 2e Ausgabe, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 20s Götting. 1844 the same, 3rd edition, interleaved, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 21s ib. 1854 Deutsche Rechtsalterthümer, 8vo. 971 pp. with Index of Words, philological notes, etc. bds. 9s Göttingen, 1854 3897 HAGEN (F. H. von der) und BüSCHING, Deutsche Gedichte des Mittelalters, 2 vols. 4to. facsimiles, bound, 15s

Berlin, 1808-20

Containing: Einleitung, König Rother, Herzog Ernst, Wigamur, der Heilige George, Salomon und Morolf, das Helden Buch, Biterolf und Deitlieb, etc. etc. with notes.

3898 HAGEN und Büsching, Geschichte der Deutschen Poesie, von der ältesten Zeit, 8vo. bds. 6s Berlin, 1812 3899 HAGEN (F. H. von der) MINNESINGER, DEUTSCHE LIEDERDICHTER des XII. XIII. und XIV. Jahrhunderts, aus allen bekannten Handschriften und früheren Drucken gesammelt und berichtigt, 4 vols. in 3, 4to. with the Music, bds. 30s; or, fine paper, bds. £2.

Leigzig, 1838

the same, VELLUM PAPER, 4 vols. in 3, 4to. £2. 16s
The grandest collection of the German POETICAL ROMANCES and Lyrical Effusions of the Middle Ages.

Halle, 1811

3900 3900*- Narrenbuch, mit Anhang, 12mo. hf.-mor. 6s 3901 HAGEN (G.) Reimchronik der Stadt Cöln, mit Wörterbuch, etc. von Groote, 8vo. hf. calf, 2s 6d

Cöln, 1834 1827

3902 HARTMAN'S Iwein der Riter, von Benecke, Old German, 12mo. sd. 2s 6d 3903 HATTEMER, Denkmahle des Mittelalters; St. Gallen's Altteutsche Sprachschätze, 3 vols. impl. 8vo. 5 plates of facsimiles, bds. 30s St. Gallen, 1844-49

A most valuable contribution to literature. The ancient Glosses are of the greatest antiquity. 3904 HOFSTAETER, Altdeutsche Gedichte, 2 vols. in 1, stout 12mo. cloth, 4s Wien, 1811 3905 KILIANI (Cornelii Dufflaei) Etymologicum Teutonicæ Linguæ sive Dic

tionarium Teutonico-Latinum, præcipuas Teutonicæ Linguæ dictiones et phrases, Latine interpretatas, et cum aliis Linguis collatas complectens; curante Hasselto Arnhemiensi, qui et suas adnotationes adjecit, 2 vols. in 1, 4to. hf. bd. best edition, uncut, 25s; or, 2 vols. calf gilt, 28s Traj. Bat. 1777 3906 KINDERLING's Geschichte der Nieder-Sächs. oder Plattdeutschen Sprache, 8vo. bds. 4s. 3907 LAMPRECHT, Alexander, Gedicht des XIIen Jahrhunderts, Urtext und Übersetzung, nebst Einleitung, Erläuterungen, etc. von Weisman, 2 vols. 12mo. old Teut. and German, hf. mor. 6s 3908 MAILATH und Köffinger, KOLOCZAER Codex altdeutcher Gedichte, 8vo. bds. 2s; cf. gt. 3s

Magd. 1800

Frankf. 1850

Pesth, 1817

3909 MANESSEN'S Sammlung von (CXL) Minnesingern aus dem Schwab. Zeitpuncte, herausg. von Bodmer, 2 vols. Zyrich, 1758-59-Retzer's Nachlese zu Sineds Liedern, Wien, 1784-3 vols. in 1, sm. 4to. hf. hd. 18s 1758-84

A most valuable collection of these poems.

3910 MASSMAN, DEUTSCHE GEDICHTE des XII Jahrhund. etc. von Massmann, 2 vols. 1837-Gedichte des XII und XIII Jahrhund. von Hahn, 1840-3 vols. in 1, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 5s 1837-40 3911 MEIGERIUS de Panurgia Lamiarum, Strigum ac Veneficarum, cohortisque Magicae Cacodaemonia, dat ys: Nödige und nutte Underrichtinge, etc. in Low German, sq. 8vo. calf neat, 32s Hamborch, 1587 3912 MICHELER, Tabulæ parallelæ antiquiss. Dialectorum, Teutonicarum, MosoGoth. Anglo-Sax. Runicæ, Islandica, etc. thick 12mo. bds. 10s Oeniponte, 1776 3913 NIBELUNGEN LIED, Altdeutsch, von Hagen, mit Wörterb. 8vo. 3s 6d Bresl. 1820 3914 NIBELUNGEN NOTH und die Klage, herausg. von Lachmann, Altdeutsch, 8vo. 4s 6d Berlin, 1841

3915 NIEBELUNGEN LIED, übertsetzt von Marbach, roy. 4to. printed within ornamental woodcut borders, and with numerous large and beautiful illustrations by Bendemann and Hübner, bds. 20s Leipzig, 1840 3916 NIBELUNGEN NOTH, bearbeitet von Pfizer, 4to. numerous beautiful woodcut vignettes and illustrations by Carolsfeld and Neureuther, cloth, 18s_Stuttg. 1843 3917 OELRICHS Sammlung alter und neuer Gesez-Bücher der Stadt Bremen, aus original Handschriften, Alt-Niedersächsisch, stout 4to. plates of facsimiles, calf, 16s Bremen, 1771 3918 PARENETICORUM VETERUM pars I. (all published) in qua producuntur Columbanus, Tyrol Rex Scotorum (cum effig.) Winsbekius, Winsbekia, etc. cum notis Goldasti, sm. 4to. vellum, 12s Insulae, lac. Acron. 1601

OLD GERMAN Poems, with valuable philological notes.

3919 REINEKE de Vos mit dem Koker, in Low German, sm. 4to. reprint of the edition of 1498, hf. cf. uncut, 7s; or smallest 4to. calf extra, 10s Wulffenbüttel, 1711 3920 REYNIKE VOSS de Olde, nyge gedrücket, erlüchtet und vorbetert, thick 12mo. the Poem and commentary both in Low German, fine copy in old elegantly stamped calf binding of the period, rare, 30s Franckfort, 1575 3921 SCHERZII Glossarium Germanicum Medii Ævi, potissimum Dialecti Suevicæ ; edidit, illustravit, supplevit Oberlinus, 2 vols. folio, calf, 30s Argent. 1781-84

"Ouvrage le plus ample pour étudier les anciennes dialectes dont a été formée la langue allemande. C'est une suite au Glossarium linguæ francicæ, du Thesaurus de Schilter."-Brunet. 3922 SCHILTERI THESAURUS ANTIQUITATUM TEUTONICARUM, Ecclesiasticarum,

Civilium, Litterariarum: Monumenta Francica, Alemannica, Saxonica, Biblica,
Ecclesiastica, et Civilia, cum Glossario Teutonico non Linguæ solum inservituro
sed et Antiquitatibus abundanti, 3 vols. folio, facsimiles in Ornaments in
Ancient MSS. vellum, £2.; or, a fine copy, £2. 10s
Ulma, 1727-28

"Schilteri Thesaurus Teutonicus est un recueil rempli de documents précieux pour l'histoire civile et littéraire de l'Allemagne à l'époque Carlovingienne; Vendu 125 fr."-Brunet.

A most valuable collection of the earliest monuments of the Northern Languages in Europe, containing the works of OTFRID, NOTKER, WILLERAN, an ANGLO-SAXON List of the Gospels for Sundays and Festivals, FRANCIC LAWS, Rhythmus Antiquus de CAROLO MAGNO, &c. The third volume is entirely occupied by the valuable GLOSSARY.

"The Thesaurus of Schilter is a real mine of Francic Literature. The text is founded on a careful collation of all the MSS. to which he could obtain access, and these are highly valuable for their antiquity and correctness." -Warton's English Poetry by Price.

3923 SCHMELLER, Evangelii Matthaei versio Francica Saec. IX, nec non Gothica Saec. IV, 8vo. bds. 2s 6d Stuttg. 1827 3924

Bayerisches Wörterbuch, Sammlung von Wörtern und Ausdrücken in den lebenden Mundarten der ältern Provincial-Litteratur, etc. 4 vols. in 2, 8vo. calf neat, £2.

Stuttgart, 1827-37
Hadamar, 1800
Berlin, (? 1820)

3925 SCHMIDT, Westerwäldisches Idiotikon, 12mo. cloth, 3s 3926 SCHMID, Schwäbisches Idiotikon, 8vo. sd. 4s. 3927 SCHUEREN (Gherard van der) Teuthonista of Duytschlender, uitgegeven door Boonzager, met Vorrede van Clignett, 4to. sd. 18s; or, hf. russia, interleaved, only 180 copies printed, 21s Leyden, 1804

A reprint of the first or German-Latin part of a very rare Old German and Latin Vocabulary printed at Cologne, 1477, the last copy of which fetched at Singer's sale £26.; not long ago Mr. Q placed a very fine copy in the library of his Highness Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte. Besides being carefully edited, this reprint has the advantages of a preface and a bibliographical list of Old German Vocabularies of the XV and XVI centuries.

Very few copies were printed and those only for subscribers.

3927*SCHÜTZE, Holtseinisches Idiotikon, oder Sammlung plattdeutscher, alter und neugebildeter Worte, Wortformen, Redensarten, Volkwitzes, Sprichwörter, und aus dem Sprachschatze Sitten, Gebräuche, Spiele, etc. der Holsteiner, nebst Einleitung, 4 vols. in 1, stout sm. 8vo. calf, 18s; or, 4 vols. in 2, hf. morocco, gilt tops, 24s Hamb. 1800-6 A valuable Glossary of Low German, comprising a collection of Ancient and Modern Low German Words, Idioms, Witticisms, Proverbs, Nursery and other Rhymes, Anecdotes, and Expressions illustrating the Manners, Customs, Games, and Festivals of the Holsteiners. 3928 STAUFFENBERG, der Ritter von, ein altdeutsches Gedicht, von Engelhardt, 8vo. 22 coloured facsimiles, calf, 10s Strassb. 1823 3929 SUнм, Symbolae ad Literaturam Teut. Antiquiorem, 4to. old German poems and Theotisc glossaries, sd. 5s Havniae, 1787 3930 SUMMA JOHANNIS, FIRST EDITION, in Low German, sm. folio, very fine copy in old calf, not mentioned by Schiller, £4. 10s Lubek, St. Arndes, 1487 Collation: Table of contents, 8 leaves; the book commencing: Hir hevet sik an de vorrede disses bokes genomet Suina Johannis, welker de eerwerdige vader lezemeister Johannes van Vryborgh prediker ordens to latine ghemaket unde uth deme hylligen decret boke getoge hefft. Unde van latine in dat dudesche gemaket dorch einen hochgelerden doctore geheten brod. Bartolo, sheets A-S (in 8 eight) T in 10 leaves. "This version in the language of Lower Saxony is very rare and highly interesting in a philological point of view."-Singer's MS. note. 3931 UHLAND (L.) Alte hoch- und niederdeutsche Volkslieder, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 18s Stuttgart, 1844-45 3932 VOCABULARIUS EX QUO (Latino-Teutonicus). Colophon: Presens hoc opusculum non stili aut penne suffragio sz nova artificiosaqz invencione quada ad eusebia dei idustrie zwollis est cosumatu (consummatum) sub anno Nativitatis. M. cccc. lxxix feria quinta ante festū Nativitatis domini, sm. stout 4to. 230 leaves of 25 lines each, the initial letters rubricated, some contemporary hand has scrawled figures on about a dozen leaves, in other respects a fine, sound and clean copy, in the original stamped pigskin binding, £6. 10s Zwollis, 1479

An excessively rare Vocabulary, Latin-Low-German; priced, 1833, Thorpe, russia, £10. 10s. Bound up with the above is a High-German-Latin Vocabulary. "Vocabularius incipiens teutonicum ante latinum;" 188 leaves, apparently wanting the last one, black letter, without date or name of place. Zwoll is a fortified town in the province of Overyssel. Printing was introduced here in 1479, by Johannes de Vollhoe and Petrus Os de Breda. Panzer names, as the first book, Bonaventuræ Sermones de Tempore et de Sanctis; the present is the fourth produced at that press.

"This very rare and curious Vocabulary is the first Latino Teutonic Glossary printed in the Netherlands. It is designated as the Vocabularius 'Ex Quo' from the first words of the preface, from which it appears to have been intended for the use of poor scholars: "Ut eo facilius sacram scripturam litteraliter intelligere possent."

"This edition is valuable not only as a typographical curiosity, being one of the first books printed at Zwoll, see the very curious colophon, but from the explanation being in the Plattdeutsch and having a strong resemblance to some of our old English Vocabularies."

"It is of more importance to the English Philologer than any other old Vocabulary except the Teuthonist of Van Schueren, and affords elucidations of some of our old English words which are not to be found in that valuable work." 3933 VULCANIUS de Literis et Linguâ Getarum, ete. cum speciminibus variarum linguarum, 12mo. Vocabularies of several languages including Basque, Gipsey, Icelandic, etc. bd. 5s Lugd. Bat. 1697 3934 WACHTERI GLOSSARIUM GERMANICUM, continens origines et antiquitates totius Linguae Germanicae, folio, sound copy, calf or vellum, 25s; or, fine copy, calf gilt, 36s Lips. 1737 3935 WEBER'S Illustrations of Northern Antiquities, with additions by Jamieson and Sir Walter Scott, impl. 4to. (pub. at £3. 3s) hf. morocco, 15s; or, calf gilt, Edinburgh, 1814


A valuable work, comprising translations from the earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian Romances, the Book of Heroes, and Nibelungen, with Tales from the Old German, Danish, Swedish and Icelandic. 3936 WILHELM der Heilige von Oranse, von Turheim und Eschilbach, durch Casparson, 2 vols. in 1, 4to. calf, 4s Cassel, 1781-84

3937 WILLERAMI in Canticum Canticorum Paraphrasis, veteri Lingua Francica, etc. cum explic. Belg. et Notis, 1598-Junii Observationes in Willeramum, 1655; 12mo. vellum, 7s 1598-1655 3938 WIRNT VON GRAVENBERCH, WIGALOIS der Ritter mit dem Rade, herausg. mit Anmerk. und Wörterbuch, von Benecke, 12mo. 3s Berlin, 1819 3939 1819

the same, 12mo. FINE PAPER, hf. morocco, 6s

A Romance of the Round Table in the Middle High German Dialect.

3940 ZEUSS, die Deutschen und die Nachbarstämme, 8vo. viii and 780 pp. hf. calf, 10s München, 1837 A learned Ethnological work, giving an ample account of Ancient Tribes and Races of Europe. 3941 ZIEMANN's Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch, nebst Grammatischer Einleitung, 8vo. pp. 16 and 720, doub. cols. hf. bd. neat, 10s 6d 3942 Dutch, Flemish, Frisic. AHN's Grammar of the Dutch Language, small

Quedlin. 1838

8vo. cloth, 4s


3943 ANONYMI Idea Languæ Belgicæ, à Van Driel, 8vo. 4s Lug. Bat. 1783 3944 ASEGA-Bucí, Alt-friesisch und Deutsch, mit Anmerk. von WIARDA, 4to. hf. calf, 7s Berlin, 1805 3945 BENDSEN, die Nord-friesische Sprache nach der Moringer Mundart, zur Vergleich. mit den verwandten Sprachen, von VRIES, 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Leide, 1860 3946 DEUTSCH-HOLLÄNDISCHES und Holländ.-Deutsches Wörterbuch, 2 vols. 12mo. calf neat, 10s Zutphen. 1819-23 3947 HEELU, Chronique de la Bataille de Woeringen (1288), publiée par Willems, st. 4to. original Flemish, with Introduction, Notes, Glossary, etc. portrait, and Genealogical Table, hf. bd. 9s. Brux. 1836 3948 HOFFMANN (von Fallersleben) Horae Belgicae, partes I-V et VII, 8vo. facsimiles, boards, 10s Vratils. 1830-45 the same, parts 1, 2, 6, 7 and 10, second ed. (except 6 which is of the first) in 2 vols. sm. 8vo. hf. mor. 12s Breslau, 1838-54 A valuable collection of Dutch Poems; the seventh part contains a "Glossarium Belgicum." 3950 HOLTROP'S English-Dutch and Dutch-English Dictionary, 2 vols. stout 8vo. hf. bd. 15s Dordr. 1789-1801 3951 the same, revised by Stevenson, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 20s Amst. 1823-24 3952 LENNEP (J. van) Romantische Werken: de Pleegzoon, Ferdinand Huyck, de Roos van Dekama, Elizabeth Musch, Onze Voorouders, Vier Verspreide Verhalen, 14 vols. 12mo. frontispieces, new in cloth, £2. 16s Rotterdam, 1859-60 3953 JAGER'S Taalkundig Magazijn, of gemengde Bijdragen tot de Kennis der Nederduitsche Taal, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, uncut, £2. Rotterdam, 1835-42


A valuable collection of Philological Dissertations.

3954 KAUSLER'S Denkmäler Altniederländischer Sprache und Litteratur nach ungedruckten Quellen: Reim Chronik von Flandern; Altniederländische Gedichte XIII—XV. Jahrhunderts, 2 vols. 8vo. bds. 24s Tübingen, 1840-44 3955 MELIS STOKE, Hollandse Jaarboeken of Rijm-Kronijk, door Alkemade, folio, 34 fine portraits page size, and 2 other plates, vellum, 20s Leyden, 1699 3956 Rijmkronijk, med historie-, oudheid-, en Taalkundige Aanmerkingen door Huydecoper, 3 vols. 8vo. vellum, 10s Leyden, 1772 3957 MONE'S Uebersicht der Niederländischen Volks-Literatur älterer Zeit, 8vo. cloth, 5s

Tübingen, 1838

Bruxelles, 1828

3958 OLINGER, Dictionnaire Hollandais-Français et Français-Hollandais, 2 vols. stout roy. 8vo. 836 and 1185 pp. treble cols. sd. 9s 3959 OUDE FRIESCHE WETTEN, 2 vols. in 1, 4to. Ancient Laws, Old Frisic and Dutch, hf. bd. 7s 6d Campen, 1782

3960 OUTZEN'S GLOSSARIUM DER FRIESISCHEN SPRACHE, besonders in nordfriesischer Mundart, zur Vergleichung mit den verwandten German. und nordischen Sprachen, sm. 4to. hf. calf neat, 12s Kopenhagen, 1837 3961 PLANTINI Thesaurus Theutonicæ linguæ; Thresor du langage Bas-Alman, dict vulgairement Flameng, traduict en François et en Latin, 4to. nearly 600 pp. double columns, very choice copy in old calf gilt, 25s Ant. Plantin, 1573

L'auteur de ce dictionnaire estimé, recherche et rare, est le fameus imprimeur Christophe Plantin. 3962 REDERIJCK-KUNST, in Rijm, Redenkaveling ende Letter-kunst, 1587-TweSpraack van de Letterkunst, 1584-in 1 vol. 12mo. vell. 5s Leyden, 1584-87 3963 REINAERT DE Vos, episch Fabeldicht, XII, XIIIe Eeuw, met Aenmerkingen, van Willems, roy. 8vo. plates and facsim. hf. mor. uncut, 14s Gent, 1850 3964 SEWEL'S Dutch-English and English-Dutch Dictionary, to which are prefixed an English and a Dutch Grammar, augmented by Buys, 2 vols. 4to. hf. bd. 10s; or, calf, 12s. Amst. 1766 3965 ULENSPIEGEL (Thyl) het leven, 18mo. rude cuts, hf. bd. 4s Gend, s. a. (1810) 3966 VANDER-MILII Lingua Belgica, acc. quaedam ad omnes linguas pertinentia, sm. 4to. bd. 5s Lugd. Bat. 1612 3967 VAN DER PYL, Dutch Grammar, with a great number of Exercises, 8vo. hf. calf neat, 78 6d; calf, 9s Rott. 1819 3968 VERHAAL van veele Diefstallen, sq. 8vo. History of Burglars and Robbers, 13 portraits and 4 plates, calf, 10s Amst. 1710 3969 VLAERDINGS REDENRYCK-BERGH, sm. 4to. very curious Miracle-Plays, with woodcuts, in the frontisp. Our Saviour performing on the Bass-Viol, hf. bd. 10s Amst. 1617

3970 WASSENBERGH, Taalkundige Bijdragen tot den Frieschen Tongval, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. hf. vel. 6s Franeker, 1806 Containing the Idioticon Frisicum, the Dissertation on Frisian Names, Friesche Gedichten, &c, 3971 WEILAND, Nederduitsch Taalkundig Woordenboek, 11 vols. in 6, 8vo. calf gilt, £2. 16s Previously priced, £5. 5s. Amst. 1799-1811 3972 WIARDA, Altfriesisches Wörterbuch, 518 pp.-Geschichte der alten Fries. Sprache, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. hf. calf, 78 Aurich, 1784-86 3973 WILLEM'S (J. F.) Oude Vlaemsche Liederen: Flemish Songs, with the Music, royal 8vo. hf. morocco, 12s 3974

Gent, 1848 a handsome


Staat mit

the same, impl. 8vo. Large and thick Paper, half calf uncut, book, 36s Only a few copies were printed on Thick paper. 3975 SCANDINAVIAN LANGUAGES: BAGGESEN, der Dänische den Herzogthümern, 8vo. hf. mor. 5s 3976 BARTHOLINI Antiquitates Danicae et de causis contemptæ a Danis Mortis, sm. 4to. portrait, vellum, 16s

Kop. 1845

Havniae, 1701 Upsal, 1745 Hamburg, 1840-43

Hafnia, 1690 3977 BIRCHERODII Disquisitiones Antiquitatum Daniæ Gentilis, 7 parts in 1 vol sm. 4to. vellum, rare, 12s 3978 CELSII Bibliothecae Upsaliensis Historia, 8vo. hf. calf, 7s 6d 3979 DAHLMANN's Geschichte von Dännemark, 3 vols. 8vo. sd. 6s 3980 DALINS (Olof) Geschichte des Reichs Schweden, durch Benzelstierna und Dähnert, 3 vols. in 4, sm. 4to. hf. bd. 9s Greifswald, 1756-63 3981 GRAABERG di Hemsö, Saggio istorico su gli Scaldi, 8vo. calf gilt, 78 Pisa, 1811 3982 IHRE, GLOSSARIUM SUIO-GOTHICUM, in quo tam hodierno usu frequentata Vocabula, quam in ævi medii scriptis obvia, explicantur, et ex Dialectis MosoGothica, Anglo-Saxonica, Anglica hodierna, Alemannica, Islandica, ceterisque Gothicis et Celticis illustrantur, 2 vols. in 1, folio, scarce, £3. 3s Upsala, 1769 With the following autograph note on title-page: "Francis Palgrave his book, bought during the continental blockade at the price of £7. 75-" Drury's copy fetched £6. 10s. "Ouvrage très estimé."-BRUNET. "One of the best Dictionaries of any language in Europe; it is indeed a masterpiece of criticism and erudition."-BOUCHER. Highly praised by Jamieson in his Scottish Dictionary.

3983 IHRE, Fragmenta versionis Ulphilanae, Goth. et Lat. cum dissert. philologicis, sq. 8vo. hf. bd. 5s

Ups. 1763 3984 LOCCENII Antiquitates Suio-Gothice-Rugman, Gaumlu Laugum, Islandicè— Loccenii Lexicon Juris Sueo-Gothici, 3 vols. in 1, 12mo. vellum, 10s Ups. 1665-70 3985 MAGNI Historia de omnibus Gothorum Sueonumque Regibus, sm. stout folio, many quaint wood engravings and woodcut initial letters, original edition, with good impressions, very fine clean copy in the original limp vellum, 368 Roma, 1554 NORDISKE OLDSKRIFT SELSKAB: Publications of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries.

3986 NORDISK TIDSSKRIFT for Oldkyndighed (Historical and Philological Transactions), 3 vols. bound, 1832-36-MEMOIRES de la Société, 1836-49, 5 vols. sd. 1838-52-ANNALER for Nordisk Oldkyndighed, 1836-43, 1850-57, in 12 vols. four bound, eight unbound, 1837-57-ANTIQUARISK TIDSSKRIFT: Bulletin de la Société, 1843-57, 5 vols. in 9 parts, unbound, 1845-59-together 25 vols. 8vo. numerous fine plates of Antiquities, Runic and Cuneiform inscriptions, etc. seven volumes in calf extra, the remainder in 22 Nos., £12. Copenhagen, 1832-59

Sets completed.

Collectiones Historiae Populorum Septentrionalium, ed. Societas Regia Antiquariorum Septentrionalium:

3987 FORNMANNA SÖGUR, eptir gömlum Handritum utgefnar ad tilhlutun hins Norræna Fornfræda Felags, 12 vols. with facsimiles


OLDNORDISKE SAGAER, udgivne i oversættelse, 12 vols.


SCRIPTA HISTORICA ÍSLANDORUM, de rebus gestis veterum Borealium, Latine, 12 vols.


NORDISKE FORTIDS SAGAER, efter den udgivne gamle Nordiske Grundskrift, af Rafn, 3 vols.


ISLENDINGA SÖGUR, eptir gömlum Handritum, 2 vols.


Together 41 vols. 8vo. FINE PAPER, calf extra, a fine set, from Miss Currer's library,


Kjöbenhavn, 1825-46


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