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notice ufter entering on their duties, for the discharge of this portion of said duty.

3. When this duty shall have been completed, the said commissioners shall report to the Comptroller the amount applied by them to the purchase of bonds and mortgages as aforesaid, and the amount of scrip held by each bank; which amount of scrip thus held by the banks respectively, and not appropriated to the purchase of bonds and mortgages as aforesaid, shall constitute and be used by said banks as so much additional capital, and on which their discount line may be extended as now by law permitted.

4. The premium which may be paid by the banks on the scrip, shall be paid over to the different insurance companies, pro rata with the amount of their capital lost by the fire, to be by them distributed to such of their stockholders who may in their opinion require aid, giving a preference to females, orphans, and infirm


5. The security to be furnished by the banks for the faithful payment of interest and final redemption of the scrip or bonds created by this law, shall be fixed on by the commissioners.

Which several duties being discharged, the commission ceases, and the Bank Commissioners assume the supervision in the usual course of their duties.

As the premium which the banks may be disposed to pay will mainly depend on the rate of interest the bonds may bear, and the facility of negotiating them, it would be agreeable to all parties, as it could be injurious to none, to allow each bank the privilege of indicating on the bonds the place of payment of interest and principal, and also to name a shorter term of payment than the law may allow, as said banks may prefer liquidating at a less remote period than 20 years. On the surrender of the bonds to the city or State, the liability of the banks originally receiving the same, ceases.

No. 4.


January 6, 1836,


Of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund.


The Commissioners of the Canal Fund, pursuant to chapter nine, title two of the first part of the Revised Statutes, respectfully submit the following REPORT:


STATE OF The Fund.

The surplus moneys in the hands of the Commissioners belonging to this fund, on the 30th of September, 1834, as shown in the annual report of last year, pages 1 and 2, amounted to the sum of $3,002,576 30

The amount received by the Commissioners for the year ending on the 30th of September, 1835, (as given in Statement A,) from all sources, has been 1,911,555 44

Making a total sum to be accounted for by the Com

missioners, of......

This sum is accounted for as follows, viz:


$4,914,131 74

Paid for interest on canal debt,...... $260,957 08

For purchase of canal stocks, viz:

5 per cents of 1837,...... $73,820 81

[blocks in formation]

Carried forward,.... $360,828 52 $260,957 08 84,914,131 74

[blocks in formation]

Brought forward,.... $360,828 52 $260,957 08 $4,914,131 74

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

To Superintendents of canal repairs,. 403,473 90
To Canal Commissioners,

52,109 05

To Weigh-masters.....

4,781 30

For sundry expenditures, as detailed in statement A,

3,840 11

1,507,322 02

Leaving a balance in the hands of the Commissioners, on the 30th of September, 1835, applicable to the canal debt, of....

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

$3,406,809 72

55,954 87

-3,147,876 13

$3,406,809 72

The whole amount of the surplus Canal Funds under the care and management of the Commissioners, is thus accounted for, by the bond of the city of Albany, the certificates of State stocks above referred to, and the sums deposited in the several banks, as detailed in statement S.

The bonds and mortgages for lands belonging to the Erie and Champlain Canal Fund, and remaining in the Comptroller's office at the date of the last annual report, have since that period, been transferred to the School Fund, by virtue of chap. 260 of the laws of 1835; and a certificate of five per cent Oswego canal stock, redeemable in 1846, being the item of $27,106 in the preceding statement, has been transferred to the Commissioners from the School Fund, in payment of the bonds and mortgages before referred to.

The Comptroller having given notice to the Commissioners, as contemplated by the second section of chap. 296 of the laws of 1832, that money was needed for the purposes of the government, they adopted a resolution on the 12th of June last, to purchase $100,000 of 5 per cent State stock, issued to the Delaware and Hudson canal company, then belonging to the School Fund. This stock was transferred to the Commissioners in trust for the Canal Fund, and the sum of $100,000 was paid from the surplus moneys of that fund into the Treasury. A part of this stock, which is reimbursable in 1847, and was purchased at par, was exchanged on the 23d of September, with Messrs. Bolton, Ogden & Co., for a like amount ($46,925.36) of 5 per cent Erie and Champlain stock, reimbursable in 1845, and the latter stock has been cancelled. The item of $53,074.64 in the preceding statement of investments, is the other portion of the $100,000 certificate purchased of the School Fund.

The sum invested in stocks has been increased since the last annual report $80,180.64, as follows, viz:


Purchase of Delaware and Hudson stock, (part of
$100,000 certificate,) as before stated,...
Oswego canal stock transferred from School Fund in
lieu of securities for Canal Fund lands,.

$53,074 64

27,106 00

$80,180 64

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