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dead with the ill fate of those that were led back again to chains and torture, declared "the former to be hap

py," and gave


their pity" to the fufferings of the

When HANNIBAL perceived that this contrivance had produced in the minds of all the army the effect that was intended from it, he came among the foldiers, and then addreffed them as follows: "I have offered this fpec"tacle to your view, that, when you have difcerned your own condition in the fate of those unhappy cap"tives, you might more clearly judge what refolutions




were most proper to be taken, and in what manner

you might best form your conduct in the present cir"cumstances. For, in the combat which you have "feen, and the prize proposed to the conqueror, is dis"played a perfect image of that state into which you

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yourselves are now brought by fortune. Such indeed "is your fituation, that you muft either conquer,—or "be flain in battle,-or elfe fall alive into the power of "your enemies. By conqueft, you will obtain a prize "not of horses and military habits, but the whole "wealth and riches of the Roman empire; and will "then become the happiest of mankind: and if you "were to fall in battle, you will then only die; with

" out

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"out being first expofed to any kind of mifery; and contending, to your latest breath, for the most glo"rious of all victories. But, on the other hand, in cafe are conquered, and the love of life should flatter you with the hopes of being able to escape by flight, or you fhould even confent upon any terms to live "after your defeat; it is manifeft, beyond all doubt, "that nothing but the extremity of wretchedness can "await you: for furely there is none among you, "who, when you have confidered how vast a length of



country you have traversed, what enemies have op"pofed you in their way, and what large and rapid "rivers you were forced to pass, could be fo wholly "destitute of all fenfe and judgment as ever to be per"fuaded, that it was poffible to regain your feveral "countries. I conjure you, therefore, to lay afide all "fuch hopes; and, in judging of your own state and "fortune, to retain those fentiments, which you have "just now shewn with regard to the condition of the "captives. As in that case you declared both the man "that conquered, and him who fell in the combat, to "be happy, and pitied those who were referved alive; "fo your bufinefs now is, to conquer, if it be poffible; " and if not, to die; and on no account to entertain 8 "even

even the smallest expectation or thought of life, in cafe you are conquered. And if you will heartily "embrace these sentiments, and carry this resolution "with you into action, there is indeed no room to doubt, but that you muft both live and conquer. For no troops were ever known to be defeated, who had once been fixed in this determination, either by neceffity or choice. But that, on the other hand, an army which, like the Romans, fee their country

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open to them on every fide, and ready to receive all "thofe that can escape by flight, muft neceffarily fall "beneath the efforts of men, whofe only hopes are "placed in victory."

When we feel ourselves hurried off by any uncommon effect, let us try to investigate the cause, and afk ourselves why we are thus delighted, thus affected? Effects indeed ftrike us, when we are not thinking about the cause; yet may we be affured, if we reflect, that a cause there is; and that too a caufe intelligent and rational. In that part of the Philippic of DEMOSTHENES it is the antithefis that heightens the description; which is ftill more forcibly exhibited in the fpectacle contrived by the Carthaginian general, and in his harangue.

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On the antithefis often depends much of the beauty and clearness of hiftory. We will take an example from TACITUS.

The night in bath camps was bufy and unquiet.

The BARBARIANS paffed their time in jollity and caroufing; warlike fongs and favage howlings kept a conftant uproar, while the woods and vallies rung with the hideous found.

In the ROMAN camp the fcene was different: pale gleaming fires were feen; no found, fave that of low and hollow murmurs; the foldiers lay extended at length under the palifades, or wandered from tent to tent, fatigued and weary, yet fcarce awake. CECINA was disturbed by a terrible dream: he thought he saw Quintillius Varus, who had been slaughtered with his whole army, emerging from the fens.

ARMINIUS, at break of day, obferving the baggage of the Roman army in their march stuck fast in a morass; the foldiers gathering round in tumult and dif



order; the eagles in confufion; he ordered his men to make a vigorous attack; and by gnashing and mangling the horses, made a dreadful havock.

Goaded by wounds, and not able to keep their legs on a flimy foil, which was made still more flippery by the effufion of their own blood, thofe animals in their fury overturned all in their way, and trampled under feet the wretches that lay on the ground. The chief distress was round the eagles; to fupport them under a heavy volley of darts was difficult, and to fix them in swampy ground impoffible. CECINA, exerting himself with undaunted vigour to fuftain the ranks, had his horse killed under him. The barbarians were ready to furround him, if the first legion had not come up to his affiftance,

At length the rage for plunder, natural to savages, turned the fortune of the day. Intent on booty, the GERMANS defifted from the fight.

The ROMANS feized this opportunity, and towards the close of the day, they gained a station on folid ground. Their distress, however, was not at an end entrenchments were to be raised; earth to be brought; their tools for digging and cutting the foil were loft; no tents for the foldiers; no medicine for the wounded; 502


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