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The Selectmen of the town of Portsmouth (by virtue of an order of Councill) attended this Board, to show cause why the petition of the Inhabitants of Great Island (praying that they might be constituted a Township with those immunities, privileges and liberties that their Majesties' are wont to grant to such a Township) should not be granted.

The Selectmen gave in their answer in writing, and say, the Towne has been for many years reputed to have been a Towne; and believe there may be such a Grant but know not where it is; say, their Bounds were layd out by the Massachusetts, and they, having injoyed it many years, pray it may still be so continued; confess it is inconvenient for the inhabitants of Great Island to goe to meeting at the Bank, but ought to have a minister on the Island; and the rather, for that their Maj'ties' fort and stores ought not to be at any time deserted.

The Selectmen being withdrawn, the Councill considered and debated what was sayd and offered; and are of opinion that Great Island should be made a Township and divided from the Bank, provided, it is able to support itself.

The question being put whether Sandy Beach and Little Harbor should be added thereto:

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Ordered, That Richard's the Post's bill be paid six pounds, six shillings by the Treasurer, & that a warrant be issued out accordingly.

Ordered, That all vessels that carry 15,000 of boards and staves, pro rata, pay dutyes according to the Act:-that is to say, 1000 of pipe staves, 3 tunn; 1000 hhd. staves, 2 tunn; barrell staves, 1000, one tunn & halfe.

Jam: Amy, Milles and Hart produced their clearings, and ordered they be protected, and allowed the discharge to be good.

The Lieut. Governor read a Let' from Sir Wm. Phipps, dated at Boston, 14th March 1693.

The order irregular and they ought not to comply with it. That what the Lieut. Governor did with the Purser was regular and nothing but just and fair.

Ordered, That the Secretary write to Sir Wm. Phipps to give him notice of the running the bounds of this Province at Hampton.

B. II. p. 39.

Ordered, That

At a Council held at Hampton, March 20th 1693.

Present-The same.

Haynes, Francis Sherlott, Jeremiah Walford, Wm. Sharp and John Cross be settled and appointed to keep watch at their Maj'ties' Fort on Great Island, and that they constantly attend their duty at the Fort, and that they be allowed their MajestR pay.

vera copia,

at. - WM. REDFORD, Dep. Secy.

B. II. p. 40.

Mr. Fabins

Great Island, 23a March 1693.

Sir-I have received a saucy impudent Letter from one Matthew Cary, who is aboard the ship Nonsuch, wherein he threatens the inhabitants of this Province: These are therefore to give you notice of it, that you may have the greatest care of your men; and if he dares presume to press any one, it is more than he can justify, having no warrant or leave from any in authority in this Province soe to doe. Therefore you may seize him; and if you doe, be sure to send him over hither or any others of his company.

B. II. p. 42.

Your friend, JOHN HINCKS.

Boston, 25th March 1693.

The Poste Master General being here in Boston, & giving account yt he has settled a poste from Virginia to Boston once a week, he is very desirous to know whatt you will be pleased to allow either as a yearly sallary, or how much a Letter for postage of a single Letter from Piscataqua to Boston. Itts judged the poste may be of great advantage by reason of intelligence from England & Western Islands, and his Majes dominions in those parts. Itts desired forthwith an answer from yourselves; - the Poste Master General designing to be gone on Wednesday nextt for New York, &c. Itts desired you would likewise signifye whether you would have a poste once a week or once in two weeks. All which your answer is speedily desired. Nott else, butt am

Gentl" your friend & servant

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Ordered, That the Laws made last Assembly be published forth


The Lieut. Governor's Lett' was read; but the Councill being in the dark as to what the Postmaster's command is, or what agreement is made with other parts, are of opinion a Poste would be very necessary; and that he be allowed, per letter, according as in other parts that are in like circumstances with this place, proportionable to the distance of this place from Boston, and that every one pay for his owne Lett.

Mr. Cary's letter to the President was read, and Mr. Cary appeared. The Council are of opinion the President has done nothing but what he ought to have done.

Ordered, That Mr. Cary be reprimanded for writing his letter, & that he be discharged, paying his fees; & that he be cautioned to behave himself better for the future.

Sir Wm. Phipps came to the Island, Tuesday night, goes aboard Tay's ship, sends Tay's boye to the President to have him come to him, as, alsoe Tay.

The President sent him word he was at Mr. Elliott's, & if Sir William had any business with him was ready to hear it.

Sir Wm. stays at West's till about 11 o'clock, then sends Jackson to the President to desire him to call the Councill to meet at the Bank that he might read his commission: The President sent him word he would call the Council to meet, and he should have notice.*

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Upon complat made by Capt. Tay that Sir Wm. Phipps had entered and broke his ship, & taken away goods thence, and tare his warrant: The Council is of opinion that the matter contained in his petition, wherein he complains of damage, does not lye afore this Board, but he has his remedy at Law.

The President, informing this Board that Sir Wm. Phipps had, while being on Great Island, a warrt directed to Jeremiah Tay, commanding him to deliver Capt. Short &c and that Sir Wm. had

* Notice was accordingly given, to meet 30th March, 1693.-Ed.

declared to several that he is Vice Admiral of this Province; and that while he is here he is not out of his Government, — desired the opinion of this Board, if Sir Wm. ought not to be called to account for it. (1)

The Council are of opinion-no person being injured thereby – it may be inconvenient to call him to account by this Board.

Ordered, That in case of distress and application made of the neighboring County of York or Province of Maine, to the Licut. Governor or President, in his absence, for helpe and aide, it shall be lawful for them to grant their warrt to the Maine, to aide and assist them with what strength the nature of this Province will afford.

B. II. p. 47.

To the Honble John Hincks, Esq. President and ye Honorable Council of their Majestys Province of New Hampshire, now sitting at Great Island:


The humble petition of John Gerrish & John Woodman, most humbly sheweth:

Whereas y petitioners are seated on ye frontiers of Cochecha and Oyster River, and have hitherto had ye assistance of soldiers for their better security and defence against their Maj'ties French and Indian enemies-which soldiers are now drawn off-by which we are exposed to ye said enemy assaults & not capable of doing any thing for or future subsistence without farther helpe; we therefore most humbly supplicate yr Honors for such a number of soldiers for our prsent reliefe and assistance as yr Honors shall judge meet and necessary to preserve your frontiers, and not leave us exposed to destruction, when ye enemy please to assault us. And yr petitioners shall ever pray &c.

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Reading the Let' from S Wm. Phipps, dated 15th April instant, and the Petition of John Gerrish, Ordered, That six men be

(1) See account of this affair in Farm. Belk., p. 137.

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