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piece, no one doubted but he was the author of it. It remained not long without replies (TT), containing fuch things as highly

their ordinary payments, and beftowing favours and honours equally on them with the proteftants. He then formally enters into the difcuffion of the pope's briefs, and by fcripture, fathers, and councils, attempts to confute them. He proceeds to attack Bellarmine; and fhews that he had miftook the oath of fupremacy for the oath of allegiance, and on this mistake had proceeded in his letter to Blackwell. He afferts the oath of allegiance to be confirmed by the authority of antient councils; fhews that no decifion of any point of religion is contained in it; that Bellarmine had contradicted his former writings; and that his authorities from the fathers were infufficient. This is the fubftance of this apology, in which, though there is nothing in it of great merit, we may juftly fay James came off conqueror. However, we may remark, that though his favours to the catholics might manifeft them guilty of ingratitude towards him, yet could they be no great recommendation of him to his proteftant fubjects. They fhewed an indifferency with respect to the two religions, which, I fuppofe, was not fo well digefted by them. But James was not one of those who forefaw confequences. What made for his present purpose he catched hold of, without reflecting that one day or other it might be made to ferve against himself. An imprudence which controvertifts frequently are guilty of. The leaft fhadow of an argument they make ufe of; weaken, or endeavour to invalidate the most important doctrines which at any time ftand in their way; and blab out those things which it is moft their intereft to conceal, and which hereafter they bitterly repent of, when they find the uses made of them by able or artful opponents.

(TT) It remained not long without replies, containing fuch things as highly displeased him.] Tho' James's H 4


P. 290.

ly displeased him. Whereupon he writ his


name was not prefixed to the first edition of his apolo gy, yet he made prefents of it to the foreign ambaffadors in his own name, and his arms were put in the (a) Works, frontispiece thereof, as himfelf tells us (a). This was fufficient to put the author out of doubt. But notwithftanding his adverfaries treated him without ceremony. The famous Robert Parfons began the attack, in a book called the Judgment of a Catholic Gentleman, con◄ cerning king James's apology for the oath of allegiance. (b) Wood's Qu. S. Omers, 1608. (b). Bellarmine continued it, Athene Ox under the feigned name of Mattheus Tortus, and gave onienfes, his majesty the lye in exprefs terms, and feven times Vol. I. c. charged him with falfhood, which was thought by him equivalent to a lye (c). The king is here told, that works, p. Pope Clement thought him to be inclined to their reli

(c) King


ter itself in

the fame writer, p.

gion; that he was a puritan in Scotland, and a perfecutor of the proteftants; that he was a heretic and no chriftian. His majefty was alfo let know, "that fome "of his officers of eftate put the pope and cardinals in


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hope that he would profess himself a catholic, when "he came to the crown of England; yea, that he him"felf had written letters full of courtefie to the two "cardinals Aldo-brandino and Bellarmine, wherein he (d) Calder- craved, that one of the Scottish nation might be crewood, p.6co. See the let-"ated cardinal; that by him, as an agent, he might the more eafily and fafely do his bufinefs with the This must have vexed James pretty pope (d)." 427. It is much, I fuppofe, as the reader, by comparing what is addreffed to contained in notes (H) and (N), will be apt to think the pope; there was fome truth in it. A third answerer of this instructions apology was Francis Suarez, well known in the learned afterwards world. Sir Henry Saville, whofe edition of St. Chry added, for foftom has perpetuated his fame, being prevailed on, I the cardi- know not by what motive, to help tranflate James's book nals. See alfo into Latin; it foon got to Rome; from thence Suarez Rushworth, was commanded to anfwer it, who performing his task, it was published, and as foon as the copies came into England,

but there are

applying to

Vol. I. p.


premonition (UU) to all most mighty mo


Vol. I. c.


England, one of them was burnt (e).-Nicolaus (e) Wood, Coffeteau, bishop of Dardanie, preacher to Henry IV. of France, anfwered James, as his faid, very moderately and modeftly. "But the king was nothing pleafed with his fawning, nor took it in better part than if (as he faid) he should have bid a t-d in his teeth, and then cry Sir reverence (f)." Let us obferve here (f) Winby the way, a mistake of Mr. Perrault, in (peaking of wood, Vol. III. p. 117. Caffeteau, fays he, “ the king (Henry the Great) com"mitted to him, at the folicitation of Perron, the an"fwering of the king of England's book on the eucharift, which he did with a great deal of cogency.' (g) Now James never writ on the eucharift. The book (g) CharacCoeffeteau answered, was his apology; confequently Per- ters hiftorirault is mistaken. Nor can I perfuade myfelf he speaks negyrical, truly, when he says, the then French king committed Vol. II. p. to him the answering James's book. The doctrine con- 11. 8vo. tained in it could not be difpleafing to Henry, and I believe he would have been forry it should have been subverted. I know of no more anfwers to James's apology; and whether I am as exact as I should be in my account of thefe, I cannot well determine; being far removed from libraries, from which help might be expected (b).

(UU) Whereupon he writ his premonition to all moft mighty monarchs, &c.] After the apology was out,

fays Dr. Mountague, his majefty divers times would "be pleafed to utter a refolution of his, that if the "pope and cardinal would not reft in his anfwer, and "fit down by it, take the oath as it was intended for a "point of allegiance and civil obedience, he would

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publifh the apology in his own name, with a preface "to all the princes in Chriftendom; wherein he would publifh fuch a confeffion of his faith, perfuade the "princes fo to vindicate their own power, difcover fo much of the mystery of iniquity unto them, as the


cal and pe

Lond. 1705.

(b) Vid. Appendix.

narchs, kings, free princes, and states of


"pope's bulls fhould pull in their horns, and himself "wifh he had never meddled with this matter. The "cardinal contending against the apology, his majefty "confirmed his refolution, and with the like celerity in "the compafs of one week, wrote his monitory pre"face; and being fo written, published it and the apo"logy in his own name, and made good his word, fent "it to the emperor, and all the kings and free princes (a) Preface" in Christendom (a)." Great difpatch this! but as we to James's have a bishop's word for it, we cannot refuse to subworks.

fcribe to the truth of it. In his dedication to the emperor Rodolph II. and the princes and states of Chriftendom, he ftiles himself profeffor, maintainer, and defender of the true, chriftian, catholic, and apoftolic faith, profeffed by the antient and primitive church, and fealed with the blood of fo many holy bishops, and (b) James's other faithful crowned with the glory of martyrdom (b).

works, p.


(c) Id. p. 289.

(d) Id. p. 293.

He then in a particular manner addreffes himself unto them, and tells them, "that the cause in which "he is engaged is general, and concerneth the autho"rity and privilege of kings in general, and all fu

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per-eminent temporal powers (c)." He proceeds to give reafons for printing the apology without his name; fhews why he thought now proper to avow it, and goes on to fhew the occafion of it. He lets them know, that the publishing his book had brought fuch two anfwerers, or rather railers, upon him, as all the world might wonder at. He then falls foul on Parfons, for whom he says a rope is the fittest answer; and proceeds to Mattheus Tortus, who called himself Bellarmine's chaplain. An obfcure author, fays he, utterly un"known to me, being yet little known to the world << for any other of his works; and therefore must be a ແ very desperate fellow in beginning his apprentisage, "not only to refute, but to rail upon a king (d)." One would think by this James knew not that in the republic of letters no man holds any other rank than what he


Christendom, published it, and the apology


can procure by his own industry and abilities. For which reason if the greatest prince commences a member of it, he is to expect, in juftice, no other regard than what his fellow-members fhall judge he really merits. If he would not be treated like an author, he fhould not commence author. The moment he acts publicly in that character, he is liable to be refuted, ridiculed, or expofed; nor has he any body but himself to thank for it.

-But let us go on with our fubject, James, from fome paffages, concludes that Bellarmine was his real anfwerer, under the feigned name of Tortus, and as fuch he speaks of him. After mentioning the epithets bestowed on himself by his anfwerer, he asks the princes whether this be mannerly dealing with a king? and he doubts not but that they will refent fuch indignities done to one of their quality. He then fhews the infufficiency of the cardinal's reply to his apology, aggravates the power he gives to the popes, fhews that they formerly were in fubjection to chriftian emperors, and that their affent was neceffary to their elections, and that they had been depofed by them. Kings alfo, he says, have denied the temporal fuperiority of the popes, more efpecially his own predeceffors. Apoftate he fhews he is none, and heretic that he cannot be, as believing all the three creeds, and as " acknowledging for orthodox all "those other forms of creeds, that either were devised "by councils or particular fathers, against such particular "herefies as moft reigned in their times (e)." He then (e) Works, gives a long-winded confeffion of faith, with reasons, P. 302.` fuch as they are, of his belief; and afterwards fpends no less than twenty folio pages on the subject of Antichrist, which he thus concludes, "Thus has the cardi❝nals shameless wrefting two of those places of fcrip


ture, pafce oves meas, & tibi dabo claves, for proving "the pope's temporal authority over princes,animated me "to prove the pope to be the antichrift out of the book of fcripture; fo to pay him his own money again. And


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