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hance its practical value, but will tend to obviate some of the objections which lay against it in the opinions of not a few scholars and literary men. We have not time to specify all these; but we perceive that most of the innovations upon our established orthography proposed in the earlier editions, are here abandoned. All those changes which Dr. Webster made on etymological grounds, are removed; and the most of those made on analogical grounds also. There will now be found but little difference between this system of orthography and the standard methods; and where there is any, the arguments of analogy and reason, as well as advancing usage, are so strongly in their favor, that they will probably carry the day. The removal of objections on this score, leaves the unrivalled excellences of Dr. Webster's dictionary almost without a blemish. In the multiplicity of its words; the clearness, copiousness, and accuracy of its definitions; its reference to the sources of words, and its rational, and on the whole, excellent system of orthoëpy, render Dr. Webster's the greatest and best lexicon of our language extant.

The additions to the present edition are considerable. New words are added, where sustained by reputable usage; and, what is certainly a very great convenience, whether justifiable on lexical principles or not, all the current and important terms in the arts, sciences, and professions, have been incorporated. Prof. Goodrich has had the assistance of his very competent colleagues in Yale College, in almost every department of learning, to assist him in this particular; and the result is that it is one of the most concise and complete technological dictionaries extant close of the definition of each principal word, synonyms of the word have been added, which is also a great and peculiar excellence. The work is printed in a clear and open type, and will unquestionably be considered the most complete and ample dictionary in the market.

At the

5. Louis the Fourteenth, and the Court of France in the Seventeenth Century. By Miss PARDOE. 2 vols. 12mo.: Harper & Brothers.

Though this is but the picture of the in-door life of the period of the Grand Monarque, it comes nearer to the philosophical and complete history of that brilliant era than would be supposed. The springs and sources of the great outward events, with which history busies itself, are here laid open; and standing at the central point of the very household of the despot, who asserted with as much truth as impudence, I am the State, the whole circle of events are not only perceived, but more accurately com prehended than by a mere study of the events themselves. The Court of Louis XIV. was France itself; and the radiating point of all the splendor and brilliancy of that most eventful of all the periods of the French history. Miss Pardoe has evidently been in her element, in sketching characters, describing female intrigues and Court gossip; and the spirit and grace with which the narrative is composed adds much to the interest of even these interesting events. Those who would know the real charaeter, as well as the memorable deeds, of this reign, and at the same time be highly entertained with secret histories, private gossip, and personal anecdote, will find Miss Pardoe's work at once full of instruction and interest, and an admirable preparative for graver histories of the same era. The work is published in parts, in a very beautiful style, and illustrated with numerous engravings.

6. A History of Rome, from the earliest times to the Death of Commodus. By Dr. LEONHARD SCHMITZ, F. R. S. E. W. H. Newman & Co.

This is an edition of a work which we commended in our last issue, and are very willing to commend again, and contains in its preface, a kind of complaint against its predecessor, which we cannot adjudicate upon. We are sure that if the merits of the work are properly appreciated, both editions will be demanded. So trustwor thy and scholarly a work on Roman history has never before been made accessible to the student.

7. The Miscellaneous Works of Henry Mackenzie, Esq. 3d edition. Harper & Bro


So fine an edition of this admirable and graceful writer, the memory of whose gentle touches of feeling, and kindly benevolence, no reader of his can have lost, entitled to a cordial welcome. It is rarely indeed, that his "Man of Feeling" and "Julia Roubigné," and other sketches, have been excelled in the highest qualities of literary excellence and genuine poesy of feeling.

[ocr errors]


Abelard, Peter, 145.
Adams, Rev. Wm., D.D., Progress in The-
ology, 193.

Christianity the end and unity of
all science, 573.
Algebra, Dr. Huckley's, noticed, 192.
Allegory, Solomon's Song, an, 266.
American Literature, Prognostics of, by
Rev. N. Porter, jr., 504. True uses of
literature, 505. "What will be the cha-
racter of American literature? 505.
Closely allied to England, 506. Begin
with a literature already matured, 506.
Will be poetical, 508. Catholic, 509.
Natural, 510. Comparative effects of
different governments on literature, 512.
American literature will be free, 513.
Will represent American life and man-
ners, 515. Will be earnest, 516.
superficial, 517. Pervaded by a reli-
gious spirit, 518. Rewards of litera-
ture, 520. Prognostics of literature,
521. Specimens, Prescott, Webster,
&c., 523.

Amos, quotes Job, 177.


[blocks in formation]

Bacon, Lord, Religious character of, by Rev.
S. M. Hopkins, 127. Interest of the
subject, 128. Parentage, 129. Early
life, 130. Influence of the Queen's
favor, 131. Influence of a wrong read-
ing of the Scriptures, 132. Books of
Proverbs and Ecclesiasticus his favor-
ites, 133. Specimens of his commenta-
ries on Proverbs, 134. Influence of
Piety on natural character, 135. His
faults not inconsistent with piety, 138.
His devotional writings, 140. His end,

Barrows, Rev. E. P., Christianity fore-
told under symbols of Judaism, 411.
The prophet like unto Moses, 645.
Beast, meaning of the Apocalyptic, 279.
Forged literature of the Middle Ages,

Andreas' commentary on date of Apoca- Beasts, interpretation of the word, 383.

lypse, 403.

Anselm, St., 145.
Apocalypse, Review of Stuart on, by Rev.
E. Beecher, D.D. 272. Infelicity of
Prof. S.'s view at the present time, 273.
Outline of his system of interpretation,
273. Apocalypse a general prophecy of
the progress of the Church, and of the
Papacy, 274. Grandeur of the Romish
hierarchy, 275. Objections to Prof. S.'s
statement of the old theory, 276. Beast
and false prophet of Ch. 13 identical
with those of Ch. 19, 279. Meaning of
Beast, 280. Principles of German inter-
pretation, 283. Fall of Jerusalem not
the great catastrophe of the poem, 286.
The witnesses, 289. Nero not the beast,
293. Inconsistency of this interpreta-
tion, 296. Prof. S.'s views favor the
Millennarian theory, 300. Dangerous
tendencies of, 303.

Apocalypse, Lord's Exposition of, no-
ticed, 381.

Apocalypse, Review of Prof. Stuart on the
date of, 385.

Apocalypse, time of the great question
of, 387.

Aquinas, St. Thomas, 146.

Arethas' testimony on date of Apoca-
lypse, 403.

Argument for Christianity from Miracles,

Beauty, nature of, 538. Relations to
truth, 542.
Beecher, Dr. E.
the Apocalypse,
Besser, Dr. W. F.
Bible, the, its own Interpreter, by H. P.
Tappan, D.D., 95. Not a book of phi-
losophy or science, 96. Popular charac-
ter of Christ's teaching, 97. Do. Apos-
tles, 98. Intelligible to all ages, 99. Re-
quires no interpreter of its fundamental
truths, 100. Province of Hermeneutics,
100. Relation of learning to interpreta-
tion, 104. Bible the source of authori-
ty, 104. Progress not inconsistent with
the intelligibility of the Bible, 105.
Evil influence of philosophy and sys-
tems, 108.

Review of Stuart on

Exposition of John 2:

Bible, Lyrical Poetry of, 323.
Brougham, Lord. Apologies for Voltaire
considered, 469.

Buchanan on the Holy Spirit, 382.
Byrd's Eclectic Moral Philosophy noticed,


Calvin, influence and character of, 205,
do. 583. Bancroft's opinion of, 584.
Canonicity of Solomon's Song, 263.
Cheever, G. B., D.D., Life and writings
of Foster, 1.

Childhood and Youth of Luther, by Rev.


Dr. Stowe, 594. Karl Jürgen's life, 594.
Birth, parentage, 595. At school, 596.
Lady Ursula, 598. At the University
of Erfurt, 598. Change of character
on the death of Alexius, 600. Becomes a
monk, 601. Religious experience, 602.
Ordained priest, 603. Professor of phi-
losophy, 604. Of theology, 605. Preach-
es, 606. Goes to Rome, 606. Assails
the Aristotelian philosophy, 610. Edits
the German theology, 612. Posts his 99
theses, 615. State of things previous to
the Reformation, 616. Encounters Tet-
zel, 619. Effects of his letter to Tetzel,
621. His reluctance to leave the church,

Christianity, progress of, 193.
Christians, their confidence in the good-

ness of the Divine administration, 347.
Christianity in Conflict with Politics, by
Rev. James W. M Lane, 111. First
point of conflict-as to origin of govern-
ment, 112. Form of Government, 113.
Feudalism not consistent with Christi-
anity, 113. Connexion of Church and
State, 116. Elective Franchise, 117.
Importance of the ballot-box, 118. For-
eign Policy of States, 120. The com-
mon modes of defence, 121. Meliorating
influence of Christianity, 124. Cer-
tainty of its triumph, 125.
Christ not an Essene, 172.
Christianity foretold under the symbols of
Judaism, by Rev. E. P. Barrows, 411.
Micah 4: 411. Imagery of the pro-
phecy, 412. Prophetic idea of Jerusa-
lem, 413. Import of the imagery, 415.
Reasons for the symbolic language,
416. Duffield on the restoration of the
theocracy, 418. Inconsistencies of the
Millennarian theory, 420. Spirituali-
ty of the prophetic imagery, 421.
Christ's rejection by the Jews, notwith-
standing miracles, 423.

Christian character of American litera-
ture, 518.

Christianity the end and unity of all scien-
ces and pursuits, by Rev. Wm. Adams,
D.D., 573. Sciences and professions
not isolated, 574. Attempts at classifi-
cation, 574. Bacon's system, 575.
Utility of the inquiry, 576. Highest
happiness of man in resemblance to
God, 578. Happiness the object which
gives unity to all things, 579. Relation
of the cross to all knowledge, 580. Rea-
sons for the slow progress of Christian-
ity, 581. Distinction between religious
and secular, 582. Calvin's influence,
583. Bancroft's testimony of Calvin,
584. Advantage of the late discovery
of America, 586. No conflict between
true science and revelation, 586.
student's life useful, 589.


Chronicon Alexandrinum, on date of Apo-
calypse, 404.

Church Member's Manual noticed, 570.
Consistency of Scientific and Religions
Truth, by Stephen Chase, 656.
Critical Notices, 189, 379, 569.
Cyclopædia of Biblical knowledge no-
ticed, 189.


Date of Book of Job, 174.

Date of the Apocalypse, Review of Prof.
Stuart on, by Rev. Geo. Duffield, D.D.,
385. Loose views of inspiration, 386.
The time of the Apocalypse the great
question, 387. Outline of Prof. S.'s
system, 388. Different views of the
date, 389. Irenæus's testimony, 390,
Prof. S.'s objections to Irenæus exam-
ined, 391. Irenæus's character, 392.
His qualifications as a witness, 394.
Not credulous, 395. Eusebius's opi-
nion, 397. Tertullian's opinion, 399.
Title page of the Syriac version, does
not establish the Neronian date, 402.
Nor the commentary of Andreas, 403.
Nor Arethas, 403. Nor the Chronicon
Alexandrinum, 404. Nor Theophylact,
404. Nor the Internal evidence, 405.
Rev. 17, considered, 406. Value of
internal evidence, 407.

Duffield, Rev. Geo., D.D. Review of
Stuart on Apocalypse, 385.
D'Aubigne's History of the Reformation,


Day, Rev. Hn. Taste and Morals, 524.
Deborah's Song, 340.

Divine Administration, Grounds of 'e
Christian's confidence in, by Rev. R. W.
Landis, 347. Importance of the sub-
ject, 347. Difficulties enumerated, 349.
Press equally upon the Unbeliever, 351.
Hume, 352. Voltaire, 353. Origin of
evil perplexes all theism, 354. Free
agency, 354. Suffering in the natural
world, 356. Long life of the wicked
considered, 357. Triumph of vice, 358.
Early death, 358. Sin after regenera
tion, 359. God's proceedings regard
the world as fallen, 361. Sufferings
the natural effect of sin, 362. The
world in its infancy, 364. Grounds of
confidence arising from God's wisdom,
369. Power, 369. Goodness, 370. Im-
mutability, 370.

Dick's Theology, noticed, 379.
D'Israeli's Amenities of Literature, no-
ticed, 380.

[blocks in formation]

the Jews, 162. Locality of the Essenes
163. Josephus's account, 164. Jewish
sects, 165. Resemblance to Moham-
medan sects, 166. Origin, 166. Allud-
ed to in Maccab. 2: 42, 167.
not mentioned by the Evangelists, 168.
John an Essene, 169. Christianity.
not an emanation of Essenism, 169.
Christ not an Essene, 172. Resem-
blance between the doctrines of Es-
senes and teachings of Christ, 172.
Esthetic culture, necessity of, 524.
Eternity of Future Punishment, 30-61.
Exposition of John 2 : 4, 374.


Figurative language in sermons, 638.
Forged Literature of the Middle Ages, by
Rev. E. Beecher, D.D., 484. Character
of Nicholas I., 484. His rivals, 485.
Case of Lotharius, 486. Defeat of
Hincman, 487. The Forged Decretals,
487. Date of, 487. Gradual introduc-
tion of, 489. System of Pious Frauds,
490. Instances, 490. Effects, 493. Ef-
fect of the decretals, 494. The Isido-
rean canons, 495. Agency of Gratian
in their establishment, 496. Purport of
the decretals, 498. Confessions of
candid Romanists, 500. Extent of the
practice of lying, 502.
Foster, John, Life and Writings of, by G.
Cheever, D.D., 1. Hall and Foster, 2.
Development of his opinions, 6. His
religious experience, defective, 7.
Early history, 9. Habits of study, 10.
Settlement at Newcastle, 12. Growing
tendency to Calvinism, 17. Vagueness
of his views of the future, 21.
val to Downend, 23. Marriage, 23.
Death of Mrs. Foster, 24. Difficulty
of writing, 25.
Views of depravity,
26. His denial of future punishments,
considered, 30. His belief in Satanic
agency, 47.
In the Atonement, 48.
Relation of atonement to Future pun-
ishment, 49. Grandeur of his views,
52. His impressive views of the future,
55. His ingenuousness, 63.


German publications, 384.
Gnostic Philosophy, 202.


God's attributes ground of confidence, 369.
Government a moral power, 65-214.
Government involves the idea of retribu-
tion, 67.

Government, conflict of with Christianity,


Griffin, Dr., Preaching of the late, by Rev.
Geo. Shepard, D.D., 623. Object of the
article, 624. Conversion, 624. Intel-
lectual habits, 625. Residence at New-

ark, his best years, 625. His natural
endowments, 626. Habits of study,
627. Character of his preaching, 628.
Specimens of his violations of good taste,
629. Characteristics of his sermons-
made truth void, 632. Palpableness,
633. Strongly evangelical, 634. Ear-
nest and warm, 635. Tender, 636.
Great in application of truth, 637. His
uses of figurative language, 638. Use
of the interrogation, 640. His sense of
dependence of God, 641. What con-
stitutes the effective sermon, 624. Uti-
lity of manner, 644.


Hacket's Hebrew Exercises, 572.
Hall, Robert, compared with Foster, 2.
Hall, Wm., jr., Essenes, 162.
Hallam's Constitutional History, noticed,

Harper's New Miscellany, noticed, 192,

Hastings, Rev. G. H., Lyrical Poetry of
the Bible, 323.

Hebrew Grammar, Rodiger's, noticed, 190.
Hermeneutics, true province of, 100.
Hickok, Rev. L. P. The Idea of Huma-
nity from its progress to its consumma-
tion, 731.

Hopkins, Rev. S. M. Religious character
of Lord Bacon, 127. On Voltaire, 458.
Humanity, the Idea of, from its Progress to
its Consummation, by Rev. Dr. Hickok,
731. What humanity is, 732. The
inner face which impels its action, 734.
Animal desires, 734. Wants created by
society, 734. Spiritual wants, 735.
The guiding law to perfection, 736.
Not in the gratification of the senses,
737. Nor in the spiritual alone, 738-
but in the union of the two, 739. Ne-
cessity of supernatural aid, 741. Bear-
ing of this union of the sensuous and
spiritual upon religion, 742.
government, 742. Upon philosophy,

Human Justice, or, Government a Moral
Power, by Tayler Lewis, LL.D., 65, 214.
Kinds of punishment, 65. Retribution
a part of the Divine government, 67.
Do. of all government, 68. A priori
argument, 68. Argument from the
moral sense, 69. From the use of lan-
guage, 70. The posteriori argument,
76. Something more than the idea of
expediency necessary to government, 76.
The idea of justice necessary to the ends
of punishment, 86. Influence of legisla-
tion on education, 90. Idea of retribu-
tion necessary to a true gradation of
punishments, 90. Retributive justice
the milder and more humane, 94. The


argument from Scripture, 214.
ment from the Jewish code, 214.
the declarations of the New Testament,
215. Individual redress forbidden, 216.
Government a divine institution, 217.
Rom. xii., 19, considered, 219. Do.
Rom. xiii., 221. Perpetuity of govern
ment, 223. Importance of the question,
224. Popular insubordination, 225.
Change of laws by the popular will,
not inconsistent with the divine autho
rity of government, 226. Distinction
between the popular will and true gov
ernment, 227. Connexion between mo
ral and political ideas, 235. God the
source of all authority, 238. Retribu-
tion not revenge, 240. Objections con
sidered, 240-250. Importance of sound
theology to just views of government,

Hume's argument against miracles exa-
mined, 311.


Indelicacy, alleged, of Solomon's Song,

Influence of Government on Education, 90.
Intelligibility of the Bible, 99.

Internal evidence, specimens of, 407.
Irenæus's testimony on date of Apoca
lypse, 380.

character, 392. Qualifications
as a witness, 394. Not credulous, 395.
Eusebius's opinion of, 397.
Isidore, St., the false decretals of, 495.



Jansenism, History and Merits of by Rev.
S. M. Schmucker, 689. Preliminary
considerations, 690. Origin of Jesuit-
ism, 691. Prevalence of the Augustin-
ian doctrines, 692. Jansenius, 692.
His work on Augustine, 693.
Cyrian, 694. Imprisoned, 694. Literary
labors of the Jansenists, 695. Jansen's
denial of the Pope's infallibility, 695.
First bull of Alexander III., 696. Doc-
trines of the Jansenists, 696. Quesnell's
Commentaries, 696. The bull Unige-
nitus, 697. Quesnell's doctrines, 698.
Effect of the bull, 699. Excesses of the
Jansenists, 700. Labors, 701. Excesses
accounted for, 702. Lessons of the Jan
senist movement-the hostility of Rome
to reform, 702. Unchangeable charac-
ter of Romanism, 704. Will be con-
stantly liable to revolutions, 707. No
reform in the Romish church without
separation, 709. Reactive effect of at-
tempted reforms, 711. Jesuitism, 713.
Duty of Protestants towards reforms in
the Romish church, 716. Unity of Ro-
manism, disproved, 718.

Jesus Christ attested by Miracles, yet reject»
ed by the Jews, by Rev. Samuel T. Spear,
Definition of miracles, 423,
Christ's rejection a national act, 425,
What is included in it, 426. Causes of
Christ's rejection, 426. Its strangeness
no proof against its credibility, 427.
Miracles and rejection narrated by the
same historians, 427. Improbable it
would have been narrated unless true,
428. No a priori objection, 429. Was
predicted, 431. Not universal, 432.
Nature of the testimony of miracles,
435. Jews did not regard Christ as
Messiah, 439. Were disappointed in
him, 442.
Jewish sects, 165.

Job, date of the Book of, by F. G. Vachin
ger, 174. Job, the Hebrew epopee,
174. Could not have been compos
ed before Solomon, 175. Moses not
the author, 175. Was written before
Jeremiah, 176. Used by Amos, 177.
Coincidence of Psalms written in Sol.
omon's era, 179. Close resemblance of
Job and Proverbs, 181. Specimens of
usus loquendi, 183.
John 2: 4.

Exposition of, from the Ger
man of Dr. W. F. Besser, 374. Olshan-
sen's interpretation, 375. Lucke's do,

Justice, Human, 65, 214.


Lewis, Prof. Tayler. Government a mo
ral power, 65, 214.

[ocr errors]

Life and Character of Voltaire, 458.
Literature, American, prognostics of, 484
comparative effects of different
governments on, 512
Literature, specimens of American, 523.
Londis, Rev. R. W. Grounds of a Chris

tian's confidence in the goodness of the
Divine Administration, 347.
Lord's Apocalypse, noticed, 381.
Luther's Select treatises noticed, 380.
Luther's Table Talk, by Alfred H. Guerns
sey, 553. Luther's character, 554. His-
tory of the Volume, 555. Specimens→→
the Bible, 555. Bishop of Mayence,
557. Preacher, an instrument, God's
Providence, 558. Good and evil, worst
things spring from the best, Paradise,
559. Astronomy, Astrology, 561. Devil
and his works, 563. Changelings, 564,
Death, 565. Decalogue, 567. Works
of God, 568.

Lyrical Poetry of the Bible, 323.


Mc Cheyne's Works noticed, 381.
McLane, Rev. J. W., conflict of Christia•
nity with politics, 111.

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