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this excited great agitation in the minds of those who were present; they were so convinced of the fidelity of each other, so confident in the means which they had prepared, that they could not brook the notion that there was any possibility of failure. Such, at least, was the general impression upon the minds of the persons assembled there; but you will find that one of them, called Palin, who was to head a detachment for setting fire to the town, thought that the suggestion made by Adams ought not to be treated with inattention. Brunt proposed, in order to ascertain whether their scheme had been detected or not, that a watch should be set that night. Gentlemen, I ought previously to have stated to you, that upon the morning when this which I am relating to you, took place, it had been ascertained by the meeting, from a newspaper, that upon the following day a cabinet dinner was to be given by lord Harrowby; an event long anxiously wished for; an opportunity long desired by the prisoners, as by finding all his majesty's ministers assembled at one place, they hoped the more easily and the more effectually to perform their diabolical work of assassination. Brunt proposed that a watch should be set, and the spot fixed upon was lord Harrowby's house. Brunt said, "If our plan has been detected; if there be any ground for this suspicion which Adams entertains, no doubt there will be some preparation made at dord Harrowby's house, to meet the intended attack; and if, therefore, upon watching his house to-night and to-morrow morning, it shall appear that no soldiers are introduced into that house or any of the adjacent houses, that no preparations are made for the expected attempt, we may be quite satisfied that our plans remain undivulged, and that we are in perfect security." I will not repeat to you the expressions which were used at that meeting; the exultation which was displayed at finding that at last this opportunity they had been so long expecting would occur, and that at last the day had arrived, on which they would be able to perpetrate their nefarious crimes. It will be sufficient for you to hear them once, from the witnesses who will be called before you.

On that evening, in pursuance of the suggestion of Brunt, a watch was set in Grosvenorsquare at six o'clock. Two persons, one of whom was Davidson, were to take the duty from six till nine, when they were to be relieved by two others, who were to remain till twelve; it was thought that from that time till four in the morning no observation would be necessary, but that at the last mentioned hour the watch should be resumed. Davidson and his associate went into Grosvenor-square, and continued there from six till nine. At that hour they were relieved by Brunt and the witness Adams, and a remarkable circumstance occurred upon that evening, which puts it out of all doubt that the prisoner Brunt was there. It will be proved to you, by witnesses, not VOL. XXXIII.

only that he was seen in Grosvenor-square, but that he was engaged in playing at dominos in a public-house at the corner of Charles-street, which is close to the square, with a young man of the name of Gillan."

Upon the following morning, the 23rd, the day on which the plans of the conspirators were to be carried into effect, you will find that they met at Brunt's house; and that in the afternoon, between two and three o'clock, many of the persons again assembled there for the purpose of proceeding to another place, to which I shall now call your attention. It was thought, by these persons, that, in order to carry into effect the plan of assassinating his majesty's ministers at lord Harrowby's house, those who were destined for accomplishing that part of the plot should be brought together at some spot not very remote from Grosvenor-square; and it will be proved to you that on the Tuesday it was resolved that they should meet near Tyburn turnpike; and that those who were not intrusted with the whole of their schemes should have a word given them, by which they might be able to ascertain, at their arrival there, who were the persons with whom they were to act. It however so happened, that before the Wednesday, the prisoner Harrison procured a stable in an obscure street, called Cato-street, leading into John-street, in the Edgware-road, which was considered by them a very convenient place for assembling and making their preparations for the attack at lord Harrowby's house. The access to Cato-street, at each end, is under an archway; so that it has the appearance rather of a mews than of a street; at one end it is accessible only by foot passengers, at the other end there is an entrance for carriages. This stable was prepared for their meeting on that evening; Harrison and others were seen carrying things into it in the course of the afternoon of the 23rd, and some cloth or sacking was nailed up against the windows of the building on the side looking into Cato-street, for the obvious purpose of preventing the persons opposite from observing what was passing within.

On the afternoon of that day, Thistlewood, Ings, Bradburn, Hall, and others of the party met at Brunt's room, and you will find that they were seen putting flints into their pistols, accoutring themselves, and arming themselves with blunderbusses, pistols and swords, with which they were to proceed to Cato-street, and afterwards to lord Harrowby's.

It was thought by Thistlewood that it would be proper to prepare some sort of address to the people, which should be exhibited that night in different parts of the town, for the purpose of exciting disaffection, and of inducing persons to join their party; and he sat down, and wrote a proclamation, in the preparation of which, circumstances occurred most material for your consideration. It will appear to you, that there being in the room no paper upon which Thistlewood could write 4 G

the proclamation, and it having been suggested that cartridge paper would best answer the purpose, Brunt, the prisoner at the bar, sent his apprentice, Hale, to purchase some. Hale went out, and bought six sheets, which were afterwards carried into the room. Upon that paper Thistlewood wrote the proclamation, which it was intended should be stuck up near the places to which they intended to set fire on that night, so that by the light it might be made visible to the persons collected in the street. The address was to this effect: "Your tyrants are destroyed; the friends of liberty are called on to come forward, as the provisional government is now sitting. J. Ings, secretary. February 23rd, 1820." Three of these proclamations were prepared by Thistlewood, for the purpose of being used in the manner I have stated to you.

After this was done, and after they had provided themselves with arms, they proceeded to the stable in Cato-street.

ed Hiden to join them, detailed to him more fully the objects they had in view, and requested he would not fail to attend between six and seven o'clock.

In consequence of their plan being thus known to my lord Harrowby and the government, means were taken to prevent its execution, by the apprehension of these persons in Cato-street, on the evening of the 23rd. Between seven and eight o'clock there were assembled in Cato-street, Brunt the prisoner at the bar, Thistlewood, Ings, Harrison, Davidson, and others to the number of about four or five and twenty. I should here state to you, that the prisoner (who like the rest of his associates was anxious to increase their numbers, and to procure the assistance of as many persons as possible) had, on the preceding day, the Tuesday, applied to a man of the name of Monument, a shoemaker, to whom he had been introduced two or three weeks before, by Thistlewood; he told him he should want his aid on the following day, he imparted to him the watch-word by which they were to make themselves known to each other at Tyburn turnpike, the place of meeting at Cato-street not having at that time been fixed upon. On the 23rd after they had procured this stable, Brunt again saw Monument, and told him that he was to accompany Tidd; that he was to go to Tidd's house, in Hole-in-the-wall passage, who would take him to the place of rendezvous on that evening. You will have it proved to you, that Monument did accordingly call at Tidd's, and that he walked with Tidd to Cato street, and that he found Brunt there on his arrival.

It is proper that I should in this part of the narrative inform you, that upon the preceding day, intimation was given to lord Harrow by, of the plan which these persons had in contemplation, by a man of the name of Hiden, a cow-keeper, living in Manchester-mews, Manchester-street, and who was known to one of the conspirators, the prisoner Wilson. As the night of the execution of their plan approached, they became more and more anxious to procure all the assistance they could; they endeavoured to enlist associates from amongst those with whom they were acquainted, and to whom therefore they had the less difficulty in divulging generally the schemes they had in agitation. Hiden was, as I have observed, At Cato-street, the execution of their plans known to Wilson, and it will appear to you, was brought under consideration. They had that two or three days before the Wednesday, there collected a quantity of arms and a number Wilson had imparted to him the outline of the of those destructive instruments, grenades, the conspiracy, the taking the cannon and the use of which I will now state to you. It was assassination of his majesty's ministers, hoping intended that Thistlewood should knock at lord and expecting that Hiden would join them. Harrowby's door, under pretence of having a Hiden, when he came to reflect on the com- note to convey to his lordship, and access into munication made to him, immediately felt the the hall being thus obtained, others of the necessity of making the matter known to those party were to follow him, secure the servants, more particularly interested in the event, and enter into the room in which the cabinet he wrote a letter to lord Castlereagh, and ministers were sitting, and there execute the communicated to him the intended proceed murderous plan which they intended to effect. ings, which had been imparted to him by Wil- For that purpose they had prepared these son. He was unable to see lord Castlereagh grenades, which are balls of considerable size, personally, and he was fearful of being ob- in the centre of which is a quantity of gunserved to go into lord Castlereagh's house lest powder, about three ounces, inclosed in a tin. it should be known to these persons that he case; round the case are placed pieces of iron; was making a communication; he therefore some of those grenades which have been opened took an opportunity of watching lord Harrow- contained long nails, of that description which by, when riding in the park on Tuesday, and is used to fix the tires of cart-wheels to the wood he delivered to him a letter addressed to lord work to which they are attached. About eight Castlereagh, requesting his immediate attention or ten of these nails are fastened as tightly as to it, stating that it was of the utmost import- they can be round the tin-case holding the ance; by these and other means the plot gunpowder, with tow dipped in a composition became known to lord Harrowby, and to the of pitch tar and resin. From the gunpowder government of the country. On the follow- a fuse communicated with the surface of the ing day, Hiden saw Wilson again in the street, ball, which, being lighted, would produce an and Wilson then told him that they had fixed almost instantaneous explosion, the pieces of to meet that evening in Cato-street; he solicit-iron would be dispersed around in all direc

tions, and the consequences would be, that any person who should unhappily be struck by them would be deprived of existence, or be left wounded, maimed, and lacerated. Between seven and eight o'clock they began to prepare themselves for the execution of their designs; and doubts being entertained by some of the party, whether their number was quite adequate to all the objects they had in view, Thistlewood, in order to allay their apprehensions, stated that they had men enough there for the accomplishment of the assassination in Grosvenor-square, and that there were other parties in different parts of the town for the accomplishment of the duties assigned to them. This statement of Thistlewood was founded in fact, for it will appear that after the party had taken their departure from Brunt's house, other persons were expected to call there; amongst them was a man named Potter, one who was deep in their schemes, and was the intended leader of a band upon that night. From Brunt's, these persons were to be directed to proceed to the White Hart, from whence they were to move in divisions to the execution of the various tasks they had to perform. Palin was to be at the head of the fire party, and Cook was to command the detachment that was to take the cannon in Gray's-inn-lane and the Artillery-ground.

After this had been stated by Thistlewood, he proposed that a selection should be made of fourteen to enter the room at lord Harrowby's, to destroy his majesty's ministers. Among those who were to go into that room, were Harrison, who had been formerly in the Life-guards; Adams, who had some years ago served in the Oxford-blues; Ings, the butcher, who had prepared himself for the bloody scene in which he was to be an actor, in a most remarkable way, the prisoner Brunt, and Thistlewood. At the moment when they were separating themselves, the officers entered the stable below, and discovered Davidson, one of the persons included in this indictment, a man of colour; he was armed with two pistols in a belt, a blunderbuss in his hand, and a cutlass at his side, and was standing as sentry, at the foot of the step ladder which led from the stable to the loft above; Ings was also stationed in the stable; he had a black belt round his body, in which were inserted a brace of pistols, and also a remarkable instrument, which will be exhibited to you, a large butcher's knife; he had stated upon the preceding day, and also upon the evening of their meeting in Cato-street, that with that knife he himself intended to enter the room in which the ministers were sitting, and that he had provided himself with it for the purpose of mutilating the bodies of lord Castlereagh and lord Sidmouth; he had also furnished himself with two bags or haversacks, which he had fastened over each shoulder; in these he intended to carry off the heads of those two distinguished persons, in order that they might be exhibited on pikes in the street, to infuriate

the people and to excite them to insurrection. The leading officer directed his followers to lay hold of those two persons, in order to secure them; but the officers being anxious to get into the loft, Davidson and Ings were not taken into custody at the moment, although the knife was taken from Ings. The first of the police who went up was Ruthven; and it will appear, that while he was ascending the ladder, either Ings or Davidson gave an alarm from below to their associates above. On Ruthven's gaining the loft, the first object that struck his notice was Thistlewood, whose person was well known to him, Ruthven having been acquainted with it for some years. Thistlewood, on seeing Ruthven, seized a sword which was on a carpenter's bench before him, and on which other arms were ranged, and retired into a small room adjoining, fenc. ing with his sword, in order to keep off Ruthven and his supporters, who were advancing, and who announced to the persons assembled that they were officers of justice, and that they were come to apprehend them. Ellis was immediately behind Ruthven, and he was followed by an unfortunate man named Smithers. Smithers, observing Thistlewood in this attitude in the small room, passed his companions, and advanced to apprehend him. On his approaching, Thistlewood came forward and thrust the sword into his heart; the lights were extinguished; a cry was raised of" Kill the thieves, throw them down stairs!" a rush was made to the ladder; the officers were precipitated into the stable; Thistlewood followed close behind them, discharged a pistol, as he descended, at another of the officers, then made his way through the stable and escaped. Several of the persons succeeded in eluding the vigilance of the officers on that night, others of them were apprehended; amongst them Davidson, after a very desperate resistance on his part; and I only call your attention to him now, in order to state his conduct and expressions when he was taken into custody-conduct and expressions evincing most clearly, if there could be the least doubt upon the mind of any man, what was the object of this conspiracy. On his being apprehended, he immediately exclaimed, "who would not die in liberty's cause?" that "he cared not for his life, that the cause in which they were embarked was that of freedom, and who would not perish in that cause?" These expressions must convince you that the object was to overturn the government, and that the assassination of his majesty's ministers was only the first step to the accomplishment of that object.

The prisoner Brunt made his escape; he returned home about nine o'clock, or a little after, and Hale, his apprentice, happened to be in the house on his arrival; he came back with his coat and boots extremely dirty; he told his wife (and this is a part of the case which it is most material for you to attend to) that it was all over, that they had been attacked by the officers, and he had escaped only with his

to you on his behalf by his counsel, when the period arrives at which they will have to address themselves to this case. I anticipate that it will be argued before you, that the plan which this person had conceived was wild and

you are to pay no attention whatever to the evidence which shall be given to you to prove its existence. Let me caution you as to the application of that observation to the present case: whether the plan was practicable or not; whether they had over-rated their force and their means of accomplishing it or not, is not a matter for your inquiry. The only question is, does the evidence which will be adduced to you, satisfy you, that the scheme I have detailed was harboured in the mind of the prisoner at the bar; if it were, and he acted in furtherance and execution of it in the manner I have stated, however wild, however visionary, however impracticable it may have been, the guilt which is imputed by the present indictment will be established and fixed upon him.

life. Presently after another man came in, who, it should seem, had been one of the party in Cato-street, and had effected his escape, but had received in the contest some consider able blows and wounds; he stated, that he had been knocked down and hurt; they both ap-visionary, was impracticable, and that therefore peared to be glad to find themselves again in the society of each other; and the prisoner Brunt stated, that though they had been thus dispersed in Cato-street, "all was not yet over," alluding, undoubtedly, to the different bodies collected in other parts of the town. And he said to the other man, " come along ;" and they went then out together; he was absent from that time till near eleven o'clock, when he returned again to his house. Before he retired to rest, he directed Hale to get up on the following morning to clean his boots; and he himself at an early hour awakened him, and then asked him, whether he knew a place called Snow's-fields, in the Borough. The lad replied, "he did not :" the prisoner told him where it was, and then went into the back room (that room which had been hired under the false pretence of being a lodging for Ings, but in which, as I have stated, the meetings of the conspirators were held, and their preparations were made) and from the cupboard in that room, he took out several hand-grenades and some fire-balls; these he packed up in two baskets, covering one of the baskets with an apron belonging to his wife, and which had been used as a window curtain to that room, telling the apprentice, he was to take them and their contents, to a manofthename of Potter, in Snow's fields. He had just finished, when Taunton, the officer, arrived at the house to apprehend him. Taunton found the prisoner in his own room, and you will hear the conversation he had with him. Brunt affected not to know who it was that had taken the back room; said, that he had nothing whatever to do with it; pretended to be wholly ignorant of the two baskets which he had just been preparing, and denied any knowledge whatever of any thing in that room. An iron pot was standing there belonging to the prisoner, in which they had prepared their pitch and resin, and other combustibles; of this also he said he knew nothing, and persisted in his denial of being acquainted with the contents of the baskets, although he had immediately before been engaged in the act of packing them, for the purpose of being sent off. Upon this he was apprehended, and he now stands here for trial before you.

But even in our own experience, other plans of a similar nature, equally wild,have been conceived and formed; without adverting to any particular case, you will recollect, that, in estimating the practicability of this plan, you are not to reason upon it in the manner in which you or myself would judge of it coolly in our closets, but you are to remember that these men had long entertained this project; that they had brooded over it till they overlooked all the difficulties which intervened between its conception and its execution; that they imagined a blow once struck by them, would excite the disaffection which they vainly imagined prevailed in this large metropolis among a great number of its inhabitants; that they should be joined by an overwhelming force, and that with that force they should be able to overturn the existing government, leaving to the book of chance what other institution might be substituted for it. The evidence will shew you what were their preparations, preparations wholly inconsistent with the idea that the assassination of his majesty's ministers was the only crime they meditated. You will find that at Tidd's house was seized on the day after their meeting in Cato-street, no less a quantity than twelve hundred rounds of ball-cartridge; they had procured, as I have stated, a great number of grenades; they had cartridges for the purpose of loading cannon; and, in addition to these things, they were provided with fire-balls, intended to be used in burning the different buildings which had been fixed upon, and amongst others the barracks near Port

Thistlewood also made his escape on the night of the 23rd; he did not return to his own home, but fled for concealment to the house of one Harris, in a street near Moor-man-square, well known to Harrison, who had fields; and on the morning of the 24th, at about ten o'clock, was apprehended there in bed, with some of his clothes on.

I believe I have now detailed, as briefly and as clearly as I have been able, the main facts which will be adduced in evidence against the prisoner at the bar. I can anticipate, perhaps, some of the observations which will be made

been quartered there. These preparations and this ammunition shew plainly, that the work they meditated was not to terminate in the assassination of his majesty's ministers, but that these conspirators had ulterior objects in contemplation, and that they were bent upon the overthrow and destruction of the government. But let us for a moment consider that part

of the scheme to which your attention will be very much directed in the course of this inquiry, I mean the assassination of his majesty's ministers. With what view could these conspirators meditate their destruction? Were they persons against whom, individually, these men had conceived revenge? Was it against lord Liverpool, was it against the duke of Wellington, was it against the lord chancellor, personally, that their hostility was directed? Who were the parties to make the attack? Were these twenty or five-and-twenty persons united by any common bond of interest? I ask you, as men of sense and understanding, whether you can doubt that that part of their plan was more than a preliminary step? that their swords were not to be raised against his majesty's ministers, as individuals merely, but as distinguished personages filling the highest offices in the state, and possessing the confidence of their sovereign. In that character alone, had the illustrious guests of lord Harrowby become the intended victims of the instigators and supporters of this horrible plot. This assassination was to have been the first act of the tragedy; the overthrow of the government was to have been last.

It will perhaps be said that in a case like the present, the testimony ought to be such as to leave no doubt on your minds of the truth of the story which is narrated-that it should come from unpolluted sources, from witnesses untainted by crime. Undoubtedly, in all cases submitted to the consideration of a jury, it is their duty to be satisfied that the evidence is clear and conclusive before they pronounce a verdict against the prisoner. But the secret machinations and designs of conspirators, planning and acting in a scheme like the present, can only be developed to their full extent by the evidence of some of those who have been participators in their guilt. An accomplice in these cases is, generally speaking, the only witness that can be produced fully to discover and make known to the court the plans and machinations of his associates. That the testimony of such a person ought to be watched with the utmost anxiety and jealousy I most readily admit; and unless it receives confirmation from uncontaminated sources, a jury is never advised to come to a conclusion unfavourable to the accused. Upon his evidence alone, in this case, however, I think you will agree, when you have heard the story which the accomplice Adams will tell, and the confirmation which will be given to you of that story-confirmation of the strongest and most impregnable kind, not as to one or two particular circumstances only, but I might say as to almost all the leading facts which he will relate; I say, I think you will be satisfied that he is the witness of truth. To produce confirmation of every part of his testimony would be impossible, and if it were possible, it would render the evidence of the accomplice altogether unnecessary, because the account he is to give might then be proved by witnesses

liable to no objection. The confirmation which you ought to require in this instance should be such as to convince you that the general tenor of the narrative of Adams is true. Such confirmation you will receive from witnesses upon whom there is not the shadow of an imputation-witnesses upon whose veracity you may with confidence rely.

But the case will not rest upon the testimony of an accomplice, though fully confirmed, A witness will be called before you, who was not an accomplice, and who, if his account be not true, was a man endowed with the spirit of prophecy; I mean Hiden; because he, before the transaction took place, communicated it to lord Harrowby, at a time when he had no interest whatever operating upon his mind to induce him to make the disclosure, except a desire of averting that evil which he saw impending over the person of that nobleman and his colleagues in office. Against Hiden no charge could have been or can be preferred, because, although in words he appeared to assent to the scheme of the conspirators, he never acted in a single part of the plot. If you receive from this person not only an account of the scheme, but one completely confirmatory of the testimony of the accomplice, it appears to me that it is no longer possible for you to hesitate on the conclusion to which you are to arrive. I do not advert to the testimony of Monument, because the observations which apply to Adams apply equally to him. ought, however, to remark, that although Monument was undoubtedly found in Catostreet, and had agreed to meet Brunt and Tidd there that evening, he does not appear to have been fully informed of the extent of the scheme till his actual arrival in the room, and does not seem therefore to be so deeply implicated in the transaction as Adams.


Such being the case, it will be your duty, after you have heard the evidence, calmly and deliberately to weigh the effect of it. If, after the observations which I have made to you, you shall think that the proof adduced does not fully satisfy your minds of the guilt of the prisoner at the bar, and you shall entertain a reasonable doubt respecting it (but it must be a rational and a well-founded doubt), give the prisoner at the bar the benefit of it; but if on the contrary, however wild in your estimation, and however impracticable the scheme may have been, still, if upon considering the whole of the evidence, you shall be convinced that it was formed, and was on the eve of execution, then, gentlemen, it is a duty you owe to yourselves and to your country to act upon that conviction, and, without hesitation, without regard to the consequences to follow from your decision, to pronounce a verdict of guilty.

Lord Chief Baron.-Bring into court the other prisoners named in the indictment who have not been tried.

[William Davidson, Richard Tidd, James William Wilson, John Harrison,

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