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Mr. Austin the master Rigger of Chatham Yard was Boatswain to Admiral Nelson and after one of his great victories had occasion to visit the Admiralty, he knew little of London, and having been stopping at the Golden Cross, Charing Cross, which is in sight, and within a few yards, of the Admiralty, he called a coach and ordered to be driven there. He was shut into his vehicle driven round by Spring Garden, instead of crossing the road direct to it, and in a few seconds was set down and paid his shilling. He often now laughs heartily at his short ride. Coaches and Cabriolets with their horses are to be found with their drivers night and day, rain or shine, upon their stands; the horse has his food in his nosebag, a man to water them is upon each stand, and the horses and drivers appear to be of that description of animals that no weather can hurt, no disease reach, and in fact weather proof. It is said that, the expenditure upon a hackney coach for the duty, licenses and feeding of their horses is upwards of thirty shillings per week, there is then the driver to keep, an occasional new horse, and repairs to their carriages, so that these also, although a great comfort and convenience to the public, must be a speculation not paying largely for the capital employed, including risks.

We may as well at this part state that private vehicles of every description may be hired in London, and on the evening of Sunday it is

curious to see the thousands of various carriages and horses which are coming from all points into London. You will see Stanhopes, Dennetts and Cabs of high finish and good horses; you will see Gigs and Pony Chaises, Taxed Carts and every other description of known vehicle into which a horse can be placed; the poor horses dragging along their heavy loads, as if every body was resolved to get as much work out of them as they possibly can. You will see many hundreds of four wheeled open chaises drawn by one horse, with seven or eight heavy persons behind a poor worn out animal, and generally the lash of the whip worn off, and part of the leather thong untwisted by thrashing the wretched creature to make him increase his speed. You will see poor miserable undersized donkeys drawing a cart full of people and the driver with a stout stick constantly beating the poor half starved animal; all this may be seen at any of the principal entrances, such as Hyde Park Corner, Elephant and Castle, or Shoreditch Church.

Yet perhaps no where can such really elegant carriages and good horses be procured, as may be had for hire in London by those to whom money is no object; you can at some of the Mews in London procure for about two pounds for the day of sixteen hours, a carriage that cannot be distinguished from the undecorated carriage of a nobleman, with horses as good as are


driven by any gentleman, and you may be driven (as far as the strength of the horses will enable them to draw a carriage) by a decent dressed coachman, whom nobody would know from a servant out of livery.

Very many persons who have houses without the convenience of stables for their horses, or being without a coach house, contract at perhaps £300. a year for a man and pair of handsome horses with a beautiful carriage to come to their houses every day, and in fact use them exactly as if they were their own, having this additional advantage that whereas sometimes their own horses would be unwell, and they would be unable to use them, the parties agreeing to furnish the horses and carriages, have to provide horses every day in the year by substituting fresh horses when necessary: Physicians and Surgeons do this sort of thing very often.

There are other persons who wish to ride three times in every week upon fixed days at certain hours, and these persons for riding four or five hours each day in a similar vehicle pay about £100. a year. There are others who always have a good vehicle on the Sunday for four or five hours, and pay about £60. a year, all the above named terms are for first rate carriages and horses; others from which the first gloss has been worn off and horses of second rate quality are to be had for much less money, perhaps about half

the sums named. Another mode is for persons who keep their own carriage hiring by the year from the Livery Stable keepers, horses which are groomed, and driven by the gentleman's own servants, the person constantly agreeing to furnish them continually with good handsome horses. A large proportion of travelling in England, is by what are called post horses and post chaises. These are carriages like chariots, and are drawn by two horses most usually, but four when required. The carriages are very good and easy to travel in, but in a conspicuous situation upon all of them is placed the owner's name and place of abode, so that they cannot be mistaken for private carriages. For a chaise with a pair of horses you pay fifteen pence per mile, and at about every eight or ten miles you have fresh horses, and post boy, to whom about two shillings and six pence per stage of eight or ten miles is given. If you add to this the payment of turnpikes to keep the roads good, it will amount to about one shilling and ten pence per mile. If you have four horses you have two post boys to pay, and then there is thirty pence a mile for chaise and horses to pay. You can travel from seven to eleven miles per hour at your discretion by either of these modes.

But for travelling expeditiously and pleasantly there is nothing like a well horsed stage coach, where four, or in some coaches six ride inside, and ten or twelve on the top. These stage coaches are many

of them beautifully built and tastefully decorated, with high bred blood horses that only require to be guided and scarcely touched with the whip. The coachmen are many of them in appearance quite gentlemen, indeed we believe there is one nobleman, there certainly is one Baronet, and many of the sons of gentlemen who drive stage coaches. These travel at upwards of ten miles an hour, they have fresh horses every eight or ten miles, and to those who wish to see scenery and to enjoy a rapid travel through the country, let them some fine summer's morning get upon a coach box, alongside of the coachman, who knows every place and every thing connected with it, and we are quite sure they will be amply repaid for their trouble; the rate of travelling is about threepence per mile outside, and about fourpence halfpenny per mile in the inside, added to which every time you change your coachman, which in long journies is about every thirty miles, the outside passengers give the coachman one shilling each, and the inside passengers two shillings each.

Having given the description of the public and private conveyances of London, we cannot conclude the subject without suggesting to our countrymen and proposing a plan for adopting the omnibus system at Bombay.

We know that there are thousands of persons residing out of Fort, and who hold appointments in Town, at the numerous mercantile houses and at

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