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senate library and the library of congress; judges and clerks of circuit and district courts of the United States in this state; justices and clerks of the Supreme Court, judges of the circuit courts, judges and clerks of the superior and police courts; all county officers; supervisors and clerks of townships; clerks of incorporated villages and cities; justices of the peace of townships, villages and cities actually serving as such; public, free and incorporated libraries and bar association libraries. In addition to the foregoing, there Additional may be published of said Public Acts such further number of copies. copies as the Secretary of State shall deem needful and two hundred copies thereof shall be deposited in the state library for use in said library and for exchanges, and the remaining copies shall be deposited in the office of the Secretary of State for sale and future distribution. And the Secretary of State is further authorized to publish and distribute to all persons who shall require them, in pamphlet form, duly annotated and indexed, compilations of the general laws upon the following subjects: General and primary elections; bi- Pamphlet ennial supplement to the township officers' guide; all acts compilations. of a general nature given immediate effect by the legislature, within thirty days after their passage; and such other subjects as he may deem necessary and as may be approved by the Board of State Auditors. The Auditor General shall publish and distribute all pamphlets of the general tax law or of all other laws relating to the revenues of the state, in such form and in such quantities as the Board of State Auditors may deem necessary.

Approved April 7, 1921.

[No. 33.]

AN ACT to amend section one of act number two hundred forty-seven of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred nineteen, entitled "An act to permit the taking of cisco by the use of gill nets in the waters of certain lakes in Cass county, and providing for the licensing and regulation of such fishing by the State Game, Fish and Forestry Warden."

The People of the State of Michigan enact:


SECTION 1. Section one of act number two hundred forty- Section seven of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred nineteen, entitled "An act to permit the taking of cisco by the use of gill nets in the waters of certain lakes in Cass county, and providing for the licensing and regulation of such fishing by the State Game, Fish and Forestry Warden," is hereby amended to read as follows:

Section amended.

of Public Acts.

[No. 32.]

AN ACT to amend section two of act number forty-four of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-nine, entitled "An act to provide for the publication and distribution of laws and documents, reports of the several officers, boards of officers, and public institutions of this state now or hereafter to be published, and to provide for the replacing of books lost by fire or otherwise, and to provide for the publication and distribution of the official directory and legislative manual of the state of Michigan, and to repeal act number one hundred twenty-two of the session laws of eighteen hundred eighty-nine, approved May thirty-one, eighteen hundred eighty-nine, act number twenty of the session laws of eighteen hundred eighty-nine, approved March nineteen, eighteen hundred eighty-nine, and all other laws or parts of laws contravening or inconsistent with this act," as amended by act number two hundred twenty-five of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred three, being compilers' section eight hundred twenty-one of the Compiled Laws of nineteen hundred fifteen.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Section two of act number forty-four of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-nine, entitled "An act to provide for the publication and distribution of laws and documents, reports of the several officers, boards of officers, and public institutions of this state now or hereafter to be published, and to provide for the replacing of books lost by fire or otherwise, and to provide for the publication and distribution of the official directory and legislative manual of the state of Michigan, and to repeal act number one hundred twenty-two of the session laws of eighteen hundred eightynine, approved May thirty-one, eighteen hundred eighty-nine, act number twenty of the session laws of eighteen hundred eighty-nine, approved March nineteen, eighteen hundred eighty-nine, and all other laws or parts of laws contravening or inconsistent with this act," as amended by act number two hundred twenty-five of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred three, being compilers' section eight hundred twenty-one of the Compiled Laws of nineteen hundred fifteen, is hereby amended to read as follows:

SEC. 2. There shall be published of the volume containing the Public Acts of each session of the legislature a sufficient number of copies to supply the following persons, officers, libraries, corporations, and societies with one copy each, viz.: Libraries of all state departments, boards, commissions and institutions, members of the legislature passing such acts, senators and representatives of this state in congress; the secretary of state of the United States, the United States

senate library and the library of congress; judges and clerks of circuit and district courts of the United States in this state; justices and clerks of the Supreme Court, judges of the circuit courts, judges and clerks of the superior and police courts; all county officers; supervisors and clerks of townships; clerks of incorporated villages and cities; justices of the peace of townships, villages and cities actually serving as such; public, free and incorporated libraries and bar association libraries. In addition to the foregoing, there Additional may be published of said Public Acts such further number of copies. copies as the Secretary of State shall deem needful and two hundred copies thereof shall be deposited in the state library for use in said library and for exchanges, and the remaining copies shall be deposited in the office of the Secretary of State for sale and future distribution. And the Secretary of State is further authorized to publish and distribute to all persons who shall require them, in pamphlet form, duly annotated and indexed, compilations of the general laws upon the following subjects: General and primary elections; bi- Pamphlet ennial supplement to the township officers' guide; all acts compilations. of a general nature given immediate effect by the legislature, within thirty days after their passage; and such other subjects as he may deem necessary and as may be approved by the Board of State Auditors. The Auditor General shall publish and distribute all pamphlets of the general tax law or of all other laws relating to the revenues of the state, in such form and in such quantities as the Board of State Auditors may deem necessary.

Approved April 7, 1921.

[No. 33.]

AN ACT to amend section one of act number two hundred forty-seven of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred nineteen, entitled "An act to permit the taking of cisco by the use of gill nets in the waters of certain lakes in Cass county, and providing for the licensing and regulation of such fishing by the State Game, Fish and Forestry Warden."

The People of the State of Michigan enact:


SECTION 1. Section one of act number two hundred forty- Section seven of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred nineteen, entitled "An act to permit the taking of cisco by the use of gill nets in the waters of certain lakes in Cass county, and providing for the licensing and regulation of such fishing by the State Game, Fish and Forestry Warden," is hereby amended to read as follows:

Open season for cisco.

SEC. 1. Hereafter it shall be lawful from the fifteenth day of November to the tenth day of December, inclusive, of each year, to take cisco in any of the waters of Harwood, Weatherbee, and Lime lakes in Newberg township; Birch, Shavehead, Baldwin, Wood, Little Wood, and Long lakes in Porter township; Bunker lake in Volinia township; Donnell and Curtis lakes in Penn township, all in Cass county, by means Proviso, legal of gill nets: Provided, however, That no such gill net shall exceed ten rods in length nor be of a mesh less than two and one-half inch, nor more than four and one-quarter inch, extension measure, nor shall any person use or have in his possession at any time more than one of such nets: Provided further, That no such net shall be floated from the surface of the water or set except between the time of sunset of one day to sunrise of the following morning, nor in water exceeding fifteen feet in depth.


Further proviso.

Approved April 7, 1921.

Title and sec

[No. 34.]

AN ACT to amend the title and section one of act number thirty-five of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninetyone, entitled "An act to prevent the taking, catching or destruction of fish in Donnell's lake and Diamond lake in Penn township, Mud lake in Calvin township, and Indian lake, Dewey lake, Cable lake, Magician lake and Crooked lake in Silver Creek township, all in the county of Cass; and Crooked lake and Round lake in the township of Keeler in Van Buren county; and Brush lake in the townships of Berrien and Pipestone, and Long lake in Berrien township, Berrien county, and Lee lake in Newton township in the county of Calhoun."

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. The title and section one of act number thirtytion amended. five of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-one, entitled "An act to prevent the taking, catching or destruction of fish in Donnell's lake and Diamond lake in Penn township, Mud lake in Calvin township, and Indian lake, Dewey lake, Cable lake, Magician lake and Crooked lake in Silver Creek township, all in the county of Cass; and Crooked lake and Round lake in the township of Keeler in Van Buren county; and Brush lake in the townships of Berrien and Pipestone, and Long lake in Berrien township, Berrien county, and Lee lake in Newton township in the county of Calhoun," are hereby amended to read as follows:


An Act to prevent the taking, catching or destruction of fish in the lakes known as Indian lake, Dewey lake, Cable lake, Magician lake and Crooked lake in Silver Creek township, all in the county of Cass; and Crooked lake and Round lake in the township of Keeler in Van Buren county; and Brush lake in the townships of Berrien and Pipestone, and Long lake in Berrien township, Berrien county, and Lee lake in Newton township in the county of Calhoun.

use spear, etc.

SEC. 1. That it shall not be lawful for any person to Unlawful to take, catch or kill any fish in the lakes known as Indian lake, Dewey lake, Cable lake, Magician lake and Crooked lake in Silver Creek township, all in the county of Cass; and Crooked lake and Round lake in the township of Keeler in Van Buren county; and Brush lake in the townships of Berrien and Pipestone, and Long lake in Berrien township, Berrien county; Lee lake in Newton township, county of Calhoun, with spear, net, grab-hook or by the use of jacks or artificial light of any kind, or any kind of firearms or explosive material, set lines or other device, except the hook and line. Approved April 7, 1921.

[No. 35.]

AN ACT prohibiting the letting of state or municipal contracts upon a "cost-plus" basis, so-called.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:


SECTION 1. Hereafter it shall be unlawful for any officer, Cost-plus conboard, commission or other person acting on the part of the tracts unlawstate or of any municipality thereof, to enter into any contract with any person, or persons, or corporation for the construction of any public building, highway, bridge, or any equipment, machinery or other structure pertaining to such construction, or for the making of repairs or improvements to existing buildings, roads or bridges or other structures, wherein the consideration for such work or material shall be expressly based upon the cost thereof plus a percentage over and above such cost. The intent of this act is to prohibit the making of such contracts upon what is commonly known and designated as the "cost-plus" plan: Provided, Proviso, defihowever, That the provisions of this act shall not prohibit the making of a contract upon the so-called cost-plus basis if such contract shall provide a definite sum not exceeding twenty thousand dollars as the maximum which shall be paid to the contractor, which maximum sum shall also be

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