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A number of English gentlemen in Dublin have lately formed a Society of "St. George," for the relief of their distressed countrymen in that City. The plan is nearly similar to that of "St. Patrick's" in London.

Tranquillity is not yet restored in the county of Roscommon: outrages have recently been committed.

Married.] Latham Blacker, esq. of Dublin, to Miss Catherine Miller, of Armagh.John M'Kennt, esq. of Dublin, to Jane, widow of the Rev. Dr. Miller, of Prospect, county of Dublin. Mr. J. Blair, to Miss C. Booth, both of Belfast.

Died.] At Belfast, in North-street, 57, Mrs. H. Small.-Mrs. M. Delap.


At Bagdad, on the 26th of August, the thermometer in the shade rose to 120, and at midnight was 108; many persons died, and the priests propagated a report that the day of judgment was at hand.

Sir Thomas Maitland, the British Commissioner, in a speech at the opening of the Ionian Parliament described these islands as in a state of tranquillity, notwithstanding the horrible outrage of Parga.

In Port Louis, after an illness of only 12 hours, Major William George Waugh, of the East India Company's military service. He was born in London, in the year 1779, and was the fifth son of an eminent and opulent merchant. Proceeding to Judia at an early period of his life, he gradually rose to the rank which he held at the time of his death. His early habits of industry and application, joined to a peculiar aptitude at accounts, qualified him more particularly for those civil branches of service, to which military men are eli. gible; and in offices of this nature, Major Waugh was successively employed at the Presidency of Madras, and in the Eastern Islands. Circumstances of a domestic nature called him to England, at a moment when the prospect of a rapid and splendid fortune had opened upon him with all the attraction of certainty. But filial and fraternal affection prevailed over every other consideration, and Major Waugh returned to his native country at the call of a widowed mother, where, on his arrival, he found himself doomed only to weep with, and console his orphan sisters. Having fulfilled these duties in a manner, as much beyond human praise as earthly reward, he returned to India, to seek that advancement which was become more than ever

necessary to him; and on his passage in 1810, was captured in the Company's ship Windham, and brought a prisoner to this Island, from whence being exchanged, he returned to Madras.

On his arrival there, he joined the expedition then preparing for the conquest of this island, and obtained on that event, from his former friend and protector, his Excellency Governor Farquhar, the post of Treasurer and Accountant-General to the new colonies. He has since filled a variety of the highest situations in each, terial arrangements having left him withunder various circumstances, until minisout public employ, and his active disposition revolting at the idea of that indolence which attends on want of occupation, his military views having already terminated by ill health, and a consequent retirement on full pay on the invalid list, Major Waugh turned his attention to other objects, and determined to embark his property in commercial and agricultural pursuits. In consequence, at the period of his death, he was a partner in the house of Berry and Company, of Port Louis, and a proprietor in equal shares with Mr. Telfare, in the large estate of Belombre. every relation of life, a rigid unbending integrity, and a strictness of principle bordering on severity, was, to the world's eye, the prevailing feature of Major Waugh's character. To those who gained his confidence, he gave his friendship with such a single heartedness, such devotion, such sincerity of attachment, as no language can describe, and experience only appreciate; and this was accompanied by a generosity of feeling and practice, which none but its objects ever knew.-Mauritius Gazette, Jan. 22.


In Paris, 85, Count Volney, the celebrated author of the Ruins of Empires, and of many literary and political productions. He was a native of Craon, in Bretagne, a member of the French Academy, and a Peer, created by Napoleon. Count Volney was a correspondent of the Literary Society of Calcutta, and has bequeathed 1200 francs of rentes for ever, to found a premium for the best Essay on the Oriental Languages, and particularly on the simplification of their characters. His funeral obsequies were performed on the 28th, and his remains carried thence to the cemetery of P. Lachaise.

At Rheims, 86, Mr Levêque de Pouilly, author of several esteemed works on antiquities.


To make room for the very important discussions relative to the distresses in Trade and Agriculture, we have given an extra half sheet.

A Correspondent asks, Whether there is any good English version of Pausanias ; and if so, where a copy could be obtained?

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ERRATUM. In the notice of the Exhibition, at page 439, for ARNOLD, read A. W. CALLCOTT.



No. 341.]

JULY 1, 1820.

[6 of Vol. 49.

If any one enquire in regard to the public feelings which guide the Conductor of this Miscellany, he replies, that in Politics, he is an immovable friend to the principles of civil liberty, and of a benevolent administration of government; and is of the party of the Tories, the Whigs, and the Radical Reformers, as far as they are friends to the same principles and practices;-that in matters of Religion, acting in the spirit of Christianity, he maintains perfect liberty of conscience, and is desirous of living in mutual charity with every sect of Christians; and that, in Philosophy, he prefers the useful to the speculative, constantly rejecting doctrines which have no better foundation than the authority of respected names, and admitting the assumption of no causes which are not equal and analogous to the effects.



To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.



HE Memoirs of Napoleon, reprinted in America, as having been written by himself, contain too many errors of fact, and are replete with assertions too palpably unsupported, to admit the possibility of their having been the work of this great Chief, who in this instance has been badly served by the inconsiderate and culpable zeal of the true author.*

This publication, bearing as it does, the same stamp, and apparently the same texture with the accounts of the campaign of 1815, by Gen. Gourgaud, can be considered only as a second edition of that work revised and added to, and from which have been expunged the most obnoxious charges against Marech. Ney, that others equally absurd might be substituted upon my conduct. Although I have already answered the work of Gen. Gourgaud with official papers, accompanied with critical observations; which have shown that the greater part of his reasonings was from a plan of campaign evidently drawn after the event, yet I owe to myself an immediate protest against this new attack upon my military reputation, and violation of the truth of history. Some of the accusations embodied in this last publication

* We have received this letter from Ame

rica, and we give place to it as matter of impartiality, but Count Grouchy errs in supposing the work not to be the production of Napoleon, as well as in his deductions from the letters to which he gives place. Napoleon may have misrepresented the Count, but the misrepresentations of which the Count complains were undoubtedly made by Napoleon. who dictated the Memoirs in question, and has long been employed on other volumes of the series.-EDITOR.


are of such importance, that their formal and explicit denial ought not to be delayed, or await the complete refutation which is preparing for them.

I therefore declare the greater part of the assertions, which this work contains respecting me, to be false and calumnious. I declare the greater part of the orders and instructions which it

details so formally, to be invented or garbled. All those asserted to have and during the night of the 18th, are been transmitted to me on the 17th, suppositions. The most ample proof of this appears in the book of orders and correspondence of the Major Gen. chief of the staff, the organ of communication between the Commander in Chief and his general officers. This unanswerable document, given up to me together with the command in chief of the army, by Marshal Soult, after the loss of the battle of Waterloo, shows that no orders those comprised in two letters, the one or instructions were sent to me, except at 10 o'clock in the morning, the other

at one in the afternoon of the 18th. I challenge the production of a single note or minute of any other order, or of a single officer who will assert, that during the evening or night of the 17th of June, he delivered to me a single instruction, dispatch, or even message from Napoleon or from the Major Gen. As to the emphatical expressions and counsels placed in the mouth of Lieut. Gen. Excelmans (page 149 of these memoirs) this officer has recently given at Paris the proper estimate of their veracity, and consequently of the credit to which the rest of this work is intitled, by a solemn declaration, in answer to the inquiry of my son, on the 11th of last January, that his only communication with me, during the 18th, was through the intervention of his aidesde-camp; and that consequently this conversation was altogether invented. It is true that Lieut. Gen. Gerard hav3 R


ing joined me late on the morning of the 18th, urged me to proceed in the direction of the cannon which were heard upon our left: but this responsibility I was unwilling to encounter, convinced as I always have been, that the arrangement of the war (if the expression may be used) belongs exclusively to the commander in chief, and that his subordinate officers are restricted to the execution of his plans. It was certainly unfortunate that the troops under my cammand were not marched upon Waterloo, but it is to be imputed to the Emperor as much and more than to me, since my advance upon Wavres, accorded with his intentions, conveyed to me in the following letter at the moment of his dispositions for the engagement. It has been already published, but may with propriety be inserted here.

"In advance of the farm of Caillou the 18th June, 10 o'clock A. M. Major Gen. Marshal Soult to Marshal Grouchy. "Marechal, the Emperor has received your last dispatch dated Gembloux; you state to H. M. that two Prussian columns have passed on Sauvenieres and Sartavalin. It is reported, however, that a third, in considerable force has passed at Gery and Gentines, advancing upon Wavres. I am instructed by the Emperor to apprise you that he is at this moment about to attack the English army, which has taken position at Waterloo, in front of the forest of Soignes. His Majesty therefore desires that you should advance upon Wavres for the purpose of continuing your approach to us, preserving the connexion of operations and keeping up the communication, driving before you all the Prussian corps which have taken this direction, and which may halt at Wavres, where you are to arrive with all possible expedition; you will cause the columns of the enemy which are on your right, to be followed by some light troops to observe their movements, and to pick up stragglers.

"You will acquaint me immediately with your dispositions, and the direction of your march, together with whatever intelligence you may obtain of the enemy. You are not to omit to keep up your communications with us. The Emperor desires to receive frequent accounts from you.

(Signed)" Major Gen, DUC DE DALMATIE.

It is evident, from this letter, that Napoleon, in engaging, did not in the least calculate upon the immediate cooperation of the corps under my command, and by this letter, it was made my duty not to yield to the instances of Lieut. Gen. Gerard. A second letter, written by command of Napoleon (not at 11 o'clock in the morning, as falsely alleged in these memoirs, but at 1

o'clock in the afternoon of the 18th) was in the following terms:

"On the field of battle at Waterloo, the 18th, at one o'clock in the afternoon"Major Gen. Marshal Soult, to Marshal Grouchy.

"Marechal, You have apprised the Emperor at two o'clock this morning that you were in march upon Sartavalain, whence it was your intention to proceed upon Corbaix or Wavres. This movement corresponds with the dispositions of H. M. which have been communicated to you" (see the preceding letter). "The Emperor commands me, however, to say to you, that you are always to manoeuvre in our direction, it rests with you to ascertain our situation and to govern yourself accordingly, keep up to the communication, and to attack and destroy any of the enemy's forces that may attempt to disturb our right. At this moment the battle is gained along the line at Waterloo, the enemy's centre is at Mont-St. Jean, your motions are therefore to effect a junction with our right.

(Signed) "The DUC DE DALMATIE."

"P. S. An intercepted letter states that Gen. Bulow is to attack our right flank, we think that this corps is to be perceived upon the heights of St. Lambert, you are therefore not to lose a moment in your approach to join us, and to destroy Bulow, whom you will take at the greatest disadvantage."

It is impossible to resist the conviction from this and the preceding letter, that the whole contents of these Memoirs of Napoleon, relating to the movements or dispositions said to have been prescribed to the portion of the army under my command, are no better than a mere romance.* In fact, the assertion of the author, and particularly those in pages 111 and 112 of the Memoirs, are in direct contradiction to these dispatches. It is there stated as follows:

"At 10 o'clock in the evening of the 17th, Napoleon dispatched an officer to Marshal Grouchy, to inform him that a general engagement would take place on the morrow, that the English army was posted in front of the forest of Soignes, with the village of La Haie as the point of appui on the left, and commanding him to detach from his corps at Wavres, a division of 7,000 troops of all descriptions, upon St. Lambert, before daybreak, with 16 pieces of cannon, to form a junction with the main army and to act in

concert with them. That the moment he was ascertained of the evacuation of Wavres by Marshal Blucher, and his retreat being continued upon Bruxelles or in any other direction, he should advance with the greater part

* Marshal Grouchy, may be a good and brave man, but he is evidently a bad reasoner, for nothing could be more clear than his instructions. EDITOR,


of his force to support the division at St. Lambert."

If these orders had been dispatched to me in the evening of the 17th, and their duplicate at four in the morning of the 18th, why should they not have arrived, when every dispatch from meto Napoleon was received? how is it possible that they should not have been inserted on the records of the staff, and that they should be at such direct variancewith the only two dispatches brought to me? If Napoleon had informed me during the night of the 17th, of his intention to engage in the morning, would his letter at ten in the morning of the 18th have contained the words, "The Emperor commands me to apprise you of his intention to attack the English army which has taken position at Waterloo?" If he had ordered me, upon the evening of the 17th, to detach 7000 men upon St. Lambert, would not this order, so important in the evening, and so much more important at the commencement of the battle, have been reiterated, and forcibly reiterated in this dispatch from the chief of the staff? On the contrary, the order is given to march upon Wavres, "The Emperor desires that you will advance upon Wavres, where you are to arrive with all possible expedition." It results from comparing these orders, that the command to send a division upon St. Lambert, and to support it with the greatest part of my force, is the fruit of imagination, and can only be received as a fiction, invented after the event has pointed out its expediency. This order was no more given, than was there, on the 17th at noon, an order to advance on Wavres, a movement never prescribed to me until the 18th, at ten o'clock in the morning. It is also palpable, that when engaging, Napoleon was unacquainted with the position of the Prussian army, and that he believed part to be at Wavres and part in the direction of Louvain. Since he caused Marshal Soult to write to me, 66 you will cause the columns of the enemy which are on your right to be followed."-In effect, the secret of the enemy's operations was not penetrated by him until 1 o'clock in the afternoon of the 18th, when Gen. Bulow's corps appeared on the heights of St. Lambert. The troops under my command were then in consequence of the orders given to me, at four leagues distance; and it was impossible that thedispositions then commanded,should

be executed in time to repel the fatal effects of the unexpected attack by the Prussians.

The motives which forced my halt at Gembloux the evening of the 17th, and prevented my farther advance, appear in pages 8 and 9 of my refutation of Gen. Gourgaud. I regret that I am compelled to state, for I repeat it always with pain, that the failure in executing my orders, on the 17th, until near three in the afternoon, lost time that was highly precious; and the inaction of Napoleon on the field of battle at Ligny, during the whole of the morning of the 17th, and his indecision from daybreak until noon, when he dispatched me in pursuit of the Prussians, without affording me the least trace of the direction taken by them, or of their retreat, these must rank among the essential and principal causes of our reverses on the 18th. It would be supposed that Napoleon was aware of the direction of Marshal Blucher's retreat, on finding in page 103 of these Memoirs, "that at day-break on the 17th, Gen. Pajol was sent with a division of his light cavalry and the division of infantry of Teiste, in pursuit of the Prussions in the direction of Tilly and Gembloux." The falsehood of this assertion is proved by a letter from the chief of the staff to the Minister of War at Paris, written on the 17th, and inserted in the register of orders and correspondence. It contains this paragraph: "The army is formed on the main road from Namur to Bruxelles, where the Emperor is this moment to proceed." The last report of Gen. Pajol is dated from Mazi, on the road to Namur, thus Gen. Pajol was sent on the road to Namur, and not to Wavres, and thus Napoleon believed the Prussians to be in the direction of Namur, and did not expect to find the English at Waterloo.

Notwithstanding the length to which this article has already swelled, I cannot close without expressing indignation at the effrontery with which the compiler of these Memoirs of Napoleon, has stated (page 142) that at ten in the morning of the 18th, I was yet at Gembloux; unfortunately for this military romancer, there are 12,000 men of the corps of Lieut. Gen. Vandamme, who left their position in front of Gembloux at the first dawn of day, who when the sun first emerged from the horizon, saw me at their head, more than a league from this town; and


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who at eleven, guard of the Prussians more than three leagues from Gembloux; the corps of Lieut. Gen. Gerard was, it is true, too late in moving on the 18th, but my orders to him were, to be in march at six o'clock, the testimony of the General Officer at the head of my staff will prove this; I was with the troops of Lieut. Gen. Vandamme, and ignorant of the delay of these under Gen. Gerard on leaving their encampment: I am not to be made responsible for their delay, more than for that which took place on leaving the field at Ligny.

attacked the rear

The limits of a letter do not now admit of my pointing out more than a very small portion of the unpardonable mistakes and disgusting misrepresentations which soil the pages of these Memoirs, but at a future period, none of them shall escape the scrutiny of an impartial examination, and the proofs of the perfidy with which my conduct is censured, shall be more apparent, as that Providence which denies the durability to imposture, has left in the hands of my family, during my exile, the official documents relating to the military events of 1815, which will furnish me, upon my return to my native country, with materials to confute and overwhelm my detractors. C. DE GROUCHY. Philadelphia, April 1, 1820.

For the Monthly Magazine. The NEW TOWER of the ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON.

HE old tower of the Royal Ex

Tchange, with its Grasshopper, have so long been identified with this seat of commerce, that the erection of a new one will confer a novel feature on the city.

It is well known that the interior of the Royal Exchange is nearly a facsimile of the one at Antwerp, from which it was copied, and is so much like it, that a Dutch painting of the latter, which was sold at Christie's a few years ago, passed for that of London.

It was rebuilt after the fire of London by the city of London and Company of Mercers, as trustees of Sir Thos. Gresham. The architect is believed to have been Nicholas Hawksmoor, pupil of Sir C. Wren, whose clumsy constructions of St. Mary's Church, in Lombard Street are in the same tasteless style.

The tower and campanile, or bellturret, were built of painted wood and

other fragile materials; and being in a very ruinous state, were lately taken down by order of the Gresham Committee, and a very substantial and tasteful tower of stone and brick is now erected in its place.-The design is new and more elegant, though less

appropriate than the one removed. Though very elegant, and peculiarly excellent in construction, it will not accord with the rest of the building, but will look like a Dutch burgomaster, or a primitive quaker, with a dandy head and cravat, and covered with a chapeau bras and feathers; which, however, is no fault of the ingenious architects, Messrs. SMITH and WALKER, of Bread Street Hill.

To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.
N your Number for last month, I


perceive you have done me the honor to make favorable mention of a little work of mine, entitled "The Peerage Chart;" but in detailing its contents, you have inadvertently admitted a few inaccuracies, the most material of which is where you state that it appears 5 peerages only were obtained

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