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intention to trace him through his immorality -suffice it to say that he was in every sense of the word a villain of the deepe t atrocity. His landlord refused to give him a character. Some short time after this he called upon his landlord again; but mark the change in his appearance-dressed like a lord in all the folly of the reigning fashion. He now described himself as the right heir to a German Baron, who had been some time dead; that Lords Castlereagh and Sidmouth had acknowledged his claims to the title and property, had interfered in his behalf with the German government, and supplied him with money to support his rank in society. From this period I date his career as a government spy.

He got himself an introduction to the Spenceans-by what means I am not aware ofand thus he became acquainted with the reformers in general. When I met with Ed

wards after the massacre at Manchester, he described himself as very poor; and after several interviews, he proposed a plan for blowing up the House of Commons. This was not my view-I wished to punish the guilty only, and therefore I declined it. He next proposed that we should attack the ministers at the fete given by the Spanish Ambassador. This I resolutely opposed, because the innocent would perish with the guilty; besides, there were ladies invited to the entertainment, and I, who am shortly to ascend to the scaffold, shuddered with borror at the idea of that, a sample of which had previously been given by the agents of Government at Manchester, and which the Ministers of his Majesty applauded. Edwards was ever at invention; and at length he proposed attacking them at a cabinet dinner. I asked him where were the means to carry his project into effect? He replied, if I would accede we should not want for means. He was as good as his word; from him came, notwithstanding his apparent penury, the money provided for purchasing the stores, which your Lordships have seen produced in Court upon my trial. He who was never possessed of money to pay for a pint of beer, had always plenty to purchase arms or ammunition. Amongst the conspirators he was ever the most active; ever inducing people to join him, up to the last hour ere the undertaking was discovered.

I had witnesses in Court who could prove they went to Cato-street by appointment with Edwards, with no other knowledge or motive than that of passing an evening amongst his friends. I could also have proved, that subsequent to the fatal transaction, when we met in Holborn, he endeavoured to induce two or three of my companions to set fire to houses and buildings, in various parts of the metropolis. I could prove that subsequent to that again, he endeavoured to induce men to throw hand grenades into the carriages of ministers as they passed through the streets; and yet this man, the contriver, the instigator, the entrapper, is screened from justice MONTHLY MAG. No. 340.

and from exposure, by those very men who seek vengeance against the victims of his and their villany.

With respect to the immorality of our project, I will just observe, that the assassination of a tyrant has always been deemed a meritorious action. Brutus and Cassius were lauded to the very skies for slaying Cæsar; indeed, when any man or any set of men, place themselves above the laws of their country, there is no other means of bringing them to justice than through the arm of a private individual. If the laws are not strong enough to prevent them from murdering the community, it becomes the duty of every member of that community to rid his country of its oppressors.

High treason was committed against the people at Manchester, but justice was closed against the mutilated, the maimed, and the friends of those who were upon that occasion indiscriminately

Albion is still in the chains of slavery-I quit it without regret-I shall soon be consigned to the grave-my body will be immured beneath the soil whereon I first drew breath. My only sorrow is, that the soil should be a theatre for slaves, for cowards, for despots. My motives, I doubt not, will hereafter be justly appreciated. I will therefore now conclude by stating, that I shall consider myself as murdered, if I am to be executed on the verdict obtained against me by the refusal of the Court to hear my evidence. I could have proved Dwyer to be a villain of the blackest dye, for, since my trial, an accomplice of his, named Arnold, has been capitally convicted at this very bar, for obtaining money under circumstances of an infamous nature.

I seek not pity; I demand but justice; I have not had a fair trial, and upon that ground I protest that judgment ought not to be passed

upon me.

William Davidson was next called. He entered into a long defence of his conduct, and most strongly inveighed against the charge of Mr. Baron Garrow. He said that he never had formed any intention to murder the Ministers, or to lay his hand on his Sovereign. Wen Magna Charta was exacted from King John, twenty-five barons were appointed to see that the charter was enforced. If it were infringed four Barons were to protest against it to the King, and if they did not succeed in obtaining redress, then they were to join with the other Barons, and with arms in their hands demand that redress at the point of the sword which their King had refused, and tell him that if he did not yield it, they would levy war against him. This was the language of Magna Charta, but yet he, (Davidson) and his associates had never used such language. He could die but once, and he did not fear death; his only grief was for the large family he would leave behind him : when he thought of this it unmanned him.

Ings said, that he had not much to say, but that he certainly had been entrapt into

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the perpetration of this scheme by Edwards, who became acquainted with him while he kept a coffee-shop. He protested solemnly that he had not the least fear of dying, provided that Edwards was only to die with him. Ministers met to consult and conspire to starve the people, and surely when a man saw his family starving, it was not half so bad to assassinate the ministers as to endure starvationfor where was the man who could bear to see his family starving, while others were living in luxury as was the case at present? The meeting at Manchester was by the people, and the people surely had a right to petition, as our forefathers had bled and died for it. He trusted his children would yet live to see the day when ample justice would be done to their country, and Englishmen no longer should be doomed to live as they now did. His life could only be sacrificed once; but he declared, as a Briton, that he would rather die like a man than live like a slave.

John Thomas Brunt, in a particular bold and unembarrassed manner, said he would repeat what he had before stated to the jury on his trial, which had been so ably knocked down by the Solicitor-General, whose sophis ticated eloquence would make even crime a virtue. He then proceeded to recapitulate the circumstances already stated by him on his defence. He protested against the verdict, not that he valued his life; no man valued it less when it was to be sacrificed in liberty's cause. Looking around him in this Court, and seeing the sword of justice and the inscriptions which were placed on the walls above the learned Judges, he could only say, that he felt his blood boil in his veins when he thought how justice was perverted, and ber sacred name prostituted to the basest and vilest purposes. He was a man of his word, and not a shuttlecock, as some might suppose. If he pledged himself once to destroy a tyrant, he would do it. Edwards, that infamous villain, whom the Solicitor-General had not dared to bring forward, had preyed on his credulity, and Adams had betrayed him. Where was the benefit that would result to Christianity from the able defence made of it by the Solicitor-General? What was Christianity? Why did its doctrines promulgate so horrid an idea, as that supposing a man to have been a Deist, and all at once to have been converted by seeing the halter staring him in the face, he would therefore be strengthened by Almighty God to become a villain and a perjured betrayer of his associates? That this was the case with Adams was evident from his own confession. Was this then Christianity? If it was, he prayed God he might die without it; for very different, indeed, were the ideas he had formed of religion. He had antipathy against none, but the enemies of his country. He was a friend to the lower orders, and, as an honest man, had a fellow feeling for his

countrymen, who were starving through the conduct of ministers. Lord Castlereagh and Lord Sidmouth had an antipathy against the people, and if he did conspire to murder them was that high treason? He readily acknowledged that he had agreed to assassinate Ministers, but he denied having ever conspired to dethrone or injure the Monarch. But if resisting the Civil Power, or opposing wicked Ministers was treason, then he confessed he was a traitor to his country-he was no traitor to his King; but he was an enemy to Boroughmongering faction, which equally enslaved both the King and the people. The happiness, the glory, and the safety of the King depended on his being free as well as his people, but this was not the case now. A faction ruled both King and people with lawless sway. He had by his industry, been able to earn about three or four pounds a week, and while this was the case, he never meddled with politics, but when he found his income reduced to ten shillings a week, he began to look about him, and to ask to what that could be owing? And what did he find? Why, men in power, who met to deliberate how they might starve and plunder the country. He looked upon the Manchester transactions as most dreadful, and thought that nothing was too severe for men who had not only caused, but even applauded the dreadful scenes which occurred there.With pleasure he would die as a martyr in liberty's cause for the good of his country, and to have been avenged on her tyrants, would have given him pleasure to have died on the spot. He was not a traitor, nor the friend of a traitor, and it was only a villain who could call him so. While a nerve of his body could move, that should and would be exerted against the enemies of the people. He had joined the conspiracy for the public good. He was not the man who would have stopt. O no! he would have gone through with it to the very bottom, or else have perished in the attempt. Their death was necessary for the public good. They might quarter his body, they might inflict on him every species of torture, but they could not shake his resolution nor subdue his spirit. He would mount the scaffold with the same firm intrepidity he now evinced, and, if his life was called for, if his wife was to be made a widow, and his child an orphan, in this mighty cause he would cheerfully sacrifice it. He would die as the descendant of an ancient Briton.

Richard Tidd denied that the evidence against him was true, as did also, Wilson, Harrison, Bradburn, Strange, and cooper.

The sentence, in the usual form, was then passed, and Monday, May 1, they died with the spirit indicated in the previous speeches.




Or, Records of very eminent and remarkable Persons recently Deceased.


IR DAVID DUNDAS's military career commenced so early as 1752. He served in most parts of Europe; as also at the attack on the Isle of Cuba (1762), where Sir David (then Capt. Dundas) was Aid-de-Camp to Gen. Elliott. After being engaged in most of the campaigns of that time, in 1789 we find him advanced to the rank of MajorGeneral, and two years after he was placed on the Irish Staff. In 1793, he commanded the British and allied troops at the evacuation of Toulon, where he succeeded General O'Hara, after the latter had been wounded and taken prisoner; and after returning to England, served in several campaigns in Flanders. As a small reward for his many and important services, General Dundas was appointed, in 1804, Governor of Chelsea Hospital, and a Knight of the Bath. In 1809 he was honoured by the appointment of Commander in Chief, the Duke of York retiring pro tempore. The next and last mark of the Royal favour which Sir David received, was the Colonelcy of the 1st regiment of dragoon guards, which he held to the day of his death.


Charles Ferdinand, Duke of Berri, second son of Monsieur, heir presumptive of the throne of France, lately killed by Louvel, as he was leaving the Opera, was born at Versailles, January 24, 1778. His youth gave promise of reputation; the revolution checking his studies, obliged him to withdraw from France, with his father to Turin. He made his debut early into the army; was ever brave, and (until the return of the Bourbons) equally unfortunate. After a long residence upon the continent, England became his asylum, but when the tide of affairs ebbed, when Napoleon was disposed of, he returned to his native land, where, first placing his foot upon the shore at Cherbourg, on the 13th of April, 1814, he exclaimed. "Beloved France, let us bring back but an oblivion of the past, and peace, and the desire of giving happiness to the French." At Caen,

he set several prisoners at liberty, and arriving at the Thuilleries, he embraced the French marshals. From this moment he devoted himself to gain the affections of the military, and partially succeeded. But when Buonaparte returned from Elba, like a mighty rushing wind carrying all before him, the Duke was obliged, with his family, to fly towards Belgium. Upon this occasion, with an escort of 4,000 soldiers, he met with some companies of the regiment De Bethune, consisting of about 300 soldiers, who by way of defiance, set up the cry of Vive L'Empereur. The Duke dashed among them, proposing Vive Le Roi instead, in which, being unsuccessful, he said, you see that we could atterly exterminate you, but live."


At length his uncle, Louis the 18th, was once more seated on the throne of France. The Duke married, and those attached to the existing order of things fondly looked to the issue, as to the establishment of the Bourbon dynasty-but a French soldier devoted himself in executing what he deemed the wishes of his fellow-citizens, and the Duke fell a victim to his unpopularity in the flower of his age.


This once popular preacher, who died at Bath, the 11th of Feb. aged 86, was rector of Aldewinckle All Saints, Northamptonshire,and had the honour of being twice doctored, viz. LL.D. and M.D. He was chaplain to Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, whose funeral sermon he preached, her principal trustee, and is also reported to have been the original founder of the General Missionary Society, as well as to that of the South Sea Islands, particularly, the which will hand his name down with honour to posterity, and for this reason, that however thinking people may differ about the validity of Missionary efforts, there can be no difference of opinion, as to the civilization of savages; which fact, as it applies to Otaheite, is almost realized at this day.

Dr. Haweis was a native of Cornwall, educated at Truro, and afterwards of Christ's College, Cambridge. He then became assistant preacher to the Rev. Martin Madan, (the author of Thelypthora), at the Lock Hospital in London. So long back as 1764, he was presented with the living which he enjoyed to his death. Considerable discussion took place about this presentation, the causes of which have long since been buried in oblivion. The Doctor published an Evangelical Expositor, in 2 vols. folio, besides a very considerable number of theological pieces, which we believe have been collected together.

His remains are interred in the Abbey Church at Bath.

REV. ROGERS RUDING, B. D. Died at Maldon, Surrey, in his 69th year, and was Vicar of that parish. He was born at Leicester, Aug. 9, 1751; was educated at Merton College, Oxford, of which he was some time Fellow; and proceeded B. A. 1771; M. A. 1775; B. D. 1782.

In 1793, he was presented, by his College, to the vicarage of Maldon; and was afterwards elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London: he was also an Honorary Member of the Philosophical Society at Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

In 1798, he published "A Proposal for restoring the antient Constitution of the Mint, so far as relates to the Expence of Coinage; together with the Outline of a Plan for the Improvement of the Money, and for increasing the Difficulty of Counterfeiting;" 8vo. In 1812, he circulated Proposals for pub


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The late Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, was a man of strong mind, peevish temper, and great legal knowledge, perfected by vast industry and continual practice. For the sake of the bar, however, the urbanity of which we would wish to respect, it is to be hoped that the asperity with which this lawyer treated all who differed in opinion from him, whether in a wig or without, will never be copied. counsellor, a waspish infirmity of temper becomes disgusting, but in a judge it is monstrous; not that we can impute this to Sir Vicary as a Chief Justice. When raised to the bench, all his petulance fled; and a dignified amenity went hand in hand with duty. The dictatorial manner of a contemporary Chief Justice was unknown on the chief seat of the Common Pleas.

In a

Sir Vicary was educated at Eton School, and in 1772, was elected to King's College, Cambridge, as a scholar on Lord Craven's foundation, where he distinguished himself by his attainments in classical literature; and where he took the degree of B. A. 1772, and proceeded M. A. 1775. In the earlier part of his life he was a popular Counsel, being second to Lord Erskine in the State Trials of 1794, and his exertions in favour of liberty at that time were the foundation of his eminence; but, like others, he kicked down the stool by which he rose, and when made King's Counsel, his political principles changed into the most violent persecution by ex officio informations ever known among the records of Attorney and Solicitor-Generals, who it is known are no way sparing in this mode. In 1795, he was made Solicitor-General to the Prince of Wales, an Recorder of Bristol. In 1805, Solicitor-Ge neral; at the general election of 1807, he became M. P. for Cambridge. In 1812, Attorney-General. In 1813, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, &c. soon afterwards Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, on the resignation of Sir James Mansfield, which important office he was obliged to resign in 1818, on account of ill health-In 1808, he was counsel in a cause in which the Editor of this Magazine, then acting as Sheriff of London, was a witness. It was important to his client to prove that the Editor paid vulgar respect to the dicta of Reviews; but the

Editor, whose opinions of these corrupt productions are well known to all his readers, told the counsel that he neither respected nor read them. This Sir Vicary Gibbs affected to think strange, and insisting that every publisher ought to consult the opinions which the Reviews give of authors before he treated for their works, he asserted in his coarse way, that "if any publisher bought a MS. without consulting the Reviews in regard to former works of the same author, he ought not to be allowed to walk about without a keeper." This position was to the last degree silly, yet it suited the purpose of certain willings of the day to endeavour to embroil the Sheriff with the Attorney-General. The former, indeed, did not consider himself as likely to be a favourite with the Crown Lawyers, with whom he had been officia ly at issue on several points discreditable neither to his patriotism nor benevolence. What had passed led him, however, to consider the affair as a manifestation of personal hostility on the part of Sir Vicary; but in a few days, both being in the drawing-room at St. James's-Sir Vicary, at a considerable distance, across a crowd of heads, recognized the Sheriff by a continuance of cordial salutations, which were at first gravely received and not returned; but in a few minutes he bustled through the throng, commenced some friendly enquiries, and held out his hand. The Sheriff smiled, and remarked, that after all that had passed in the newspapers it must be thought strange to see them in that attitude.-"Pshaw, Sir," said he, "do you imagine I regard newspapers, or think about their observations ?”. "Good," rejoined the Sheriff; yet Sir Vicary, it must be allowed that you have as great an interest in what they say, as a publisher has in the opinions of Reviews!". "You are right-you are right, Sir-I feel the force of the observation; but you must not expect a pleader to be always logical— the Man must be distinguished from the Advocate, and I hope we are friends and shall continue to be so." The Sheriff replied, that a publisher always wished to be on good terms with an Attorney-General; and the parties then separated in mutual good humour, several bye-standers laughing at the incident and at so singular an eclaircissement. A volume could not more fully illustrate the character of Sir Vicary Gibbs, though different readers may draw very different inerences from the anecdote.


Thomas Earl of Selkirk, Lord Lieutenant of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, lately died at Pau, in the 49th year of his age. He had spent the winter in the South of France. Few men were possessed of higher powers of mind, or capable of applying them with more indefatigable perseverance. His Treatise on Emigration has long been considered as a standard work, and as having exhausted one of the most difficult subjects in the science of political economy. His Lordship was also advantageously known to the public as the

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the author of some other literary productions, all of them remarkable for the enlargement and liberality of their views, the luminous perspicuity of their statements, and that severe and patient spirit of induction which delights in the pursuit, and is generally successful in the discovery of truth.

His Lordship was eminently exemplary in the discharge of every social and private duty. He was a considerate and indulgent landlord, a kind and gracious master; to the poor a generous benefactor, and of every public improvement a judicious and liberal patron.

The latter years of the life of this lamented nobleman were employed in the establishment of an extensive colony in the western parts of British America. In the prosecution of this favourite object, he had encountered obstacles of the most unexpected and formidable character. With these, however, he was admirably qualified to contend; as to the counsels of an enlightened philosophy and an immovable firmness of purpose, he added the most complete habits of business and a perfect knowledge of affairs. The

obstructions he met with served only to stimulate him to increased exertion, and after an arduous struggle with a powerful confederacy, which had arrayed itself against him, and which would, long ere now, have subdued any other adversary, he had the satisfaction to know, that he had finally succeeded in founding an industrious and thriving community. It has now struck deep root in the soil, and is competent, from its own internal resources, to perpetuate itself, and to extend the blessings of civilization to those remote and boundless regions.

He was the youngest of five sons (all of whom attained to manhood) of Dunbar, 4th Earl of Selkirk, who died in 1799. In the latter end of 1807, he married Jane, daughter of James Wedderburn Colville, Esq. by whom he has left one son, now Earl of Selkirk, born in 1809, and two daughters. Her Ladyship accompanied the Earl to North America, and afterwards to France, and continued, with painful and unwearied assiduity, to administer kind and soothing attentions till the last hour of his life.

With Biographical Memoirs of distinguished Characters recently deceased.

IVE of the men who had been

May 1. F convicted of treasonable in

tentions, were executed at the front of the debtors' door, Newgate. [For their speeches and cases see the article Public Affairs.]

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A meeting of the Committee of Management of the Agricultural Association, took place at Henderson's Hotel, Westminster, to forward the petitions, and prosecute the claims of the Agriculturists; nearly fifty gentlemen assembled, among whom were the members of Essex, Sussex, and Surrey. The meeting of the Mendicity Suppression Society was held at the Freemasons' Tavern. It was stated that managers had brought their arrangements to such perfection, that they entertained great hopes of being able to accomplish the total suppression of mendicity in the metropolis, at no great distance of time.

15. In the Court of King's Bench, Messrs. Hunt, Johnson, Knight, Healy, and Bamford, for co-operation in the meeting of the Manchester petitioners, were sentenced as follows:-Mr. Hunt to be imprisoned in the gaol of Ilchester for 2 years and 6 months, and to give security for his good behaviour for 5 years, himself in 10001. and two sureties in 5001. each; and the rest for 12 months in Lincoln Castle, and to find sureties, 1001. each, and two sureties of 501. each.

25. The electors of Westminster celebrated the first return of Sir Francis Burdett, and presented him on the occasion with a superb silver vase.

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Charles Struth, esq. of Upper Harleystreet, to Miss Emma Louisa Stracey, of Harley-place.

The Rev. B. M. Willan, of Queenborough, to Miss Harriet Dixon, of Barwell Court, Surrey.

The Rev. Thomas King, of Wallington, Surrey, to Miss Amelia Quilter, of Hadley. Thomas Kithingman Stavely, esq. of Sleningford, Yorkshire, to Miss Mary Claridge, of Pall Mall.

Thomas Jeffery Bumstead, esq. B. A. of Queen's College, Oxford, to Miss Fanny Smith, of Manor-house, Walworth.

George West, esq. of the Royal Engineers, to Miss Louisa Revell, of Round Oak, Surrey.

Mr. Charles Baker, of Southampton, to Miss Mary Ann Wilkie, of Paternoster-row. George Grote, jun. esq. of Threadneedlestreet, to Miss Harriet Lewin, of the Hollies, Kent.

At Lambeth, Thomas Benwell, esq. to Miss Mary Hitchins, of Oxford.

At Hammersmith, the Rev. John Leggett, to Miss Frances Wells.

At Chelsea, the Rev. Henry Thomas Austen, rector of Steventon, Hants, to Miss Eleanor Jackson.

Mr. George Russell, of Stafford-place, Pimlico, to Miss Sarah Bass, of Piccadilly.


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