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TRAVELS in Nubia, by the late JOHN LEWIS BURCKHARDT, Contain much interesting information of countries which have hitherto been comparatively little explored. Many parts of Upper Egypt, the deserts, and even as far as Djidda in Arabia, have been visited by this indefatigable and enterprising traveller. After suffering many hardships, from fatigue and want of water, in passing through deserts infested with the simoon, (the hot south-east wind,) he arrived at Berber and Luakin, descriptions of which he has given in a very pleasing and concise


"The people of Berber, (observes the author,) are a very handsome race. The native colour seems to be a dark-redbrown, which, if the mother is a slave from Abyssinia, becomes a light-brown in the children; and, if from the negro countries, extremely dark. The men are somewhat taller than the Egyptians, and are much stronger and larger-limbed. Their features are not at all those of the negro, the face being oval, the nose often perfectly Grecian, and the cheek-bones not prominent. The upper lip, however, is generally something thicker, than is considered beautiful among northern nations, though it is still far from the negro lip. Their legs and feet are well formed, which is seldom the case with the negroes. They have a short beard below the chin, but seldom any hair upon their checks. Their mustachios are thin, and they keep them cut very short. Their hair is bushy and strong, but not woolly; it lies in close curls when short, and, when permitted to grow, forms itself into broad high tufts. "We are Arabs, not negroes, (they often say :) and,

indeed, they can only be classed among the latter by persons who judge from colour alone." In regard to their peculiar customs, he afterwards observes: "In marrying, the bride's father receives, acCording to the Mussulman eustom, a certain sum of money from the bridegroom for his daughter; and this sum is higher than is customary in other parts inhabited by Arabs. The daughters of the Mek are paid as much as three or four hundred dol. lars, which the father keeps for them as a dowry. Few men have more than one wife; but every one who can afford it keeps a slave or mistress, either in his own or in a separate house. Kept mistresses are called companions, and are more numerous than in the politest capitals in Europe. Few traders pass through Berber without taking a mistress, if it be only for a fortnight. Drunkenness is the constant companion of this debauchery; and it would seem as if the men in these countries had no other objects in life. The intoxicating liquor which they drink is

called Bouza.”

After giving a further description of the wretchedness and immorality which such habits induce, the author continues his account of a journey from Berber to Shendy, and mentions the superior dread which the inhabitants of that place entertain of the crocodile, to what they do in many other parts of Egypt.

"I was several times present when a crocodile made its appearance, and witnessed the terror it inspired; the crowd all quickly retired up the beach. During advised to bathe in the river after having my stay at Shendy, a man, who had been escaped the small-pox, was seized and killed by one of these animals. At Lennaar,

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Poems descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery, by JOHN CLARE, a Northamp tonshire peasant, have lately been edited and published by a gentleman well known in the literary world, for the benefit of the author. To judge from the sketch given of the humble and laborious life of this obscure genius, we are surprised to` discover such a display of poetical talent and force of mind in circumstances so little favourable to the development of the human faculties. Considered as the productions of a common labourer, they are certainly remarkable, and deserving of encouragement and commendation: but, to maintain that they have the smallest pretensions to comparative excellence with the writings of others out of his own sphere, would be ridiculous and unjust, and would be trying them by a poetical law from which they ought to be exempt. We do not therefore require that they should possess the correctness and elegance of more classic bards. We must decide upon them by their own merits, and the positive degree of excellence they may possess. shall not even insist upon Horace's rule, that neither gods nor men will listen to mediocrity in poetry, as we are aware such a radical latitudinarian principle would prove highly detrimental to the claims of the majority of our countrymen from the throne to the cottage. As it is an art of entertainment, however, rather than of use and necessity, we have a right to expect some sort of good in it. The value of poetry must depend upon its positive powers of pleasing and in structing. Without these requisites, it is vain and foolish to offer the excuse of untoward circumstances and luckless fates "dooming the morn of genius to the shade." Without intending directly to apply these remarks to the present pub. lication, we are of opinion, that there is often much mistaken kindness in the idea of patronizing neglected worth, as there is seldom one out of ten humble aspirants after fame, who have finally justified the hopes entertained of them. The patrons and the protegèes are often both equally mistaken. The opinion, that much is to be conceded to them, from a consideration of the difficulties under which they wrote, is apt to mislead them. These will be forgotten, and they will then be tried by their own native merit. The reputation of Burns and Bloomfield

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A treatise has appeared on the Nature of Scrofula, by Mr. WILLIAM FARR, who seems to have devoted his attention to this particular disease, and under circumstances apparently peculiarly favourable to the acquisition of a familiar acquaintance with the phenomena it presents. The principles so successfully acted upon by Mr. Brandish, and which are not generally known to medical men, have been adopted as the basis of our author's treatment, and are by him very materially improved and extended. The directions laid down in this volume for the treatment and management of children born of scrofulous parents merit the utmost attention, and are particularly important both to the medical practitioners and to the parents of an unhealthy offspring. The plan of treat ment is well worthy the attention of me. dical men. It is certainly only by pow erful remedies, calculated to act on the constitution through the medium of the chylopoietic organs, that the eradication

of this disease can be expected. We

We give Mr. W. D. BAYLEY credit for benevolent intentions, and in some degree for enlightened views of the subject on which he treats, in his work on "The State of the Poor and Working Classes considered, with practical Means for improving their Condition, and which is of so great present interest to the community. He first considers the cause of the present distresses, which, though pressing on all classes, sit most heavily on the lowest; and then proposes his remedy. Mr. Bayley would have us believe, that the evils with which the com. munity at present are so grievously afflicted, have their origin in part, at least, from circumstances very remote, as from the abolition of the monasteries by Henry VIII., by the rise of trade and manufactures, and the deterioration of the value of money in the sixteenth century. The abandoning of tillage for the cultivation of pasture lands, (which is the next of Mr. B.'s alleged causes,) is a more probable source of mischief; but we do not know how far the statement is correct. As to the use and improve ment of machinery, (which is another of Mr. B.'s causes,) we have no hesitation in expressing our entire dissent from him; and, notwithstanding the authority of Mr. Owen, we consider it not only as tending to improve the general condition of society, but as immediately advantage ous to the lowest classes of the community. "The enormous public debt, and a rapidly increasing taxation, which have rent the very vitals of property," is the last cause assigned for increased pauperism; and we suppose on this head there will be no controversy. The remedy which Mr. Bayley proposes, is allotting to the poor small portions of land, at very moderate rents, free from tythes, on the condition that they should cease to look for parochial relief. Those who wish for the details of the plan we must refer to the pamphlet itself.


It will be gratifying to the lovers of that most delightful species of vocal harnony, Glees, to learn that a third volume of Convito Armonico, has just been pub lished, and is admitted to be the choicest miscellany of glees extant. To every piece for four or more voices, is added compression of the several parts into two lines, for the purpose of piano-forte accompaniment. Exact attention has been bestowed upon the words, which have been altered, or new words furnished where the original have been found exceptionable, and the name of the poet,


as well as of the composer, has been given wherever it could be ascertained,

The twelfth Number of the Journal of New Voyages and Travels consists of a recent Voyage to the West Indies, by Mr. WALLER, a navy surgeon; and per haps a more lively and picturesque view of that interesting portion of the British empire has never been printed.

Dr. O'MEARA's translation of the immortal work of NAPOLEON, announced in our iast, has been accompanied by Reasons, dictated to him by Napoleon, prov❤ ing the "Manuscrit de St. Helene" to be a gross forgery. The original and the translation have been so universally read, as to supersede the necessity of eulogium.

Amongst the poetical effusions incident upon a late lamentable occasion, we notice one called the Shroud of Royalty; a Prince and a Monarch's Dirge, which is superior to the common productions upou state-solemnities.

As tenderness and

pathos in poetry is apt, particularly in dirges, to disarm criticism of its edge, we shall not venture upon a very strict analysis of its faults. We cannot however refrain from animadverting upon the impropriety of introducing the mockheroic style, whose bathos upon such subjects is quite out of its place. The following is a specimen not unworthy our poet-laureate, whose strains are yet to flow, when the excess of his grief shall be subdued:

Amidst the storms that shook the world,
And laid the toil of ages low,
Kingdoms and thrones in fragments hurl'd,
'Whelm'd in one fate's dark overthrow.

Preserved by Heaven, our sea-girt land

Still brav'd the earthquake's fiery shock; The deluge-flood but swept her strand,

The thunder's bolt but sear'd her rock.. His native island's saviour-star, Our Monarch's virtue beam'd afar, Enthroned in every subject's breast, With every heart's orisons blest; A nation wept beside his bed, Till life and hope together fled; And England mourn'd her worst of woes, His patriarch reign of glory's close; For 'mongst the mighty names that shine, The proudest of her regal line, By King more lovingly obeyed ; Ne'er was her golden sceptre sway'd Ne'er did a people's anthems rise With purer incense to the skies, Than when from city, field, and flood, Rang the loud praise of George the Good And rapture hail'd the auspicions morn, That gave a British sovereign, Britain born. So on to the end of the chapter of flatterics. Chefs

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Chefs d'Euvre of French literature, just published, is a work containing prose extracts from the writings of the most celebrated authors upon a variety of subjects. As the merit of a compilation of this nature merely consists in the judicious selection of pieces that are well written, and at the same time little known, and interesting to English readers, it would be singular if there should be any errors prevalent in the composition. We cannot, however, perceive any thing remarkably new or peculiarly interesting, either in the matter, or the manner of exhibiting it; and the work embraces much too wide a scope, and too great a number of names, to allow room for suffis cient specimens to convey a just idea of the style and character of the different authors.

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KINGDOM'S America and the British Colonies, is an intelligent work, contain. ing an abstract of all the most useful information relative to the United States; with an account of Canada, the Cape of Good Hope, New South Wales, and Van Diemen's Island. It likewise describes the advantages and disadvantages which each country offers in the view of emigration, and embodies, in a succinct form, the most valuable information contained in several recent publications. It is well worth the attention of those who are interested in collecting the fullest information, before venturing on the se rious and often irremediable measure of a change of country.

G. A. ROBERTSON, esq. has published Notes on Africa, with an Appendix, containing a compendious account of the Cape of Good Hope, compiled during a long residence in Africa; describing a territory of more than two thousand miles. They are chiefly confined to a sketch of that vast frontier of Southern Africa which offers so wide a field for future observation and more extended research. The work abounds with much original information respecting the condition of the people and the prospect of their civilization, if a judicious intercourse were established between them and the European (particularly the British) nations. The remarks upon their peculiar wants and capabilities, would prove highly useful towards a further investigation and amelioration of this op pressed and neglected portion of the globe.

Dr. CARTER, F.R.S. Ed. has just presented to the public the result of his enquiries into some of the charitable establishments abroad, under the title of,

A short Account of some of the principal Hospitals of France, Italy, Switzerland, and the Netherlands; with remarks upon the climate and diseases of those countries. It is gratifying to the friends of humanity to perceive that, with regard to the hospitals of the Continent, the author of this useful and interesting account not only found them in better order than he had expected, but in several instances even superior to institutions of the same nature in England. Nor have other charitable establishments escaped the eye of this humane and enlightened traveller, particularly those founded at Amsterdam, the munificence and admirable management of which must be perused with sentiments of pleasure by those who are at this time so nobly engaged in alleviating the wants of our oppressed and wretched countrymen at home. The medical remarks interspersed throughout the work, and those relating to hospitals, are judicious, and deserving the notice of gentlemen of the profession.

JOHN ATTERSOLL, esq. has just published A Translation of the Reports upon the Establishment at Hofwyl in Switzer land, lately presented to the Emperor of Russia by the Count de Capo de Istria, and containing the plan of M. de Fellenberg, the author and conductor of the Institution. As much attention has lately been excited towards the subject, both from previous publications and the improved system of education which characterises the present times, this is a work which will be perused with much interest by those who are truly zealous in the amelioration of mankind. The principles of education adopted by M. de Fellenberg are of great and universal influence, drawn from the nature and impulses of the human mind; and so completely have they succeeded, that we may congratulate him on their triumph over the wicked and exploded doctrinę of corporeal punishments and solitary confinement. He appears to have succeeded too in making himself the friend as well as the master of the young people whom he superintends, and introduced a system, by which all the nobler feelings are brought into action, making the rich useful to the poor,-the interests of the older connected with the younger,—and even science subservient to agriculture. - The poem entitled Tottenham, cently published, is the production of no ordinary pen. Some of its stanzas especially, bear the stamp of real poetry. It is written in illustration of some of the local circumstances referred to by Mr. Robinson,


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An Essay on the Uses of Salt for Agricultural Purposes, with instructions for its employment as a Manure, and in the Feeding of Cattle, &c.; by Cuthbert William Johnson.

An Essay on the Management of Hedges and Hedge-row Timber; by F. Blakie. 2s. On the Economy of Farm-yard Manure, and other rural subjects; by F. Elakie. 2s.


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4to. 21s. royal 4to. 16s.

An Extraordinary fine Likeness of our late venerable Sovereign; by J. Agar. 7s.6d.

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George the Third, his Court and Family. 2 vols. 8vo.

The History of the Jews, from the Destruction of Jerusalem to the present Time; by H. Adams. 12s.

Memoires de Napoleon, par Fleury. 2 tome 8vo. 11. 4s.

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