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port of your Ecclesiastical Establishment, know well, that it cannot subsist without the state, and that the state cannot much Jonger pretend to govern Ireland like a conquered country, by means of fortresses, under the name of Barracks, spread over the island, and of myriads of soldiers, who would be so much better employed elsewhere, and of annual millions of money, which every day becomes a more scarce article. They are deeply con vinced, that, by giving to Irish Catholics the same interest in the safety of their country with other subjects, they will not only be a safe unbought protection to it from the public enemy, but also an inexhaustible source of strength to the empire at large, with all its establishments. In fact, it is well known that the proverb of the Romans concerning their Marsian soldiers may now be applied to the Irish-Nec de Marsis, nec sine Marsis.

I have the honor to be, my Lord,
Your obedient Servant,


Woolverhampton, Dec. 2, 1812.

To the Editor of the Catholic Magazine.


you think them too strong for an English taste? If so, I trust you will find your mistake; and that the English Catholic will scorn to accept of his emancipation on less honourable grounds than his Irish brethren are endeavouring to gain theirs.-Their 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th Resolutions are a noble specimen of the manliness of their minds, and entitle them to the applause and support of every honest man in the Empire, but more paticularly the Catholics. Why then suppress them, and at a time too when their enemies are accu-sing them of sinister motives? Ardently as I wish for the success of your publication, it can only be on the ground that you make it as notorious for being the champion of truth and candour, as that seats in Parliament are bought and sold. We court enquiry into shall never want to disguise our Poour religion; and I hope that we litics, but that our conduct to our tions will be as open as the noonfellow-subjects on Political quesday. Trusting you will excuse these hints, I subscribe myself, &c. W. E. ANDREWS. Norwich, Jan. 21, 1813.

To the Editor of the Anti-Catho

lic Magazine, by B. J. SIR, I admire very much your patience in reviewing and animadverting upon a pamphlet, entitled the "Scorpion," scribbled by the popish Baldwin Janson, who is, as you are pleased to say, an insignificant teacher of languages. Whether you mean to apply that epithet insignificant to the profession or the person, I do not know; if to the profession, I

AFTER congratulating you that the Catholic Magazine is now in such hands, I cannot help expressing my surprise, to find the best of the Resolutions of the Irish Catholics at their late aggregate meeting, wholly left out in your last number, notwithstanding there was half a page taken up with a catalogue of books not at all connected with Catholic affairs, and one abso-have always thought, that no proJutely against us. What could fession was insignificant or disbe the meaning of this? Did graceful, unless disgraced by the

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professor. If you mean to the person, I have never yet disgraced my profession. Within the two and twenty years that I have resided in the City, I have taught languages in many noblemen's and mercantile houses with credit and respectability; and Her Royal Highness, the Duchess of York, whose professor of languages I have the honour to be, is acquainted with my abilities. As for you, Mr. Editor, if I were as ready as you to believe Town-Talk, I should take you for a Grub-street Quildriver; that you are not a Doctor in Divinity, your language amply testifies. I am well aware, that whatever I write is Frenchified-English, and I have been told, Mr. Editor, that your stile is absolute Irishism; hence I might suspect you to be either an Orange-Man, or a Duigenanist.

As you are an anonymous writer, Mr. Editor, you may be either the man of the moon, a man of straw, or the snake in the grass, which, according to my opinion, is the most likely, by the similarity-of stile in both; however, Mr. Editor, you have done me a favour, in having taken notice of that paltry production, entitled the "Scorpion." The remnant of it had been lying dormant, or mouldering on the shelf for more than four years, but since the extensive circulation of your so well-digested Anti-Catholic Magazine, customers are flocking in to buy it; I even begin to anticipate another edition.

It is

said, that authors, like gamesters, play into one another's hands; and indeed, Mr. Editor, if you have done it to favour me, you have succeeded.

Excuse my curiosity, Mr. Edi

tor, for I am anxious to know of what persuasion you are, whether you are a Bramin or a Mufti for the title of your Magazine has very much puzzled me: if I understand language at all, AntiCatholic and Anti-Christ, or AntiChristian, are synonymous; so that I have supposed you to be either a Mandarin or a Mussulman; if you had said Anti-Popish Maga zine, I could have better understood you; and then you would have been in unison with half a million of sects, all of different denominations. The Catholic or universal Church was instituted by our Saviour Jesus Christ, to last for ever, and your Anti-Christ Magazine can no more stop its progress, than all the innumerable storms and persecutions waged against her.

I have often heard it repeated in the Protestant prayers, "I believe in the Holy Catholic Church," which sometimes prompted me to enquire of an acquaintance of the congregation if they were Catholics: no, God forbid, was generally the reply. When urging upon what they had just repeated in their prayers, they said, that part of the Liturgy still wanted reformation. O Reformation! O Reformers! where will you end? I am extremely astonished, Mr. Editor, that you did not impuga with the beginning of the Scorpion, which is only a continuation of the answer to an Anabaptist letter; you cannot have done it intentionally, for besides it being un chef d'œuvre of eloquence and liberality of sentiment, à la Protestantisme, well adapted for an Anti-Christ Magazine; it would be all of a piece if you had inserted it; I have kept its original as a relic of Anti-Catholicism; if

you have not seen it, I will give it you, for I am certain it will make you smile; the title is thas:


Letter from an Anabaptist Preacher to a Lady of his Congregation, who married a Roman Catholic, B. J. DEAR FRIEND, HAVE very recently received the surprising intelligence, that you are about to form a connection both unsuitable and criminal: the inconveniences and evils that must arise from such an imprudent step, if persisted in, will be exclusively your own. But the criminality of such proceedings will equally affect myself, and each of the members of that

Christian Church, where you have for several years been considered a worthy member. As your pastor, it becomes me to warn, re buke, exhort, &c. May the Lord bless you with wisdom and faithfulness in so doing.

"If I am rightly informed, your intended is unsuitable; being an old man, insolvent, and a Roman Catholic. Why you should fancy an old man, so as to be willing to pay his debts, and thereby impoverish yourself, I cannot conceive; such conduct is truly mysterious; but what is worst of all, is that he is a Roman Catholic! The Apostle's injunction is, be not unequally yoked together, believers with unbelievers! You have made a public profession of being allied to the Lord Jesus; and as far as I can learn, are now about to join yourself in the closest connection with one of the most avowed enemies of Jesus Christ. You well know that persons of his sentiments have mur. dered millions of the saints of God. Yet you can, it seems, cordially

embrace such an one, and call him brother, friend, and husband.

"I cannot forbear saying, I am much grieved for you. The devil has not more trusty friends on earth than those you seem to love; nor of all the sects that have existed since man was formed, has he been supplied with more associates in Hell. Consider, I beseech you, what you are doing; commit your case to God in prayer; I will endeavour to bear you on my mind at the throne of grace, and trust the Lord will yet interpose to keep you from evil, that it may not grieve you. I am, your affectionate but afflicted Pastor, W. 3."

I see, Mr. Editor, by your plac cards stuck on the walls, that you intend to give a pointed and well digested paragraph on the Veto. If you would follow my advice, Mr. Editor, you would drop that idea; it must be a madman of the first water who first suggested it; to erect a King's or Queen's head on the shoulders of the 252nd Pope, Pius VII. is the antipode of reason; whenever this shall take place, the world will be at its end, because Popedom is of a divine institution, and the gates of Hell (Anti-Catholics) cannot overturn it.

For brevity's sake I must conclude, and declare, Mr. Editor, that your censures or invectives either upon the Scorpion, or upon my person, have not in the least offended me, after I had perused it with attention. I have sold all, and I dare say I could dispose of more, if you would have the kindness to send me them.-One good turn deserves another.

I remain sincerely, Mr. Editor, Your humble Servant, B. J. 18, Pavement, Moorfields.


ART. I. Nightingale's Portraiture of Catholicism.

(Continued from p. 41.)


R. NIGHTINGALE having des cribed at some length the nature, character, and formation of monastic institutions, suggests several means for rendering the numerous monks in Catholic coun

tries "" sources of national useful ness," and proceeds to exemplify his opinions and observations by the example of the congregation of St. Sulpice in America. Our author's description is curious and interesting:

"A few gentlemen of the congregation of St. Sulpicius, who were fortunate enough to escape the horrors of the French revolution, and save a little remnant of their property, took refuge in the United States, and established themselves at Baltimore, where, conformably to their profession, they engaged themselves in communicating religious and literary information. In the beginning, their labours were confined to the instruction of young men des tined for the Church; but the candidates for priesthood being few in that country, they after wards admitted respectable persons of every description to the participation of the advantages afforded by their institution. Such as profess the Catholic communion are regularly instructed in the doctrines and practices peculiar to their Church; whilst

the Protestants are merely obliged to attend the places of worship to which they respectively belong. By this impartial and equitable line of conduct, proper discipline, and a strict attention to their professional duties, they have founded one of the most respectable literary establish ments of the present day. Their course of education is not limited to the study of Greek and Latin literature, philosophy, and dif, ferent branches of the mathematics; it comprehends also the liberal and ornamental arts; such as drawing, music, botany, natural history, and the living languages. Besides these advantages, that may be considered as purely local and academical, the benefits of this college are extended to the whole country. The inhabitants of Baltimore and its vicinity are particularly bene-, fited by the residence of these worthy ecclesiastics; for notwithstanding their principal occupa tion consists in the discharge of their professional duties, they do not neglect the cultivation of those arts which are subservient to the comforts of life. They have a large portion of land sufficient to furnish their numerous community with abundance of fruit and vegetables of every kind; and they have naturalized many exotics; indeed, a great number of the productions of the West India Islands, and that without any shelter or artificial heat. In their green and hot houses they L

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"The bull of Leo X. instead of allaying the tumults, called forth all the zeal and energy of Luther, and his powerful and numerous friends. To such a pitch of exasperation did this measure raise the intrepid and daring innovator, that he threw off, in the most unequivocal manner, all forms of respect, and even decency, to wards the Pope, the Councils, and the Catholic Church. Refusing to appear to the Pope's citation, he boldly exclaimed, "I defer my appearing there until I am followed by five thousand horse and twenty thousand foot then will I make myself believed." No epithet of a rude and offensive nature was spared

* Adver. execr. Antichrist. Bull, T. 2. p. 91. ap. Bossuet Var. i. p. 24.

in representing the character and conduct of the pope and his whole court. He once more appealed to a general council, and hesitates not to call the supreme pontiff, whose authority he had lately declared as inferior only to that of the Lord Jesus Christ, a tyrant, a heretic, an apostate, and Antichrist himself. He even summons the pope and his cardinals to repent of their sins, and renounce their errors, or he would otherwise deliver over both them and their bull, with all their de cretals, to Satan, that by the des truction of the flesh, their souls may be liberated in the coming of our Lord. Accordingly, not being in a capacity to carry his threat into execution in any other way, "On the 10th of Dec. 1520, he caused a kind of funeral pile to be erected without the walls of Wittemberg, surrounded by scaffolds, as for a public spectacle; and when the places thus prepared were filled by the members of the university, and the inhabitants of the city, Luther made his appearance with many attendants, bringing with him several volumes, containing the decrees of Gratian, the decretala of the popes, the constitutions called the Extravagants, the writ'ings of Eccius, and of Emser, another of his antagonists, and, finally, a copy of the bull of Leo X.

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The pile being then set on fire, he, with his own hands, committed the books to the flames, exclaiming at the same time, Because ye have troubled the holy of the Lord, ye shall be burnt with eternal fire." That there might

+ Luther Op. vol. ii. p. 320. Palla vic. Conc. di Trento, cap. xxii. p. 126. in Roscoe Leo X, iv. p. 31.

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