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HE chief causes of disease are ERRORS IN DIET, ERRORS IN
inhalation of IMPURE AIR and NOXIOUS GASES. Disease

induced by any one of these causes, almost invariably manifests itself by disorder in the functions of the LIVER; there the alarm is sounded first, and if not attended to promptly the trouble is liable to extend to other vital organs. DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, CHRONIC DIARRHEA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, DROPSY, RHEUMATISM, CATARRH, CONSUMPTION and various forms of SKIN DISEASES often proceed directly from derangement of the LIVER. Attention to the liver forestalls other diseases. We have, fortunately, a few remedies that seem to have a specific action in this direction; but it is important to select one that acts promptly and thoroughly in order to lessen the danger to other organs through delay. In his book "Health at Home" Dr. Hall says that in a medical practice of twenty years in the lowlands of Louisiana, where hardly a person escapes FEVER AND AGUE, he invariably prescribed his ŎLD TIME LIVER PILLS, and that they never failed to cure any case that was curable. IIe gave these pills for all diseases that seemed to emanate from torpid liver, whica was in effect saying that he prescribed them in almost all diseases. He especially advises his patients to use them.

WHEN a person residing in a malarial district begins to feel some of the well-known symptoms of approaching CHILLS AND FEVER, as fatigue, head-ache, back-ache, aching of the joints, sleepiness and an inclination to stretch out the limbs, take 4 to 6 pills on going to bed. Remain in the house two or three days and eat sparingly of plain foods. Repeat the dose of pills on the seventh night. In nine cases out of ten no other treatment will be required.

WHEN you feel restless, melancholy and uncomfortable, with perhaps a dull head-ache, there is a torpid liver. Take 3 to 6 pills on going to bed, and go about your business the next day; but regulate your diet so that there will be no return of the trouble.

WHEN you have taken a sudden cold take 2 to 4 pills on going to bed. Attend to your diet and avoid taking cold again. You will have no more trouble.

WHEN you have an attack of rheumatism, it is due to an unhealty condition of the secretions. Start the liver with 3 or 4 pills taken at bedtime, and repeat the dose in three days if necessary.

To obtain the greatest benefit from any medicine care should be observed as to diet, and whatever else is essential to the promotion of health. These pills have a wonderfully beneficial effect through their action on the LIVER,

DR. HALL'S "OLD TIME" LIVER PILLS are sugar-coated and put up in handsome paper boxes with sliding covers. There is an excellent likeness of Dr. W. W. Hall on each box, and the formula from which the pills are made is printed on the cover. These boxes are larger than the ordinary boxes and contain more pills, but they are sold at the usual, price, 25 cents a box-five boxes for $1.00. Sent postpaid on receipt of price. These pills are manufactured by Hall & Ruckel, wholesale druggists, New York. But for thirty years people have been sending to us for them, and we will not now refus their orders. Address HALL'S JOURNAL OF HEALTH, New York.



With Conoidal Self-sealing Stoppers,

All made from Pure BUTTER OF CACAO ONLY. Each box contains A MEDICINE DROPPER and A PAIR OF TONGS. The cuts show the EXACT SIZES and shapes of HOLLOW SUPPOSITORIES for Anal, Nasal, Urethral, Rectal, Cystic, Vaginal, and Intra Uterine uses.


THE object of this invention is to supply Physicians, Druggists, Veterinary Surgeons, and others, with HOLLOW SUPPOSITORIES of various sizes and shapes to meet every probable demand, and into which they can put any kind of MEDICINE OF NUTRIMENT, thus producing firm, smooth, EVENLY MEDICATED Suppositories, that are cheaper and more reliable than those made by the old method.

Nos. 0.-1.-2.-3 are provided with conoidal stoppers. The stoppered ends are to be inserted, when the contraction of the sphincter ani will force the suppositories up into the rectum without the use of a suppository syringe or any other appliance whatever.

DESCRIPTION:-Size 0 Hollow Suppository is intended for Infants and Children, but it is also intended as a vehicle to convey remedies into the nasal passages, and into the internal ear.

No. 1 is a Rectal Hollow Suppository for medicines requiring but little space. Nos. 2 and 3 are for remedies requiring more room. Nos. 3 and

4 will also be found useful in conveying nutriment into the system via rectum. The pure Butter of Cacao-from which our Hollow Suppositories are made, is in itself an excellent nutrient.

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Nos. 4 and 5 are the best device known for introducing remedies into the Vagina and Os Uteri, where they may be kept in contact with the diseased surfaces by a tampon of sponge, or cotton covered with oiled silk. A and B are for Urethral and Intra Uterine use. C is especially adapted for nutriment.

DIRECTIONS:- Put the Medicine or nutriment into the Hollow Suppositories before removing them from the box; then taking up the Stoppers with the tongs, warm them slightly, and insert them.


When they cool, the suppositories will be hermetically sealed. Medicines may be triturated in a mortar with a little Butter of Cacao, and then the mass divided and pu into the Hollow Suppositories. Powders and liquids may be put in and sealed up thout mixing them with other substances. ALL FILLINGS MUST BE COLD.

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Write forsamples.

These Suppositories will remain good for years, if Kept in a Cool Place

Hall & Ruckel, Proprieters.

Ne. 218 Greenwich Street. New York City.

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reat Food Flour, Songaline

Made by an entirely new process d new machinery.

Makes 100 pounds more bread to barrel than any other flour. All the wheat except the skin.

ntains ALL of the GLUTEN and PHOSPHATES of the Wheat.

The most nutritious and cheapest

ur known for all purposes. Recomended by all physicians as the best

Liquor Tongae Salicylatus


NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NERVOUS HEADACHES, Etc., Etc. Tonga is a product of the Tonga or Friendly Islands, where it has long been used as a domestic remedy. Songatine is a combination of Tonga with sallprofession through all the leading medical journals. Is taken internally to reach the cause of complaint, and not intended merely to allay symptoms. It contains no opium in any form whatsoever, and leaves nounpleasant or injurious reactionary effects. Park Ritchie, M. D., of St. Paul, Minn., states "For the indefinite aches and pains of nervous patients, Tongatae is superior to any other pa anodyne. For nervous headache and muscular rheumatism it is almost a specific."

clates, and has the endorsement of the medical

Frank L. James, M. D., of St. Louis, states. "Those painful attacks of neuralgia, hitherto relieved only by the use of morphine, will yield invariably to a few doses of Songatine."

DOSE: Teaspoonful. In acute cases, every hour until pain ceases, then discontinue; in chronic forms four to six times per day, at regular intervals. To prevent recurrence, every two hours.

Price $1.00 per bottle. For sale by all druggists.
A. A. MELLIER, Sole Proprietor, St. Louis.


It should be generally known that this an noying complaint yields promptly to appropriate remedies. The plan that has proved most successtul during many years is a local application known as NELATON'S SUPPOSITORIES, the formula of which is printed on each box. Price-a box containing 16 suppositories-50 cents. A box, containing 40 suppositories, $1.00. Mailed free on receipt of price. Address

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et for invalids, dyspeptics and chil- GATE CITY STONE FILTER.


"Simplest, Best and only Perfect Filter." S.W. Lambeth, Phila "It makes our mud

lustrated Pamphlet Sent driver water clear, GATE. CITY

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pure and sweet as mountain spring water. G. W. Stewart, Atty., St. Louis. "Best Filter in the world." Joseph Jones, M. D., New Orleans.

The demand so great the owners have opened a place in New

g Grocers in every state in BEWARE OF York.

e Union.




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"The Ne Plus Ultra of Filters." Dov


Stamping Co.,


"It is simply perfect.

Prof. J. A.

Gray, Atlanta.
"A perfect Filter."
L. Strauss & Sons,
New York.

Avoid Cholera, Malaria, Brights Disease Typhoid and Scarlet Fever. Send stamp to Gate City Stone Filter Co. 14 East 14th St., New York for price list.

The most distressing complaints are those that affect the NERVOUS SYSTEM, and Physicians generally admit that the results of the ordinary methods of treatment are far from satisfactory. One of the greatest drawbacks to the value of most remedies is to administer them by the mouth. They are not only liable to become changed by the gastric fluids, but a portion lost by becoming mingled with the contents of the stomach; and more than all, they invariably derange the digestive organs; often inducing troubles more serious than those for which they are given. Now, it has long been known that medication via rectum has these advantages. It is the most rapid; the most direct; the most effective; requires less medicine, and avoids those disturbances of the stomach that come from dosing and end in dyspepsia. The reader is referred to our advertisement of MEDICATED SUPPOSITORIES on page ix. for a description of our SUPPOSITORIES and the formulas. We venture to say that no other plan of treatment will prove so satisfactory for SLEEPLESSNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and also for the various troubles affecting the URINARY PASSAGES, as VELPEAM'S SUPPOSITORIES. And for CONSTIPATION, NELATON'S SUPPOSITORIES are unrivaled.


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Dr. Jerome Kidder's


Will cure Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Dyspepsia,
Headache, Dropsy, Swellings, Stiff and Inflamed Joints,
Constipation. Want of Tone and Energy, Nervous-
ness, Sciatica, and many other diseases

too numerous to mention.



Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Address,

"Electricity approximates nearer the vital force than any other known agent, and science has pro vided means by which it can be so applied as to restore the electrical equilibrium of diseased parts or orgaus, and otherwise act upon their structures, and thus restore health."

Our superior Electro-Medical Apparatuses have received the Highest Awards wherever exhibited in competition.

The public should be on their guard against the many so-called Electric Belts, Bands, Armadillos, Brushes, and Garn nts, s they are made to deceive the public, and not for their so-called Electric Currents.

JEROME KIDDER MFG. CO., - - - 820 Broadway, New York.

Established 1875.


for preventing and overcoming ab
dominal diseases. Afford immediate
relief in all cases of displacements
and uterine weaknesses. Useful in
corpulency, preserving and restor-
ing the contour of the female form.
No lady will be without one after
knowing their value. Enable the
wearer to follow any occupation with
comfort. Testimony from celebrated
physicians attests their merits. Price
and directions for measuring fur-
nished on application to your own
physician or to WHITE, WILLIAMS
& CO., 257 Columbus Ave., boston,

Worn and indorsed by Opera Sing-
ers, Actresses, School Teachers, Sales-
ladies and Invalids from all classes
and conditions of society. Unrivaled
in treatment of all forms of rupture.


Enlarged and Improved 1883.



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City by the Sea.

Health and Pleasure Resort. 11⁄2 hours from New York; 20 trains daily; 2 hours from Philadelphia, 10 minutes from Long Branch. Recommended by the most celebrated physicians. Ocean water and electric baths, steam heat. Passenger elevator. Iron fire escapes. Wonderful flowing artesian spring. High, dry land; air filled with the mingled ozone from the pines and cool breezes from the sea Perfect drainage. No Malaria. No Mosquitoes. Terms, moderate. Opon all the year. Circulars. WELCOME E. SHELDON, Owner and Manager.

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Agencies at- Prin cipal Foreign Capitals.



Counsellors in Patent Causes and Mechanical Experts,

No. 234 Broadway, New York.

No. 633 F Street, N. W. Washington, D C.

75 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati O.

Send for Book of Instructio ns.


I will mail to you a code of rules for developing the muscles of the cheeks and neck, making them look plump and rosy; also rules for dumb-bells to develop

every muscle of arm and body, all for 50 cents.

Prof. D. L. DOWD,

Home School for Physical Culture,

To avoid mistake, mention Hall's Journal of Health.

19 East Fourteenth St., New York City.

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