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itants cannot exceed 300,000,000. Chief among the causes of diminution is opium. He believes that the population of India will soon exceed that of China, the latter ceasing to be the most populous country on the globe.

-India-ink markings on the skin are often the source of much annoyance in after life to those who have been tattooed in youth. The editor of the Medical Press states that nothing but the knife or an active escharotic will produce a satisfactory result. He holds that the cutis must be destroyed. Dr. Neale, of London, however, claims that he has secured good results with sodii ethylas, first suggested by Dr. B. W. Richardson. He cites the case of a gentleman who in his younger days had a palm tree tattooed on his arm and an elaborate bracelet on his wrist, who has quite lost all the dark matter, etc., the skin being left in many places quite natural, although there is still more or less of a scar, but this diminishes month by month.

A man breathes about eighteen times a minute and uses 3,000 cubic feet of air per hour.

It is estimated that 2,000 persons a year, mostly prisoners, take their own lives in Russia.

The bee has long been a type of the industrious worker, but there are few people who know how much labor the sweet hoard of the bive represents Each head of clover contains about sixty distinct flower tubes, each of which contains a portion of sugar not ex`ceeding the five-hundredth part of a grain. Some patient aparian enthusiast who has watched their movements concludes that the proboscis of the bee must therefore be inserted into 500 clover tubes before one grain of sugar can be obtained. There are 7,000 grains in a pound, and as houey contains three-fourths of its weight of dry sugar, each pound of honey represents 2,500,000 clover tubes sucked by bees.

The French medical journals have recently been discussing the relation of teeth to the brain, and their conclusions are of considerable importance to brain-workers. It seems to have been clearly established that excessive and prolonged mental labor causes the teeth to decay by consuming the phosphates which would otherwise nourish the dental structures.

-All communications for this magazine should be addressed to HALL'S JOURNAL OF HEALTH, 75 & 77 Barclay Street, New York.



Prepared according to the directions of Prof. E. N. HORSFORD, of Cam. bridge, Mass. Universally prescribed and recommended by physicians of all schools.


Not the least important of the many therapeutic uses of this well-known preparation is its application as a tonic.

Very many physicians recommend it as a highly agreeable tonic and ap petizer. It nourishes and invigorates the tired brain and body, imparts renewed energy and vitality, and always enlivens the functions.

Invaluable as a Tonic.

Dr. J. L. PRATT, Greenfield, Ill., says: "It is all that it claims to be invaluable as a tonic in any case where an acid tonic is indicated."

Tonic for Overworked Men.

Dr. J. D. WILSON, Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I have used it as a general tonic, and in particular in the debility and dyspepsia of overworked men, with satisfactory results."

As an Appetizer.

Dr. MORRIS GIBBS, Howard City, Mich., says: "I am greatly pleased with it as a tonic; it is an agreeable and good appetizer.'


For Overworked Females.

Dr. J. P. COWAN, Ashland, O., says: "My trial of it has been rather eatisfactory as a nerve tonic, as well also as in dyspeptic conditions of the stomach, with general debility, such as we find in overworked females with nervous headache, and its accompaniments.”

Pamphlet sent free. Physicians desiring to test Horsford's Acid Phosphate will be furnished a sample without expense, except express charges.



These works also manufacture Prof. Horsford's Baking Preparations, which are made of Acid Phosphate in powdered form. These preparations restore the nutritious elements that are taken from the flour in bolting. No other baking powder, or anything else used for raising bread, does this.

The use of these preparations is positively beneficial to health.
The Horsford Almanac and Cook-Book sent frea.


Nelaton's Suppositories. (To be used Via Rectum.) Will promptly relieve any case of Constipation or Piles, and permanently cure a ma jority of cases. We are receiving many voluntary testimonials from persons who have been cured after years of ill health, and who urge us to make this remedy widely known.

In those distressing irritations caused by Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Piles, or by the use of purgatives, or where the evacuations are insufficient; a Suppository inserted at bed-time and another before going to stool next morning, afford grateful telief.

DIRECTIONS.-In mild cases of Constipation one Suppository should be inserted every night on going to bed, being careful to push it up an inch or more with the finger wet or oiled. In severer cases another Suppository may be used in the morning, and still another at noon.

FORMULA.-Each Suppository contains: Sub. Mur. Hyd, 1 gr.-Ext. Bella. 87.5 Ext. Stramon1⁄4 gr.,-Talc gr.,-Butter of Cacao 27 grs.


PRICE.-A box containing 16 Suppositories, 50 cents. A box containing 40 Suppositories, $1.00.

Suppositories for Children. (To be used Via Rectum.)

Children suffer very much, particularly in warm weather, from irritation about the anus or thighs, caused by acrid discharges from the bowels. Then again, they frequently suffer from Constipation; to remedy which, the nurse sometimes inserts a small piece of soap, which alone is sufficient to produce an irritation. OUR SUPPOSITORIES FOR CHILDREN will be found to meet these opposite conditions, and to afford prompt relief in all cases. They are made from the purest materials, after the following FORMULA: Each Suppository contains French Chalk 1 gr.,-Gum Camphor 1-16 gr.,-Butter of Cacao, 10 grs.

DIRECTIONS.-Let the nurse oil the nozzle of a syringe, or some similar instrument, of the little finger, and with it gently push the Suppository up half a finger's length. These Suppositories may be used as often as required. In cases of obstinate constipation, insert one every two hours until the bowels move. The use of one of these Suppositories every morning would keep the bowels regular, and prevent irritation from "pin worms" and other causes. PRICE.-A box containing 24 Suppositories, 50 cents.

Velpeau's Suppositories. (To be used Via Rectum.)

VELPEAU'S SUPPOSITORIES afford prompt relief in affections that depend on a debilitated condition of the Urinary Passages; as Spermatorrhoea, Impotency, and Irritation of the Bladder and Prost ate Gland.

These diseases are frequently due to causes that produce many other diseases; as exposure to cold, over-work, strains, &c., &c., and do not come always, as many suppose. from self-abuse or dissipation.

These Suppositories are absorbed into the system, and Oure by Subduing Nervous Irritation and Restoring the General Health through their Tonic Action.

DIRECTIONS.-In mild cases, insert one Suppository every night on going to bed until all unfavorable symptoms disappear. In severe cases, another Suppository may be used every morning. Wet or oil the finger, and push the Suppository up half a finger's length. Should there be irritation, or any unnatural discharge from the Urethra, use at the same time one of Ricord's Urethral Suppositories every night until these symptoms disappear.

FORMULA. Each Suppository contains: Bromide of Potass 3 grs.-Phosphate of Strychnia 1-32 gr.-Ext. Bella. gr.,-Canthar. 1-12 gr.,-Gum Camph. gr.-Ext. Digitalis gr.-Valerianate of Zinc % gr.-Acetate of Quirine gr..-Butter of Cacao, 26 grs. PRICE.-A box containing Half Gross, $2.25.

Ricord's Suppositories. (For Urethral Use.)

RICORD'S SUPPOSITORIES are the standard remedy for Acute and Chronic Gonorrhoea, and a most valuable aid in the treatment of Spermatorrhoea with Irritation of the Urinary Passages, in which case it should be used in conjunction with Velpeau's Suppositories. Ricord's Suppositories are also successfully employed in the treatment of Leucorrhoea.

There are many remedies that will promptly check Gonorrhoea; but the discharge usually returns from time to time, often for months. This is because injections are retained but a short time; and when they pass out leave the opposite sides of the urethra in contact, and liable to re-inoculation from particles of virus that remain. The use of the syringe is also the cause of strictures. Both of these difficulties are obviated by the use of Urethral Suppositories, in which the medicines are thoroughly incorporated. When the Suppository is inserted it dilates the urethra, and as it melts covers its entire surface, where it is retained until absorbed, thus protecting the surface from re-inoculation.

DIRECTIONS.-After passing urine to remove all accumulations, carefully insert the Suppository, and then work it down as far as possible by pressing on the outside, or by inserting the nozzle of a syringe or some similar instrument. In ordinary cases, use one Suppository on going to bed, another in the morning, and another at noon. In severe cases five or six may be used every twenty-four hours. Abstain from all stimulants and avoid great fatigue. The average time required for the cure is usually eight days. The treatment should be continued once a day for a few days after the discharge disappears.

FORMULA. Each Suppository contains Sulph. Zinc, Y gr.,-Acet. Lead, % gr.,-Sulph. Mer phine, 1-16 gr.,-Ext. Belladonna, 1-16 gr.—Ext. Golden Seal, 1 gr.,-Iodoform. 3 grs.-Ext. SauWood, gr.,-Butter of Cacao, 10 grs.

PRICE.-A box containing a Half Gross, $2.25.

Our Suppositories are made by a plan which prevents the medicines from newwalizing each other; thus securing the full strength of each ingredient.

HALL& RUCKEL, Wholesale Druggists, Prop'rs, 218 Greenwich St., N. Y.
Sent Five & Mail on receipt of price.

Hall's Journal of Health & Medicine.



Subscription Price $1.00 per Year.-Single Copies 10c.

Circulation, 200,000 Copies in Twelve Months. News Agents, Publishers, Booksellers and Postmasters are allowed 25c. on each yearly subscription they send us. We will club HALL'S Journal of HEALTH With any other regular publication at 75c. a year. It will contain each month seasonable articles on the diseases usually prevalent at the time, with the most approved methods of prevention and treatment. New methods of prevention and cure, as suggested by the leading Medical Journals, will be duly noticed, for the benefit of our medical readers and others interested. Remit by Postal Note. Address,





For College Announcement and full particulars, address DR. GEO. C. PITZER, No. 1110 Chambers Street, ST. LOUIS, Mo.


A complete guide to the use of all kinds of batteries and electrical machines in the treatment of disease. The plainest and best work on the subject in this counbinding, 186 pages. Address the author, try for $1.00. Fine paper, best cloth

GEO. C. PITZER, M.D., 1110 Chambers Street, St. Louis, Mo.


Bone-Calcium Phosphate C,? P.O., Sodium Phosphate Na, H.P.O., Ferrous Phosphate Fe, P.O, Trihydrogen Phosphate H, P.0.4.

Wheeler's Compound Elixir of Phosphates and Calisaya. A Nerve Food and Nutritive Toric, for the treatment of Consumption, Bronchitis, Scrofula, and all forms of Nervous Debility.

The Lactophosphates prepared from the formula of Prof. Dusart, of the University of Par s. Combines with a superior Pemartin's Sherry Wine and Aromatics in an agreeable cordial, easily assimilable and acceptable to the most irritable stomachs, medium medicinal doses of

Phosphorus, the oxidizing element of the Nerve Centres, for the generation of Nerve Force; Lime Phosphate, an agent of Cell Development and Nutrition; Soda Phosphate, an exci tant of Functional Activity of Liver and Panereas, and Corrective of Acid Fermentation in the Alimentary Canal; Iron, the Oxidizing Constituent of the Blood for the Generation of Heat and Motion; Phosphoric Acid, Tonic in Sexual Debi'ity; Alkaloids of Calisaya, Anti-mal arial and Febrifuge; Extract of Wild Cherry, uniting with tonic power the property of calming Irritation and Diminishing Nervous Excitement.

The Superiority of the Elixir consists in uniting with the Phosphates the special properties of the Cinchona and Prunus, of Subdning Fever and Allaying Irritation of the Mucous Meinbrane of the Alimentary Canal, which adapts it to the successful treatment of Stomach Derangements and all diseases of Faulty Nutrition, the outcome of Indigestion, Malassimilation of food, and failure of supply of these essential elements of Nerve Force and Tissue Repair.

The special indication of this combination of Phosphates in Spinal Affections, Caries, Necrosis, Ununited Fractures, Marasmus, Poorly Developed Children, Retarded Dentition, Alcohol, Opium, Tobacco Habits, Gestation and Lactation to promote Development, etc., and as a physiological restorative in Sexual Debility, and all used-up conditions of the Nervous System, should receive the careful attention of good therapeutists.

There is no strychnia in this preparation, but when indicated, the Liquor Strychnis of the U. S. Dispensatory may be added, each fluid drachm of the solution to a pond bottle of the Elixir making the 64th of a grain to a half fluid ounce, an ordinary dose, a combination of a wide range of usefulness.

DOSE.-For an adult, one tablespoonful three times a day, after eating; from seven to twelve years of age, one dessertspoonful; from two to seven, one teaspoonful. For infants from five to twenty drops, according to age.

Prepared at the Chemical Laboratory of

T. B. Wheeler, M. D., Montreal, D. C.

Pat up in pound bottles and sold by all Druggists at One Dollar.


Nelaton's Suppositories. (To be used Via Rectum.) Will promptly relieve any case of Constipation or Piles, and permanently cure a ma jority of cases. We are receiving many voluntary testimonials from persons who have been cured after years of ill health, and who urge us to make this remedy widely known.

In those distressing irritations caused by Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Piles, or by the use of purgatives, or where the evacuations are insufficient; a Suppository inserted at bed-time and another before going to stool next morning, afford grateful telief.

DIRECTIONS.-In mild cases of Constipation one Suppository should be inserted every night on going to bed, being careful to push it up an inch or more with the finger wet or oiled. In severer cases another Suppository may be used in the morning, and still

another at noon.

FORMULA-Each Suppository contains: Sub. Mur. Hyd. 1 gr.-Ext. Bella. 1⁄4 g.– Ext. Stramon 1⁄4 gr.,-Talc 1 gr.,-Butter of Cacao 27 grs. PRICE.-A box containing 16 Suppositories, 50 cents. A box containing 40 Suppositories, $1.00,

Suppositories for Children. (To be used Via Rectum.)

Children suffer very much, particularly in warm weather, from irritation about the anus or thighs, caused by acrid discharges from the bowels. Then again, they frequently suffer from Constipation; to remedy which, the nurse sometimes inserts a small piece of soap, which alone is sufficient to produce an irritation. OUR SUPPOSITORIES FOR CHILDREN will be found to meet these opposite conditions, and to afford prompt relief in all cases. They are made from the purest materials, after the following FORMULA:Each Suppository contains French Chalk 1 gr.,-Gum Camphor 1-16 gr.,—-Butter of Cacao, 10 grs.

DIRECTIONS.-Let the nurse oil the nozzle of a syringe, or some similar instrument, et the little finger, and with it gently push the Suppository up half a finger's length. These Suppositories may be used as often as required. In cases of obstinate constipation, insert one every two hours until the bowels move. The use of one of these Suppositories every morning would keep the bowels regular, and prevent irritation from "pin worms" and other causes. PRICE.-A box containing 24 Suppositories, 50 cents.

Velpeau's Suppositories. (To be used Via Rectum.)

VELPEAU'S SUPPOSITORIES afford prompt relief in affections that depend on a debilitated condition of the Urinary Passages; as Spermatorrhoea, Impotency, and Irritation of the Bladder and Prost ate Gland.

These diseases are frequently due to causes that produce many other diseases; as exposure to cold, over-work, strains, &c., &c., and do not come always, as many suppose. from self-abuse or dissipation.

These Suppositories are absorbed into the system, and Cure by Subduing Nervous Irritation and Restoring the General Health through their Tonic Action.

DIRECTIONS.-In mild cases, insert one Suppository every night on going to bed until all unfavorable symptoms disappear. In severe cases, another Suppository may be used every morning. Wet or oil the finger, and push the Suppository up half a finger's length. Should there be irritation, or any unnatural discharge from the Urethra, use at the same time one of Ricord's Urethral Suppositories every night until these symptoms disappear.

FORMULA.-Each Suppository contains: Bromide of Potass 3 grs.,-Phosphate of Strychnia 1-32 -Ext. Bella. gr.,-Canthar. 1-12 gr.,-Gum Camph. gr.-Ext. Digitalis 1⁄4 gr. —Valerianate of Zinc Y gr.-Acetate of Quirine 1⁄2 gr..-Butter of Cacao, 26 grs. PRICE. A box containing Half Gross, $2.25.

Ricord's Suppositories. (For Urethral Use.)

RICORD'S SUPPOSITORIES are the standard remedy for Acute and Chronic Gonorrhoea, and a most valuable aid in the treatment of Spermatorrhoea with Irritation of the Urinary Passages, in which case it should be used in conjunction with Velpeau's Suppositories. Ricord's Suppositories are also successfully employed in the treatment of Leucorrhoea.

There are many remedies that will promptly check Gonorrhoea; but the discharge usually returns from time to time, often for months. This is because injections are retained but a short time; and when they pass out leave the opposite sides of the urethra in contact, and liable to re-inoculation from particles of virus that remain. The use of the syringe is also the cause of strictures. Both of these difficulties are obviated by the use of Urethral Suppositories, in which the medicines are thoroughly incorporated. When the Suppository is inserted it dilates the urethra, and as it melts covers its entire surface, where it is retained until absorbed, thus protecting the surface from re-inoculation.

DIRECTIONS.-After passing urine to remove all accumulations, carefully insert the Suppository, and then work it down as far as possible by pressing on the outside, or by insert ing the nozzle of a syringe or some similar instrument. In ordinary cases, use one Suppository on going to bed, another in the morning, and another at noon. In severe cases five or six may be used every twenty-four hours. Abstain from all stimulants and avoid great fatigue. The average time required for the cure is usually eight days. The treatment should be continued once a day for a few days after the discharge disappears.

FORMULA. Each Suppository contains Sulph. Zinc, Y gr.,-Acet. Lead, gr.,-Sulph. More phine, 1-16 gr.,-Ext. Belladonna, 1-16 gr.,-Ext. Golden Seal, i gr.,-Iodofe sm. 3gvs.—Ext. San Wood,gr.,-Butter of Cacao, 10 grs.

PRICE.-A box containing a Half Gross, $3.25.

Our Suppositories are made by a plan which prevents the medicines from new walizing each other; thus securing the full strength of each ingredient. HALL& RUCKEL, Wholesale Druggists, Prop'rs, 218 Greenwich St., N. Y. GOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Sent Fives & Mail on receipt of price

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