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further than the limits of seven miles round London.

The Extra Licentiates, are a class not entitled to practise within the jurisdiction of the college; and the laws relating to this class are as unsettled as the rest. Being an inferior body, the qualification of this class is of a lower stamp; the candidates must be Doctors of Physic, (formerly this was unnecessary) by a diploma any how obtained. The examinations are generally in the English language, (but sometimes in Latin) by the President and elect. The authority of the college to license practitioners in physic beyond their jurisdiction has been called in question, and we conceive upon sufficient grounds; of this we are certain, they never attempted to exercise such presumptuous right beyond their limit, by enforcing subjection, and that for the best of all possible reasons, not having the power. Their claim to an extended jurisdiction, is founded on a clause contained in an act passed in the reign of Henry VIII; but the answer they have universally received, has been, that no penalties being enacted, for noncompliance with the statute, is nothing more than a dead letter, a flash without a bolt; in fact, the powers of the College, on an impartial investigation, appear to us, to be by no means clearly defined, and a jury of conscientious men, willing to administer justice as far as in their power, be

tween man and man, would not give a verdict: and a reference to the opinion of the twelve judges would be necessary; and this perhaps is one of the grand reasons, why the college has so very cautiously exercised their legitimate rights, if legitimate rights they possess. There exists in the English constitution, a law, that enforces noblemen to wear in the presence of our Sovereign, a chain to the nose and the great toe, to prevent them from approaching too near the sacred person of Majesty. This law has never been repealed: now was the present monarch, or his successor to endeavour to enforce that law, what inference should we draw, an inference by no means favourable to royalty: hence it is with all obsolete laws, they may be carried into execution; but the question, the execution of that law gives rise to, naturally induces and compels us to inquire, what advantage is to be derived from its adoption: in the cool hour of reflection, when the ebullition of passion has ceased, will any individual have the presumption to contend, that the great, though undefined privileges of the college are consistent with the present state of cultivated society? no, he must confess they partake too much of the jesuit, to be of universal advantage; and we are to premise that every act of Parliament has the national advantage in view, and not the aggrandizement of a particular and captious set of men.

It is on all hands allowed that this congregate body, has rarely interfered with the professed quack, and in our opinion, society has to thank them for the increase of these barbaric monsters; nor has this body, armed with all its gigantic power, dared to encroach on the privilege of the Apothecary, any further than an occasional visit to his shop, for the inspection of his drugs, although the actual practice of physic is in his hands. Thus, any one under the denomination of an Apothecary may practise all the branches of medicine undisturbed amid the thunder of the college: while with unrelenting malice, they interfere with the Physician, not a graduate of Cambridge, Oxford, and Dublin. If the present members have a blush of shame yet left, they surely must feel compunction, when they reflect on their recent conduct to Dr. Campbell; and Mr. Garrow, as a gentleman, must also feel sorry that prior to his possession of the facts, he so warmly asserted the rights of the College; for here, we particularly wish to state, that whatever language Dr. Campbell, in his defence resorted to, we are well informed, was drawn from him by the ungentleman-like conduct he experienced in the College of Physicians. Dr. Campbell is a gentleman of liberal education, and his admission would have given honour and dignity to the College. If the College have put Dr. Campbell to an expense of 1501. it has been said,

that their object is answered; Gracious Heaven! is it possible that a body of men, supposed to be endowed with all that genius and science ever gave, can thus act? would not conduct similar to this, disgrace the infant empire of Hayti? Why hunt down the timid hare, while the crafty fox reaps your ripened harvest? Do not many Surgeons and Licentiates in Midwifery, daily practise within your precincts? Does not a Cline, a Cooper, a Thomas, hourly prescribe for all diseases? Why do ye, illustrious potentates of physic, hesitate to crush this powerful combination against your legal rights? Because you are aware, those wealthy praetitioners would permit no innovation to be made on their privileges with impunity!! What, most scientific among men, would ye do, were the Apothecaries in London to come to a resolution not to recommend a Fellow of the College, as being in their estimation unqualified; where then, most haughty among men, would be your residence? would it be within seven or twenty-one miles of the metropolis? would ye then roll in chariots, or walk the streets; Amid all the boister of your petulance, ye have the wisdom to abstain from an interference with such burning caustic. They dare not interfere with them; and an Apothecary taking out a diploma, whether he acts or not, has an undoubted right to put his name on his door, the cynic Fellows may snarl, but they cannot bite; "Cease, vi

per, you bite against a file." Upon the whole, the power of the College is an heterogeneous mass of excess and defection; but more particularly of excess; for can arrogance be carried to a greater height than that, which they assume to themselves, of examining into the qualifications of graduates who have already undergone the discipline, and given the required tests of competency at the most respectable Universities, and we contend it is a palpaple infringement of their rights; since it diminishes their privileges, and which the acts of Parliament never intended to take place.

The intention of the legislature in granting a charter to the College was, as is expressed in the preamble, to prevent the great multitude of ignorant persons then practising Physic, who had no knowledge of the science, nor any other kind of learning indeed in that dark age, few could read books, being artificers, &c. &c. Hence it must naturally follow that we are correct in our inference, when we maintain those acts of Parliament were enacted for the purpose of protecting a legitimate graduate of whatsoever University he might be, in the due exercise of his right; for though a Doctor of Physic is merely an academical honour, yet attached to that honour are certain privileges every University has a right to be jealous of. The peerage. of England is an honour to which are attached cer

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