The Gentleman's Magazine, Volume 89, Part 1

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F. Jefferies, 1819 - Early English newspapers
The "Gentleman's magazine" section is a digest of selections from the weekly press; the "(Trader's) monthly intelligencer" section consists of news (foreign and domestic), vital statistics, a register of the month's new publications, and a calendar of forthcoming trade fairs.

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Page 110 - He thought he saw an unusual blaze of light fall upon the book which he was reading, which he at first imagined might happen by some accident in the candle ; but lifting up his eyes, he apprehended, to his extreme amazement, that there was before him, as it were suspended in the air, a visible representation of the Lord Jesus Christ upon the cross, surrounded on all sides with a glory...
Page 324 - The Family Shakspeare ; in which nothing is added to the Original Text ; but those words and expressions are omitted which cannot with propriety be read aloud.
Page 159 - Careless their merits or their faults to scan, His pity gave ere charity began.
Page 292 - James, whose skill in physic will be long remembered ; and with David Garrick, whom I hoped to have gratified with this character of our common friend. But what are the hopes of man ? I am disappointed by that stroke of death which has eclipsed the gaiety of nations, and impoverished the public stock of harmless pleasure.
Page 214 - Christ, being ever desirous that their prelacy and clergy might be had as well in outward reverence, as otherwise regarded for the worthiness of their ministry, did think it fit, by a prescript form of decent and comely apparel, to have them known to the people, and thereby to receive the honour and estimation due to the special messengers and ministers of Almighty God...
Page 214 - In private houses, and in their studies, the said persons ecclesiastical may use any comely and scholar-like apparel, provided that it be not cut or pinkt ; and that in public they go not in their doublet and hose, without coats or cassocks ; and that they wear not any light-colored stockings. Likewise poor beneficed men and curates (not being able to provide themselves long gowns), may go in short gowns of the fashion aforesaid.
Page 206 - Ah ! no : a shepherd of a different stock, , And far unlike him, feeds this little flock : A jovial youth, who thinks his Sunday's task...
Page 18 - ... by extreme old age. The poorest of men, as he observed himself, did not labour from necessity more than he did from choice. Indeed, from all the circumstances related of his life, he appears not to have had the least conception that his art was to be acquired by any other means than great labour ; and yet he, of all men that ever lived, might make the greatest pretensions to the efficacy of native genius and inspiration.
Page 308 - To th' instruments divine respondence meet ; The silver sounding instruments did meet With the base murmure of the waters fall ; The waters fall with difference discreet, Now soft, now loud, unto the wind did call ; The gentle warbling wind low answered to all.
Page 82 - He would deliver the jury his solemn opinion, as he was required by act of parliament to do ; and under the authority of that act, and still more in obedience to his conscience and his God, he pronounced this to be a most impious and profane libel. Believing and hoping that they, the jury, were Christians, he had not any doubt but that they would be of the same opinion.

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